Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3588 Those who are capable work hard!

With the opening of the protective barrier, monks from all major forces gradually left this temporary resting hall.

When Tianzhi and his party walked out of the hall, it was already afternoon.

The space within this giant tower is a world of its own, with day and night alternating, day and night rotating, almost identical to the outside world.

The sun was shining high in the afternoon, and there was a hot and suffocating smell in the entire giant tower space.

"Brother Ren, and everyone! We meet again!"

Just as he walked out of the hall, he saw Zhuo Junjie standing guard in front of the door, nodding to Ren Tianhen and others.

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo!"

Ren Tianhen bowed his fist to Zhuo Junjie and strode out with a group of Tianzhi disciples.

At this moment, although most of the geniuses who participated had left early in the morning in order to come out on top, there were also quite a few monks who were still staying here.

The square in front of the temple was still crowded and lively.

There are many talented people in the Immortal Realm, and Ling Feng is naturally not the only one who is good at thinking and researching strategies.

Unlike the seven super-first-class forces, the other major forces suffered a big loss in terms of the number of participants. In addition, in the first stage of the test, they lost their troops. If they want to occupy a place in this round of competition, they must first It is undoubtedly wise to find some allies.

Therefore, most of the monks who remained here were looking for suitable allies, and those powerful monks naturally became popular.

Zhuo Junjie chuckled, "It's not hard to say, but you should be mentally prepared for the next step. Each resource point is protected by a powerful beast. Be careful that after a fierce battle, you will be benefited by someone else. "

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo, for reminding me."

Ren Tianhen bowed his hand to Zhuo Junjie again to express his gratitude. After exchanging a few words, he led Tianzhi's disciples and strode into the teleportation light curtain.

A burst of blazing white light shrouded their eyes, and then the tides of time and space surged. Following a brief period of blindness, everyone was down to earth again and arrived at the outskirts of a huge forest.

"This is the real tenth level of space."

Not far away, the sound of fighting could be vaguely heard. It seemed that two groups of monks were fighting for a piece of heavenly material and earthly treasure.

In the entire space, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely abundant. Compared with the nine floors below, it is not at the same level.

“What a great place!”

Chi Yankuang couldn't help but sigh, "I can't help but want to practice in seclusion here for a month."

"This little spiritual energy of heaven and earth is nothing. There are countless treasures of heaven and earth here. Those are the real treasures!"

Yufeng Immortal Lord grinned, then looked back at Ling Feng, and then turned to Ren Tianhen, "Brother Yushen, then let's follow the original plan, split up, and go to the 80th floor to survey the resources? "


Ren Tianhen nodded, "Without further ado, let's split up and meet at the fiftieth floor in the middle three days later."


Everyone nodded slightly. According to the previous allocation, there were nineteen of them in total. If they moved in groups of three, they could be divided into six groups with one more person.

The leader of each group is naturally a strong person from the Six Imperial Guards.

When discussing the grouping, Ling Feng was immediately "robbed" by Su Liuli, so Ling Feng had no choice but to follow the senior sister Liuli.

As for the other team member, at least one Jiuyao powerhouse needs to be selected. After thinking about it, Su Liuli chose another female disciple in the team, Yao Qinyao of Xuanyin.

There are only three female disciples in the entire team, namely Yuxinxianjun Su Liuli, Xuanyinzhiyao Qinyao and Shuilanzhiyao Wen Wanlin.

There are only three women in total, and there are two in Ling Feng's team. It's no wonder that Chi Yan Kuang said before that Ling Feng's luck with women is really enviable.

"Hey, brother Ling, see you in three days!"

Chi Yan patted Ling Feng's shoulder wildly, with a bit of coquettishness and envy in his eyes.

As everyone knows, Ling Feng is quite troubled in his heart. Qin Yao doesn't care, but among the six emperors, the one Ling Feng is least willing to deal with is probably the Immortal Lord Yu Xin.

Relatively speaking, Ling Feng is actually more inclined to be with Yufeng Immortal Lord, an old acquaintance, or to be with Yushen Immortal Lord, to facilitate the exchange of experiences and experiences of the Soul.

As for Yu Xinxianjun, this woman has the most unique ability. She can also peer into the hearts of others, but she hides a lot of secrets.

Being on the same team as her is such a hard life!

"Then, everyone, let's go our separate ways!"

Ren Tianhen's eyes swept over everyone, and he immediately took the Ba Dao, and Han Wenliang and Chi Yankuang left together.

As the saying goes, those who are capable work hard. Chiyan Kuang is the weakest among the people. He is just a make-up guy. Naturally, he was assigned to the team of the strongest Yushenxianjun.

