Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3643 Three Crazy Eyes of Blades! Eight Heavenly Sword Techniques!

In Ling Feng's impression, Yan Jinghong was not good at swordsmanship.

However, as the saying goes, a man who has been away for three days should be looked at with new eyes.

What's more, Yan Jinghong once got a divine rune of the Xuntian Ice Clan. With this divine rune, he has already been reborn.

And he had once killed Yan Jiuchuan in the second stage of the trial.

At that time, although Yan Jinghong used the ice sword condensed by the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, he used the secret of "Three Swords Flow".

In other words, he should have used swordsmanship instead of swordsmanship.

After a period of hard training, I think he has made some progress compared to when he just came out of retreat.

And the fact is exactly so.

But Yan Jinghong held the knife with both hands, and there was a third invisible ice blade floating above his head, which made people unable to defend against it.

Even Yu Fan, the top Tianjiao of Dayu Xianting, was unable to defeat Yan Jinghong for a while.

On the contrary, it gave people a feeling of being evenly matched.

"This guy's progress is so fast that it's amazing!" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. If he hadn't lacked some foundation, Yan Jinghong could have really defeated Yu Fan. Ding Ding Ding! The knife flashed, and Yan Jinghong's figure was as swift as a storm. Three knives were fired at the same time, turning like an ice wheel. Even Yu Fan was suppressed by his violent knife force for a while and retreated step by step. Yu Fan held a crescent-shaped curved knife in his hand. His knife skills were like ghosts. He was in front of him and suddenly behind him. The knife's intentions attacked people, which made people feel like looking up at a mountain, and they were terrified and confused. However, Yan Jinghong's fast knife, like a gust of wind, abandoned all self, as if he had turned himself into a knife, the knife was the man, and the man was the knife! His suppressive fighting style made Yu Fan unable to escape for a while. Under his wild knife, there was no gap at all for him to attack. "Great swordsmanship!"

"Oh my god, besides the other top geniuses, there is actually someone who can fight with Yu Fan!"

"Who is that guy? I've never seen him before!"

The audience was boiling, all praising Yan Jinghong.

Because the fights in each arena were basically over, only the arena of the sword test was left, and there were still two figures colliding wildly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on this arena, including the elders of the seven major forces.

Even Emperor Yi Ting saw Yan Jinghong's three-sword swordsmanship, and a glimmer of light flashed in his deep eyes.

"Three-sword style, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

Jie Yin Xianzun stroked his long beard, as if he thought of something.

At the same time, the older beings on the field all looked at the leader of the Xuntian Ice Clan.

However, the two leaders of the Xuntian Ice Clan, Shui Yanbing and Shui Qingxuan, are both young generations.

Perhaps, they may not be familiar with that existence.

"Junior of the Shui family, what is the name of the young man of the Ice Clan on the stage? Is he the descendant of which lineage?"

Elder Lian Lei narrowed his eyes and asked Shui Qinghan and the others calmly.

"This junior brother is called Yan Jinghong. He is not the descendant of any lineage. He is just the latest registered disciple accepted by the master."

Shui Qinghan bowed to Elder Lian Lei and answered respectfully.

"Surname Yan?"

Elder Lian Lei's eyelids jumped, and at the same time, the elders of other major forces also showed a trace of doubt.

The major families of the Xuntian Bing Clan are headed by the Shui and Lan surnames, and the Yan surname is clearly not among them.

But looking at the power of Yan Jinghong's Xuntian Bingpo, it is not weaker than the direct descendants of the Shui and Lan lines, and even better.

What's more, a mere outsider can become a disciple of Emperor Hao Cang?

"Hehe, my dear nephew of the Shui family, that kid's Sky-Surveying Divine Mark is printed on his forehead, don't talk nonsense!" Cao Han sneered, with a bit of sour taste. Such a genius, it's a pity that he is not a disciple of the Sky-Surveying Fire Clan. "How dare I talk nonsense in front of all the seniors." Shui Qinghan shook his head and smiled, "I don't know the origin of this junior brother, but his Sky-Surveying Divine Mark is not his own, but inherited from a senior of my Sky-Surveying Ice Clan." "Just look at his three-sword style, I think I should know who it is." Jieyin Immortal Venerable took a deep breath, and then showed a trace of regret, "If he hadn't fallen back then, with his talent, maybe..." As he said that, Jieyin Immortal Venerable looked in the direction of Empress Qingluo, and didn't dare to say more. "With his talent, it's not difficult to advance to the Broken Realm." Empress Qingluo directly took it up. Others didn't dare to talk about the Broken Realm, but Empress Qingluo was definitely qualified. "It's not just him..." Empress Qingluo said, but sighed, "There are so many geniuses who died in the battle of demon slaying. Among them, there are too many people who have the qualifications to be promoted to Broken Immortal Emperor." In fact, Empress Qingluo's brother is such a genius. "Three swordsmen are crazy and have no eyes. Who doesn't know about Shui Ruowu in that era?" Cao Han took a deep breath. Even though he was a member of the Xuntian Fire Clan and had always disliked the Xuntian Ice Clan, this did not affect his respect for this senior master. "After his death, even his body could not be found. Unexpectedly, his swordsmanship was still passed down!"

