Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3602 Silver Dragon Tendon!

One person and one snake are in a stalemate. Survival inspires primitive instincts, which is enough to turn humans into cruel beasts.

Ling Feng frantically devoured the snake's blood, and the bones on his body were crushed one by one by the strange power of the black snake.

The pain intensified Ling Feng's ferocity. Not only did he suck blood, he also bit the black snake alive and swallowed it all into his belly.

At this moment, Ling Feng only had one thought in his mind, either you torture me to death first, or I eat you first!

I don't know how much time has passed, but Black Snake's power seems to have been exhausted, but Ling Feng's hands and feet have gradually regained consciousness.

His two palms grabbed the black snake like iron pliers, sucked out the last mouthful of blood, and then pulled the black snake violently and tore it apart, and actually tore out a long silver-white line in one bite.

This is an object similar to tendons. Generally speaking, snakes do not have so-called "snake tendons", but this black snake does have tendons.

This also means that this black snake has begun to transform into a dragon to a certain extent.

Only the demon snake that transforms into a dragon will grow dragon tendons, dragon bones, and finally dragon claws and dragon horns.

And this "dragon tendon" must be a rare treasure!

The silver lines shone with a faint sheen and were full of toughness. No matter how hard they were pulled or even bitten hard with their teeth, they could not damage the dragon tendons at all.

As for the black snake, after Ling Feng pulled out its dragon tendons, its vitality quickly began to dissipate, and it let out a low mournful sound.

The power of time and space solidification gradually dissipated, and the originally frozen time and space gradually released its seal.

The water began to flow again and the hot springs continued to bubble.

Everything finally returned to normal.


Chi Yan's screams of exclamation were heard not far away, and he wanted to say something, but it seemed as if nothing had happened just now.

"What happened just now? I seemed to have hit something?"

Chi Yan scratched the back of his head crazily. In a state where time and space were frozen, his consciousness was also sealed. Naturally, he would not know what he had just experienced.

Only Ling Feng knew that they had gone through hell.

The body of the black snake gradually sank to the bottom of the hot spring pool. Its blood had been sucked dry by him, and the dragon tendons that had condensed its essence were also drawn out by himself.

Just leave it intact.

Ling Feng shook his head. He originally thought about taking the black snake back to make a snake soup or something, but after thinking about it, he decided not to. We are also kind people.

"what is that?"

Watching a black shadow slowly sinking, Chi Yankuang couldn't help but look at Ling Feng curiously and asked.

"It's nothing, it's not important anymore."

Ling Feng shrugged, put away the dragon tendon in his hand, and said with a faint smile: "Let's go back, there is nothing down there, I just saw it wrong."

"I read it wrong?"

Chi Yankuang didn't believe it, but he couldn't explain the reason, so he could only nodded, "Well, since there is nothing, there is no need to go down anymore."

On the other side, in the hot spring pool, Su Liuli and others were worried and anxious. In the state of time and space frozen, if they went in rashly, they would undoubtedly die in vain.

Even though Immortal Yuxu may have some ideas, it is difficult to save the fire from afar. By the time Immortal Yuxu comes, Ling Feng and the others will probably be dead.

For a moment, everyone was at a loss. They didn't expect that there was such a crisis hidden in this small hot spring pool.

I'm afraid that this time, Ling Feng and Chi Yankuang will both die here.

The Qijue Immortal List is indeed no small matter. Even the disciples of the seven super powers cannot guarantee that they will be unscathed here.

Even if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Just when everyone couldn't help but feel sorry for Ling Feng, lamenting that this rising star, who might have had the opportunity to grow into a powerful person like Yushenxianjun and others, actually lost his life here in vain.

At this moment, the dim light shrouding the hot spring suddenly dissipated.


The hot springs resumed their flow, and the sound of bubbles rising and bursting seemed to be the most beautiful music in the world to their ears.

"The seal that solidified time and space has been released!"

Qin Yao was the first to notice, pointing to the hot spring and exclaimed loudly.

Everyone looked in disbelief. No one knew what Ling Feng and the others had gone through at the bottom of the pool, but they might have saved their lives.

The next moment, only two "bang bang" explosions were heard as Chi Yan Kuang and Ling Feng burst out of the hot spring water one after the other.

"Junior Brother Ling, Junior Brother Chi!"

A strange color flashed in Su Liuli's eyes, and then she exclaimed: "You guys are out! What happened down there just now?"


Chi Yan scratched the back of his head crazily, with a look of helplessness on his face, "Actually, I don't know what happened, but when I was about to sink below, I suddenly felt a strange sense of oppression, making me breathless, but it seemed that the next moment, It seems like he disappeared without a trace again?”

"That's it?"

Ao Tianxin's eyes widened, "You guys know, you have been at the bottom of the pool for half an hour!"


Chi Yan was startled, "Half an hour? I thought it was only about thirty breaths. What is going on?"

