After crossing the Yan River, all the tests in the first stage were over. After walking through a very empty grassland, everyone easily found the entrance to the tenth floor.

"finally reached!"

"I didn't expect that our Wanhua Immortal Sect could pass the first stage smoothly!"

"Success! Hahaha!"

The monks who successfully arrived here couldn't help but scream to the sky.

Tianzhi and his party also flew into a light blue vortex under the leadership of Yushenxianjun.

In an instant, things were changing and stars were moving in front of their eyes. As the light flickered on and off, the group of people had entered the next level of space.

This is not the same natural landform as before. There is actually a magnificent palace sitting in front of you.

Right in front of the palace, there is also a giant pillar with countless names densely engraved on it.

The first name pictured at the top is Wan Jun from the Thunder Clan who patrols the sky.

Then came Wan Xin'er with a flash of lightning, Mo Yixi with a flash of lightning, Wanbaozhen with a flash of purple light, and Yi Liang with a flash of lightning...

They are all disciples of Xantian Lei Clan. It seems that these names are arranged in the order of passing the first round.

The first ones to arrive here were the geniuses from the Xuntian Lei Clan.

Compared with the monks who were summoned to participate in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking and entered the giant tower, only less than one-tenth were able to successfully pass the first stage.

Among them, the one with the highest mortality rate is the Yin Devouring Nether Spring at the beginning. Even if there is a crisis in other levels, there are death talismans and seals that can resolve a death crisis.

In front of the main hall, there are several disciples from the Xuntian Lei Clan, responsible for maintaining order.

"This is a place specially provided for everyone to rest. There is no danger here, and all fights are prohibited. You can rest here temporarily for one day. Before sunset tomorrow, the barrier here will be opened. At that time, you can continue to participate It’s the second stage of the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking Trial.”

One of the leading disciples was none other than Zhuo Junjie, who was responsible for handling Tianzhi.

Zhuo Junjie took the trouble to explain to each group of monks who arrived here one after another, and then distributed some numbered house plates.

The monks who come here, no matter what sect they come from, can get a separate guest room. Even the disciples of the seven super powers do not receive any special treatment.

However, disciples of the same force are usually arranged in adjacent guest rooms in the same area.

"Senior Brother Zhuo!"

Soon, it was the Tianzhi disciple's turn to receive the house number. Yu Shen Xianjun cupped his fists and saluted Zhuo Junjie. Zhuo Junjie also nodded slightly in greeting without saying much.

After receiving the house number, the group walked directly to the main hall at the back.

The main hall is also a self-contained space. It seems to be only five stories high, but it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, which is more than enough.

The moment they entered the hall, they were enveloped in a golden light. After passing through a teleportation circle, Tianzhi and his disciples arrived at a row of guest rooms.

These guest rooms are adjacent to each other, and each one is almost exactly the same, except that you need to rely on the door number in your hand to open the enchantment of the door.

"Fellow brothers, please have a good rest today. Tomorrow will be the real tough battle!"

Yu Shenxianjun's eyes swept over the Tianzhi disciples, and he cast encouraging glances at them.

"Yes, senior brother!"

Everyone shouted in unison and followed the house numbers to find their guest rooms.

Ling Feng also quickly entered his room. After closing the door, he sat down cross-legged on the cushion in the guest room.

After successive breakthroughs, he had not yet had time to consolidate his realm, so naturally he could not waste this day.

Night falls.

This hall, which accommodates tens of thousands of monks, is unusually calm. After experiencing the tests and trials on the first nine floors, most people are physically and mentally exhausted. As soon as they enter the room, they may start to fall asleep. .

The deadline for the first stage of the test also ends at dusk, which means that all the monks who have passed the first stage of the test are gathered in this hall.

Seeing the darkness completely swallowing up the last ray of light, Zhuo Junjie let out a sigh of relief.

Even with his willpower, he was still a little tired after working intensively for several days.

"it is finally over!"

Several disciples behind him also stretched out, their faces looking tired.