Whoosh whoosh!

Soon, several strong warriors from the Six Dynasties scattered with their teammates.

Ao Tianxin turned around and glanced at Su Liuli, then glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "You brat, you have to listen to Sister Liuli. If you dare to offend Sister Liuli, I will be rude to you! "

After saying that, he hummed softly, turned around and left, not forgetting to raise his orchid finger and straighten the hair on his temples.

Ling Feng couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over his body, and he couldn't blame Wang Teng for calling him a sissy.

He is indeed "deserving of his name"!

"Junior Brother Ling, did you hear that? You have to listen to me carefully!"

Su Liuli pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes moving, revealing a breathtaking charm.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, kept his concentration, and said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, it's almost time for us to set off."

Su Liuli shrugged, "You really don't understand gentleness, that's all, I won't tease you anymore, let's go."

Having said that, he also spread out his body skills and fired electricity forward.

Ling Feng and Qin Yao looked at each other and activated their movements at the same time to chase after Su Liuli.

"Junior Brother Ling, I didn't expect that we would be in the same group."

While rushing on the road, Qin Yao started talking to Ling Feng, "I didn't expect that in just a few years, junior brother has made such rapid progress."

All in all, before participating in the Qijue Immortal Ranking, the two met only a few times, but every time they met, Ling Feng's progress was completely beyond Qin Yao's imagination.

"It's just luck."

"Junior brother is too humble, but speaking of it, junior brother must have already mastered the "Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique" back then."

"I can't say that I'm a great achiever, but I still have some accomplishments."

"The Flame-Swallowing Immortal Technique" allowed his flame-swallowing ability to break through the level again, allowing him to swallow even more powerful fairy fire from the fairy plane.

It's a pity that so far, Ling Feng has not been able to obtain any heaven-defying fire, so he has always been in the form of the demon dragon's world-purifying fire.

Anyway, in a short period of time, the power of the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire is enough.

The two of them chatted all the time, so it wasn't too boring on the road.

Su Liuli in front seemed to be worried and did not participate in the chat between the two. Soon, the three of them arrived in front of a teleportation channel.

Different from the nine levels of space below, it must be transmitted one by one in order.

In the second stage, the eighty-one-layer space, the transfer points are relatively complicated.

Within each layer of space, there are twelve transfer points, which can be transported to the first six and sixty-two layers of space respectively.

Of course, because this is the first level of the second stage of the trial, it cannot be teleported forward, so there are only six teleportation points.

The teleportation point that Ling Feng and the others were going to was the third teleportation point in the southwest, which also directly teleported to the fourth layer of space.

Although we encountered many treasures of heaven and earth along the way, there were already monks competing for them.

According to the original plan, the three of them did not participate in any competition at the beginning. Instead, they raced against time to survey all the resource points in the future as quickly as possible, so that they would have the opportunity to seize the three resources with the most abundant resources. layer space.

Because the three of them did not cause any trouble, the journey went very smoothly. It took almost half an hour to find the teleportation point in the southwest.

After stepping into the whirlpool of flashing blue light, there was a flash of light and the three of them had arrived at the fourth level area.

"This level of spiritual energy is actually lacking compared to the first level!"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, and then analyzed it, "It seems that my guess is correct. The spiritual energy does not become more abundant as you go forward, so our first step decision is very correct!"

Qin Yao also nodded repeatedly, "Then there is no need to investigate this level?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Ling Feng took out a huge piece of white paper and used his fingertips instead of a brush. The golden light flashed and he imprinted a golden pattern on the white paper, marking the word "four".

"The resources of each layer are different. Although the spiritual energy may be relatively thin, it may produce some precious resources. Therefore, an overall survey is still necessary, and we will eventually conduct a large-scale attack. , It is very necessary to understand the situation at each level.”


Qin Yao blinked her eyes, secretly admiring her. This junior brother was obviously younger than herself, but he was much more experienced than herself.


Su Liuli pursed her lips and smiled, "It seems that junior brother is more suitable to be the team leader than me. Then junior brother Ling, you should give the orders next. Junior sister Qin Yao and I will listen to you."


Ling Feng was ashamed, "Senior sister, I..."

"I'm telling the truth, I am so happy and relaxed!"

Su Liuli looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "As the saying goes, those who are capable work harder."

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Okay then..."

Having said that, Ling Feng activated the power of all phenomena in the sky, his eyes flashed, and with the power of all phenomena, he used the power of all phenomena to display his infinite vision and flew forward with the two women...

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