Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3622 One word, tough!

Time flies, and the second stage of the trial of the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking has finally come to the last three days.

After more than twenty days of fighting and strife, the situation on all levels of the Qijue Tower has stabilized. In other words, the excessive fighting in the early stage has made most of the sect forces exhausted.

As a large number of sect forces were eliminated, most of the remaining major forces were at the end of their strength.

And as the deadline approaches, those temporary alliances that were originally formed will inevitably fall apart.

After all, those who can finally advance to the third stage must only be a single force and cannot advance in the form of an alliance.

The final criterion for promotion is the number of Xuanyuan flags planted by each major force, and then the total points are calculated based on the scale of resource points.

There is no necessary connection with what resource point was occupied before, or what kind of resources were collected.

Therefore, in the last few days, the already relatively harmonious and stable situation will inevitably be broken again.

"Time is up!"

At the entrance of the river valley, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, and the final stage of division began. I believe that all the major forces are already preparing to move.

"Hmph, I've been ready for a long time!"

Chi Yan was furiously gearing up, throwing aside the shovel in his hand, and with a beautiful flying body, he landed directly beside Ling Feng.

"This divine beast is also ready!"

The bitch grinned widely, looking beaming.

This guy won't help Ling Feng occupy any territory.

The deadline is approaching, and the situation on all levels of Qijue Tower will definitely be in chaos.

This guy is just fishing in troubled waters...

Oh no, it should be said that he was taking advantage of the situation.

At this point, I believe that as long as the monks who remain inside the Seven Jue Tower have basically collected a large amount of cultivation materials.

I am just mining a resource point, how can I be as relaxed as directly taking advantage of it?

As long as the heart is dark enough, won't all the resources that the monks have worked so hard to mine become their own?

Ling Feng didn't know what this guy's plan was, so he kicked him and cursed: "You bitch, you can't afford this donkey, but I can't afford this person!"

He currently represents Tianzhi. If he does such a shameless thing, will he continue to mess around in the future?

The cheap donkey is his spiritual pet. Whatever the cheap donkey does, the blame will not fall on him in the end.

Ling Feng's trip can be said to have been full of medicine, blood from the medicinal snakes, spiritual wings from the six-winged golden cicadas, and the Qianling Divine Spell taught by Lan Bing'er.

The trip has already been worthwhile, so naturally he will not look down on this kind of taking advantage of the situation.

"You should get rid of such dirty thoughts as soon as possible."

Ling Feng gave the bitch an angry look, "Don't lead Danzi into trouble."

As he said that, he raised his hand and touched Danzi, who was napping on his left shoulder.

Back then, Xiao Qiongqi was led astray by the bitch, and he should have become the second bitch. (PS: Regarding Xiao Qiongqi and Xiao Ming, the underworld dragon, because his bloodline talents are limited after all, when Ling Feng left the lower world, he left Xiao Qiongqi and Xiao Ming in the Sao Feng Camp, as the sea-suppressing beasts, guarding one side. It seems to have been written before Yes, but I seem to have forgotten to write it down, so I’ll add it here to explain it.)

Ling Feng couldn't let Danzi make the same mistake again.

This little guy has calmed down in the past ten days, and his teeth have almost been worn down. However, the silver dragon tendons, which have been "coiled" by the little guy, are thin and soft, but they are extremely tough, even if Ling Feng uses all his strength. , it should be impossible to break it even slightly.

Originally, this silver dragon tendon was not a mortal thing, but now it has been chewed by the little guy for half a month, and has been polished into a treasure. With the toughness of this thing, I am afraid that even the powerful Immortal Lord will be tied up. There is absolutely no way to break free.

The baby is a good baby, but the smell is a bit strong. After all, it is covered with Danzi's saliva.

Ling Feng didn't think it was shabby, so he kept it carefully as it might come in handy in the future.

"This divine beast is upright and upright. It can only lead that rotten egg to good things. How could it lead to bad things?"


Ling Feng didn't bother to talk to him, so he pulled Danzi off his shoulders and sent him into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Now that he has finished grinding his teeth, Ling Feng doesn't have to worry about the Five Elements Palace being chewed by him again.

After all, Danzi is an unstable factor, and his strength is too terrifying, so it's better not to expose him casually.

"Let's go!"

After putting the egg boy away, Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Chi Yankuang, "Brother Chi, we have completely occupied this floor. The next step is to go to other floors to grab the territory! Let's go back and join Senior Sister Liuli and the others first. Then make plans!”

After saying that, Ling Feng directly unfolded his body skills, and with Chi Yan Kuang and Jian Lu, he galloped towards the hot spring valley.

Every resource point on this floor has been planted with Tianzhi's Xuanyuan flag, except of course the medicine garden previously promised to Cihang Jingzhai.

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party had arrived near the hot spring valley, and happened to pass by the medicine garden of Cihang Jingzhai.

I saw that Yu Shiwei and her senior sister Fengling seemed to realize that the final stage of scoring had begun, so they consciously pulled out the Xuanyuan flag and were about to leave.

"Miss Yushi! Miss Fengling!"

Ling Feng flew down and stepped forward to say hello to Yu Shiwei.