"Okay, let's guard this last one. When they all leave tomorrow, we can have a good rest."

Zhuo Junjie patted the shoulder of one of the lean disciples. He vaguely seemed to notice a strange sound. He frowned slightly and asked the other disciples in a deep voice: "Did you hear something?"


The lean disciple blinked, "Senior Brother Zhuo, didn't you hear those guys snoring? Haha..."

Zhuo Junjie shook his head and smiled, maybe he was thinking too much.

As everyone knows, directly behind the main hall, there is another black shadow, hidden in the darkness. The strange noise just now was caused by this black shadow.

"What a keen sense! The Sky Patrol Thunder Clan should not be underestimated!"

The black figure was covered in black smoke. It was unknown whether it was a man or a woman. But the next moment, the black smoke dissipated and penetrated directly through the barrier and entered the interior of the hall.

Then, black smoke appeared in the main hall, and the target seemed to be very clear, rushing towards the guest room on one of the floors.

Almost instantly, the black smoke submerged into one of the barriers again, and then disappeared without a trace.

at the same time.


Ling Feng is in his guest room, sitting cross-legged and meditating to consolidate his realm.

Prior to this, he had continuously broken through the Dao Yan realm in one day and directly reached the peak of the middle stage of the Dao Fruit realm.

Although a breakthrough is something to be happy about, generally speaking, Daoguo Realm monks will spend several years or even more than ten years consolidating their realm. During this period, they rarely go out and move around.

When you leave the mountain, you are usually at the peak of the Dao Fruit Realm.

Like Ling Feng, those who break through while out training are relatively rare.

Just when Ling Feng was guiding the power of law in his body and condensing the Tao Fruit on the original divine tree to mature, he vaguely seemed to sense a strange evil aura.

This aura is somewhat similar to demonic aura, but it's not the same.

But it obviously does not belong to any senior brother among the Six Emperors and Nine Yao. Of course, it couldn't be Wu Chengkong or Han Wenliang.

However, why did it appear in their level of space.

And, it disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared.

But Ling Feng was absolutely certain that this aura must have appeared before.

After all, fellow immortal demon practitioner Ling Feng has a body of chaos, so no aura can hide from his perception.

Even if it's just that electric moment.

"The people on this floor are all my Tianzhi brothers, but there is an evil spirit appearing, and it flashes past..."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and soon came up with some guesses.

Could it be that a certain senior brother in Tianzhi is secretly connected with the evil spirit?

Moreover, it may be related to the Demon Soul Palace that attacked them before!

After all, Ning Kun, the previous master of Demon Soul Palace, suddenly arrived and then left suddenly. Everything seemed too weird.

I'm afraid there is another agenda.

After all, since they were able to arrange for Cheng Tianyong to infiltrate Tianzhi before, maybe there are also people from them among the Six Imperial Guards and Nine Yao?

But, who is this insider?

Many speculations flashed through Ling Feng's mind.

Han Wenliang, Senior Brother Han?

He has the bloodline of an evil dragon, and has been repeatedly ostracized in the Heavenly Host. Even because of his origin, even though he already has the strength of Jiuyao level, he has no chance to obtain the title of Jiuyao.

His chances are not small.

Then there is Ao Tianxin, this guy is eccentric and always does some unreasonable and stupid things, causing a lot of trouble for no reason, and is also a bit weird.

There is also the Yuxu Immortal Lord Bai Luohuan, who seems to have had some contact with the Demon Soul Palace, and may have been controlled by the Demon Soul Palace.

Yuxu Immortal Lord Su Liuli once went deep into the Demon Soul Palace to search for information, but since she had close contact with the Demon Soul Palace, the possibility of being instigated to rebel was not impossible.


If you think about it carefully, everyone seems to be suspicious.

Ling Feng shook his head, not daring to think any more.

However, in the next trial, I have to be more cautious and carefully observe whether there is anything abnormal about these senior brothers.

The current situation is becoming more and more confusing. If you want to save your own life, you have to be more cautious and steady!

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