Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3594 Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

"Junior brother, what do you mean by looking at me like this?"

Seeing Ling Feng looking at her, Su Liuli smiled sweetly, "What, could it be that junior brother thought that I deliberately let go of the guy who made the sneak attack?"

"No, it's just an accident."

Ling Feng waved his hand and denied it. Now he just had some doubts in his heart and there was no direct evidence.

Therefore, Ling Feng was not sure whether Su Liuli was the mole in the Demon Soul Hall.

Naturally, it is not appropriate to alert the enemy at this moment.

"That guy's abilities weren't that great. He was just a master of evil magic, which made it hard for people to guard against him. In the end, he disappeared without a trace. Even I couldn't sense his aura, so I had no choice but to come back."

Su Liuli shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face, which didn't look like he was lying.

"Hmph, how dare you plot against me!"

After Qingqing recovered from his injuries, he immediately became active again, waving his little fists and gritting his teeth: "That bastard had better not fall into my hands, otherwise, he must look good!"


When Master Jin Guang heard the conversation between Ling Feng and the others, he also reacted and immediately cried, "That means it has nothing to do with me anymore, so you can finally clear my name! I really died unjustly!"

The monks who beat Master Jinguang into pig heads silently stepped aside and looked at the sky and the scenery. It had nothing to do with them anyway.


Qingqing glared at Master Jin Guang, "It's true that you didn't plot against me, but if you hadn't taken action against me, how would the guy who plotted against me have a chance!"


Master Jin Guang hesitated for a while, daring to be angry but afraid to speak.

What's more, with things like this, whoever dares to take action against Qingqing and rob this medicine garden will definitely be settled.

Without anyone else to help him, he had no confidence. He could only show weakness and said: "Then what do you want from me before you let me go?"

"whispering sound."

Qingqing glanced at Master Jin Guang, and finally his eyes fell on the pair of golden cymbals and gongs in Master Jin Guang's hands, "Your golden cymbals are pretty good."


Master Jin Guang's face immediately darkened, and he subconsciously shrank the golden cymbal and gong behind him, "This... this is my lifeblood."

"Then I'm going to complain to the Empress Grandma, saying that you want to harm me!"

Qingqing snorted coldly, and as soon as he said this, Master Jin Guang was so frightened that he trembled all over.

Empress? grandmother?

Could it be that this Qingqing is actually the granddaughter of Empress Qingluo?

It's just that it's rumored that Empress Qingluo never married anyone in her life, so she probably doesn't have a granddaughter.

But even if Qingqing is not the granddaughter of Empress Qingluo, she must be a direct descendant of Empress Qingluo if she can call her grandma.

When he thought of this, Master Jin Guang felt that his scalp was numb. If Qingqing had really died just now, I am afraid that not only him, but also his sect, family, and eighteen generations of ancestors would have their ashes carried away. .


Master Jin Guang gritted his teeth and could only admit defeat, and offered the golden cymbal and gong with both hands, "Here! This is my lifeblood, you must treat it well..."

However, before Master Jin Guang finished speaking, Qing Qing handed the golden cymbal and gong directly to Ling Feng with his backhand, "Brother Ling Feng, you saved me, and I will give you this golden cymbal."

The corners of Master Jin Guang's mouth suddenly twitched.

You have to thank your benefactor, why don’t you give the gift yourself? How can you rob a low-level “poor monk” like me?


Ling Feng was also slightly stunned. This little girl really thought about it.

But this golden cymbal and gong is quite powerful.

He saved her life. Of course he could afford this gift.

"All right."

Ling Feng casually put the golden cymbal away, finally his rescue effort was not in vain.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng took out another bottle of elixir and said, "Qingnu, this elixir can suppress the evil spirit in your body. When you leave this place, you should find the Empress as soon as possible to completely drive away the evil spirit to avoid future troubles."


Qingqing nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Thank you, brother Lingfeng."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, Qing Qing was quite well-behaved and smart, but unfortunately she was from the Xantian clan after all, so Ling Feng still had reservations about her.

"We have to go to the back to meet up with the other senior brothers, so we're going to leave first. Please be careful."

"Are you about to leave?"

Qingqing looked a little reluctant to give up, but she still wanted to stay here to guard the medicine garden, so she could only sigh, "Okay, brother Ling Feng, you have to be careful too."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, looked at each other with Su Liuli and Qin Yao, and left.

Now that various forces are occupying resource points faster than Ling Feng expected, they should not waste more time here.

However, after Ling Feng and the others left the medicine garden, Master Jin Guang followed them leisurely, with an expression as if he was dead. He wanted to come forward and talk, but could not muster the courage.

"Junior Brother Ling, that Master Jin Guang has been with us for a long time."

