Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3603 Destined by fate?

Half an hour later.

Three figures were flying along a mountain range, two people and one donkey. The black donkey flying on the right had a thick strip of cloth wrapped around its head and a black face, although the expression could not be seen. But his expression was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"You guys are the same. You can eat on the sly, but you don't know how to restrain yourself."

Ling Feng turned around and glanced at Jianlu. This guy still looked unwilling. Little did he know that if it weren't for him, he would have been "kicked out" by others.

But it turned out that not long ago, the team continued to be distributed and divided into three groups for action.

One group guards the medicine garden and collects supplies, while the other two groups naturally go to various places to capture all the resource points in this layer.

In each layer of the area, there will be three high-level resource points, and there are other three to five small and medium-sized resource points.

In the final calculation of results, if all three resource points on a certain floor are occupied, the points will be ten points.

Medium resource points, one point.

Small resource points, no points.

Therefore, in the end, only large resource points can determine the ranking results.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as protecting those relatively weak forces from making a trip in vain. If the seven super-first-class forces eat meat, they can at least drink some soup.

Back to business.

Originally, Ling Feng naturally wanted to stay in the medicine garden to guard it. After all, as an alchemist, the various high-level spiritual flowers and herbs here were the best materials. He even had the urge to start the alchemy directly.

But just because of the cheap donkey, other people naturally cannot allow a thief to stay. Wouldn't that be like putting a mouse in a rice vat?

Being implicated by the cheap donkey, Ling Feng was transferred out, and together with Chi Yan Kuang, went to the southwest area of ​​​​this layer to occupy an immortal mineral vein.

Because this layer is also the area that Ling Feng has surveyed before. The vein produces an ore called Star Refining Stone. This ore is an excellent material for refining weapons and has extremely strong toughness. Generally used to add to some soft armor and leather armor, it is a very good material for defensive magic weapon armor.

Although the resources are more limited, they are also very rare materials.

After all, for every monk, registration is the most important thing. If your life is lost, everything will be meaningless.

Hearing Ling Feng's words to teach him a lesson, Bitch still looked unconvinced. Instead, he snorted angrily: "Don't talk to this beast! This beast doesn't want to talk to you!"

Ling Feng smiled helplessly. This guy was still angry. He was trying to reason with him, but he was trying to reason with his emotions.

He is indeed a bitch!

It seems that he probably knows that he is in the wrong.

"Haha, Brother Bald Donkey, you are so stingy. You just smiled and said a few words. Is it necessary to be angry until now?"

Chi Yan Kuang chuckled, scratched his thick hair coquettishly, and said with a smile: "Isn't it just a little hair loss? It's a trivial matter!"

The corner of the bitch's mouth twitched, this guy is simply killing people... Oh no, killing a donkey will cut your heart!


I saw white mist blowing out of the nostrils of the bitch, and he glared at Chi Yan Kuang, "You red-haired monster, say it again!"

"Hey, red hair is better than no hair."

Chi Yankuang is also very cheap, especially after getting to know Ling Feng, he has no moral integrity at all.

"Okay, okay, let's all calm down for a while!"

Shaking his head and giving a wry smile, Ling Feng speeded up and quickly occupied the mineral vein of the star refining stone, which was the most important thing.

After all the large resource points on this layer are occupied, you can properly occupy some medium-sized resource points.

Affected by the hot spring, the overall spiritual energy of heaven and earth on this layer is extremely abundant, so in addition to the medicine garden in the valley, there are several other medicine gardens that are also good.

After occupying the mineral vein, throw it to Chiyan Kuang, and then you can play freely.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng smiled heartily, and his speed suddenly increased a lot.

About half an hour later, the two of them and one donkey finally arrived at their destination.

This vein of Star Refining Stone is hidden deep under a river valley in the intersection of two mountains. It spans about thirty to fifty miles. There is a very complete vein of Star Refining Stone buried here, and the output is rich. It is a very wealthy country. veins.

However, when they arrived, they clearly found that another team was coming from the other direction at the same time.

Not only that, there was a Xuanyuan flag planted at the entrance of the river valley.

Judging from the logo on the Xuanyuan Flag, it does not belong to any of the other six super-first-class forces. It should be a certain first-class force.

"I didn't expect that someone got there first."

Chi Yankuang frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter if you get there first, but there are other people eyeing this piece of fat, so it's a bit tricky."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at the team that was flying quickly.

That familiar aura, domineering and fiery, completely overwhelmed the fire laws of Chi Yan Kuang.

You don't need to look to know that only the Xuntian Fire Clan has such oppressive power.

"It's the Xuntian Fire Clan!"

Chi Yankuang took a deep breath, and his expression became even more solemn, "The Sky Patrol Fire Tribe is also here, it's going to be difficult!"

