Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3614 Yin Yang Mysterious Pearl! Awakening little goldfish!

"Okay, okay!"

After learning Ling Feng's true identity, Xiong Wancheng didn't dare to point fingers at Ling Feng. He immediately changed into a different person and told everything he knew with a smile.

"Master Ling, this is what happened..."

Xiong Wancheng described the situation in great detail, and in Ling Feng's mind, he formed a three-dimensional spatial composition of the locations where these monks met the six-winged golden cicada several times.

Soon, a bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the purple light floated, hiding the traces of the yin and yang fish floating in his eyes, and the infinite vision quietly unfolded.

There were no strong men from the Xantian clan around, so he didn't need to be too cautious.

Executing the infinite vision with all your strength, compared to the infinite vision simulated by the power of the virtual sky, there is at least several times the gap in breadth and accuracy.

Soon, when Ling Feng's infinite vision swept across several locations he had roughly guessed before, a "buzzing" sound reached his ears.

It’s the six-winged golden cicada!

No wonder after this guy hid, hundreds of monks searched the jungle and found it difficult to find traces of it.

This guy was actually hiding under the undercurrent of a swamp deep in the forest.

Because there seems to be some special material buried in the mire, which can directly refract the spiritual perception of the powerful immortals, creating the illusion that it has been explored.

Ling Feng's infinite vision was completely different from ordinary spiritual perception, and he easily discovered the location of the six-winged golden cicada.

This matter turned out to be much smoother than expected.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, and he looked at Master Jin Guang and Xiong Wancheng, and said lightly: "Based on what you said, I roughly guess that the six-winged golden cicada should be somewhere on the southwest side of the forest."

"Southwest side?"

Xiong Wancheng scratched the back of his head, "Mr. Ling, I, the old bear, just came over there. There is nothing but a smelly quagmire. The six-winged golden cicada can't be hiding under the quagmire, right?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly, "Maybe?"

This guy is really a blind cat who met a dead mouse, and he actually got it right!

However, people often believe in their own so-called judgment too easily.


Xiong Wancheng shook his head repeatedly, "I have used my spiritual sense to detect it, and there is nothing strange under the quagmire."

"Would you know if there's anything strange about it?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "If you don't believe me, we can act separately."

One less person, one less share of the spoils, Ling Feng will still be able to settle the score.

"No, no, no, I believe it, I believe it!"

After finally hugging Tianzhi's disciple's lap, Xiong Wancheng couldn't let him go easily.

Even if the trip is in vain, it's not a loss.

Ling Feng shrugged, without comment, just spread out his body skills and flew out.

Master Jin Guang followed closely and chased after him. Xiong Wancheng put a broad-edged sword behind his back, kicked on the ground, and quickly caught up, shouting at the same time: "Hey, wait for me! Wait for me!"

About a quarter of an hour later, the group finally arrived near the swamp.

Before they reached the swamp, a strong stench hit them.

The stench was mixed with the smell of rotting corpses, which showed that many lives had been lost in this quagmire.


Xiong Wancheng resisted the urge to gag, pinched his nose and said, "Sir, Mr. Ling, this damn place doesn't look like a place where the six-winged golden cicada is hiding, does it?"

"Whether it is yes or no, we will know soon."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he turned back to look at Master Jin Guang, and said in a deep voice: "Master Jin Guang, you guys stay near this quagmire. If something escapes from under the quagmire, you guys will immediately step forward to intercept it!"


Master Jin Guang blinked, then nodded quickly, "Understood."

Since I chose to hug Lingfeng's thigh, I naturally did as he said unconditionally.


Xiong Wancheng also glared at the companions behind him with a serious look, "Cheer up!"

This guy didn't dare to show off his power in front of Ling Feng, but he didn't forget to show off to his subordinates.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng was too lazy to say anything. The golden light flashed around his body, forming a transparent shield of Gang Qi, and he immediately fell directly into the quagmire.

The foul-smelling mud was bounced away by the protective shield, and the violent corrosive liquid actually corroded Ling Feng's protective shield, causing bursts of thick white smoke to emit.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, and the next moment, fire surged around his body. The purifying power of the Demonic Dragon's World Purifying Fire also had a certain purifying effect on the sewage in the quagmire.

His body sank and Ling Feng fell rapidly.

After a while, Ling Feng had sunk hundreds of feet below.

Underneath the mire is filthy rotting water, soaked in countless corpses. Some corpses even retain their original shape, but have become swollen and rotten.

Everything he saw before his eyes made his scalp numb and made him want to feel sick.

Ling Feng blocked his sense of smell, barely restrained the urge to vomit, and continued to sink.

