Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3613 Six-winged Golden Cicada!

"If you fart, hurry up!"

Ling Feng glanced coldly at Master Jin Guang. This guy looked more and more disgusting the more he looked at him. Not only was he wearing a tall hat on his head, but he also had a set of bright gold teeth in his mouth. When he smiled, he was really vulgar in the extreme.

"Hey hey hey..."

However, Master Jinguang didn't know it yet, and he grinned widely and said: "Master Ling, there is no benefit for me to come to see you. I heard that in a primeval forest on the fifty-second floor, a rhinoceros was born. Beast, that auspicious beast is full of treasures, aren’t you interested, Mr. Ling?”


A ray of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. This Master Jinguang was really well informed.

These days, I have been practicing in the river valley, and I really don’t know the specific situation of other levels.

As for the so-called auspicious beast, strictly speaking, the black medicinal snake that I sucked up before can theoretically be regarded as an auspicious beast. It swallowed countless spiritual flowers and herbs in the medicinal garden, and also absorbed the essence of the hot spring pool. The black and yellow mother energy has even reached the threshold of transforming into a dragon.

It's a pity that he met Ling Feng who had received the mark of time and space. Otherwise, even if Wan Jun from the Thunder Clan who patrolled the sky came, he would probably end up in despair.

I don't know whether I should say that this medicine snake is unlucky, or that Ling Feng is very lucky.

All in all, absorbing the essence and blood of this medicinal snake was a worthwhile trip for Ling Feng, and it was worth the value of directly draining the entire medicinal garden.

To be honest, Ling Feng really has little interest in whether auspicious beasts are not auspicious beasts.

Just as he was about to refuse, Master Jin Guang said again: "The six-winged golden cicada is extraordinary. I heard that the six wings of the golden cicada each represent the power of an ultimate law and can be used to make the best magical weapons. This Not to mention, it is said that the six-winged gold is young for three thousand years, and it takes three thousand years to form a cocoon, and it takes nearly ten thousand years to grow into a complete six-winged insect. "

"It is rumored that the adult six-winged golden cicada will give birth to a Taiyin Mysterious Pearl or a Sun Mysterious Pearl. It depends on whether the six-winged golden cicada is a female or a male."

As Master Jin Guang spoke, he rubbed his hands together excitedly, "Master Ling, not many people have gotten this news yet. If you are willing to join forces with us and catch the Zhang Liu-winged Golden Cicada, the Xuanzhu will be yours." , I only ask for a small wing, and I am satisfied.”

"in this case……"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. According to Master Jin Guang, this six-winged golden cicada really moved him a bit.

"Master Ling, please stop hesitating. You're late. Not to mention the Taiyin Mysterious Pearl, you don't even have a hair on it."

Master Jin Guang had an eager expression on his face, "If I hadn't saved the life of the boy who told me the news, he might not have been able to tell me about it. After passing this village, there really is no such store. ”

After weighing it again and again, Ling Feng thought that relatively speaking, the situation in the dozens of floors below has stabilized, and basically the resource points have been almost allocated, and there will not be any big changes.

If you go away for a while, as long as you go early and come back early, you will naturally be fine.

"All right."

Ling Feng finally nodded and agreed. It had to be said that Master Jin Guang's eloquence was indeed outstanding. It was no wonder that he was able to organize disciples from other major sects to cooperate with him several times.

Although such a person may not be able to become a top powerhouse, he may be able to make a name for himself in the fairyland in the future.

In a sense, he is a talent.

I want the New Sao Feng Camp to create something famous in the Immortal Realm. In addition to my own strength, if I can get the help of someone like Master Jinguang, I will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

"Master Jinguang, if you can really catch that six-winged golden cicada, what if I give you two wings?"

"Ha ha!"

Master Jin Guang was overjoyed, "Okay, okay, Mr. Ling, let's get started without further delay!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, and with a thought, he sent a message to Bian Lu that he would be leaving for a while. During the period of his departure, Bian Lu would have to stay here.

Qijue Tower, within the 52nd floor area.

As Master Jinguang said, the news about the six-winged golden cicada has not yet spread completely.

At this moment, only dozens of disciples from the first-class sects, while fighting for the ownership of this primeval forest, disturbed the six-winged golden cicada. Otherwise, I am afraid that the golden cicada may not wake up.

After discovering the existence of the six-winged golden cicada, these people didn't care about collecting resources. As long as they could catch the six-winged golden cicada, the trip was worth it. No, it was simply a bloody profit.

It's a pity that the Six-winged Golden Cicada is not only powerful, but also extremely fast.

