Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3619 Three Sword Style! Invisible blade!


In the center of the battle circle, Lan Xiaoyu was breathing heavily, and Lan Bing'er's face was also slightly pale.

After being besieged for a long time by Yan Jiuchuan and several disciples, the two siblings were obviously a little exhausted.

Obviously, Yan Jiuchuan also learned the lesson of underestimating the enemy before, and did not give the opponent any chance to fight alone. Instead, he directly led the disciples of the Xuntian Fire Tribe to form a large formation, so that Lan Bing'er and his sister had no chance of making a comeback. Chance.

"Junior Sister Lan, it seems like you can't hold on anymore, so you should just give up and leave, so as not to hurt everyone's harmony."

Yan Jiuchuan had a proud look on his face. He had already seen that the Lan family siblings were at the end of their strength and could not hold on much longer.

Although he didn't dare to kill him, he didn't mind humiliating the two siblings.

"Bah, who can be nice to you?"

Lan Xiaoyu cursed loudly, "Bullying the minority with more people is useless!"


Yan Jiuchuan laughed loudly, "This is just a matter of strategy. Who made you, the Sky Patrol Ice Clan, be so greedy and spread your people too thinly?"

In fact, compared to Ling Feng's strategy of only occupying three territories in the early stage, the Xuntian Fire Tribe adopted a rather radical strategy.

In the early stage, they occupied almost no territory except for some resource points that were particularly suitable for patrolling the Fire Tribe.

Their strategy is to concentrate the team's actions, and then rely on their numerical advantage to directly plunder the resources collected by the opponent after defeating the opponent, and then quickly hollow out the resource points to continue looking for the next target.

In this way, it would be difficult for the Xuntian Fire Clan to become the target of attack, which can be regarded as a complete bandit strategy.

But it is undeniable that although this strategy is very shameless and shameless, it is indeed quite effective so far.

As long as you occupy more than three territories during the final settlement, you will be able to securely qualify.

Therefore, in the past half month, the conflicts and battles between the Xuntian Fire Tribe and other tribes should have been the most frequent.

Lan Bing'er snorted coldly, in terms of greed and shamelessness, who can compare with the Sky Patrol Fire Clan.

She clenched her fists, but her eyes were looking towards the frozen canyon behind her intentionally or unintentionally, as if she was expecting something.

Seeing that the Lan family siblings were still unwilling to give up, Yan Jiuchuan was even more excited. Only in this way could he teach them a lesson more confidently.

However, at this moment, Cao Wuxie suddenly fell ill again.

"Yan Jiuchuan, fighting more and less means nothing! I'm going to quit this job!"

Cao Wuxie actually left the magic circle privately and snorted coldly, "I don't like to team up with a cunning villain like you. If I want to steal something, I'll do it openly and forcefully. Now that we have the upper hand, let me join you." If you fight that boy alone, you can convince him that he loses!"


Yan Jiuchuan's eyes widened and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

In the distance, Ling Feng was already preparing to rush into the battle circle to help, but when he suddenly saw this scene, he stopped dead in his tracks.

This Cao Wuxie...

Ling Feng really felt like he couldn't laugh or cry.

Cao Wuxie, call him bad, but he still has some principles.

Say he is fine, then the coffin boards of those brothers who were killed by him for no reason may not be able to hold them down.

In short, there is something wrong with this guy's brain.

"Junior Brother Cao, don't act nonsense at this time!"

Yan Jiuchuan took a deep breath. If Cao Wuxie wasn't Cao Yan's biological brother, he would have slapped him away.

"Am I kidding?"

Cao Wuxie's eyes widened, "I'm going to show you the fucking nonsense!"

As he said that, he actually stabbed his companion from the Sky Patrol Fire Tribe next to him. The disciple was so frightened that his face turned pale and he quickly retreated.

In an instant, the formation was disrupted. Lan Bing'er and Lan Xiaoyu looked at each other and quickly took the opportunity to break through the formation and get a chance to breathe.

"you you……"

Cao Wuxie's operation made Yan Jiuchuan stunned for a moment, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

This guy is absolutely crazy!


When Cao Wuxie saw Lan Bing'er and her brother escaping, he immediately showed a sneer, pointed at Lan Xiaoyu and said coldly: "Hey, boy, didn't you just say that bullying the young is not a skill? Come on, I will do it now. Give you a chance! Fight me!"

"Crazy, really fucking crazy!"

Yan Jiuchuan cursed, this turtle grandson had already caused him to lose a top-grade Star Refining Stone vein, and now he was sick again.

He didn't want Cao Wuxie to ruin something big again.


Yan Jiuchuan took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. He flew forward and held Cao Wuxie's shoulders. "Junior brother Cao, what you said makes sense. Well, it's really no fun if there are more people bullying others than others."

"Hmph, that's good if you know!"

Cao Wuxie raised her head high, "We who come out to fool around must convince others with our virtue, otherwise how can we stand?"


The corners of Yan Jiuchuan's mouth twitched slightly, but he nodded again and again, "Not bad, not bad, but Junior Brother Cao, you have just recovered from a serious injury, so you should rest first. I will do this battle!"