Unexpectedly, when we reached the bottom of the swamp, the sewage turned into a surging spring. ’

The impact of the ground spring separates the sewage and clean water. Not only does it not have the strong stench of the sewage, it even has a hint of sweetness.

That is the aroma that can only be produced when the aura of heaven and earth is extremely rich.

As the saying goes, things must be reversed when they reach their extremes. Unexpectedly, there is a cave under this sewage.

Ling Feng closed the Gang Qi shield, and the earth veins and spiritual springs surged in. It felt like being in a fairyland.

That six-winged golden cicada really knows how to enjoy it!

I believe that in this environment, the six-winged golden cicada may not necessarily take nearly ten thousand years to fully grow up.

After a while, Ling Feng found a dazzling light spot in the spring. The figure moved in the spring water. The next moment, it disappeared in the distance. He directly used the law of time and space to approach the light spot.

But it turns out that the light spot is the entrance to a cave.

There was a dazzling light coming from the cave, as well as some "buzzing" sounds of flapping wings.

"This is the right place."

Ling Feng felt excited in his heart. Listening to this voice, it seemed that there was more than one six-winged golden cicada!

It’s developed this time!

Ling Feng clenched his fists excitedly, but these six-winged golden cicadas were not easy to deal with.

It's easy to say whether it's one or the other, but judging from what he has discovered so far.

There seemed to be at least a hundred six-winged golden cicadas hiding in the cave.

Hundreds of them!

They are all complete six-winged golden cicadas!

Its value is immeasurable!

Of course, if he went in rashly and faced the siege of hundreds of six-winged golden cicadas, he would probably hate it on the spot.

Such a big "treasure" cannot be eaten by one person alone.

Ling Feng had many thoughts flashing through his mind. Maybe he could find a way to lure the six-winged golden cicadas out one by one, and then kill them one by one.

But it seems too naive to think about it.

So just wait until these six-winged golden cicadas go out to hunt alone?

It's obviously not reliable either.

In the past ten days, the six-winged golden cicada seemed to have only appeared about three times.

In other words, even if I stay here all the time in the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch a few six-winged golden cicadas.

You might even accidentally disturb the six-winged golden cicadas inside, and then attack them in groups. Wouldn't your own life be in danger?

After thinking about it, Ling Feng thought that if this news could be passed on directly, more experts would be attracted.

Then, you can take advantage of the chaos and get a piece of the pie.

Although reluctant, at present, this is the only feasible way.

Just when Ling Feng decided to leave this place, suddenly, the little goldfish that had been sleeping in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace woke up!

Ever since he swallowed the yang fruit formed by the hell mother tree in the battlefield of all races, the little goldfish seemed to have formed a cocoon, balled up, and then fell into a long and incomparable sleep.

This deep sleep has lasted nearly ten summers.

This also happened to be the time when Ling Feng ascended from the lower realm, was guided by Xiao Xianling, and advanced to Tianzhi.

However, Ling Feng had always known very little about the little goldfish, so he had no idea when it would wake up.

But unexpectedly, it was affected by those six-winged golden cicadas and woke up!

The appearance of the little goldfish that woke up in the Palace of Five Elements didn't seem to have changed much, except that the fish scales on its body were vaguely emitting some golden light.

And the aura on his body became more terrifying and terrifying.

Even though Ling Feng has now advanced by leaps and bounds and reached the peak of Dao Fruit Realm, he can now kill the evil bone demon king with just a raise of his hand.

But even so, Ling Feng was still a little timid under the pressure of the little goldfish.

There was a flash of light.

The next moment, the little goldfish had already swam out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

This time, he was no longer surrounded by flowing water. He had completely escaped the shackles of the river and was able to survive independently in the world.

A pair of big eyes scanned Ling Feng's body, and then with a fish tail sweep, the little goldfish rushed directly into the cave.


Ling Feng called out softly, and the next moment, there was a commotion in the cave.

After the little goldfish rushed into the cave, it started a bloody feast like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

No, that's not bloody.

Because every time it opens its mouth, it can swallow a complete six-winged golden cicada. With just a faint flash of light from its abdomen, the six-winged golden cicada is directly absorbed and refined.

The other six-winged golden cicadas, even under the terrifying pressure of the little goldfish, were unable to move at all and could only sit and wait for death.

Ling Feng could clearly see that after swallowing the six-winged golden cicada, the little goldfish's belly flashed with a faint light, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, with two completely different attributes.

This is what Master Jin Guang calls the "Taiyin Mysterious Pearl", or the "Sun Mysterious Pearl".

Probably, it was this ultimate power of yin and yang that awakened the little goldfish.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The little goldfish was a real big eater. Looking at this posture, he probably wouldn't leave anything for him...

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