Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3642 Aohan Sword Intent!


Ao Tianxin took a deep breath and said bravely: "You know the truth, otherwise, even if you are a fellow sect of Tianzhi, I will not show mercy. I must let you know the power of my Origin Sky Dragon Ball!"

Ling Feng shrugged. Anyway, he had already won the top three, and he didn't want to advance, and he was too lazy to have a verbal dispute with Ao Tianxin.

He casually took the unconscious bitch back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, then jumped directly and jumped off the ring on his own initiative.

"Just...just give up?"

On the high platform, Xiao Xianling stared in Ling Feng's direction with wide eyes, frowning, and said angrily: "It's just a little bit close, a little bit close to being promoted! He doesn't have more than one spiritual pet! Don't tell me. Keep fighting for it!”

Jieyin Xianzun raised his hand and gently touched Xiao Xianling's head, and said with a faint smile: "This is enough. Sometimes, being too sharp may not be a good thing."

Xiao Xianling pouted and said, "Grandpa, wouldn't it be better to win?"

“Winning has the benefits of winning, but there are also the troubles of winning.”

Jieyin Xianzun smiled slightly, "He is young and has just tried his best. He has already achieved such results, which is already remarkable. I think he has tried his best."

"Really...did you try your best?"

Xiao Xianling frowned, then nodded happily, "That's right, he joined Tianzhi only a few years ago."

Strictly speaking, it’s less than ten years!

In just ten years, he has grown from a virtual immortal who has just entered the Immortal Realm to a powerful man who can compete with the seven major forces in the Immortal Realm.

He has created a miracle!

What else do you hope for? Can he still win the title of the Seven Ultimate Powerhouse?

It's unlikely even if you think about it.

Si Chen, who was sitting on the side, sneered secretly in his heart: That boy was smart, he knew how to use that bitch to hide himself, and he stopped when he saw the opportunity. Also, given his status, he should be careful and act cautiously.

"What a pity! What a pity!"

Elder Lian Lei stroked his long beard and looked at Jieyinxian Zun, "Jieyinzun, that young disciple actually has such a powerful spiritual pet under his hands. It's a pity that the last killing move can only be used once, otherwise, maybe, There is really a chance to become the champion of Yu Zhikao."

"Haha, Elder Lian Lei is worrying too much."

Xia Zekai, the elder of Dayu Immortal Courtyard on the side, smiled coldly, "Now in the Yuzhikao arena, only Tianzhi's Yulong is left, and there is a little-known younger brother from the Xantian Mountain clan. Tianzhi has firmly won. No matter who wins this game, what difference does it make?”

As he said this, Xia Zekai deliberately glanced at Yuchi Wuzhao, the elder of the Xantian Mountain Clan next to him, with a hint of provocation.

It's not that Xia Zekai thinks highly of Yulong Immortal Lord, but as long as he can attack the Xantian Mountain Clan, he will naturally not let this opportunity go.


Yuchi Wuzhao snorted coldly and said in a cold voice: "What, then Yulong will definitely be able to defeat the children of my clan?"


Just when the two of them were at war with each other and the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger, Jie Yinxian Zun started to fight and laughed, "The game is not over yet. It is not yet known who will win and who will lose. Don't let the two of you hurt your harmony." ”

Jie Yinxian Zun was so mature and mature, so he didn't know that Xia Zekai deliberately used the method of pulling and stepping to deliberately belittle the Xantianshan clan.

He doesn't want to be a gunman for Xia Zekai, and he won't do anything that offends anyone!

Time passed bit by bit.

After Ling Feng flew down from the ring, he took the initiative to go to a corner of the spectator seats to watch the game.

Soon, the champions of each arena emerged one after another.

In the ring of the boxing test, when only the last three contestants were left on the stage, Wan Jun almost opened his eyes, and then, thunder burst out and blew the remaining two people away.

Destroy everything without any suspense!

Although they are all proud kings belonging to the seven major forces, the gap between them is completely different.

Ling Feng also took a breath of cold air, and then he understood the background of being the strongest genius of Xuntian Lei Clan.

He is worthy of being a super monster who has destroyed Yuan Mansion and rebuilt it three times. His strength may have surpassed that of an ordinary Earth-opening Realm Immortal Lord!

Therefore, in front of it, those geniuses in the Dao Fruit Realm are no more than toddlers, not worth mentioning at all.

Ling Feng secretly made a comparison. Even if he went all out and used all kinds of trump cards and abilities, he would probably be defeated miserably in Wan Jun's hands.

No suspense!

Unless, he does not hesitate to use the technique of chaos reincarnation at the cost of falling into the realm.

However, that would be tantamount to digging your own grave.

Immediately afterwards, there is the arena for the spirit test.

