Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3600 Hiding deeply!

"We give up this battle!"

Mo Yixi took a deep breath and repeated it again. Ling Feng and Zhou Shaokun each stood on the side. It would be best for Qin Zu, whose strength was mysterious and unpredictable, to withdraw from the fight.

"Senior Brother Mo, I..."

Qin Zu's eyes gradually returned to clarity, and his figure began to slowly return to its original thin and dry appearance.

"Okay, you've done your best."

Mo Yixi patted Qin Zu's shoulder, took out a cloak and put it on Qin Zu's withered body.

Perhaps the strange beast planted in his body did bring him great power, but it also tortured him into a human form.

His eyes were very bright, but his face could only be sealed forever under the circles of white bandages, making it impossible to see anyone.

Qin Zu clenched his fists, a little unwilling, but he knew that in that situation, if Mo Yixi hadn't intervened, he might have lost control.

"Junior Sister Liuli, Senior Brother Yin!"

Mo Yixi cupped his fists and saluted Su Liuli and Yin Zhen, "In this case, I will take my leave first!"

He didn't know that after Ling Feng's survey, this hot spring pool was considered to be the top resource point among all the eighty-one-story spaces. Otherwise, I'm afraid he wouldn't have given up so easily.

But now that they had decided, they stopped staying and continued to look for the next suitable resource point.


Su Liuli and Yin Zhen also returned the favor. It was a good thing for them that the Xuntian Lei Clan could withdraw.

"This Junior Brother Ling is really hiding his secrets!"

Mo Yixi took another deep look at Ling Feng, then grabbed Qin Zu's shoulders, and immediately flew away with a group of disciples from the Sky Patrol Thunder Clan.

After a while, all the Thunder Clan disciples disappeared from sight. Ling Feng and Zhou Shaokun looked at each other. The battle between them had not yet decided the winner.

"Junior Brother Ling, please enlighten me!"

Zhou Shaokun held the ax in both hands, and with a low roar, he pounced directly on Ling Feng. His fighting style was as fierce as before, like a pig rushing forward.

It's a pity that although his strength and reflexes were very good, he met Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" has been practiced to the level of dragon bone. With the dragon bone casting and the overbearing dragon-elephant divine power, his strength is only stronger than Zhou Shaokun's in every move.

It can be said that all of Zhou Shaokun's abilities were crushed by Ling Feng in all aspects.

After only thirty moves, the ax in Zhou Shaokun's hand was knocked away by Ling Feng's sword, and the blade lay across Zhou Shaokun's neck, declaring that the outcome of this contest had been decided.

But Ling Feng still deliberately let go, otherwise, if he used his full strength to use the mass killing technique, at most three young masters, Zhou Shaokun would be defeated.

Compared with that monster Qin Zu, Zhou Shaokun is still far behind. His strength is only at the ordinary Jiuyao level.

"You win!"

Zhou Shaokun clenched his fists unwillingly, but still gritted his teeth and admitted defeat.

No matter how dissatisfied he was, he felt that the power he was most proud of had been lost to Ling Feng.

What's more, Ling Feng was already merciful and saved his face.

If he continues to pester, it will be too ungrateful.

"Senior Brother Zhou accepted."

Ling Feng sheathed his sword and stood up. With a flash of red light, all directions were destroyed and merged into his body.

Zhou Shaokun is a good opponent for him, but unfortunately, his ability is too single, which happens to hit his own strengths.

Defeat is also reasonable.


In the Tianzhi camp, Chi Yan was waving his fists excitedly and laughing.

Qin Yao and Wen Wanlin also smiled knowingly.

On the other hand, the Imperial Dragon Immortal Lord had a rather sour taste on his face.


Yin Zhen sighed softly, but he was still willing to admit defeat. He cupped his fists and saluted Su Liuli, "I am willing to admit defeat. Since Junior Brother Zhou lost, this hot spring pool belongs to Tianzhi."

After saying that, Yin Zhen turned around and left with the disciples of the Angel Patroller. But when he walked to Ling Feng, he stopped again, stared at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Then what Mo Yixi said That’s right, this junior brother really hides his secrets.”

After saying that, he smiled and patted Zhou Shaokun on the shoulder, "Junior brother Zhou, it's not shameful to lose to him! Hahaha..."

Amidst loud laughter, the disciples of the Xantian Mountain Clan also gradually walked away.

"Haha, Brother Ling, you really make us look good!"

Chi Yan Kuang immediately flew up to him and slapped Ling Feng on the back with a slap of a bear's paw. He said with joy, "I really admire you. How long has it been? I thought we could still fight back then." There have been times, but why have you become so powerful now?”

"Hehehe...lucky, lucky!"

Ling Feng laughed a few times. This was partly due to the fact that he was retaining his strength and letting go deliberately. Of course, the more important thing was that the great killing technique passed down to him by Yinxian Zun was too outrageous.

This is equivalent to making up for Ling Feng's inability to use Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, allowing him to display all his strength at will to a certain extent.

"Humph, it's just a small achievement, nothing to be proud of!"

Ao Tianxin snorted softly, rolled her waist and gave Ling Feng a white look, then strode into the hot spring pool behind the valley.

Ling Feng shrugged, naturally he wouldn't be as knowledgeable as a sissy like him.

"Let's go, let's go see the trophies that Junior Brother Ling won for us!"

Su Liuli pursed her lips and chuckled, then took out a Xuanyuan flag and inserted it. The blue barrier automatically opened, which also meant that this hot spring pool was temporarily the territory of the Tianzhi organization.

"Wow! This is not heaven!"

"Oh my God, isn't this Danyang Jade Qionghua?"

"Fresh hibiscus!"

Amid everyone's surprised cries, they finally arrived at the core of the hot spring pool.

As soon as the dim light flashed, the bitch uncontrollably emerged from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Looking at the various spiritual plants on the ground, he was so excited that his eyes were filled with green light.

"Everyone, please note that these materials must be collected centrally and distributed uniformly when the time comes."

Su Liuli loudly reminded everyone that they should be more careful now than when they were surveying before.

Ling Feng also heard what Su Liuli meant, grabbed the donkey by the tail, and said coldly: "Donkey, calm down!"

"Hmph! I'm sorry!"

The bitch cursed lowly, but still nodded, "I know, I know, this divine beast is that kind of person!"

" are not human..."

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, but he didn't say it clearly. This bitch had many ways to hide his secrets, and the safest way was of course to throw him back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

But with many donkeys and two pairs of hooves, this guy's collecting speed is beyond compare.

At this moment, I heard Chi Yan yelling wildly from behind, "Look, look, look, there seems to be a cave under this hot spring!"


After everyone heard this, they were all attracted by Chi Yan. Only that bitch, whose hooves were dirty, took advantage of everyone not looking at him and began to sneak into his Dantian space to hide his secrets.

Ling Feng turned a blind eye. Anyway, he got half of it when he met. No matter how much the bitch hid, he had to have his own share.


With a slight cough, Ling Feng flew down next to Chi Yankuang, followed where Chi Yankuang's finger pointed, and took a closer look.

Sure enough, under the hot spring, there was a dark whirlpool, and a trace of void tidal power actually escaped from it.

Sure enough, as Chi Yankuang said, under this hot spring, there is no need to use the cave!

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