Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3593 The suspicious Su Liuli!

"Smelly girl, you will pay the price for your ignorance!"

Master Jinguang snorted coldly, and the Sanskrit Heavenly Dragon suddenly let out a harsh and sharp roar.

Boom boom boom!

There were roars in the void, but the girl from the Sky Patrol Wind Clan had a nonchalant look on her face. She gently raised her right hand, and pulled up her sleeves slightly. A silver line slowly appeared on her white wrist. Bracelet.

The bracelet was inlaid with several gemstones of different colors, sparkling with brilliance.

The next moment, the girl gently shook her wrist, restrained it and made a sweet sound like a silver bell, and then, the brilliance bloomed on those gems!

With a flash of blue light, the Sanskrit Heavenly Dragon was instantly crushed into pieces. Master Jinguang's expression also changed, and his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets.

"how come!"

Master Jin Guang had a look of disbelief on his face, gritted his teeth, grabbed the golden cymbal and gong and started beating it wildly.

Bang bang bang bang!

The harsh sound of golden cymbals and gongs rolled up into the sky, and an area of ​​dozens of miles around was enveloped in the deafening sound.

Master Jin Guang stared at the Wind Clan girl, gritted his teeth and said: "Smelly girl, I can't cure you!"

In an instant, a pale ghost face appeared high in the sky, stretching thousands of feet across. It opened its mouth and sucked in, seeming to swallow up everything in the world.

For a moment, strong winds surged, and the earth was cracked inch by inch under the terrifying suction force.

As the earth shook and the mountains shook, the monks who came to help also flew away to avoid being affected.

"Don't think that just because you are a disciple of the Xantian Feng Clan, you must be superior to others. If you show your true ability, let alone a yellow-haired girl like you, even if you are the most powerful Yue Yinshuang of the Xantian Feng Clan, I will definitely be the best." Don’t be afraid of her!”

Master Jin Guang slapped the golden cymbal and gong in his hand and began to speak arrogantly.

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more proud he became, and he even started not to pay attention to Yue Yinshuang.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and put a smile on his lips.

Some people become so ruthless that they even deceive themselves.

"Let's go."

Ling Feng shrugged, "There's nothing to see here. Master Jin Guang is probably going to be in trouble. We'd better quickly find the transmission entrance to the next level and go to join Senior Brother Yushen and the others."


Qin Yao nodded slightly and was about to leave with Ling Feng, but she heard Su Liuli smile and say: "Junior Brother Ling, I'm afraid it's too early to make a conclusion now."

Ling Feng was slightly startled, then looked back at Su Liuli, "Senior sister means..."

"Look back."

Su Liuli smiled faintly, and before she finished speaking, she heard Qin Yao on the side cover her lips and let out an exclamation.

Ling Feng suddenly turned around and looked far away, only to see that the golden light master was struck hard by a wind blade and flew away. Blood spurted out, and he was obviously seriously injured.

But at the same time, a sudden change occurred!

A pitch-black sword blade suddenly appeared in front of the neck of the girl from the Xuntian Wind Tribe. The sword blade made a slight stroke, and then, black flames wrapped around the girl's pink neck.


A blood arrow spattered out, and the girl's eyes showed a look of disbelief. When she looked back, she saw a group of black shadows dispersed, and then disappeared without a trace.

The girl tightly covered the wound on her neck, but the black fire began to spread rapidly. Almost in an instant, the black flames covered the girl's body, causing the girl to scream in pain.

"This... what kind of flame is this? Why can't it be extinguished!"

The girl rolled on the ground and tried her best, but she couldn't extinguish the flames.

The monks who came to surround the girl were also dumbfounded, and they all turned back to look at Master Jin Guang.

That guy is crazy. He wants to seize territory. How dare he kill the disciples of Xantian Wind Clan?

If this girl died here, wouldn't they all become accomplices?

If the Xuntian Feng Clan pursues the case, they may all suffer.

As everyone knows, Master Jin Guang has no such ability.

A flash of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, his eyes locked on a group of black shadows thousands of feet away, and he snorted coldly, "Hidden arrows hurt people!"

Just as he was about to fly after him, Su Liuli's voice came to his ears, "I'll chase him, you save people."

