Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3596 Enemies meet on a narrow road!

Ling Feng informed everyone that Qing Qing and Chi Yan Kuang had been implanted with a wisp of evil energy. For a moment, all the disciples had solemn expressions on their faces.

The people present were all the elites of Tianzhi, and naturally they all understood that there might be another conspiracy behind this matter.

"Then what should I do now? Brother Ling, you have to save me!"

Chi Yankuang was in a panic now. He had a depressed look on his face. There was a weird evil spirit in his body for no reason, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Although there is no pain, no itching, and no discomfort at all, it still makes him feel like there are thorns in his back.

"I can't get rid of it for you yet."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although the evil spirit in Chi Yan Kuang's body was much thinner than Qing Qing's, it had the same characteristics.

No matter what kind of laws Ling Feng transforms his chaotic power into, he cannot expel it from his body.

This is obviously a matter of realm.

At least, no one at the Immortal Lord level should be able to do it.

"Then I'm not dead?"

Chi Yan cried madly, "When I was born, a vision came from the sky. The clan elders said that I had the appearance of a great emperor. I haven't been promoted to the Immortal Emperor yet. Am I going to die so young?"

"Haha, it's you, the emperor?"

Ao Tianxin couldn't help but sneered, but seeing Chi Yankuang's desperate look, he still showed mercy.

(PS: Wang Teng: Why does it sound familiar?)

"Okay, okay, you won't be dead for a while."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and took out a bottle of the pill that he had given to Qing Qing before. They were also plotted against each other and had evil energy implanted in their bodies. Qing Qing behaved much more like a man than Chi Yan Kuang.

She is still a little girl!

"What kind of elixir is this? Can it save me?"

Chi Yankuang quickly took it, then poured out several pills and swallowed them like broad beans.

"One pill a day..."

Before Ling Feng finished speaking, this guy had already eaten half of the bottle.

But he saw white smoke starting to rise from the top of the head of the crimson madman, and his skin all over his body turned red. His eyes were almost spitting out flames, and he stuck out his tongue and fanned with his palms, "You didn't tell me earlier!"

"I'm so impressed with you, you idiot!"

Ling Feng activated the power of chaos and transformed it into the laws of the ice system, cooling Chi Yan Kuang from the inside out. Then he warned in a deep voice: "Brother Chi, you don't have to be too nervous. After you leave, pick up the seniors." There should be a way."

Chi Yan trembled wildly and breathed out a few mouthfuls of white mist. The evil spirit had not yet broken out, but he had already lost half of his life.

"Let's leave this matter aside for now. As long as they are coming for the disciples of our seven major forces, they will inevitably surface one day."

Ren Tianhen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Let's discuss the next plan first."

After a pause, Ren Tianhen continued: "In addition to the mineral veins on this level and the hot spring pool on the twelfth level mentioned by Junior Brother Ling, I have carefully compared the resource points on the following levels, and they are definitely on the twelfth level. An ancient battlefield on the seventy-second floor has the richest resources, and some source artifact fragments may even be produced.”

"An ancient battlefield?"

Ling Feng took out the map of the 72nd floor, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then nodded, "Then, our next step is to occupy all the resource points on the 12th, 50th and 72nd floors, and be the first to occupy this place. Three levels are enough. In this way, our strength will not be too dispersed. Even if one of the resource points is besieged, other brothers on the same level can still watch and help each other. "

"Then let's divide them into groups first."

Ren Tianhen looked at everyone. According to Ling Feng's plan, they need to be divided into three groups. One group will guard this mine, and the other two groups need to move all the people on the 12th and 72nd floors. Capture all resource points.

"First of all, this layer. We have captured the most resource-rich mineral veins on this layer. The other resource points are not too difficult."

After thinking for a while, Ren Tianhen looked at Yuxu Immortal Lord Bai Luohuan and said, "Junior Brother Yuxu, this level is left to you. You can choose one more Sixth Imperial, three Nine Yao, plus one or two inner disciples. "Junior brother of the sect."


Bai Luohuan nodded, without thinking too much, and said directly: "Senior Brother Yufeng and I can coordinate with each other, so please help me guard this floor together."

"Haha, of course no problem."

Yufeng Immortal Lord nodded and smiled. In fact, Bai Luohuan's temperament was relatively withdrawn, and his talk of being able to cooperate was just a pretense. Among the six emperors, he was the only one who had a relatively friendly relationship with him.

"As for the rest..."

Bai Luohuan directly selected the three Jiuyao standing on his right, plus Wu Chengkong, who was the final selection.

After Bai Luohuan's team selection was completed, Ren Tianhen looked at Ling Feng again, thought for a while, and then said slowly: "Junior brother Ling, you are familiar with the situation in the hot spring pool, so you go to the twelfth floor. As for the team leader..."

After thinking for a moment, Ren Tianhen said slowly: "Junior Sister Liuli, please come. I believe that after a few days of cooperation, you have a tacit understanding."


Su Liuli narrowed her eyes and smiled, then nodded and agreed without thinking, "Junior Brother Ling, we are divided into the same team again!"

Ling Feng laughed a few times and said nothing.