Qin Yao whispered in Ling Feng's ear.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I'm afraid that guy is reluctant to part with his magic weapon."

After saying that, Ling Feng's figure flashed, and he directly used the Jiuyou Teleportation Technique. He saw a flash of lightning and suddenly appeared in front of the Golden Light Master.


Ling Feng's sudden appearance startled Master Jin Guang. He stopped in his tracks, his mouth twitched, and he said nervously: "What...what's wrong?"

"I haven't asked you what's wrong."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "You followed us all the way."

"Your family opened the road. You can walk on it, but I can't?"

Master Jin Guang swallowed hard, looking at him with a bruised nose and swollen face, and a gray face, he looked like a big injustice.

Ling Feng felt a little pity for him after he was beaten up by other companions and kicked out of the team for nothing.


Ling Feng took out the golden cymbal and gong, patted it a few times, and said with a smile: "If you say that, you probably don't want this golden cymbal anymore, right?"

"No no no!"

Master Jin Guang waved his hands repeatedly, "I want it, I want it! Mr. Ling, I... The reason why I follow you is actually to discuss with you. This golden cymbal is actually useless in your hand, but it is It is an ancestral treasure of my family and it means a lot to me. You..."

Taking a deep breath, Master Jin Guang gritted his teeth and finally said, "Do you think you can return this golden cymbal to me?"

"Back to you?"

Ling Feng grinned, "Master Jin Guang, what you said is really interesting. Did I borrow this golden cymbal from you? Or did I steal it from you?"

"This this……"

Master Jin Guang's face froze, and he quickly raised his hand and slapped his mouth several times, "I said something wrong, I said something wrong. Master Ling, what do you want to do to give me this golden cymbal and gong?"

"It's definitely gone. It's unrealistic to give it away for free."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, "But you can buy it."


Master Jin Guang took a deep breath, and finally nodded through gritted teeth, "I'll buy it, I'll buy it! Mr. Ling, what do you want? How much immortal crystal?"

"I don't lack any immortal stones or crystals."

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Master Jin Guang on the shoulder, and smiled slightly, "Let's talk about the magic. What's the magic you use to activate the golden cymbals and gongs called? Sanskrit Tianlong?"


Master Jin Guang's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

"I didn't expect that Young Master is also proficient in the laws of music?"

"Not really proficient, just a little curious."

Among the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" practiced by Ling Feng, the second stage is to master various dragon roar magical powers.

Although the magical power of dragon roar is different from the ordinary phonological laws, it also has the same origin.

Leaving aside the magic weapon in his hand, Master Jinguang does have two brushes.

And his musical magic is very extraordinary.

"How about it? I've already told you the price. It's just a matter of whether you want to buy it or not."

Master Jin Guang clenched his fists, seemingly caught in a fierce ideological struggle.

Finally, Master Jin Guang nodded, "Okay, deal!"

"make a deal!"

Ling Feng directly threw the golden cymbal and gong into the hands of Master Jin Guang. Although this treasure was of good quality and powerful, it had one problem.


too ugly!

I have a magic weapon like Destruction in All Directions, which is both powerful and powerful. Even if I get this golden cymbal and gong, it is just the bottom of the box. It can be exchanged for a rare magical skill, and I will definitely make more money than lose it.

As a result, the two of them handed over the magic weapon in one hand and the secret book in the other, and everyone was happy.

"Brother Jin Guang, you won't lose on this deal. If we meet again next time, for the sake of your cooperation with me, I can help you once. Keep your word!"

After saying that, Ling Feng turned around and left calmly. He had no time to continue hanging around with this Master Jin Guang.


Looking at Ling Feng's retreating back, Master Jin Guang raised the golden cymbal and gong in his hand and sighed softly, "That's all. Although I handed over the secret book of Fanyin Tianlong, at least this treasure is back in my hands."

He slowly opened the golden cymbal and gong, and when he took a closer look, his eyes almost fell out.

"Where is the Brahma Sound Bead? Where is the Brahma Sound Bead?"

The reason why he followed Ling Feng all the way and even took out Fanyin Tianlong's secret book in exchange was of course not just for this magic weapon.

The golden cymbal and gong are just the shell of the magic weapon. What is truly precious are the two Sanskrit beads inside.

It is precisely because of the function of the Brahma Sound Pearl that such a condensed Brahma Sound Heavenly Dragon can be summoned.

Now, although the golden cymbals and gongs are back, the golden cymbals and gongs have been removed, which is equivalent to just replacing them with an empty shell.

"It's so treacherous! Isn't this bullying an honest person?"

Master Jin Guang was about to cry but had no tears. He just raised his head and looked up. Wherever he could see the shadow of Ling Feng and his party, they had already disappeared without a trace.

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