Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3610 Complete victory!

Boom boom boom!

The violent power swept wildly in the air.

The sky was stained with blood, and the nine netherworlds were trembling!

On both sides of the river valley, everyone looked up at the sky. The blazing white light made it almost impossible for people to open their eyes.

In the perception of the divine sense, the aura of the two people was still rising and rising!

The huge fist wrapped in flames shook the nine-day galaxy.

And the cold and arrogant sword light also stirred the heavens!

The Ten Directions Annihilation in Ling Feng's hand had already turned into a giant sword of a hundred feet. In the killing sword domain, I am invincible!

Boom boom!

When the sword swept past, the flame giant transformed by Cao Wuxie fell heavily, and the huge body dissipated little by little in the air.

The winner has been decided!


The giant body fell heavily to the ground, and the ground shook within a range of thousands of feet.

A huge depression was smashed into the ground, and the flames flowed like a torrent, sweeping and raging everywhere.

Ling Feng snorted lightly, and swept the sword. The ice law directly created a thousand miles of ice, and the wind blade swept, turning into ice rain.

The flames were extinguished under the ice rain, and Cao Wuxie lay on the ground powerlessly, with bursts of black smoke on his body.

He was defeated.

He was completely defeated.

He was defeated with overwhelming force, and was defeated completely!

"Senior Brother Cao (brother)!"

The next moment, several figures flew out and hurried forward to check on Cao Wuxie's condition.

Fortunately, he was only seriously injured, with some broken bones and some displacement of his internal organs, but his life was not in danger.

At the same time, Ling Feng's figure slowly fell in the air and flew back to Su Liuli's side.

"Awesome, really awesome!"

Chi Yan Kuang gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "Brother Ling, what kind of swordsmanship is that? Isn't it too strong?"

"It's just an ordinary swordsmanship learned in the lower realm. It's not up to par."

Ling Feng smiled modestly, but he didn't lie. This Zhutian Sword Art was indeed a swordsmanship he learned in the lower realm.

However, this is also a swordsmanship that comes with the Ten Directions Annihilation, and its grade is immeasurable.

"Tsk, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it. If it's not up to par, then Cao Wuxie must have been defeated unfairly."

Chi Yan Kuang rolled his eyes. He was killed instantly by Cao Wuxie, but Cao Wuxie was defeated by Ling Feng.

In other words, wouldn't he also be killed instantly by Ling Feng without any suspense?

More than three months ago, Ling Feng was obviously only one level higher than him.

Of course, this one level higher was just Chi Yan Kuang's wishful thinking.

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, but he still held back.

Otherwise, Cao Wuxie would not only be severely injured, but would be killed directly by his sword moves.

However, he should not attract too much hatred from the Xuntian lineage now.

He could defeat Cao Wuxie, which was allowed by the rules, and the Xuntian Fire Clan could not settle accounts later.

But if he killed Cao Wuxie, he would inevitably face the wrath of the Xuntian Fire Clan.

Even if he really wanted to kill him, he must kill him without any evidence and without leaving any traces.

"Junior Brother Ling, I was right about you."

Su Liuli blinked and looked at Ling Feng with a smile, then glanced at the opposite side and said to Yan Jiuchuan across the valley: "Senior Brother Yan, it seems that we won by luck, I hope you can keep your word."

Yan Jiuchuan took a deep breath, never expecting that Cao Wuxie would capsize in the gutter.

But according to what Cao Wuxie said before, it was Ling Feng who was chased by him and could only escape in disgrace.

But now it seems that this guy was just talking nonsense before!

The reason why he agreed to Su Liuli's proposal was because he thought Cao Wuxie would win.

But now...

Cao Wuxie, this reckless man, has really caused a lot of harm to others!


He sighed softly, "Forget it, forget it!"

He took a deep breath and saluted Su Liuli, "I am willing to accept the loss, Senior Sister Liuli, since we lost, this river valley belongs to you Tianzhi!"

Speaking, Yan Jiuchuan pulled up the Xuanyuan flag and roared to the disciples behind him, "Let's go!"

The disciples of the Xuntian Fire Clan helped Cao Wuxie up, and then left with Yan Jiuchuan in disgrace.

Although Cao Wuxie was severely injured, he was still not unconscious. When he passed by Ling Feng and the others, a pair of cannibalistic eyes stared at Ling Feng, "Boy, I will not let you go, you remember it, you remember it! Ah ah ah ah!"

