Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3621 Qianling breaks the curse!


Thunder exploded, and Ling Feng took the lead in rushing towards Danzi.

The billowing black smoke swept away with Danzi as the center, and the terrible evil spirit gave people a creepy feeling.

Seeing that most of the chitin on Danzi's body had been covered in darkness, his innocent eyes were now as red as a fountain of blood.

"Xuan Bingfeng!"

The moment Ling Feng appeared in front of Danzi, Yan Jinghong's divine pattern of patrolling the sky flickered in the center of Yan Jinghong's eyebrows. Immediately afterwards, the temperature of the entire space dropped sharply. It was covered with ice and snow for a while, and the weather was freezing. The water aura around Danzi quickly It turned into ice and froze his body.

Danzi let out a low and hoarse roar, spitting out jet-black balls of light, which exploded loudly.

Ling Feng's figure turned into flames, and he directly used the fire escape technique of the Xuntian Fire Tribe. His speed increased a lot again, and he dodged Danzai's cannons one after another.

Boom boom boom!

The black ball of light exploded into the distance. Whether it was mountains, jungles, or rivers and swamps, they were all annihilated under the ball of light.

This ball of light actually contains the terrifying Law of Annihilation!

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. Although Danzi could not control his power yet, he could have such terrifying destructive power by just opening his mouth and spraying it.

He must be allowed to regain his senses as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, held the small eggshell mask, and kept trying to get closer to Danzai and put the mask on Danzai again.

On the other side, Lan Xiaoyu stepped forward to help Lan Bing'er, who was still dazed, and said in a deep voice: "Sister, do you know what this is? It's too weird!"

Lan Bing'er shook her head numbly, staring at Danzi with her eyes blankly, biting her silver teeth, how could such a thing have happened if she hadn't been owed.

She quickly flew down and landed next to Yan Jinghong. Without saying a word, she also imitated Yan Jinghong's appearance, controlled the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, and restrained Danzai with black ice. She waited until Ling Feng controlled Danzai first.

However, despite the addition of Lan Bing'er, Danzi's struggle did not stop, but became more intense.

Ling Feng knew that even Yan Jinghong and Lan Bing'er's Xuan Bing couldn't restrain Danzi for too long.

The power contained in his body is so terrifying that it is not even inferior to the three gods of Tianzhi. If he is allowed to continue his rampage, they may really die in the hands of Danzi.

Whoosh whoosh!

With a thought, Ling Feng's eyes flashed with golden light, and he used the Great Creation Technique to create dozens of clones. Each clone held a mask and wanted to get close to Eggman.

Boom boom boom!

The dark ball of light from Danzi's mouth kept spraying out, more accurately and more terrifyingly powerful than before.

Bang bang bang bang!

The clones are annihilated one after another, and at the moment when the clones explode, a dazzling light will erupt.

Ling Feng hid in the bright light and finally approached Danzai.

The moment the ball of light in Danzi's mouth was about to erupt, "Crack!"

The eggshell mask was finally put on Eggboy's head again.

The next moment, the red light in Danzi's eyes dissipated, the ball of light swallowed back, and a burst of thick black smoke came out of his mouth.

After a while, the eggshell on Danzi's body returned to its pure white state, and his eyes returned to innocence and innocence.

However, he seemed to be very weak, and it was obvious that the state just now caused him to consume a lot of energy.

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his guess was correct, but the eggshell on the top of his head was the key to suppressing the evil in his body.

Although it has been more than ten years since Ling Feng got the little goldfish from the void lotus pond.

However, little is known about his origins.

It was only learned from the mouth of the Void Double Blade that this little goldfish was probably the former Void Saint, brought out from the battlefield of all races, which is the so-called "immortal and demon seed".

In his body, he not only possesses the immortal bloodline of all the races in the world, but also the demonic seeds of all evils in the demonic realm.

He is a fusion of immortals and demons, possessing terrifying power that can destroy the world.

Fortunately, this fused energy is no longer fairy energy, nor is it purely demonic energy, so even if Danzi just exploded the energy in his body wantonly, it did not arouse the suspicion of Lan Bing'er and his sister.

Ling Feng took the little guy into his arms again and put him back on his shoulders. He sighed softly and said, "You little guy, you almost killed me!"

At this time, Lan Bing'er and others also flew forward. Lan Bing'er glanced at Ling Feng apologetically, "Mr. Ling, I didn't mean it just now..."

