Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3595 The undercurrent is surging!

The Golden Light Master was treated badly and could only leave in anger.

Although the power of the golden cymbal and gong is greatly reduced without the Sanskrit Sound Bead, it is still a good musical magic weapon. If it is used to trade the "Sanskrit Sound Heavenly Dragon" secret book, he will not suffer a loss.

But thinking that this thing was his own, Master Jin Guang felt even more uncomfortable than eating a fly.

It's also his fault that he didn't read the almanac when he went out, but he got into this mess. In the final analysis, it was the guy who secretly attacked Qingqing who tricked him.

On the other side, Ling Feng flew back to the team, and the group continued to move forward to join the other Tianzhi disciples.

"Take it out."

Suddenly, Ling Feng turned around and glanced at Jian Donkey. Jian Donkey raised his long ears toward the sky and said with some guilt: "Take... what are you taking?"

"You bitch!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Why, you want to take it all to yourself!"


The bitch grinned widely, revealing his big white teeth, "You bastard, you have really bad eyes!"

After that, he could only take out two beads that shone with pale golden light, and hummed softly: "Let's add two to one to make five, one for each person!"

Ling Feng glared at him angrily, but it turned out that it was not Ling Feng who deceived Master Jin Guang, but the bitch who kept clamoring to see the golden cymbal and gong before, but ended up having dirty hands and feet, so he directly cut the two He took out a Sanskrit bead.

He thought he was doing it without anyone noticing, but unfortunately he couldn't hide it from Ling Feng.

However, before Ling Feng could point him out, he found that Master Jin Guang had been following him.

Ever since, there has been an exchange of gold cymbals and gongs.

In other words, Ling Feng actually knew that the Fanyin Bead had been removed, but he still made a deal with Master Jin Guang.

However, Ling Feng didn't take any advantage, otherwise, he wouldn't just ask for a secret book of "Sanskrit Tianlong".

"You still want to add two to one and make five, what's the matter with you!"

Ling Feng casually put away the two Brahma Sound Beads, which happened to be useful when practicing the magic of "Brahma Sound Heavenly Dragon".

In order to join up with the others as soon as possible, Ling Feng and his party did not make any extravagance along the way.

However, despite this, it was already dusk when they found Yushenxianjun and the others.

At this moment, most of the Tianzhi disciples have gathered in a valley on the fiftieth floor of Qijue Tower.

At the back of the valley is a huge vein of fairy crystal.

The so-called fairy crystal veins are actually still fairy stone veins, but if the mining rate of fairy crystals reaches more than 5%, they can be called fairy crystal veins.

As for the mineral veins under this valley, the mining rate of fairy crystals is as high as about 15%, which is an extremely rich vein of super-grade fairy crystals.

Immortal crystal is the hard currency in the Immortal Realm. It can not only be used to purchase various cultivation materials, but it also contains very condensed spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which can be used to directly absorb and refine.

And with fairy crystal veins of this quality, there is even a chance to mine the legendary Hongmeng fairy crystal.

A rare treasure like the Hongmeng Immortal Crystal, even if only an ore the size of a thumb cap is mined, is worth a fortune.

Because Hongmeng Immortal Crystal is one of the indispensable materials for building or upgrading the Grand Avenue Source Equipment.

Its value can be imagined.

Therefore, outside the mineral veins of this valley, the Xuanyuan flag belonging to Tianzhi was naturally planted early, becoming the first territory occupied by Tianzhi.

"It's here! It's finally here!"

On a mountain col in front of the valley, Chi Yankuang was standing on the crown of a big tree. Looking from a distance, he saw three figures flying close to him.

One of them was Brother Ling Feng, whom he was very familiar with.

Chi Yankuang couldn't help shouting to everyone, "Brother Yu Shen, Senior Brother Yu Feng, Brother Ling, they are here!"

A faint smile appeared on Ren Tianhen's face, he stopped what he was doing and flew out of the valley.

Other disciples also gathered over.

After a while, Ling Feng and the other three finally merged with the large army smoothly.

"I'm sorry, brothers, some things have delayed me, so I'm a little late."

Ling Feng first bowed his hand to Ren Tianhen and expressed his apology.

"It doesn't matter."

Ren Tianhen smiled faintly, and as for Yufeng Xianjun, who had a better relationship with Ling Feng, he directly stepped forward and punched him on the shoulder, "You kid, the plan you made by yourself is actually your own final plan." One has to rush back. Fortunately, the fairy crystal veins behind this valley are the best resource points. Our goal of occupying three territories in the early stage has been completed. "

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Plans always fail to keep up with changes."

