Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3620 Mutation! Evil Eggman!


In the darkness, Ling Feng's pupils suddenly shrank. With his powerful pupils, he could barely see Yan Jinghong's sword moves clearly.

In that flash of lightning, Yan Jinghong was able to activate the power of ice soul and condense a third ice blade.

Moreover, he broke through Yan Jiuchuan's defense in an instant and cut open his neck with ease, wounding but not killing.

This sword alone is enough to prove that Yan Jinghong's strength has completely reached a level comparable to that of the Six Imperial Guards.

"This guy made a wise choice when he chose to go to the Sky Patrol Ice Tribe."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although part of Yan Jinghong's sword was a surprise attack that made Yan Jiuchuan unable to guard against it, Ling Feng asked himself that even if he had taken action himself, he would not have been able to win more beautifully than Yan Jinghong.

Of course, Yan Jinghong directly obtained the divine mark of a powerful senior from the Xantian Ice Tribe, and his power was much easier than his.

"It seems that this kid Yan Jinghong will be able to shine in this Qijue Immortal Ranking."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. Unfortunately, although Ling Feng had made rapid progress during this period of time, it was a pity that he did not dare to reveal his true strength in a big way, lest he be noticed by those powerful Immortal Emperors. .

Therefore, he might not be able to fight Yan Jinghong with all his strength this time on the Seven Ultimate Immortal List.

"you lose."

Yan Jinghong stood with his hands behind his back, and all three ice blades disappeared.

He turned around slowly, and his ice-blue eyes gradually returned to normal.

After completely condensing the Ice Mysterious Cold Eyes with the help of the Mysterious Cold Spirit Bead, Yan Jinghong has become a perfect Xuntian bloodline, which will undoubtedly be of great help to him to further open the seal of the divine pattern.

Otherwise, Yan Jinghong would not have been able to reach such a state in just a few years.

Yan Jiuchuan covered his neck and stared at Yan Jinghong with great fear.

In this disastrous defeat, he did have some elements of being careless and underestimating the enemy, but it is undeniable that the "three-sword style" of the guy in front of him is indeed extremely powerful.

"let's go!"

Yan Jiuchuan gritted his teeth and got up, hummed softly, said no more, turned around and left with the disciples of the Sky Patrol Fire Clan.

However, what he hates most now is not Yan Jinghong who defeated him head-on, but that idiot Cao Wuxie.

If Cao Wuxie hadn't suddenly fallen ill and disrupted their formation, Lan Bing'er and her sister would have been seriously injured. As a result, even if Yan Jinghong was indeed a bit weak, he would have ended up in despair under their formation and siege.

But now, he has ended up with his tail between his legs and rolled away in despair.

Cao Wuxie, this idiot, is so damn harmful to people!

"Hmph, I'm willing to admit defeat!"

However, Cao Wuxie was not aware of his problem. Instead, he snorted softly, "If I go up, I won't take action!"

Yan Jiuchuan's body froze, it was a shame that he could say such words.

At this moment, he really wanted to say, "Go ahead."

Unexpectedly, Cao Wuxie was the first to speak again: "But you guys have already had a fight, and I can't take advantage of this, so I'll let them go this time!"


Yan Jiuchuan was completely speechless. The corners of his mouth twitched. He took deep breaths several times before gritting his teeth and leaving.

I can't carry this pig teammate anymore!

I can’t carry it!


Seeing that Yan Jiuchuan and his party were walking away, Lan Xiaoyu flew to Yan Jinghong's side with a smile and slapped Yan Jinghong on the shoulder, "Okay, you guy, you have been in seclusion for a few days and you have made a breakthrough again. This set of "Snow Floating on the World" three-sword sword technique can actually help you achieve this state!"

"I have to thank you more."

Yan Jinghong smiled faintly. Speaking of which, Lan Xiaoyu taught him this set of sword techniques that were comparable to royal magic.

Although he is already a registered disciple of Immortal Emperor Haocang, he has actually never met Immortal Emperor Haocang.

In addition, he was in the Xiantian Ice Clan and his foundation was still shallow. The only people he could be considered friends with were the Lan family siblings.

After the last battle on Xuanyuan Cold Island, Lan Xiaoyu had already regarded Yan Jinghong as a close friend, so she passed on his "snow falling on the world" sword technique.

After all, as a Dao Fruit Realm powerhouse, Yan Jinghong's attack methods are too simple and too limited.

Until now, he has only been manipulating the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, using some of the simplest and most basic abilities.

After mastering this set of sword techniques, Yan Jinghong was truly able to maximize the power of his powerful bloodline.

It is precisely because of Lan Xiaoyu's sincere treatment that although Yan Jinghong is aloof by nature, now, besides Ling Feng, he finally has a second friend.

"Miss Lan, Brother Lan, and Brother Yan!"

At this moment, a figure flew from a distance, but it was Ling Feng who, after much hesitation, decided to show up to talk to a few people.

He had lifted his ever-changing disguise. Now that Yan Jiuchuan and the others had left, he naturally no longer needed to disguise himself.


Hearing this voice, Lan Xiaoyu quickly followed the sound. When she saw it was Ling Feng, she was happy at first, and then became a little wary, "Brother Ling? You're not here to grab territory, are you?"

"Ha ha."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Brother Lan, do you think I am this kind of person?"

"That doesn't seem like it."

Lan Xiaoyu looked around carefully and felt relieved when she found that Ling Feng was the only one.

