Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3589 Seven desperate situations!

While Tianzhi's disciples, following Ling Feng's previous strategy, began to quickly explore the resources of the subsequent layers, the competition for the first layer had also entered a fierce stage.

Just an hour later, the three main resource points in the first layer of space, two medicine gardens and a mineral vein, were occupied by the Xantian Lei Clan, the Xantian Fire Clan and the Xantian Mountain Clan respectively.

According to the rules of the Qijue Immortal Ranking, every time a resource point is occupied, the Xuanyuan flag of the strength can be planted to indicate that the resource point has an owner.

The situation of resource extraction is not included in the total score of the final occupied territory.

No matter how the resource points are occupied in the early stage, in the end, all resource points on a certain layer must be occupied to be considered a complete territory.

Therefore, forces occupying different resource points on the same layer at the same time will inevitably have a war in the end. Only by driving out all other forces can they fully obtain the right to occupy the first layer of space.

At present, the first level is jointly controlled by three major forces, but they obviously have no intention of taking action directly from the beginning, so for the time being, the three major forces stand in opposition to each other.

However, the final battle for planes must be inevitable.

As for the other small forces, they basically fished in troubled waters in the early stage and plundered some resources. Once the disciples of the seven super-first-class forces arrived, they had no choice but to leave obediently.

Unlike other major forces, the Xuntian Ice Tribe's initial strategy was to give up the fight for the first level and enter the subsequent levels of space early.

So far, it seems that the aura and resources of the first layer of space are much higher than those of the subsequent layers. It is no wonder that it is a battleground.

However, it is absolutely necessary to retain strength at the beginning.

At this moment, Shui Yan Bing, the first genius of the Xantian Ice Clan, and more than a dozen disciples, were moving towards the space behind them, with no intention of occupying the territory immediately.

His ideas are probably very different from Ling Feng's.

However, he did not let his disciples spread out to act. Instead, he reported the group action first, and after capturing the resource points, he directly assigned manpower to guard them.

Although Yan Jinghong is a registered disciple of Immortal Emperor Hao Cang, he is not a direct disciple of the Xantian Ice Tribe. He is not popular among the entire team, but no one will take the initiative to provoke him.

The only ones who have a good relationship with him are Lan Bing'er and Lan Xiaoyu.

"Brother Yan, I never thought that Brother Ling would be able to participate in this Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking!"

While rushing on the road, Lan Xiaoyu couldn't help but look back at Yan Jinghong, and said in a low voice: "It's a pity that I never had a chance to say a few words to Brother Ling. After all, we have shared our sorrows before."

Lan Bing'er glared at him angrily, and immediately reprimanded through voice transmission with her spiritual consciousness: "I have said it many times, and this matter is not allowed to be mentioned again!"

"What are you afraid of? Shui Changyin isn't here!"

Lan Xiaoyu shrugged with a relaxed expression, "Besides, what does that matter have to do with us? Shui Changdong's own short life, who is to blame."

Lan Bing'er sighed, her younger brother's ideas were really too naive.

Is Shui Changyin the kind of person who can reason?

Yan Jinghong looked calm and said coldly: "I'm not familiar with him, so I have nothing to say."

"You are really indifferent!"

Lan Xiaoyu rolled her eyes, then grinned and said, "But now we and that guy are considered competitors. I would like to see how he progresses in the past few years."

In total, three years have passed since Xuanyuan Cold Island.

When he was on Xuanyuan Han Island, Ling Feng was just entering the Talisman Realm for the first time. Although he had initially shown considerable strength, in his opinion, he was only slightly special.

Unexpectedly, in just three years, he could actually represent Tianzhi in the Seven Ultimate Immortals Ranking.

This is still a bit unexpected for Lan Xiaoyu.

"You seem to care about that guy quite a bit."

Yan Jinghong glanced sideways at Lan Xiaoyu, "Why, do you think he is not an ordinary person?"

"Hey, it's unusual. You'll find out soon."

Lan Xiaoyu grinned, "I'm definitely going to fight him anyway!"

A gleam of light flashed across Yan Jinghong's eyes.

He originally chose to part ways with Ling Feng and lurk in the Xantian Ice Clan. In the blink of an eye, six years have passed.

Before he joined the Xantian Ice Clan, Ling Feng told Yan Jinghong about his mother and asked him to find out some information about his mother.

Unfortunately, no valuable information has been discovered so far.

As for the name of Ling Feng's mother, Shui Xirou, it seems that it has never appeared in the Xuntian Ice Clan.

Or perhaps, this name has already become a taboo among the Xantian Ice Clan.

Therefore, Yan Jinghong could only start from some forbidden areas where prisoners were detained, and he did find some clues.

Within the Tianbing Sanctuary, there are approximately sixteen places in total used to imprison various tribesmen who have violated the taboos of the Xuantian Ice Clan.

Among them, there are seven places where felons are detained, known as the "Seven Impossible Situations."

Just hearing about the worst places is enough to make people shudder.

According to Ling Feng, if his mother was imprisoned by the Xantian Ice Clan, she must have been in one of the seven "desperate situations".

However, he didn't know where exactly it was.

Every part of this Qiwu Desolate Area is a secret and taboo of the Xuntian Ice Clan. It is impossible for ordinary disciples to know its specific location.

In other words, it took him six years to find out only the four words "Seven Impossible Realms".

That's all.

But he knew his situation better. If he said too much, he would be wrong. Once his identity was exposed, his life would be at stake.

Therefore, every step he takes must be done carefully and not be careless in the slightest.

At this moment, a cold voice came, interrupting Yan Jinghong's thoughts.

