Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3609 Reappearance! Eight swords in one!

"Junior Brother Ling, did you hear that? You are shouldering the important mission of our Tianzhi, come on!"

Su Liuli held her hands in front of her mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted loudly towards Ling Feng who was fighting fiercely in the air.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, dodged Cao Wuxie's shot, and couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart.

This woman can really cause trouble for him. If she does this, it will mean that he has no way out. He must win.

Originally, Ling Feng thought of putting on a show, but in the end he simply let Cao Wuxie beat him by one and a half moves, which not only allowed Cao Wuxie to vent his anger, but also concealed his true strength so that he would not be too conspicuous.

After all, Cao Wuxie will be useless in a few years. He has nothing to argue with "Eunuch Cao".

But Su Liuli actually tied his victory or defeat directly to Tianzhi's ability to occupy the mineral vein of the Star Refining Stone. If he lost, wouldn't it mean that he had ruined his entire plan?

"This woman is really bad!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly. In this case, he couldn't be beaten passively.

At this moment, Cao Wuxie had determined that Ling Feng was the adulterer who had cuckolded him, and he had already become red-eyed. Wherever the flaming spear in his hand passed, it was like a fire dragon crossing the sky, and the sky was dyed red, like a It's like the end is coming.

"Cao Wuxie, I'm only going to say it once, I have nothing to do with that girl Fengling, believe it or not!"

In Ling Feng's hands, all directions were wiped out. Although he was not bad at playing with fire, but if he had to deal with a reckless man like Cao Wuxie, relying on the power of swallowing flames, he might not be able to end the battle for a while.

"Six annihilations without self!"

Above the sword edge, a cold light flashed. In an instant, the killing sword domain opened. Ling Feng once again performed the killing technique, and his whole aura suddenly changed dramatically.

Senhan's domineering aura swept over him.

Even Cao Wuxie, who had fallen into a state of madness, seemed to be much calmer.

A look of solemnity flashed across his eyes. Although his character was paranoid, violent, reckless and impulsive, his fighting talent was not low.

At the first moment, Cao Wuxie noticed that Ling Feng's current state was completely different from before.

If I continue to attack blindly, I am afraid that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

"Boy, even if you show your ability to press the bottom of the box, you are destined to die in my hands!"

Cao Wuxie shouted low, and the tip of his spear was like a wild dragon rising out of the sea, sweeping a trail of flames and piercing the void.

"The mad dragon ascends to heaven!"

Amidst the violent shouting, Cao Wuxie seemed to be integrated with the spear in his hand. Above the sky, there was only fire light, sweeping across the sky and the earth, the hot breath burning the air, waves of heat blowing away, and heat waves swept across The earth, the green grassland surrounding the river valley, turned into a scorched yellow almost instantly, and the next moment, it turned into ashes, leaving black dust all over the ground.

"I want to die!"

Cao Wuxie stared at Ling Feng with both eyes, almost as if his eyeballs were about to pop out of his pupils.

Ling Feng pointed his sword into the sky and floated in mid-air with his hands behind his back, just waiting quietly for the fire dragon transformed by Cao Wuxie to attack, not dodging or dodging.

At the critical moment, Ling Feng gently swung the long sword in his hand, and fire spewed out from the sword's edge.

"Li Huo Liao Tian!"

After merging the fragments of Tianchu, Ling Feng understood the more advanced "Nine Techniques of Tianchu", but rarely used the sword move of Destruction in All Directions anymore.

But this does not mean that this swordsmanship cannot keep up with Ling Feng's level.

Destruction in All Directions is Ling Feng's companion heavenly weapon, and this set of swordsmanship naturally has the potential for unlimited growth.

"Playing with fire?"

Cao Wuxie sneered. In terms of the Xantian Fire Clan's mastery of the laws of fire, they can undoubtedly be called the ancestors who played with fire.

Ling Feng actually used fire-based swordsmanship to fight against him, which was simply humiliating himself.

But soon, Cao Wuxie discovered that Ling Feng's original fire was different from other ordinary fires.

Not only does it have a hint of devouring power, but it seems to be trying to swallow up all his Sky Patrol Divine Fire. What's even more frightening is that there is even a trace of the power of the Ancestral Dragon mixed in the flames.

This is the power of the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire!

With one sword move, the overbearing flames condensed into a huge sword, which seemed to be about to kill the red flame dragon that Cao Wuxie had transformed into with one sword strike.

"Boy, you are so naive!"

Cao Wuxie had almost reached Ling Feng, and there was no room for change.

Seeing the hundred-foot giant sword in Ling Feng's hand, he was about to chop off the dragon's head with one strike.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The spear in Cao Wuxie's hand flew out, still rushing towards Ling Feng with a devastating force.

But his true body escaped from the fire dragon.

call out!

A pillar of blazing flames shot up into the sky, and Cao Wuxie soared thousands of feet into the sky in an instant, like a red sun, hanging high in the sky.

"Reincarnation Sword Slash!"