"I just saw you guys surrounded by the guys from the Xuntian Fire Clan, and I wanted to help you, but Brother Yan was so powerful. I admire you, I admire you!" Ling Feng bowed to Yan Jinghong. Yan Jinghong raised his eyebrows, and a hint of pride appeared on his face, as if saying: I can stand your admiration! It seems that he thought he had caught up with Ling Feng. Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, without saying much, just flew forward and prepared to greet them. Maybe Yan Jinghong would have some news to tell him. After all, he has been lurking in the Xuntian Ice Clan for some time, and he may have heard some news about his mother. "Mr. Ling, long time no see." Lan Bing'er saw Ling Feng and nodded slightly to him, because she had just fought a hard battle with Yan Jiuchuan and his ilk, and her face looked a little pale. "Miss Lan." Ling Feng nodded and smiled. After thinking for a while, he took out another bottle of pills and handed them over. "This is a pill to restore blood and mana. The effect is not bad." "Thank you." Lan Bing'er did not refuse Ling Feng's kindness. She took the pills, took out two pills and swallowed them. A chill came over her. The power of Xuntian Bingpo in her body circulated on its own, and her face became slightly rosier. It seems that when she was besieged by Yan Jiuchuan and his magic circle before, she did bear most of the pressure in order to protect her brother Lan Xiaoyu. "It is indeed a good pill." Lan Bing'er's eyes flashed with a strange light. Because there are basically no people in Xuntian Bing Clan who master the laws of fire, there are very few alchemists, and most of them are guests from other systems. Compared with other top-notch forces, the pills of Xuntian Bing Clan are much inferior. "Gululu..."

At this moment, the egg on the shoulder was not very quiet. It loosened its little hand, threw the silver dragon tendon aside, and jumped directly into Lan Bing'er's arms.


Ling Feng was stunned. Is this little guy so close to everyone?


He couldn't help but take a look at Lan Bing'er's chest. Ahem, it was indeed interesting.

"What is this little guy? So cute?"

Lan Bing'er had noticed the little guy on Ling Feng's shoulder that looked like an ostrich egg. It was the first time she saw such a creature that had only shed half of its shell.

But it still looked very cute.

Because of this, Lan Bing'er rarely had some maternal instincts. She held the egg and touched his little head with joy.

The little guy was quite happy, with a little expression of enjoyment on his face.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, picking up the "teething stick" casually. Lan Xiaoyu standing beside him couldn't help but wonder, "Hey, Brother Ling, what is this? And that little guy, what kind is it? I've never heard of it!" "I don't know either." Ling Feng shrugged and said casually, "I picked up the egg, and then it hatched, and I took it with me." "Look at the little thing, it's very spiritual, it must be a powerful beast! Brother Ling, you are so lucky!" Lan Xiaoyu was very envious, "Why don't I have this kind of luck?" Ling Feng laughed dryly. , without saying much, but then heard Lan Bing'er ask: "Mr. Ling, what is the name of this little guy?"

"Uh, hehe..."

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head, "I just gave it a random name, Danzai."


Lan Bing'er reached out and touched Danzai's little head again, and suddenly touched the eggshell mask on the side of its head, and couldn't help asking again: "What is this?"

"I don't know."

Ling Feng shrugged, "It was there when he was born, and he has been wearing it all the time."

Lan Bing'er blinked and gently took off the eggshell mask, wanting to take a closer look.

However, at the moment when the eggshell mask was taken off, a terrifying breath swept out from Danzai's body.

Evil, domineering, fierce, and tyrannical!

In an instant, Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong, Lan Bing'er, and Lan Xiaoyu all widened their eyes, watching the tender and cute little guy, who seemed to have transformed into a big devil!

The black mist lingered, and the originally white eggshell of Danzai was actually constantly covered by the blackness.

Lan Bing'er was so scared that she quickly let go and threw Danzai aside, "What...what's going on?"

Ling Feng noticed that Danzai's mutation was still continuing.

Not only did the eggshell turn black, but even the pair of innocent eyes seemed to become cold and evil.


The next moment, Danzai let out a low roar, mixed with pain and brutality.

Then, a dark ball of light appeared in his open mouth, and it blasted towards Lan Bing'er.

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, and he realized something in an instant.


Ling Feng shouted quickly, and before Lan Bing'er could react, he rushed over and threw Lan Bing'er to the ground, avoiding the energy ball released by the dark Danzai.

"What...what's going on?"

Lan Bing'er was completely confused and looked at Ling Feng in astonishment, even forgetting that Ling Feng was pressing on her at the moment.

"It's the mask."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "The reason he attacked you was to completely destroy the mask, so that the other innocent Danzai would probably disappear forever!"

Lan Bing'er looked at Ling Feng with wide eyes. Ling Feng could no longer care whether Lan Bing'er understood or not, and quickly stretched out his palm in front of her, "Give me that mask!"


Lan Bing'er nodded quickly and handed over the pocket-sized eggshell mask.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and his figure flashed, turned into a bolt of thunder, and disappeared into the distance.

He believed that the mask was the seal that suppressed the evil energy in Danzai's body. If he wanted to awaken Danzai, he had to take the mask back.

"Brother Yan, help me!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the two of them looked at each other, then shot out one to the left and the other to the right, straight towards Eggman.

Although they haven't seen each other for many years, the two of them work together and their tacit understanding is still as good as before!

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