"Miss Lan, don't blame yourself too much. I don't know much about Eggman's situation, so you just took off his mask. In fact, it might be a good thing. At least I will know in the future that I can't take off his mask at will. This The sooner it is discovered, the better, otherwise, by the time he grows up, he may be out of control. "

Lan Bing'er bit her silver teeth lightly, knowing that Ling Feng was trying to comfort her, she glanced at Ling Feng gratefully, hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Master Ling, this egg boy's bloodline is extraordinary, and according to your knowledge, What he said is that he has just been born and already contains such terrifying power that it will be difficult to control in the future.”

Ling Feng's face darkened slightly, and he was worried.

Although he knows that the eggshell mask can suppress the evil spirits in his body, in the future, Eggboy will grow up day by day, and who knows when he will completely lose control.

He is now like a newly born baby, still getting close to those he considers relatives.

But even a biological son can be rebellious sometimes. As he grows up and becomes stronger day by day, I'm afraid...

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Although Ling Feng didn't want to regard Danzi as a monster and let him become his spiritual pet, but now it seemed that he still had to make a spiritual pet contract with him so that he could still have some control over him.

"Thank you, Miss Lan, for reminding me."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and performed a hand trick. A drop of blood immediately oozed out from his palm. He wanted to penetrate Danzi's body from the center of his eyebrows and make him his spiritual pet.

But soon, Ling Feng discovered that after Danzi absorbed his blood essence, he completely expelled the spiritual pet contract from his body.


Ling Feng frowned. It seemed that this level of spiritual pet contract was invalid for him.

"This little guy is indeed an alien!"

Lan Xiaoyu's eyes widened, "It can even repel a spiritual pet contract, and it can also absorb the power of the opponent's essence and blood. It's really weird!"

"A normal spiritual pet contract cannot restrict him!"

Lan Bing'er stared at Ling Feng with her big ice-blue eyes, somewhat hesitant to speak.

"Try this again!"

Ling Feng frowned, and the next moment he took out the Four Spirit Beast Taming Ring that was once used to control the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Before Ling Feng left Camp Sao Feng, he had already lifted the Four Spirit Beast Control Rings and restored the freedom of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Naturally, the condition was that he hoped that the Deep Sea Demon Whale King could continue to protect Sao Feng Camp.

With the Four Spirit Beast Control Ring, he can even control an overlord like the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Although Danzi is extremely talented, in terms of willpower, he is probably far inferior to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng released the Four Spirit Beast Taming Ring. The Four Spirit Beast Taming Ring sensed Danzai's presence, automatically shrunk, and gradually moved down from Danzai's head. After a while, it tightened around Danzai's head. With a flash of purple light on Danzai's body, he was about to disappear into Danzai's body.


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, showing a hint of joy.

But soon, sizzle!

The purple electric arc flickered, and the next moment, the four-spirit beast-controlling ring was discharged from Danzi's body, with black smoke still rising from it.


The next moment, the Four Spirit Beast Taming Ring fell to the ground. It had been strongly corroded, and it looked like it would be better off without being scrapped.

Failed again!

Ling Feng felt a pain in his body. This four-spirit beast-controlling ring was a top-grade magic weapon, a rare treasure, but it was ruined by Danzi.

"This is the Four Spirit Beast Taming Ring!"

Lan Bing'er was well-informed and recognized this object at a glance, and said solemnly: "Even the Four Spirit Beast Taming Ring can't do anything to this little guy. I really want to know who this little guy is."

Ling Feng laughed a few times and could only continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Lan Bing'er hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and said: "Master Ling, if you don't give up, I may be able to teach you the Qianling God-Relieving Curse that our Xantian clan uses to subdue spiritual pets. It may work."

"I'll go, sister, that's the Qianling Divine Curse, and you haven't even taught me yet!"

Lan Xiaoyu's eyes widened. It was obvious that this Qianling Divine Curse was extraordinary. Even among the direct descendants of the Xantian Ice Clan, not everyone was qualified to practice it.

Lan Bing'er rolled her eyes at him, "You have an impetuous temperament, and I can't learn it even if I teach you!"

Lan Xiaoyu looked dissatisfied, "Stop looking down on others!"

"Then you learn together."

Lan Bing'er had no choice but to roll her eyes, and then looked at Ling Feng again, "Master Ling, you saved me just once. This spirit-breaking curse can be considered as repayment."

Ling Feng bowed his hands to Lan Bing'er, "Well, thank you very much, Miss Lan."

"Junior brother Yan, you should also learn together."

Lan Bing'er thought for a while and then looked at Yan Jinghong behind her. With his qualifications, he would probably learn much faster than Lan Xiaoyu.

"Thank you, senior sister."

Yan Jinghong was not polite either. Among the Xantian Ice Clan, apart from Lan Xiaoyu, Lan Binger had a close relationship with him.