Ling Feng snorted lightly, swept the sword edge, and the giant sword whirled in the void. He aimed at the giant dragon transformed by the flames and slashed down with one sword.


There was a violent collision, and the sparks of the explosion spread out, almost completely covering the sky for thousands of miles in firelight.

The flaming giant sword directly cut the dragon's body into two pieces. The flaming dragon, which was hundreds of feet tall, was also annihilated in mid-air, and finally turned into black smoke billowing upwards.

This confrontation was barely evenly matched.


On one side of the river valley, Chi Yankuang was breaking out in a cold sweat. Everyone was playing with fire, but the gap between him, Ling Feng and Cao Wuxie was as big as a world of difference.

A layer of light blue light enveloped Su Liuli's body, covering both her and Chi Yan Kuang. A glimmer of approval flashed through her beautiful eyes.

This is definitely a combat power that has touched the threshold of the Six Imperial Guards.

"This little junior brother is really not that simple."

On the other side, Yan Jiuchuan also secretly admired that he was able to compare with the geniuses of their patrolling Fire Clan in the law of fire.

If this kid can recruit me to patrol the Sky Fire Clan, he will be able to achieve great results.

It's a pity that he is a disciple of Tianzhi.

"Boy, you really have some abilities. If you weren't a shameless person who stole my woman, I might even sit down and have a drink with you and make you my friend!"

Cao Wuxie stared at Ling Feng coldly, "However, your character is really despicable. You have repeatedly slandered me in front of Fengling, causing Fengling to misunderstand me and alienate me. All of this is thanks to you." . It is said that it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage. How can you do such a shameless thing? Do you still have moral integrity? "


Ling Feng almost laughed out of anger at this guy's remarks. How about conscience and morality?

It seems that Cao Wuxie does not have these two things!

"Why, are you embarrassed by my righteous words? Do you know your mistake now?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Is this guy's self-consistent logic really so magical?

Was his brain congenitally underdeveloped, or did his parents accidentally throw away the fetus when he was born, but let the placenta grow?

In short, this guy is not normal!

"But it's too late to regret it. I, Cao Wuxie, will make you pay for the mistakes you made today!"

Cao Wuxie was hanging thousands of feet high in the sky, his robes fluttering. The next moment, his whole body was ignited with blazing flames, and his body expanded rapidly.

In just a moment, he turned into a flaming giant over a thousand feet tall. Two domineering and blazing flames were burning in his eyes, jumping in the huge pupils.

This is somewhat similar to the Red Flame Maniac Flame Spirit Giant, but it is essentially different.

This is the giant that Cao Wuxie transformed into by stimulating the Xuntian bloodline in his body.

On the contrary, it is closer to the form of Ling Feng's true form of chaos.

This Xantian clan was a subordinate of the Tiandao clan back then, so it is not surprising that they have similar abilities.

However, Ling Feng naturally couldn't directly sacrifice his true form of Chaos, otherwise the secret would be exposed directly.

"Isn't it great to be older?"

Ling Feng sneered. Although in the giant form, Cao Wuxie's strength undoubtedly increased exponentially, his bulkiness was also his inevitable flaw.

Ling Feng rose into the sky with his sword, his eyes flashing with light, and he wielded the long sword in his hand with mysterious sword moves.

"Li Huo Liao Tian!"

"Earth and Water Breaking Army!"

"Kunlun breaks the prison!"

"Ten thousand trees sink into the wall!"

Brilliant sword lights twined around Ling Feng's body, red, orange, yellow and green divine lights reflecting each other.

The sword moves that had helped Ling Feng kill countless powerful enemies were constantly fused together.

"Eight Swords in One!"

Eight completely different attributes merged. Behind Ling Feng, a white figure floated. At that moment, Sword Spirit Xiaobai had also perfectly merged with Ling Feng.

The next moment, red armor suddenly appeared around Ling Feng.



Shoulder armor!


Leg armor!

The majestic outfit that originally belonged to Xiao Bai appeared on Ling Feng's body along with the fusion of Ling Feng and Xiao Bai.

The majestic outfit perfectly fits the body, and a far-reaching and constant energy drives Ling Feng's body. When performing the sword skills of the Heaven-Destroying Sword Art, the mana consumed by each move can be reduced by almost 70%.

What a powerful outfit!

Ling Feng secretly praised in his heart, his eyes flickered, and his fighting spirit reached an unprecedented peak.

The eight swords merged into one, and the storm formed by the power of various attribute laws was entangled together.

The heat of the flames!

Hong Tao's rage!

The heaviness of thick soil!

Thunder's destruction!

The roar of the hurricane!

When these laws that can destroy heaven and earth are all integrated together, the power exerted far exceeds the fusion of mysteries that stayed at the level of sword moves when Ling Feng was in the lower realm.

"Huh, bluff!"

The giant transformed by Cao Wuxie punched Ling Feng, and the sky was shaken. From the sky, huge meteorites burning with flames fell down, turning into a storm, and all of them swept towards Ling Feng. .

The sword is dancing!

The fists are roaring!

The suspense of victory or defeat, it seems, will be revealed soon!

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