The ghost roars and screams gradually faded away, and Ling Feng was relieved, and a feeling of weakness came over him.

The ability to read memories consumed too much spiritual power before, and now he has to face Cao Wuxie head-on, which is a big burden even for him.

Therefore, he would not hesitate to use the Heaven-Slaying Sword Art in order to make a quick decision.

However, although he used the sword art exclusive to the Heavenly Soldiers, it was still inspired by the Great Killing Art.

I believe that the disciples of the Sky-Surveying Fire Clan should not be able to see any clues.

"Junior Brother Ling has fought for us twice in a row and won two high-level resource points in a row. He should be the first to make a contribution!"

Su Liuli smiled lightly, her beautiful eyes looked around, her eyes looked at Ling Feng, and she said lightly: "After we meet up with Senior Brother Yushen, I will tell him the truth."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. He didn't want to show such a face. He just wanted to be a slacker quietly and get some cultivation resources.

He didn't even want to participate in this Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking.

However, not only was he pushed here step by step, but he also came out of the limelight several times in succession.

What would happen if those powerful Immortal Emperors noticed it?

I just hope that the method of hiding the aura that Kavli left on her body can really hide it from the outside world.

"Come on, let's go take a look at our trophies!"

Su Liuli smiled sweetly, threw a Xuanyuan flag and planted it, and the barrier opened on its own.

The next moment, several people flew under the river valley and saw the mines that had been dug out by a temporary alliance composed of the Xuntian Fire Clan and the previous disciples of various factions.

One after another, the one who got the big deal in the end was still Tian Zhi.

"Not bad!"

Su Liuli showed a hint of satisfaction and picked up a piece of ore for a while, basically praising the extremely high purity of the ore here.

Not long after, the three of them dug the mine completely. Su Liuli took a deep breath and said slowly: "Now that the mine has been occupied, I need to return as soon as possible to guard the hot spring valley to avoid being stolen. ”

She smiled lightly, "Now we only have Junior Sister Qinyao and Junior Brother Ling, the two little girls from Cihang Jingzhai who you sent to join us, to guard us. I'm afraid it's not enough."

"That's what senior sister said."

Ling Feng nodded, "Senior sister, please come back, leave this place to me and Brother Chi."

"Yes, the menial work of mining should be left to us grown men."

Chi Yankuang also patted his chest and said carelessly.

Su Liuli narrowed her eyes and smiled lightly, then suddenly thought of something, and said: "Oh, by the way, Junior Brother Ling, what do those two girls from Cihang Jingzhai have to do with you? Then why does Cao Wuxie keep shouting Are you an adulterer?”


Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, "That Cao Wuxie is simply a lunatic. His words cannot be trusted."

Ling Feng could only briefly explain the cause and effect to Su Liuli, and Su Liuli nodded slightly, "I see, I understand."

"The Rain Master girl and her senior sister are always harassed by Cao Wuxie. I think, if senior sister doesn't mind, we can let them occupy a small resource point near the hot spring valley and settle down for the time being. What do you think, senior sister?"

"It seems that junior brother really has nothing to say about his 'friends'."

Su Liuli emphasized the word "friend", and her playful eyes were somewhat mixed with ambiguity.

Ling Feng laughed a few times, pretending he couldn't see it.

No matter how he explained it to her, he probably wouldn't believe it.

In the final analysis, Ling Feng and Yu Shiwei were basically just doctors, and they felt a certain sympathy for each other.

After all, as a descendant of the Medical Saint, even after entering martial arts and immortality, Yu Shiwei was the only one who could rival him in medical skills.

Therefore, in Ling Feng's heart, she just has some special friends, that's all.

Seeing that Ling Feng didn't talk to her, Su Liuli didn't continue to ask for trouble. She just gave Ling Feng a meaningful look and said lightly: "Two junior brothers, guard this place carefully. If you encounter any trouble, come back." I am."

"Yes, senior sister!"

Ling Feng and Chi Yankuang clasped their fists and saluted Su Liuli. If nothing unexpected happened, they would stay in this vein to mine for a while, occupy some small and medium-sized resource points nearby, and clean up. Expelled some other monks.

In the last three days, they will expand their "territory" and start a turning point in their efforts.

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