Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3601 Time and Space Snake!

Since it is a hot spring, it is naturally not bottomless.

There are nearly two hundred springs, large and small, in the entire valley, and what Chi Yan Kuang is pointing to right now is the largest one among them.

Bubbles bubbled at the bottom of the spring, and the dense smoke was mixed with the smell of sulfur, as well as traces of the extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

If you hadn't observed carefully, you might not have been able to discover the clues under the hot spring.

"How about Senior Sister Liuli, do you want to go down and take a look?"

Chi Yankuang was gearing up a bit, turned back to look at Su Liuli, and said excitedly: "Maybe there is some treasure inside!"

Su Liuli pondered for a moment. She didn't want to add too much trouble. After all, their goal was to occupy all the resource points on this entire floor. Now they have only completed the first step. They still need to continue to allocate personnel and continue to occupy all the resource points in this layer of space. To occupy.

But then I thought, if there is any threat hidden at the bottom of the hot spring, then we should concentrate our efforts first and solve the trouble later.

Otherwise, when they go out to conquer other resource points, and some monster suddenly emerges from the bottom of the hot spring pool, wouldn't it be a fire in the backyard.

"That's fine."

After thinking for a while, Su Liuli nodded and said slowly: "Who is willing to go down and find out?"


Chi Yankuang immediately raised his hand, "Senior Sister Liuli, I am willing to go down!"

He majored in the law of fire, and places like hot spring pools were his home field.

"Okay, count you in."

Su Liuli nodded slightly and looked at Ling Feng again, "Junior Brother Ling, those who are capable work hard. You can go down with him."


Ling Feng smiled helplessly and had no objection.

"As for Tianxin, there are also Junior Sisters Qin and Junior Sisters Wen, let's just stay up there and wait and see what happens."

If there is really a strange beast hidden at the bottom of the pool, it has been hiding in this medicine garden for countless thousands of years, devouring all kinds of spiritual flowers, spiritual herbs, and treasures from heaven and earth every day. Its own strength must be extremely terrifying. .

On the other hand, it must be full of treasures, especially its precious blood, which has been refined into the medicinal power of countless treasures from heaven and earth, so it is naturally extraordinary.

Of course, this is only one possibility.

Or perhaps, there is some special spiritual creature from heaven and earth hidden inside, which maintains the unusually abundant spiritual energy here.

"Yes, senior sister!"

Wen Wanlin and Qin Yao responded in unison.

Ao Tianxin pinched the orchid flower with his fingers and said angrily: "You two, be smart and don't hold back!"

"Yes, dragon master—brother!"

Although Chi Yankuang was unhappy, he still nodded honestly, but he did not dare to be hard-hearted with Ao Tian.

He deliberately lengthened his tone and wanted to call him "Senior Sister", but in the end he didn't mess around, lest this damn sissy bite him and it would be bad.

Ling Feng shrugged, and immediately jumped into the hot spring pool with a "pop" sound.

"Hey, Brother Ling, wait for me!"

Chi Yankuang hurriedly followed up, plunged into the water with a fierce thrust, and then controlled his body to sink quickly.

The hot spring pool was only about two hundred meters deep, and the overall area was not very wide. After a while, Ling Feng and the two found the gap where the void tide escaped.

This is more like a portal leading to the unknown.

The two exchanged glances at the bottom of the pool, and were about to enter the void crack to find out. At this moment, a hot breath suddenly splashed out from the crack.


Chi Yan Kuang's expression changed, and he felt a terrifying power sweeping over him, and then, it seemed as if his whole body had hit an ancient sacred mountain.

He exclaimed in fright, and Sayazi quickly retreated.

However, the next moment, a black shadow seemed to shroud from the sky, and the whole world became dark.

It seemed like I was plunged into eternal night in an instant.

"What's happening here?"

Outside the hot spring pool, everything was originally very calm, and everyone was looking at the two people at the bottom of the pool very relaxedly, but suddenly, the entire hot spring pool was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

The originally crystal clear water seemed to have turned into a black quagmire, and the billowing mist had turned into a miasma as dark as ink.

In an instant, it was like changing from a fairyland to a demonic realm.


Su Liuli shouted low, and Ao Tianxin immediately understood. He opened his hands, and suddenly a fire dragon rose into the sky.

The next moment, the fire dragon suddenly turned around from high in the sky and crashed into the hot spring pool below.

Hoo ho ho!

The flowing flames stirred up strong winds in mid-air. The storm swept through and seemed to blow away some black smoke, but the scene below was even more strange!

The water in the pool that was still steaming seemed to have turned into hard blue-black crystal. It no longer bubbled or flowed, and seemed to have completely solidified.

"This is……"

Ao Tianxin's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it, and he controlled the fire dragon to continue to hit it downwards.

However, when the fire dragon hit the pool water, the imaginary impact sound did not come.

The fire dragon crashed into the solidified pond water very easily. However, as its huge body submerged into the pond water little by little, Ao Tianxin found that he had completely lost control of the fire dragon.