Cao Wuxie thought for a while and felt that what Yan Jiuchuan said was somewhat reasonable, so he nodded and said: "Okay, Yan Jiuchuan, it seems that you are a reasonable person, but if you know your mistakes and can correct them, you can still do it." Not bad!”

Yan Jiuchuan sneered in his heart, there is no one in the world who is more ignorant than you, Cao Wuxie!

However, there was no hint of dissatisfaction on his face. He just took a deep breath and turned to look at Lan Bing'er and his sister.

"Junior Sister Lan, it seems that there is still a battle between you and me!"

Yan Jiuchuan naturally looked down upon Lan Xiaoyu's abilities, and only Lan Bing'er could pose a threat to him.

I believe that if we fight alone, Lan Bing'er will definitely take action.

However, at this moment, a low roar came from within the Ice Valley, "I'll fight you!"

The next moment, a blue icicle rose into the sky from the ice valley. At the top of the icicle, stood a young man in blue robes.

Yan Jinghong!

Ling Feng hid in the dark and saw the young man in blue robe approaching. No wonder he seemed to have noticed Yan Jinghong's whereabouts before, and it turned out to be him!

This guy seems to have had another adventure. The power of Xuntian Ice Soul in his body is actually faintly superior to Lan Bing'er.

I saw blue light flashing in his eyes as he walked from the top of the icicle and slowly floated down.

"Brother Yan!"

Lan Xiaoyu was overjoyed and looked excited: "You succeeded?!"

Yan Jinghong's face remained as usual, but he nodded slightly. Thinking of Ling Feng's calm and pretentious look, he said lightly: "It's just a fluke."

Depend on!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, this is not his mantra!

Damn it, he actually let him pretend!

However, Yan Jinghong possesses the Xuntian divine pattern of an ancient ancestor of the Xuntian Ice Clan. For him, he only needs to continue to unlock the seal of the divine pattern to continuously gain powerful strength.

Now it seems that he has obviously unlocked another layer of the seal of the divine pattern and gained even more heaven-defying magical powers.


Seeing the sudden arrival of Yan Jinghong, Yan Jiuchuan looked at him carefully.

I didn’t expect there to be other masters here!

Originally, they had surrounded the Lan family siblings and could quickly deal with them. By then, even if Yan Jinghong appeared, he would definitely be besieged by many people.

He can't change the world.

However, all of this was ruined by Cao Wuxie.

Now that I have spoken out my words, I have promised to fight alone, is it possible that I can still slap myself in the face?

The only thing he wanted to do now was to beat Cao Wuxie severely, but when he thought of Cao Wuxie's identity, he lost his temper.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Jiuchuan clenched his fists and looked at Lan Bing'er, "Junior sister Lan, what do you think?"

Lan Bing'er's eyes fell on Yan Jinghong, with a hint of joy on her face, "Junior brother Yan, are you sure?"

Yan Jinghong took a step forward. Although he didn't speak, his actions said everything.

"I trust you."

Lan Bing'er smiled. In just a few years, Yan Jinghong's growth was beyond imagination.

Almost every time he comes out of seclusion, he gives people an earth-shaking feeling.

This is probably the reason why Immortal Emperor Hao Cang is willing to accept him as his disciple.

Although he is not from the Xuantian Ice Clan, his Xuantian bloodline is stronger than those of them, the descendants of the Xantian Ice Clan!

Yan Jinghong stood with his hands behind his back, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his whole body was covered with a layer of ice soul armor.

He grasped it with both hands, and two ice blades appeared in his palms, showing the coldness of the ice and the sharp edge of the sword.

In an instant, Yan Jinghong's whole aura was completely different. His eyes were like a beast that wanted to tear all opponents into pieces.

"What an amazing momentum!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Even the egg boy on his shoulder seemed to be aware of the extraordinary momentum. He held the silver dragon tendon and gnawed wildly while jumping on Ling Feng's shoulder.

Ling Feng was afraid that this little guy might disturb others, so he hugged him tightly in his arms and made a silencing gesture, "Shh..."

The little guy seemed to understand what Ling Feng meant, and quickly covered his mouth with his little hands. His silly look was very endearing.

At the same time, Yan Jiuchuan also showed a solemn expression, his eyes fixed on Yan Jinghong.

Could this previously unknown boy be more powerful than Lan Bing'er?

Don't underestimate the enemy!

The next moment, Yan Jiuchuan's whole body was filled with flowing fire like a blade, which opened in an instant, like a fiery snake, biting in all directions.

A ray of coldness flashed in Yan Jinghong's eyes, and the cold light swept across the lightning and flint, and the two people passed each other in the void.


The sound of swords surges!

The two seemed to have simply exchanged positions, but neither one looked back at the other.

It seems like they are evenly matched.

But the next moment, there was only a slight "hissing" sound, but a line of blood shot directly from Yan Jiuchuan's throat, and a large amount of blood was splashing out from the neck.

If the wound was any deeper, Yan Jiuchuan would probably be dead and separated.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that Yan Jinghong actually had a third ice blade in his mouth.

There was a bright red line of blood on the ice blade.

This is clearly the three-sword style!


Yan Jiuchuan groaned, held his neck and fell to the ground, his eyes were stunned, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

How could there be... such a fast sword!

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