If the Six-winged Golden Cicada had not been relatively gentle in nature, the monks who had taken advantage of it would have perished long ago.

But precisely because of this, those monks became more and more rampant, constantly calling for friends, hoping to catch the Six-winged Golden Cicada with the advantage of their numbers.

There is no airtight wall in the world. While these people summoned their companions, news about the six-winged golden cicada gradually began to leak out.

Therefore, these monks also know very well that if they cannot catch the six-winged golden cicada before the masters of the seven major forces get the news, then their chances will be very slim.

After all, Master Jinguang knows how to ask for help from Ling Feng, so naturally there will be other "Masters Silver Light", "Master Bronze Light" and others who will also seek help from the seven major forces.

And Ling Feng is probably not the first disciple from the seven major forces to arrive here.

About two hours later, Ling Feng, Master Jin Guang and the two companions he temporarily recruited had arrived at the outskirts of this huge primeval forest.

Although he knew he was inside a giant tower, the spectacular forest in front of him still made Ling Feng admire him in his heart.

Ling Feng has seen quite a lot of the so-called magic weapons that form their own world and space.

However, like the Qijue Pagoda, not only can it accommodate dozens of independent spaces with distinct levels at the same time, but each level is so vast and boundless that even mountains, rivers and oceans can accommodate infinite treasures. Among all the magic weapons that Ling Feng has ever seen, None can compare with it.

In the huge forest, there is a mountain wind with a natural and wild atmosphere.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and turned to look at Master Jin Guang, "Where is your friend?"

"We'll be there in a moment."

Master Jin Guang chuckled and took out the golden cymbal and banged it a few times.

The sound waves spread, and after a while, birds flew in the forest, and then two figures were seen, flying out of the deep forest one after the other.

"Brother Jin Guang, you are finally here!"

The person who spoke was tall and muscular, two meters away, like a giant human-shaped bear, with a face full of flesh, and looked quite vicious.

As soon as he came up, he vigorously patted Master Jin Guang on the shoulder a few times. He quickly glanced at Ling Feng and finally landed on Ling Feng. "Brother Jin Guang, are these the helpers you invited? This guy looks too good." Are you young? What did you do to get him? If you catch the six-winged golden cicada, it would be a big loss, right?"


Master Jin Guang coughed a few times and wanted to interrupt the burly man. Unexpectedly, he became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke. He glared at Ling Feng and said, "Young man, let's go quickly. I, Xiong Wancheng's team, are so good." Mixed up?”

It turns out that this guy's name is Xiong Wancheng.

It’s really not the wrong last name…

"Old Bear!"

Cold sweat broke out on Master Jin Guang's forehead. He wouldn't say how ruthless Ling Feng was. Even if dozens of Xiong Wancheng came together, they would definitely not be Ling Feng's opponent.

"What are you doing, are you following this kid to get some connections and make some connections?"

Xiong Wancheng turned around and glanced at Master Jin Guang, "That's not okay. Even if this kid has a relationship with you, you can't share his benefits in vain."

"he is……"

Master Jin Guang opened his mouth to explain, but Ling Feng walked out with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't let you share my benefits in vain."


Xiong Wancheng's eyes lit up, "If you don't want any benefits, I'm still welcome to join in. Hehe..."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and suddenly a murderous aura swept over him, and the killing sword domain enveloped Xiong Wancheng.

This burly man suddenly trembled. He glanced at Ling Feng in shock, and then turned to look at Master Jin Guang, "This... this boy..."

"What a boy, he is Mr. Ling of Tianzhi!"

Master Jin Guang glared at him fiercely and quickly explained to Ling Feng: "Master Ling, this guy is not very smart. You must not be on the same level as him."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, didn't say much, and just quietly withdrew the Killing Sword Domain.


Then Xiong Wancheng relaxed all over, swallowed hard, and couldn't help but whisper, "A disciple of Tianzhi, no wonder he is so powerful at such a young age..."

"With Master Ling's help this time, we will definitely capture the six-winged golden cicada!"

Master Jinguang chuckled and began to fantasize about the scene of distributing the spoils.

Ling Feng promised him two wings!

"There's no need to talk too much."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. There is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. In this Qijue Tower, there are still many people who are stronger than himself.


Master Jin Guang grinned, "Then let's act quickly, Old Xiong, tell me quickly, where was the last time you found the six-winged golden cicada?"

“Let’s also talk about the place where it first appeared.”

Ling Feng smiled and added, "Maybe that's where the six-winged golden cicada's nest is."

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