However, Chi Yankuang directly grabbed Ling Feng's arm and said, "Brother Ling, I'd better follow you. You have great medical skills, so it's safer to follow you."


Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry, this guy really cherished his life.

However, following you may not necessarily mean you are safe.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng looked at Su Liuli, "It depends on what Senior Sister Liuli wants."


Su Liuli pursed her lips and smiled, "Then let Chi Yan Kuang join our team."

Soon, Su Liuli finished her choice. Without any suspense, she directly chose Ao Tianxin, the Dragon Immortal Lord with whom she had a good relationship.

In other words, the other Liu Yu in Ren Tianhen's team is the Sword Master Wang Teng.

"Junior Sister Qin, Junior Sister Wen, and..."

Su Liuli first selected all the female disciples in the team, then sifted through the remaining Jiuyao, and finally looked at Xiao Dingbang, the Glory of Qingmu.

"Junior Brother Xiao, it's just you."

"Yes, senior sister."

Xiao Dingbang is basically at the bottom among Jiuyao. After all, he majors in the law of wood and has relatively limited attack capabilities.

However, being able to become one of Jiuyao proves his strength and talent.

After Su Liuli completed the selection, the remaining people naturally joined Ren Tianhen's team. Their goal was to go to the 72nd floor and occupy the ancient battlefield.

"Okay, the grouping has been completed. After all the resource points on these three floors are occupied, we will follow Junior Brother Ling's previous plan and quietly recuperate, mine resources, and wait for the last three days."

A bright light flashed in Ren Tianhen's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "At the same time, let's not forget our previous plan! Tell me loudly, what should I do if I meet the guy from Dayu Xianting!"

"Get him!"

Everyone said in unison.

A sneer appeared on Ren Tianhen's lips, and he nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, next, without further ado, let's set off immediately, don't delay the opportunity!"


A group of disciples shouted loudly, and the three teams immediately split up.

In addition to the team led by Yuxu Immortal Lord Bai Luohuan, Su Liuli and Ren Tianhen took their disciples and flew away directly towards two different teleportation arrays.

When both teams disappeared without a trace, Bai Luohuan looked at Immortal Yufeng and said, "Senior Brother Yufeng, I will help you to guard this mine first. I will take a few junior brothers to capture other resource points."


Immortal Lord Yufeng nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be here and there won't be any mistakes."

It is sinking to the west day by day.

Because a detailed map had been drawn up before and the detailed location of each teleportation array was marked, so when Ling Feng and his party returned this time, they did not take any detours.

In addition, everyone strictly followed Ling Feng's plan and there were no extraneous matters. Therefore, about an hour later, the group finally arrived at the destination of their trip.

The twelfth floor area.

Because the second stage of the trial has only started for three days, so far, the competition in the lower 20 or 30 floors is still the most intense.

On the contrary, higher-rise places will be relatively calm.

However, the higher the space, the more powerful the beasts or formations will be at every resource point, guarded by spirits, and it is not easy to break through.

"finally reached!"

A hint of joy appeared on Chi Yan Kuang's face, "After we capture the hot spring, won't we be able to take a bath in the hot spring?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, this boy was quite enjoying it.


At this moment, Ao Tianxin snorted softly and said coldly: "If I take action, not only this floor, but also three or five floors can be captured casually. It doesn't matter what your kid's plan is." , it’s simply too conservative.”

Ling Feng sighed softly. He had made it very clear before that it was meaningless to be greedy for too much but unable to keep it.

This Ao Tianxin simply felt that his status was higher, but he had to listen to an inner disciple, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, Junior Brother Tianxin, Senior Brother Yushen has made it very clear, so please stop complaining."

Su Liuli rolled her eyes at Ao Tianxin. This guy had been muttering all the way, and almost couldn't help but take action several times.

Fortunately, he was the captain of this team, so he could barely control Ao Tianxin.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you face!"

Ao Tianxin shrugged, "Let's see this Immortal Lord show off his power soon!"

As he said that, Ao Tianxin was gearing up for a while. He could no longer hold back and wanted to have a good fight.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Firstly, this guy likes to show off, secondly, he wants to save face, and thirdly, he rushes recklessly.

It's just a difference in bloodline, otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to compare with Han Wenliang's hair.

They are both dragon descendants, but Han Wenliang has the blood of an evil dragon and is judged to be a descendant of the ancient demon. It is really an unfair fate.

Not long after, under Ling Feng's guidance, the group quickly arrived at the outskirts of the hot spring pool.

The smell of sulfur gives the air a warm and comfortable feeling, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing. All the spiritual flowers and grasses thrive under the nourishment of this hot spring spiritual pool.

As Ling Feng said, the quality and age of the spiritual flowers and herbs near the hot spring pool are impeccable.

However, in front of the valley outside the hot spring pool, a Xuanyuan flag has been planted, and it is actually the flag of Dayu Immortal Court.

"Dayu Xianting!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and Ao Tianxin summoned two hundred-foot giant dragons and flew into the air behind him.

"It's true that we are on opposite sides of the road! Hehe!"

A sneer hung from the corner of Ao Tianxin's lips, "Who is holding the line? Come forward for your Grandpa Tianxin!"

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