"In addition to being used to subjugate spiritual pets, this dry spirit spell is also a secret technique for cultivating the origin of the soul. After all, the stronger the origin of the soul, the stronger the suppression of alien beasts and spiritual pets. That's the only way "

Lan Bing'er said, sitting down cross-legged, "My county will teach you the formula once. You'd better be careful..."

Half a quarter of an hour later, a glimmer of understanding flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and then he followed Lan Bing'er's example and sat down cross-legged. The light around him flickered, and a mysterious ice energy surged around him.

Then, Yan Jinghong seemed to have some realization, and sat cross-legged, with light blue light flashing all over his body.

Lan Xiaoyu, on the other hand, just as Lan Bing'er expected, was still unable to get in.

He is not bad in talent, but he is impetuous. Seeing Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong master the tricks one after another, he became eager to win for a while, and finally calmed down.

Not long after, Lan Xiaoyu finally came to some realization, sat cross-legged and fell into a state of enlightenment.

"This kid..."

Lan Bing'er narrowed her eyes and smiled. If it weren't for the pressure from Ling Feng and the others, it would be rare for this kid to be able to practice so seriously.

Time passes little by little.

Half an hour later, Ling Feng opened his eyes first, with a flash of purple light in his eyes, and then returned to normal.

"Thank you Miss Lan!"

Ling Feng's eyes focused on Lan Bing'er, then he picked up Danzi and silently recited a formula for Qianling to break the curse.

The murmuring sound was like Sanskrit singing, and mysterious inscriptions floated from Ling Feng's body. The next moment, all of them were driven into Danzi's body.

But this time, Danzi finally did not reject those inscriptions.

With the completion of the Qianling God-Resolving Curse, Danzai and Lingfeng's spiritual sea established an unbreakable link, which also meant that Lingfeng had officially become Danzai's master.

"This God-Breaking Curse is really powerful."

Ling Feng looked at Lan Bing'er with great joy, not only because he had subdued Danzi, but also because of the benefits of this Spirit-Breaking Curse to the origin of his own soul.

He had only learned some techniques for cultivating war souls from Cheng Tianyong before, but they were far inferior to this Qianling God-Resolving Curse.

It has to be said that the foundation of the Xantian clan is indeed extraordinary.

"It's Mr. Ling, you have a high level of understanding!"

Lan Bing'er glanced at Ling Feng in surprise. Ling Feng did not have the blessing of Xantian's bloodline, but he was able to practice this Qianling God-Resolving Curse so much faster than Yan Jinghong and Lan Xiaoyu.

This kid is really against the sky!

Of course she didn't know that Ling Feng also had the blood of the Xantian Ice Clan, and was no worse than her and Lan Xiaoyu.

At this time, Yan Jinghong and Lan Xiaoyu also woke up one after another. Both of them have started practicing. The next practice depends on the individual's diligence.

"Sister, what's going on? I'm going to slap you in the face. How dare you say that I can't learn?"

Lan Xiaoyu looked proud and said with joy.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Lan Bing'er looked like she hated iron. As the only male of the Lan family, he will definitely be the one to shoulder the heavy burden of the Lan family in the future. It's a pity that this kid has excellent talents, but Don't want to make progress.

Fortunately, he has been beaten several times by Yan Jinghong in the past few years, so he is more diligent.

Ling Feng smiled heartily. Although the two siblings often bickered, they could still tell that they had a deep love for each other.

"Miss Lan, Brother Lan, Brother Yan!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, cupped his fists and saluted the three of them, "I still have something to do and can't stay long, so I'll take my leave."


Lan Xiaoyu chuckled, they were still participating in the competition for the Seven Ultimate Immortals Ranking.

Yan Jinghong stepped forward and patted Ling Feng's shoulder gently. Ling Feng's expression changed slightly and he took a deep look at Yan Jinghong. Yan Jinghong nodded slightly and said lightly: "Farewell!"


Ling Feng took a deep breath, bowed his hands to several people again, then unfolded his body skills and flew away.

It wasn't until he could no longer sense the auras of Lan Bing'er and the others that Ling Feng opened his palms and saw a few big words condensed with ice energy in his palms: Your Majesty is trapped in a desperate situation!

The next moment, the ice energy dissipated and the writing disappeared without a trace. Ling Feng clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

Finally, I finally got a clue about my mother.

"Thank you very much, Brother Yan."

Ling Feng collected his mind and tried to calm down. The road ahead was long and full of obstacles. Whether he wanted to rescue his grandfather or his mother, there was only one prerequisite.

Be strong!

(PS: I stopped for a day yesterday, and the word count of today’s chapter is 4,200+, which is considered a make-up.)

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