"The fourth level of space is below."

It was Shui Yanbing, the first genius among the younger generation of the Xantian Ice Clan, who stopped before the teleportation light curtain.

"Currently we should be one of the fastest-growing forces. After reaching the fourth level, we can no longer leave empty-handed. Even if we don't occupy resource points, we can still loot some resources."

Shui Yanbing's eyes swept over everyone, "In addition to getting the name of Qijue in participating in the Qijue Immortal Ranking, the most precious ones are undoubtedly the various heavenly materials and earthly treasures here, including immortal stones and spiritual mines. Now that they have entered the treasure mountain, how can Can you come back empty-handed?"

"Hey, we can finally start searching!"

Lan Xiaoyu looked excited, "I can't hold it any longer!"

The other disciples of the Xantian Ice Tribe are also eager to give it a try.

After the first stage of the trial ends, everyone's spiritual rings and space magic weapons will be automatically unlocked.

After all, various resources need to be mined. If there is no space magic weapon, how much cultivation materials can be taken away with just hands?

"Let's go!"

Shui Yanbing's eyes narrowed, and he was the first to jump directly into the fourth layer of teleportation light curtain.

At the same time, in a corner of the first level of space, more than ten disciples of Dayu Immortal Court led by Yu Fan left a medicine garden in anger.

Yu Fan's complexion looked darker than the bottom of the pot. He clenched his fists and walked forward without saying a word. Anger clearly flashed in his eyes, as if they turned into two flames and burned blazingly.

"The bastards from the Xuntian Thunder Clan are really nothing!"

Yu Zhao on the side gritted his teeth, "We are fighting for the right to occupy the medicine garden with the Xantian Mountain tribe. What does it have to do with them? They are meddling in their own business! Bananas are so stupid. I curse Wanjun and never do it for the rest of my life!"

Yu Zhao scolded Zheng Huan. Leng Buding noticed a pair of cold eyes staring at him, and couldn't help but shudder. However, Yu Fan stared at him coldly, so scared that he quickly closed his mouth, "I...I too I just can’t see it…”

"If it weren't for your foul mouth, Wan Jun would have intervened in this matter but said otherwise!"

Yu Fan's eyes were spitting out anger.

It was when Yu Zhao opened his mouth while crossing the Nether Flame River that he offended Xantian Lei Clan and Tianzhi at the same time.

In other words, in addition to their old enemy, the Sky Patroller, the Thunder Clan and Tianzhi who patrol the Sky will not like them.

As a result, their situation is quite troublesome.

If the people from the Xuntian Lei Clan or Tianzhi were a little more insidious and deliberately targeted them, it might still be unknown whether they could hold on to the three territories in the end.

As the saying goes, trouble comes from the mouth, and Yu Zhao's bad words brought him such huge trouble.

If he hadn't been his biological brother, Yu Fan would have blown his mind.


Yu Zhao didn't dare to refute, so he could only lower his head, clenched his fists and said, "Then what should we do now?"


Yu Fan snorted coldly, suppressing the anger in his heart, and finally looked at a man behind him who looked like a Confucian scholar.

The man was dressed in Confucian robes, wearing a square crown on his head, and holding a feather fan. He was Xia Houyuan, a descendant of the Xiahou lineage from the noble clan of Dayu Immortal Court.

"Xia Houyuan, tell me!"

Yu Fan kept an eye on Xia Houyuan. Among these disciples, Xia Houyuan was second only to him in strength, and he was also the think tank of the team, acting as a military advisor.

His grandfather was also the chief minister of Yu Xianting, equivalent to the position of prime minister in the secular dynasty.

"The matter has come to this, and it will be useless to regret it. Now, the three major forces of Xuntian Lei Clan, Shan Clan and Tianzhi are very hostile to us. The situation is very unfavorable for us. Therefore, if we want to advance smoothly, I am afraid the most important thing is The word "low-key"



Xia Houyuan nodded slightly, "First, we may have to give up on the medicinal garden and mineral veins with the best resources."

Yu Fan gritted his teeth and said, "So, what about the second one?"

"Second, no matter how the three major forces of Xuntian Lei Clan attack our territory, we cannot fight back."


Upon hearing this, even Yu Fan, who was usually calm and steady, clenched his fists, stared at Xia Houyuan angrily, and grabbed his collar, "You don't even fight back when you are beaten?"

"Yes, they don't fight back when they are beaten. Instead, they immediately give up their territory and capture other territories. The principle is to use the strong to bully the weak and only attack the territories of ordinary forces."

The corner of Yu Fan's mouth twitched slightly, "Coward! So cowardly!"

"Yes, I just want to be a coward!"

Xia Houyuan sighed softly, "The more cowardly we behaved, Wan Jun was so arrogant that he did not bother to embarrass us. Only then could we survive and advance to the third round smoothly. Otherwise, as long as the strongest of their three clans Free up your hands to attack our territory exclusively, then abandon it after grabbing it, constantly consuming our strength, and in the end we will most likely not be able to occupy any territory. "

"His Royal Highness the Prince should have seen Wan Jun's attitude before, and Gu Qifeng from the Xuantian Mountain Clan, needless to say, must be targeting us no matter the cost. As for Ren Tianhen of Tianzhi..."

Xia Houyuan paused and sighed softly, "I have dealt with this person several times. This person is indeed an upright man, but he has a very difficult characteristic."

"What characteristics?"

"Grudge! Very vindictive!"

Xia Houyuan took a deep breath, "I have never seen anyone more vindictive than him. Therefore, we can only be cowardly, and we must be cowardly. Only in this way can we have a chance to survive the next month..."

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