This night is destined to be sleepless.

The evil aura disappeared in an instant, but Ling Feng was certain that this evil aura must have been hidden in a guest room on this floor.

In other words, among the disciples of Tianzhi, there may be "undercovers" with similar identities to Cheng Tianyong.

If Ling Feng knocked on the door one by one now, he might be able to catch some clues, but he would undoubtedly expose himself and put himself in danger.

This is certainly not a wise move.

After much thought, Ling Feng decided not to act rashly.

From the current point of view, no one can be completely trusted, and they can only tell the matter after meeting the Immortal Jie Yin.

Regarding the Demon Soul Palace, it would be best not to take a trip into this muddy water.

Of course, from another perspective, the biggest enemy of Demon Soul Palace may not be Tianzhi, but the various unequal treatment of the descendants of ancient demons under the rule of the Xantian clan.

Therefore, the Demon Soul Palace and the Xantian Clan are destined to be enemies.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The existence of Demon Soul Palace might be a good thing for me.

What's more, Ling Feng reported the news in advance, allowing Cheng Tianyong to escape unscathed.

In a sense, it can be regarded as an act of goodwill towards Demon Soul Palace.

Since Ling Feng set foot in the world of martial arts, he has long understood that everything in this world is not black and white.

Perhaps to Tianzhi, Demon Soul Hall is a heretic of evil spirits, but they are just struggling to survive in this fairyland, hoping to have a world of their own.

The next day.

After the demonic aura disappeared, Ling Feng never sensed its appearance again. In other words, it did not leave, but completed the rendezvous with the internal response placed in Tianzhi by the Demonic Soul Palace.

Ning Kun, the master of Demon Soul Palace, was indeed far-sighted and able to complete such an exquisite layout. Even Ling Feng had to admire him.

Although Ling Feng didn't know what the Demon Soul Hall was planning, what he had to do next was to act stupid and pretend he didn't know anything.

Soon, the time came to the afternoon, and Yu Shenxianjun began to gather everyone.

According to Zhuo Junjie, all of them must leave here before dusk and continue the challenge of the Seven Ultimate Immortal List.

In the second stage, we need to seize as much territory as possible in the space of 9981. After a month-long attack and annexation, the thirty forces that finally occupy the most territories can successfully Entering the final competition.

To put it simply, this stage can be summed up in four words: conquer the city and capture the territory!

If calculated based on the number of people, even if one person occupies one floor, even if it is a super power such as Tianzhi, a total of nineteen disciples will come, which means that it can occupy a full nineteen floors of territory.

But this is obviously too exaggerated. The eighty-first level of space is not enough for the seven super powers.

And there are a total of thirty forces that can advance.

In other words, you only need to occupy more than three territories to be successfully promoted.

Yu Shenxianjun gathered everyone together and was not in a hurry to leave this place. Instead, he first formulated a strategy for the next battle.

As the saying goes, it is also very important to formulate corresponding policies and strategies before taking action.

"Fellow brothers, please tell me your opinions."

At this moment, everyone gathered in Yu Shenxianjun's room. On a blank wall, there was a canvas hanging with some densely painted patterns on it.

It seems that Yu Shenxianjun was not idle last night, but was thinking about the next strategy.

As the head of the Six Imperial Guards and the leader of this operation, Yu Shenxianjun has done his best.

"Hehe, what else can I do? Just grab it and that's it!"

It was Ao Tianxin who spoke first. He pursed his lips and smiled, pretending to be delicate and pretentious. His effeminate appearance was somewhat uncomfortable.

However, after getting along with each other for such a long time, everyone is getting used to it.

"With our strength, we can easily occupy enough territory. It's no problem to take over his ten or eight floors!"

Ao Tianxin had a look of pride on his face, "When the time comes, I'll let all the dragons fly together with one move, and that's not okay!"

Ren Tianhen frowned, but Ao Tianxin still performed steadily as before, without any brains at all.

"It's easy to attack, but what about defense?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, hitting the nail on the head.

Ren Tianhen's eyes lit up and he looked at Ling Feng with a hint of approval, "Oh? What's your opinion, Junior Brother Ling?"

"I dare not take it seriously."

Ling Feng waved his hands and smiled, "I just have some opinions."

When he was in the lower realm, he was once the Weiyuan General of the Tianbai Empire, and he also learned some military skills from Deng Xian, the old general.

He is also very accomplished in the way of deploying troops and dispatching troops and generals.

In comparison, although these senior brothers of the Six Imperial Guards were powerful, their life experience was still more than a little dull compared to Ling Feng's.

Everyone looked at Ling Feng. Under everyone's gaze, Ling Feng slowly said: "The second phase of the trial will last for a full month. In other words, even if we capture It’s a piece of territory, but it’s obviously not easy to maintain it for a long time.”

"After all, every time we occupy a territory, we naturally need someone to defend it. The more territories we occupy, it naturally means that our strength must be dispersed. When the time comes, we will be attacked by powerful enemies. It is impossible to defend the territory. sex will be greatly reduced.”