"Just now, the power of time and space in the entire hot spring pool suddenly went out of control, and was directly sealed by the law of time and space solidification. It is normal for you not to feel the passage of time in it, but..."

Su Liuli narrowed her eyes and looked at Ling Feng, "How did you get out?"

"have no idea."

Chi Yan shook his head wildly, "I really don't know anything."

Ling Feng also echoed: "Yes, Senior Brother Chi and I had similar feelings. After we went down, we suddenly seemed to bump into something, and then we weren't quite sure what happened."

"Wait a moment!"

Ao Tianxin suddenly came closer and sniffed carefully around Ling Feng, "There's a smell."

The other women blinked and seemed to be vaguely aware of something strange.

"It smells of blood!"

Suddenly, Ao Tianxin blurted out.


Ling Feng quickly explained with a smile: "It's just a demon snake. I found a demon snake down there and killed it casually. Brother Chi Yan, didn't you also see a black shadow sinking? That's That demonic snake. Because there’s nothing special about this demonic snake, I won’t say anything about it.”

Ling Feng justified himself calmly.

It’s not that he is a villain and wants to hide it deliberately, but the power of time and space is too mysterious and is one of his biggest trump cards. As for Taixu Zhoulong’s time and space imprint, naturally the less people know about it, the better. .

He has swallowed the precious blood of the black snake, and his body contains huge demonic power, which is enough to support him to break through to the peak of the Dao Fruit Realm in a short time, and even after reaching the Immortal Lord Realm, he can exert huge residual power.

That dragon tendon is also a treasure, and Ling Feng has no intention of dividing it up.

After all, this is something you have to fight for with your life.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, deliberately pretending to be stupid is also a good choice.

Regardless of whether they believe it or not, if you don't let go, no one can do anything to you.

"Yes, yes, there is a dark shadow."

The upright Chi Yan nodded repeatedly, "It turned out to be just a demon snake. Its aura was too weak, so I didn't pay attention."

"The smell of blood is probably from killing the demonic snake."

Ling Feng shrugged, "There doesn't seem to be anything unusual down there. If you don't believe it, Senior Brother Yulong, go and find out for yourself."


The face of Yulongxianjun changed, "Do you think I don't dare? I..."

Immortal Yulong gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng for a long time. Finally, he still felt guilty. He coughed a few times and said, "I just think it's unnecessary!"

Just because Ling Feng was able to escape from the seal that was solidified in the sky, it doesn't mean that he also has such good luck.

Maybe, this kid escaped just by luck, and he couldn't take this risk again.

Otherwise, isn't that a joke about your life?

Ling Feng smiled and said nothing, and did not expose Yulong Immortal Lord. He just said lightly: "Senior brother is right. Since there is nothing down there, there is no need to waste time."


Suddenly, Ling Feng blinked, scanned the crowd, and couldn't help but said, "Where's that bitch?"

"Yeah, where did the black donkey go?"

Only then did everyone realize that Ling Feng and the others had been down there for more than half an hour. Everyone was gathered around the hot spring worried, and even the black donkey could not be seen.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and knew where this guy had gone with his toes.

This medicine garden is filled with natural treasures, countless spiritual flowers and spiritual fruits. When no one is paying attention, the bastard must have gone crazy searching for it!


Ling Feng looked up to the sky and roared. The next moment, he saw a dark head suddenly poked out from among the flowers about a few hundred feet away. The mane on it had fallen out, but there were only two bulges. Abnormal bulges, like two ugly meat bags, rest on the back of the head.

After all these years, this guy's horns are still not fully formed and have transformed into dragon horns, so he has always had a circle of cloth wrapped around his forehead.

At this moment, this guy was probably so excited that he burrowed into the bushes and lost all the cloth on his forehead.

"What...what happened?"

The bitch's mouth was bulging, and green juice was still dripping from his lips, but he yawned with a tired look on his face, "I'm just sleepy. I'll take a nap. Is it okay?"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly. They were confused at first, then their facial expressions became more and more distorted, and finally they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Junior Brother Ling, this spiritual pet you raised turns out to be the legendary bald donkey!"

"Hahaha, no wonder he keeps wrapping his head with a piece of cloth. I'm still wondering, it turns out he's a bald donkey!"

"Pfft, hahaha, donkeys also shed their hair?"

Everyone was laughing wildly, and Ling Feng's face turned red from suppressing his expression. He wanted to laugh but still held it back.

After all, when I digested his bald donkey before, this bitch had been suffering from donkey plague for several months, and was getting at odds with me and showing off his temper.

Now that so many people are making fun of me, I can't help but get angry.

Sure enough, the bitch raised his hooves and looked at his forehead, and found that the cloth was missing. He quickly pulled down the donkey's ears, covered his forehead, and roared hysterically, "You're laughing your ass off!"

However, when he opened his mouth, all the various fruit pulps that were stuffed in his mouth fell out at once. The charge of stealing was confirmed.

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