Ren Tianhen, the Imperial Immortal Lord, almost followed Wan Jun and took action.

Similarly, when the terrifying god-like divine soul of Yu Shenxian Lord rose up, all the contestants in the Lingzhi test trembled, and then their legs weakened and they knelt down.

From the source of the soul, crush it directly!

Although Yu Shenxianjun's attack was not as domineering and fierce as Wan Jun's, in the eyes of outsiders, the effect could only be described as shocking.

Immediately afterwards, the top geniuses of several other major forces also began to show off their magical powers, and easily defeated all the remaining masters in the ring.

Compared with their peerless talent in the first echelon, there is still a very obvious gap between the others.

It is worth mentioning that Shui Yanbing from the Xantian Ice Clan chose the sword test.

And the last opponent he needs to deal with is Tianzhi's sword-wielding immortal king, Wang Teng.


When the ice sword collided with the sky sword, Shui Yanbing's ice sword shattered instantly and turned into ice shards that scattered all over the sky.

Wang Teng, on the other hand, fell heavily to the edge of the ring, covered his chest, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Even when facing a strong man like Shui Yanbing, Wang Teng still showed his unyielding sword spirit as a sword-wielding immortal king.

A swordsman must remain unyielding despite all odds. This is the undefeated heart of the sword!

Wang Teng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up slowly, and held the long sword tightly with his slightly trembling palms. He stared at Shui Yanbing with his cold eyes, looked up to the sky and shouted, "Come again!"

"Senior Brother Yu Jian's swordsmanship is better than Shui Yanbing's. Unfortunately, the gap in absolute strength is still too big."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and was impressed by Wang Teng's fighting spirit.

You know you can't do it, but you still have to fight to the end.

This is the swordsman!

A true swordsman!

"good, very good!"

On the ring, Shui Yanbing's ice-blue eyes flashed with a hint of approval.

"You are a true swordsman!"

His arrogant figure slowly fell from the air. The moment his toes landed on the ground, the extremely cold sword field swept across.

The entire arena seemed to turn into ice and snow in an instant.

This is not some magic, nor is it the power of ice laws.

This is his sword intention!

Extremely cold, the cold sword intent that seals the sky and freezes the earth!

The next moment, in his palm, there was a Senhan long sword with blue light flashing, quietly clenching it tightly.

It was no longer an ice sword that Shui Yanbing gathered at random, but a real sword.

"You deserve my use of Hanxing."

Shui Yanbing held the Hanxing Immortal Sword in his hand and stared at Wang Teng.

This is respect from opponents.

Even if he doesn't use Han Xing, he can easily defeat Wang Teng.

However, he still used his sword.

This is respect for a swordsman!


Wang Teng took a deep breath. Maybe he would definitely lose, but he won the respect of his opponent.

That is one of the top talents of this era.

Although defeated, still glorious!


As the Heavenly Sword in Wang Teng's hand was knocked away, this battle came to an end.

In the end, Wang Teng still couldn't resist Shui Yanbing's second sword. He was defeated miserably and completely, but no one would look down on him because of this.

Shui Yanbing stretched out his hand and drew Wang Teng's Heavenly Sword, then flew down in front of Wang Teng, handed the Heavenly Sword back to Wang Teng's hand, and said with a faint smile: "The sword is a good sword, and you are also an excellent swordsman." swordsman!"

Wang Teng's eyes widened and he took a deep look at Shui Yanbing. After a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "You, too!"

Shui Yanbing also won his respect with his magnanimity and magnanimity.

Shui Yanbing helped Wang Teng stand up, patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a faint smile: "We will compete again when we have the opportunity. There is a lot worth learning from you."

After that, he gently pushed forward and sent Wang Teng off the ring safely.

"This Shui Yanbing seems to be a rare gentleman."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He was also from the Xantian Ice Clan. There were cruel and murderous turtle son bastards like Shui Changyin, but there could also be gentle and courteous gentlemen like Shui Yanbing.

"Mother, what kind of family is your family?"

He took a deep breath and whispered to himself.

The blood of the Xuantian Ice Clan also flows in my body. In a sense, the direct descendants of the Xuantian Ice Clan are all my cousins...

Soon, champions of each arena were born one after another.

In the Yuzhikao examination room where Ling Feng was before, Yulongxianjun did not overturn in the end. He still relied on the Source Sky Dragon Ball and relied on the numerical advantage to defeat the final opponent and advance smoothly.

This guy got a big deal!

Otherwise, with his strength, he would be able to advance.

It is worth mentioning that Yu Fan of Dayu Xianting was not able to defeat all his opponents like other top geniuses.

He chose the sword test, but his final opponent turned out to be...

Yan Jinghong!

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