"Well said!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. As Ao Tianxin said before, if you just focus on attacking and plundering the territory, even if you can defeat it, how many territories can you hold in the end?

"According to Elder Lian Lei, every level of space in the second stage will produce a massive amount of cultivation resources, including various immortal stones, fairy mines, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, all of which are indispensable treasures for cultivators.

If you blindly attack and occupy territory but cannot hold it, it will ultimately be nothing but a basket of water. On the contrary, relatively speaking, the harvest will be infinitely lower.

Therefore, it is the best choice to take the lead in occupying the territory with the most resources and then defend the territory for a long time! "

Everyone nodded again, and every word Ling Feng said showed his far-sighted long-term vision and judgment.

"Brother Ling, you are awesome!"

Chi Yan gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, the look of admiration in his eyes undisguised.

Ren Tianhen was even more excited. He asked himself that he was not good at this. He thought about Ling Feng's words for several hours last night before he understood them.


Ren Tianhen took a deep breath and stared at Ling Feng, "Against these key points, can Junior Brother Ling think of any way to achieve the maximum benefit?"

"Indeed, I have some humble opinions. Senior brothers, you can refer to them for details."

Ling Feng smiled modestly and then said slowly: "First, we should not blindly occupy territory in the early stage. The first step is to slow down."


Everyone blinked, "How do you say that?"

"When the second phase of the trial begins, I believe everyone wants to come out on top, so the competition at the beginning must be the most intense."

"That's right! The so-called head start means that you must be the first to win the first piece of territory, so that you can show off your prestige!"

Ao Tianxin blurted out immediately.

"It is precisely because of this that we must slow down!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "While everyone is scrambling for it on the lower floors, what we need to do is to bypass the frontal battlefield and conduct resource exploration in the eighty-storey space behind. First, we must screen out the resources with the most It’s rich, and it’s also the territories we need to mark the most.”

"Oh?" Ren Tianhen's eyes lit up, "Go on!"

"These territories are our goals. After selecting the territories with the best resources, what we have to do is to take the lead in capturing three of them with lightning speed!"

"Only three yuan?"

"Is it a little less?"

"With our strength, even if we win five or six yuan, it will definitely not be a problem."

Everyone was a little confused. Three yuan was just the number of words needed to guarantee promotion.

But Tianzhi definitely has the strength to win more.

"Why three yuan?" Ren Tianhen also frowned, wondering whether what Ling Feng said was too conservative.

"Don't underestimate these three areas. These are the three areas we have screened out with the most abundant resources."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Besides, the number three yuan is not something I just said casually, but it is absolutely well-founded."

"What basis?"

"If you were disciples of other forces, would you have thought that we, Tianzhi, would not be able to advance?"

"Of course it's impossible!"

"That's right!" Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "Because of this, we only occupy three territories. Because these three territories are the number that guarantees promotion. No matter what the resource conditions are, we only have three territories. Then, other forces, even He is jealous and dare not take action against us easily, because this is the number that guarantees advancement!"

"It makes sense that we occupy three territories. Even the five Xuantian clans have nothing to say. Because they also know that we will definitely advance, and we only have three territories and our combat power is relatively concentrated. Even if they want to take action , you have to weigh your losses.”

Everyone suddenly realized it, and Su Liuli couldn't help but applaud, "Junior Brother Ling, that means we can live in peace and contentment for a long time, just sit back and watch the storm!"

"Yes, that's right."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "While others are arguing endlessly, we recharge our batteries and accumulate strength. For us, the real attack on the city will begin in the last three days. Just imagine, we cultivate After more than twenty days, I am at my peak state, facing a group of monks who are already exhausted..."

For a moment, everyone's eyes were filled with brilliance.

So treacherous!

So cunning!

It is simply the legendary Lao Yinbi!

But, I like it so much!

"Junior Brother Ling, if you were born in an ordinary secular dynasty, you would probably be a powerful man who would be granted a title of lord and general!"

Ren Tianhen couldn't help but admire.

Ling Feng just smiled faintly, secretly amused in his heart, General?

I had even served as the Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng before, and even organized the Sao Feng Camp to surprise the Fallen Protoss. Would I often talk about such a glorious achievement?

Not interesting!

Really boring!


Ling Feng coughed dryly and continued: "The premise of all this is that we need to form an alliance with several equally matched forces first. The so-called alliance vertically and horizontally, as for the specific forces, we have to see the time. The specific situation! ”

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Everyone nodded again, but Ren Tianhen frowned and just said in a deep voice: "Except Dayu Xianting!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This senior brother is indeed a vengeful king, but Ling Feng is not bad either.

"Don't worry, the reputation of Dayu Xianting is too bad. There is no benefit in forming an alliance with him. Not only will we not form an alliance with him, we will also have to get rid of him!"

"Yes, get him!"

Ren Tianhen grinned, and everyone looked at each other and smiled.

This decision was passed happily.

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