As he spoke, he took out the detailed map he drew and handed it to Ren Tianhen, "Senior Brother Ren, this is the detailed situation of the resource points on each layer that I drew. Below the fifteenth layer, it belongs to the twelfth layer. The various spiritual flowers and herbs produced in the area near the hot spring pool are of the highest quality and most mature, so they should be one of our first choices.”

Ren Tianhen nodded slightly, "I will not doubt your judgment."

Among these Tianzhi disciples, Ling Feng is not the oldest, nor is he the strongest, but in terms of his ability to distinguish various spiritual flowers and herbs, no one can match him.

"These are the conditions of the subsequent layers we drew. You can also take a look."

Ren Tianhen said, and handed all the maps he collected to Ling Feng. Along the way, Ling Feng used his outstanding personal ability to win the respect of everyone.

This also included the Six Imperial Masters.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, flipped through the maps of each layer one by one, and roughly compared them in his mind.

"By the way."

Chi Yan Kuang also came over at this time and asked, "Brother Ling, you said something delayed you, what exactly is it?"

"Oh, it's not a big deal."

Ling Feng thought about it and said lightly, "It's just that when I passed the 16th floor (the 16th floor of the second stage, which is the 25th floor of the Seven Absolute Tower) area, I encountered a group of disciples from ordinary forces who were besieging a female disciple of the Xuntianfeng Clan."

"It's just as you expected."

Yufeng Xianjun's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he secretly admired, "If the disciples are too scattered in the early stage, even other ordinary forces will unite to attack us because of the attraction of the cultivation resources behind them."

Although generally speaking, the disciples of these super-first-class forces are stronger than the immortals of ordinary forces.

But when they encounter a group attack from the other side, they will still consume a lot of strength.

A month is not long, but not short. In this long-term and highly alert battle, it is very likely that they will capsize in the gutter in the end.

This also indirectly confirms the correctness of Ling Feng's first step plan.

"The point is not this, but when those cultivators besieged the female disciple of the Xuntianfeng clan, a dark shadow suddenly attacked her secretly and almost killed her. I rescued the female disciple, so I was delayed for some time." Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and pretended to be nonchalant, but in fact his peripheral vision swept over the people around him, trying to observe some of their subtle expressions to see if he could detect any clues. Especially Yuxu Immortal Lord, Su Liuli. "Yes!" Qin Yao nodded repeatedly and said, "The situation was very dangerous at that time. If it weren't for Junior Brother Ling's timely action, Junior Sister Qingqing would be in danger." "Black shadow?" Ren Tianhen's eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity, and he looked up at Ling Feng and the others, "Junior Brother Ling, Junior Sister Liuli, can you tell where the attacker came from?" "I don't know too much." Ling Feng shook his head, "I don't know if it is a test that already exists in the Seven Absolutes Tower, because he doesn't look like a contestant. Senior Sister Liuli, what do you think?" Su Liuli also shrugged, "I don't know too much, I just think that guy is very weird, his strength is not very good, but he has a lot of weird tricks, and his ability to escape is also first-class." "There is this matter?" Ren Tianhen took a deep breath, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Speaking of which, I did encounter a strange thing." "Oh? What strange thing?" Ling Feng asked in a deep voice. "When I and several other junior brothers were surveying the resources on each floor, we were attacked by a black shadow."

"Yes, yes, yes, it was me who was attacked!"

Chi Yan Kuang pointed at himself and said, "That guy tried to sneak attack me when I wasn't paying attention. The dagger was stuck in my neck. Fortunately, Senior Brother Yu Shen came back in time, so I was able to save my life!"

As he spoke, he showed a shallow scratch on his neck, "The wound is still here!"

Ling Feng frowned and put his hand on Chi Yan Kuang's pulse gate.

His injury was not serious, but it was very likely that he, like Qing Qing, had been planted with that strange evil spirit in his body.

The next moment, Ling Feng's face sank. As expected, Chi Yan Kuang's body was exactly the same as Qing Qing's, with a trace of evil spirit lingering near the Dantian Qi Sea.

Although it did not break out, it was like a time bomb, and no one knew when it would explode.

The most important thing was that this evil spirit was exactly the same as the one in Qing Qing's body, but it was relatively mild.

Similarly, Ling Feng was unable to help Chi Yan Kuang clear the evil spirit from his body.

"It seems that there is something behind those shadows."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "They are probably organized, and they specifically select the relatively weaker disciples from the seven major forces to attack."

"I am weak?"

Chi Yan Kuang frowned, a little unconvinced, but after thinking carefully, it seems that he is indeed the weakest among those present!

"Is there an organization..."

Ren Tianhen's face became more and more solemn, "It seems that the competition for the Seven Absolute Immortals List this time is really turbulent!"

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