However, it is fortunate that the leader is not Cao Yan, the first genius of Xuntian Fire Tribe. Otherwise, Ling Feng would have no choice but to pat his butt and leave.

But there was still one person that Ling Feng was quite concerned about. It was Cao Wuxie, who had had some conflicts with him before.

"It's that guy!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Cao Wuxie was arrogant and unreasonable, and his mind was a little wrong. The only way to deal with him was to defeat him completely. There was no reason to explain.

When you meet other people, you might be able to send a disciple to compete in a competition. The winner will stay and the loser will leave. It doesn't hurt the harmony.

But this Cao Yan will definitely come up with a lot of fallacies. In short, he is the only one in the world who has the truth.

Troublesome guy!

Ling Feng sighed softly, and saw that there were a total of five disciples of the Xuntian Fire Tribe in this team, and the leader among them was not Cao Wuxie, but another man named Yan Jiuchuan.

When introducing the masters of other major forces before, Yufeng Immortal Lord also briefly introduced this Yan Jiuchuan.

Although this person is not as famous as Cao Yan, he is still the best among the geniuses of his generation.

Cao Yan can safely leave Cao Wuxie, a thorn in the side, to Yan Jiuchuan to manage him. It must be his strength that can completely suppress Cao Wuxie.

"It's that boy!"

From a distance, Cao Wuxie apparently spotted Ling Feng and the others. He suddenly accelerated his speed and rushed directly to the entrance of the valley. He immediately shouted in the direction of Ling Feng, "First come, first served, do you understand? Get out of here!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "First come, first served, you really have double standards."

If he followed his principles, then the force that occupied this place first should be the master of this valley.

At this time, the monk who was guarding the Xuanyuan Flag at the entrance of the river valley shivered when he saw the Xantian Fire Clan and Tianzhi disciples arriving, and pulled up the Xuanyuan Flag without saying a word.

In an instant, the barrier closed, and about twenty or thirty monks flew out from the valley.

It seems that there is not only one force here, but several forces forming an alliance. No wonder they have the courage to occupy such a large resource point.

However, they were still very sensible, and when they saw a master coming, they gave up their position honestly.

"what's the situation?"

"Who the hell pulled down the Xuanyuan flag!"

The monks inside were swearing and flying out, with angry expressions on their faces. However, when they saw the Xuntian Fire Clan and the Tianzhi disciples, they suddenly became friendly again.

" turns out to"

One of the men, who was slightly fat, stopped on the water and almost fell into the water because of the lack of mana flow.

The fat man swayed on the water for a while before regaining control of his breath. He swallowed hard and left without saying a word, taking his fellow disciples with him.

The other monks from various sects who formed a temporary team also left one after another. As the so-called gods fight, mortals suffer. The Tianzhi and the Xuntian Fire Tribe fight, and if they stay, they will only be beaten.

It's just a pity that so many of them have worked so hard and have just dug the mine. Before they can enjoy the fruits of victory, the masters of Tianzhi and Xantian Fire Tribe are here.

"Hmph, I guess you guys are wise!"

Cao Wuxie looked proud. Although he didn't take these people seriously, they could leave obediently and avoid doing anything themselves.

"Hey, you two, you'd better get out of here!"

Cao Wuxie glared at Ling Feng and issued an eviction order without any ceremony, as if he was already the master of this territory.

Ling Feng shrugged and was too lazy to argue with this person. He was mentally ill and couldn't understand people's words at all.

What's more, the one with the decision-making power is obviously Yan Jiuchuan.

At this moment, Ling Feng actually saw a few old acquaintances among the monks flying out of the valley.

It was Cihang, Jingzhai, Yu, Shiwei and Fengling, the two senior sisters!

It's them again?

Ling Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. It was obvious that the person Fengling least wanted to see was Cao Wuxie, but God's will made them meet everywhere.

Yu Shiwei originally saw Ling Feng, with a smile on her face, but soon she also discovered Cao Wuxie, quickly blocked Feng Ling behind her, gritted her teeth and said, "Senior sister, it's that guy!"

In fact, even if Yu Shiwei needed to remind her, Feng Ling had already begun to tremble and huddle behind Yu Shiwei.

"Why again..."

Feng Ling was about to cry, but she wanted to hide at this moment, but it was too late.

Sure enough, Cao Wuxie glanced at Fengling and immediately locked on Fengling. Then he burst out laughing. He didn't bother to talk to Lingfeng anymore, so he rushed in front of Fengling and Yu Shiwei and grabbed him. He grabbed Feng Ling's arm and said, "Haha, Feng Ling, you see, this is called fate, we are destined to be together, so don't lie to yourself, okay!"

here we go again……

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This seemed to be the third time the same farce happened.

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