Empress Qingluo's eyes narrowed, and she looked back at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting who was sitting high up, and said coldly: "There is a destiny in the world, and no one can escape!"

Immortal Emperor Yiting looked calm and did not say much. He just smiled lightly and said: "It is a blessing that Shui Ruowu's sword skills can be passed down. I hope this junior can reproduce the style of the three swords and crazy eyes of the past!"

At this moment, in the sword test arena, the confrontation between the two sides has reached a fever pitch.

After fighting for a long time, Yu Fan began to sweat slightly on his forehead.

As the top genius of the seven top forces, their Dayu Xianting had already suffered some defeats in the second round of trials. He originally wanted to regain this face in the third round, but he encountered a tough opponent like Yan Jinghong. .

Normally, he could still fight Yan Jinghong calmly.

But now, the more impatient he is, the more likely he is to make mistakes. In terms of sword skills, he is even suppressed by Yan Jinghong.

In the arena of the sword test, except for sword skills, other abilities will be suppressed, so in fact, Yu Fan's strength cannot be fully utilized.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Yu Fan actually suffered a bit.

But that's the rules of the game.

Yu Fan took a deep breath and tried to adjust his rhythm, but Yan Jinghong slashed three times in a row, leaving him with no chance to use his sword and could only continue to defend passively.

It seems that the only option is to use the Eight Heavenly Sword Techniques!

Yu Fan tightly held the scimitar in his hand and actually gave up his defense on his own initiative.

Hearing Yu Fan grunt, he stumbled forward and hit Yan Jinghong heavily with his left shoulder.


The light of the knife slashed down, and the light of the knife penetrated directly through Yu Fan's body, leaving a deep scar on his left shoulder.

But at the same time, Yan Jinghong was also knocked out hard.

His purpose was to use this sword in exchange for a chance to take action.

Yan Jinghong didn't expect that Yu Fan would adopt such a strategy of injuring the enemy eight hundred and damaging himself a thousand. In a moment of astonishment, Yu Fan had already distanced himself.

"You are proud enough to be able to let me use the Eight Heavenly Sword Techniques."

Yu Fan raised his scimitar high, as if there was thunder in his eyes.

For a moment, a strong sense of oppression and crisis struck at the same time.

Yan Jinghong's eyes widened and he defended himself with three swords at the same time.

He knew that the decisive moment had arrived!

"Broken Jue! The sword separates yin and yang!"

With a low roar, Yu Fan's scimitar seemed to compress time and space into one piece.

Light and darkness seemed to become blurred for a moment. Under that knife, yin and yang separated, and the heaven and earth were destroyed!


The terrifying sword light condensed into a ball of chaotic light, and wherever it passed, the arena was directly crushed into powder!

This is the only top genius who used a real killer move in the ninth exam.

However, he also used his strength to tell everyone what he called the Proud King!

Bang bang bang!

Along with the fierce shaking of the arena barrier, Yan Jinghong's knives were shattered one after another, and finally, he was also chopped into pieces.

With a flash of golden light, Yan Jinghong's figure re-formed outside the barrier, while the inside of the arena was already devastated.

Except for a floor tile under Yu Fan's feet, the entire arena had been completely destroyed.

He panted slightly, and slowly put the scimitar in his hand into the scabbard. There was not much excitement and joy of victory in his eyes.

It seemed that he had won, but among the seven geniuses who were as famous as him, he was the only one injured.

The only one!

And this is the only thing that probably no one wants.

On the contrary, Yan Jinghong, although he lost, was the only one to hurt the seven top geniuses.

Although the ranking has not been finalized yet, Qijue, aren't they the same seven people!

There will be almost no suspense.

Being able to leave a knife mark on Yu Fan's body made Yan Jinghong feel proud even though he was defeated.

"After all, I still lack some background."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. While feeling sorry for Yan Jinghong, he also truly understood how terrifying the strength of those top geniuses was.

The Eight Heavenly Sword Techniques, this is just the first sword!

Ling Feng felt a little numb when he thought of the power of that knife.

Ask yourself, if it were you, maybe you would only be able to take about three swords at most.

Because with such a terrifying knife, even if it is reborn with a drop of blood, it will never be able to resist a second time.

One knife to resist, one to regenerate with blood, and the third knife to kill him immediately!

However, Ling Feng would not be discouraged.

It was only a short time ago that he was promoted to the Dao Fruit Realm, but these people have been training in this realm for at least decades or hundreds of years.

With the help of heaven-defying secret techniques such as the Great Killing Technique and the Soul-Breaking Technique, Ling Feng believed that surpassing them was not far away.

"Okay, all nine exams are over!"

At the same time that Yan Jinghong was blown out of the ring, Elder Lian Lei also flew out again and loudly announced the final ranking of the nine exams.

“In the test of boxing, the challenger is Wan Jun.

In the spirit test, director Tianhen was beaten.

In the spear test, Cao Yan is the master.

In the sword test, the challenger is Shui Yanbing.

Ao Tianxin is in the imperial examination.

The test of palm, Yi Liang. (PS: Surveying the Sky Thunder Clan, one of the four powerful ones, ‘Qingtian’, flashes.)

The test of legs, Gu Qi Feng.

The test of skills, Yue Yinshuang.

Examination of swords, Yu Fan. "

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