Before Ling Feng could agree, Su Liuli's figure had already flown far away and shot out in the direction of the black figure.

The black figure was also very alert and quickly evacuated. In the blink of an eye, the two people, one behind the other, had disappeared from sight.

Ling Feng frowned. Subjectively, he was naturally unwilling to save members of the Xantian clan, but Ling Feng despised the despicable behavior of stabbing people in the back.

As for his current identity as a disciple of Tianzhi, both Su Liuli and Qin Yao saw this scene. If he could save him but didn't, I'm afraid it would arouse some unnecessary suspicion.

In addition, the girl from the Wind Clan seems to have some relationship with Empress Qingluo. After saving her, she might be able to sneak into the Xantian Feng Clan in the future and find out some truth about the Xantian Clan's betrayal of the Tiandao Clan.

After careful consideration, Ling Feng finally decided to come to the rescue.

The figure flashed, Ling Feng used the divine fire clone, and the next moment, he appeared next to the Wind Clan girl.

At this moment, the woman's whole body was wrapped in black flames. Even though the clothes on her body were not made of ordinary materials, most of them were still burned, but fortunately, no shameful parts were exposed.

But if the black flames don't go out, sooner or later, not only the clothes, but also herself will be burned to ashes by this terrifying flame.

She could only use the magic power in her body to barely resist the black flames.

But it was obvious that the black flames were eating away at her mana little by little. Her arms had been severely burned, and her originally fair arms were almost burnt to coke at this moment.

The girl had never experienced such pain. She was so painful that she burst into tears, but she was directly evaporated by the scalding flames, with black smoke constantly rising all over her body.

As for the wound on her neck, the blood was unstoppable, gurgling out, and an evil spirit invaded her body from the wound, traveling among her limbs and bones.

On the one hand, she had to resist the evil spirit in her body, and on the other hand, she had to resist the black flames. Under internal and external difficulties, she was completely in chaos.

Even though they were rolling all over the ground, they could not suppress the fire. Instead, they ignited the vegetation on the ground, and the fire spread rapidly to the surrounding areas.

The other monks' faces turned pale with fear. Even though they wanted to rescue, they did not dare to step forward. They were even more afraid that they would be affected by the terrible flames.

"Master Jinguang, you are making such a big fuss, why don't you put away that flame!"

"How dare you f**king kill me!"

"Save people quickly, don't hurt us all!"

Everyone stared at Master Jin Guang, thinking that the fire was set by Master Jin Guang. However, Master Jin Guang recovered and looked up to see such a scene, and was even more frightened out of his mind.

" wasn't me! I didn't do it!"

Play for fun, fight for trouble, and snatch resources are the rules of the game for the Seven Ultimate Immortal List. It doesn't matter how you fight. A person as high as Empress Qingluo will not embarrass them because of this kind of thing.

But it would be different if he killed the disciples of Xantian Feng Clan.

Not to mention him, the sect and family behind him would all be uprooted.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, seeing that the flames were about to spread, he raised his hand and struck out with a palm, a fire dragon wrapped around Ling Feng in a circle, and then rushed directly into the sea of ​​​​fire.

The fire dragon was formed by the gathering of the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire. When it opened its mouth and breathed out, the power of purification was the nemesis of the black flame.

The flame that was originally unquenchable finally began to fade away.

Ling Fengfei stepped forward, stretched out his hand to hold the Wind Clan girl's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "I am a disciple of Tianzhi, and I am here to save you!"

The woman grabbed Ling Feng's arm as if grasping a life-saving straw, "Save...just me..."

"Do not worry."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and silently activated the Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique.

This flame is a deadly flame for this Wind Clan girl.

But for Ling Feng, it was a "nourishing" thing.

Since he ascended to the Immortal Realm, although he has obtained the Flame-Devouring Immortal Technique, there has never been any high-grade strange fire for him to swallow.

It's just getting something but having no use for it.

Now, this weird black flame is of such a high level that it can be used to devour it and further enhance its level of swallowing flames.

The palm of his hand gently pressed against the girl's exposed back, and a suction force spread out, sucking the black flame directly into his Dantian space.

The Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique was activated, and the two flames clashed within Ling Feng's body, but soon, they were still swallowed up by the Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique.

The next moment, a stream of heat circulated in Lingfeng's dantian, passing through the palm of his hand and slowly entering the girl's body.

The girl's expression softened slightly, and the wound on her neck quickly began to scab.

Her physique is very special, and her self-healing ability is unique in Ling Feng's life.

It is much more powerful than his own immortal golden body.

However, there was still a terrible evil spirit in her body. Although she was suppressed by Ling Feng's swallowing flames and huddled in the corner, she might be waiting for an opportunity to counterattack at any time.

For a moment, Ling Feng had no good solution, except to temporarily seal this evil aura. As for the solution, I believe Empress Qingluo can solve it for her after she leaves this place.

After a long while, Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath, helped the girl stand up, and said in a deep voice: "Girl, your external injuries are no longer in the way, and the burns on your body have healed automatically. I believe that with your self-healing ability, the scars should also heal. It will disappear completely within a few months, if you still feel it is too slow..."

Ling Feng said, taking out a bottle of ointment and handing it to the girl, "This is the Qingxin Jade Fu ointment I refined. It should be helpful to you."

The girl gritted her teeth and took it, looked at Ling Feng with gratitude, grabbed Ling Feng's arm, and said excitedly: "Brother, thank you, you are such a good person! What is your name?"

"Ling Feng."

Ling Feng wanted to retract his arm, but was tightly held by the girl. He could only smile helplessly, "It's just a small effort, why bother to say thank you. In addition, you were injured by that sword before, and the evil spirit invaded your body. Although I helped you It’s been sealed, but to avoid future troubles, it’s better to find a senior in the clan to completely eliminate it for you after you leave.”


The girl nodded repeatedly, "I know, brother Ling Feng. By the way, I haven't told you my name yet! My name is Qingqing. You can also call me Qingnv like the other senior sisters."


Ling Feng took a deep breath. Sure enough, she and Empress Qingluo were truly from the same lineage.

At this moment, several monks were seen tying up the Golden Light Master tightly and throwing him over.

"Gu... girl, this old guy just tried to harm you, it has nothing to do with us!"

"That's right, there is a wrongdoer and a debtor. If you want to find him, just look for this bastard. We are just seizing the territory according to the rules of the game. We have no intention of killing you!"

"Yes, this old bastard has been tied up by us and will be left to you, girl. You have a lot of them, please don't blame us!"

Everyone begged for mercy and excuses, fearing that Master Jin Guang would be implicated.

Before being kidnapped, Master Jin Guang had obviously been beaten a lot. Now his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He looked nothing like Master Jin Guang. He was simply a pig-headed man.

"I...I was wronged!"

Master Jin Guang was about to cry without tears, "It wasn't me, it really wasn't me. My golden cymbals and gongs can only use the laws of music, how could they set fire!"

"You're so damn stubborn!"

Before he finished speaking, the monks around him punched and kicked him again, making the golden master scream.

"Well, it's true that he didn't do it."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then explained: "I just saw a black shadow flash past. After hurting Qingnv, he fled directly. My Tianzhi senior sister has already chased me, so I believe this matter has something to do with it." This master has nothing to do with it.”

"Did you hear it? Did you hear it all?"

Master Jin Guang was almost moved to tears and choked up while looking at Ling Feng, "My benefactor, you are truly my great benefactor!"

Ling Feng ignored Master Jin Guang, but saw a figure flying towards him not far away. It was Su Liuli who was going to hunt down the person who plotted against Qing Nu.

Su Liuli returned empty-handed and just sighed softly, saying helplessly: "It's a pity that I almost caught up with him, but in the end I let the guy run away."


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked at Su Liuli carefully, but he couldn't help but feel a trace of doubt in his heart.

Is it really as simple as not catching up?

And that dark shadow...

Ling Feng couldn't help but think of the night he rested in the palace in transit. Although the breaths were not exactly the same, there were some similarities.

Could it be...

For a moment, an unpleasant thought flashed through Ling Feng's mind. Could it be that Su Liuli was another mole placed inside Tianzhi by the Demon Soul Palace?

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