"It turns out to be Mr. Ling!"

Yu Shiwei saw Ling Feng flying over, bowed to Ling Feng, and said warmly: "Just in time, I was planning to go see Senior Sister Liuli to say goodbye, but now that you are here, we don't have to make another trip."

"Miss Yushi is ready to leave?" Ling Feng blinked and asked calmly.

"Yes." Yu Shiwei nodded, "I am very satisfied to be able to collect elixirs here in peace during this period. There are only the last three days left. Although this medium-sized medicine garden does not have many points, We can no longer take advantage of Tianzhi, so my senior sister and I decided to leave here and try our luck on other floors. Maybe we can occupy one or two resource points. If we can advance, it will be a good thing. If we can't advance, we won't. "Forcing."

"That's fine!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. This Yu Shiwei understood the righteousness well. Tianzhi did not say anything about returning the control of the medicine garden, so they gave it up on their own. If they were greedy people, even if they were willing to give up, I'm afraid I will also force it until the last moment.

"Master Ling, the Xuanyuan flag of our Cihang Jingzhai has been taken down. You can now put up the flag of Tianzhi."

Yu Shiwei raised her eyes and took a deep look at Ling Feng. She bowed to him again and said softly, "My dear, I'll take my leave now. Mr. Ling, see you later."

As she spoke, she hugged the guqin in her arms, and with a cheerful crisp sound like the arrival of silver, her figure gradually moved away.

"I hope they can advance smoothly."

After Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and watched the two girls leave, he planted Tianzhi's Xuanyuan flag again and reopened the barrier. Chi Yan Kuang on the side laughed, "This little girl is really interesting, beautiful and sensible. .Brother Ling, it’s understandable that you put down your brotherhood in order to save her first.”

This guy, when he suddenly mentioned this matter, obviously still resented Ling Feng for leaving him alone, causing him to receive a severe beating from Cao Wuxie.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, said nothing, and continued heading to the hot spring valley without stopping.

At this moment, the Tianzhi disciples guarding the valley also gathered together, seemingly waiting for the arrival of others.

Seeing Ling Feng coming from a distance, Qin Yao quickly waved to them and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Liuli, Junior Brother Ling and the others are back!"

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng had already entered the boundary of the valley. He cupped his fists and saluted Su Liuli. While exchanging greetings, he also informed Su Liuli about Cihang Jingzhai.

"Junior Sister Yu is quite knowledgeable."

Su Liuli smiled slightly and immediately focused her gaze on Ling Feng again, "But Junior Brother Ling, the time has come to the last three days. According to your previous plans, these three days are the most critical steps!"


Ling Feng nodded, following the three-step plan he proposed before.

The first two steps both emphasize the word stability, but this last step, the stage of breakthrough, stability, is obviously no longer important.

"We have gone very smoothly in the first two steps. According to the news from Senior Brother Yushen and the others, although we have encountered some resistance, because we only occupy three territories, relatively speaking, we are not as good as other major forces. The conflict between them is actually minimal, and their strength is preserved to the greatest extent.”

"Yes, as far as I know, among the Xantian Thunder Clan, Xuntian Fire Clan and others, due to the fierce competition, many disciples have used up the death talismans in their hands, which can be regarded as having died once." Su Liuli He nodded and said warmly.

"So, this extra death talisman is our opportunity."

While Ling Feng was speaking, Yulong Immortal Lord Ao Tianxin also arrived belatedly with his junior brother. At this point, the team led by Su Liuli finally reunited.

"Tianxin, you are a step too late!"

Su Liuli smiled and welcomed Ao Tianxin over. Although she was somewhat accountable, her attitude was very gentle.

"Sister Liuli, there is nothing I can do. The place I occupy is the closest to the teleportation points. No, when I rushed here, I also eliminated several groups of guys who wanted to fish in troubled waters."

Ao Tianxin raised his orchid fingers with a pretentious look that made people feel sick to his stomach.

This guy is obviously quite handsome, but he insists on doing this...

Ling Feng took a deep breath and chuckled: "Senior Brother Ao, those who are capable should work harder!"

"Humph, you don't have to say that!"

Ao Tianxin rolled his eyes at Ling Feng. Ling Feng had stolen his limelight several times before, so he still had some opinions on Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shrugged and said wisely, "Yes, I don't need to say more."

"Junior Brother Ling, you have to say it."

Su Liuli and Xini said: "Now this is the most critical step. Although I am the nominal commander, I actually have to rely on you to issue orders. Just tell me, I will listen to you whatever you do next."


Ao Tianxin was a little unconvinced, but since Su Liuli had spoken, he couldn't refute Su Liuli's face.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "It's very simple, rush out, just one word, tough!"

"The attitude must be tough, the methods must be tough, and the fists must be tough!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, "We have been keeping a low profile for so long, let's just rush out and fight, grab every piece and take it. Regardless of whether we can get to the end, we will put up the flag first! Of course..."

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "The base camp cannot be lost. We still need to leave a few more people to patrol this floor. The resources have been collected almost, and there is no need to station guards anymore. At this time, The number of flags matters.”

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