This feeling is as if it has been caught in the turbulence of time and space, and is not in the same time and space as itself at all.


Ao Tianxin swallowed with great difficulty, "How is it possible? The time and space under this pool of water..."


Su Liuli also showed an extremely solemn look, "The solidification of time and space, this law of manipulating the power of time and space, actually appears here. It's incredible!"

"What should we do?"

Qin Yao became a little anxious, "Junior brother Ling... they are still down there!"

"There is no way..."

Su Liuli sighed softly, "The laws of time and space are superior to all other laws. To us outsiders, it's just that the time and space of this hot spring pool is sealed, but to those who fall into it, it's probably like It is to fall into the eternal night, even one's own consciousness is completely frozen, without life or death..."

After a pause, Su Liuli slowly said two more words, "Unless..."

"Unless what?"

Qin Yao asked quickly.

"No, it's too late..."

Su Liuli sighed softly, "If Senior Brother Yuxu is here, there may be a little chance, but even if we find him now, I am afraid that it will be difficult to save the fire from far away..."

Everyone fell into despair for a moment. Even Ao Tianxin, who had always disliked Ling Feng, his face became serious.

But at this moment, under the hot spring, it was just as Su Liuli said.

Time and space were sealed, and for almost an instant, Chi Yan Kuang's entire body was frozen in place like a statue.

But he did not sink, because the water here was also sealed by the power of time and space.

The entire hot spring pool now looks like a huge...


Everything inside was stagnant in its original position.

Water no longer flows.

Matter no longer has weight.

All original attributes disappear and become meaningless.

Originally, Ling Feng might have been like Chi Yan Kuang, losing himself in this eternal solidification, without birth or death.

But at the moment when the power of time and space was solidified, the imprint of time and space hidden deep in Ling Feng's spiritual sea protected his own consciousness.

That time and space brand was passed down by Taixu Zhoulong. Although it may only possess one hundred millionth of the divine power of Taixu Zhoulong, its grade is still at the Ancestral Dragon level. .

As a distant ancestor who controls the power of time and space, the mark of Taixu Zhoulong is more than enough to protect Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts from being frozen by the power of time and space.

But even so, Ling Feng lost control of his body for the first time.

Even with all his strength, he could barely control one finger to move slightly.

The next moment, in this frozen time and space, a long and narrow shadow suddenly appeared, slowly emerging from the crack in time and space.

It was a black snake about two meters long. From the appearance, it did not have a huge size like other ferocious beasts, but it possessed the mysterious power of time and space!

The black snake was swimming in the frozen time and space, and its pair of pitch-black eyes were like black gems, shining with a dark luster.

It quickly approached, wrapped around Chi Yan Kuang's body, and then "whooshed" again, suddenly appeared in front of Ling Feng.


The black snake spat out a snake letter and swept across Ling Feng's cheek, finally flashing a hint of excitement.

The next moment, Ling Feng felt that his body was suddenly entangled in circles by the black snake. The arrogant and terrifying force seemed to crush all his bones into pieces.

This black snake obviously noticed that Ling Feng had a very unique energy in his body, so he decided to devour Ling Feng first.

The black snake wrapped around him tighter and tighter, making Ling Feng's breathing more and more difficult.

He knew that if it continued like this, its physical body would probably die.

Soon, he will become a delicious meal on the plate of this black snake.

Thinking about how I have encountered no difficulties and obstacles along the way, why would I end up dying here in such a useless way?

Not willing to accept it!

He gritted his teeth with hatred, and a surge of anger surged in his chest.


Grit your teeth!

The next moment, Ling Feng seemed to realize something. In his anger, he actually broke through the shackles of the power of time and space.

At least, my teeth can still move!

The black snake obviously didn't notice that his prey was still unconscious.

It is also impossible to imagine.

Just when his body wrapped around Ling Feng's head and was about to crush his head, Ling Feng suddenly opened his mouth and bit the demon snake's body fiercely.

Perhaps due to luck, Ling Feng bit the black snake seven inches away, and then, strong blood plasma exploded in his mouth, and the fishy smell went straight to the top of his head.

However, Ling Feng could no longer control that much. He began to sip crazily. The only thing he could move now was his mouth. All he could do was to suck up all the blood of this demonic snake as quickly as possible.

Maybe in that case, he still has a chance of survival.

"I suck! I suck!!!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and poured all the snake's blood into his mouth. The black snake twisted crazily in pain, and its body continued to increase its strength, trying to crush Ling Feng directly.

One person and one snake are all locked in the most primitive fighting struggle for their own lives.

And how did Ling Feng know that this black snake had devoured countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures here? Its blood might be fishy, ​​but the medicinal power inside was more than ten times stronger than the fairy wine given by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

A wave of heat melted in the body, and Ling Feng felt that his strength was expanding more and more, and even his hands and feet began to gradually regain consciousness.

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