Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3644 The remaining part of the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll!

All nine exams are over, and the final challenger is basically no one too unexpected.

The top geniuses of the seven major forces, without exception, have won the position of champion one after another, and can advance to the next round to compete for the ranking of the Seven Ultimates.

As for the others, they are destined to just accompany him. For others, it is enough to be able to leave their names on the Qijue Monument.

"Okay, this is the end of the ninth exam!"

Elder Lian Lei waved his hand, and the nine figures were suspended in the mid-air arena. Nine figures returned to one, merged together, and finally fell back to the ground.


Accompanied by the sound of machine springs turning, stone platforms half a person's height rose up in the open space. Around the platform, containers one after another slowly rose up. Inside were obviously various kinds of spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs. , used to refine elixirs.

"There will be additional alchemy trials. Although the final results will not be included in the Qijue ranking, contestants who can achieve outstanding results in the alchemy trials will receive very generous rewards."

Elder Lian Lei laughed loudly and continued: "Okay, no more gossip, all disciples who want to participate in the alchemy trial can enter the venue!"

After the words fell, among the major forces, those monks who were quite accomplished in the alchemy path flew out one after another and landed on the huge platform in the center of the guild hall.

After a while, more than twenty people appeared on the platform.

This ratio is not low, but it is definitely not high.

Alchemists are still a minority after all.

Even in the Immortal Realm, resources are scarce.

It is worth mentioning that Cao Yan from the Xuntian Fire Tribe is also among them.

Fire monks have unique advantages in alchemy. After all, the most important aspect of alchemy, in addition to mastering the medicinal properties of medicinal materials, is the control of flames.

For high-level fire cultivators, this is naturally a breeze.

"Hey, Brother Ling!"

Ling Feng randomly chose a stone platform in the corner, and when he was walking over, he heard Chi Yan's crazy voice.

This guy actually participated in the alchemy trial.

Ling Feng has never heard that he can make elixirs!

"I just said I can always participate in the trial with you!"

Chi Yankuang's eyebrows were dancing with joy. Seeing Ling Feng's astonished look, he said proudly: "Humph, how about it? You didn't expect that I can also make pills."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It was not surprising that Chi Yan Kuang was also a fire cultivator and was good at controlling fire.

However, alchemy is not just about controlling fire.

"Our Chi family is also a famous alchemy family in the Shenzhi Tianyu. Although I am not very interested in alchemy, I still have the basic skills!"

Chi Yankuang looked proud.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, it was a shame that he could say such a thing.

He has some basic skills but still has the nerve to go out and embarrass himself.

"What do you know."

Chi Yan raised his eyebrows wildly, "I'm not sure that most people will be embarrassed to show their shame. There won't be too many people participating. Who knows, we can still get a participation award."


Ling Feng was speechless for a while, this guy's calculations were really clattering!


Chi Yan Kuang shamelessly followed Ling Feng, directly occupied the stone platform next to him, grinned and said: "Brother Ling, cover me!"

After a while, all the contestants had found their own stone platforms.

Next to the stone platform, there is a vacant circular stone pier. There is a round hole the size of a human head in the center of the stone pier, which seems to be the place where the alchemy fire is released.

"Everyone, for this alchemy trial, you can grab all the medicinal materials needed to make alchemy from the medicine cabinets around you. However, the quantity is limited. I hope you can save some."

Elder Lian Lei smiled and landed in the center of the platform. He looked around and then said slowly: "This alchemy trial does not provide an alchemy furnace, so you need to prepare your own alchemy furnace. You only need to put the alchemy furnace on On top of the stone seat, you can then guide the Youtian Xuanhuo below to refine elixirs - "

After a pause, Elder Lian Lei continued: "You can also use your own original fire to make elixirs without using the Youtian Xuanhuo."

After the words fell, everyone immediately took action, took out the alchemy furnace and started working.

With a thought, Ling Feng directly took out the Sun and Moon Universe Furnace that he had obtained in Xiao Wu Mountain (PS: The Xiao Wu Mountain that he entered when the Southern Witch Territory seized the inheritance of the ancestral witches).

Although this alchemy furnace was obtained from the lower realm, it is of extremely high quality and can be regarded as a second-grade immortal cauldron.

When he was in Xuanling Continent, the Sun-Moon Universe Furnace could be regarded as a top-level alchemy furnace, so Ling Feng has been using it until now.

However, when placed in the Immortal Realm, it is not very conspicuous, and can only be regarded as a lower than average level.

Because even if you take a bite of the alchemy furnaces that other contestants take out, they are all immortal products.

In fact, Chi Yan Kuang's Dan Furnace is the second-grade top grade, even better than Ling Feng's Sun Moon Universe Furnace.

As for Cao Yan, the genius of the Sky Patrol Fire Clan, he directly sacrificed a Great Danyang Sacred Cauldron, which was shining with golden light and dazzling. This has exceeded the limit of immortal products and belongs to the god-level cauldron.

It has to be said that the advantage of birth is sometimes worth decades or even centuries of struggle.

However, Ling Feng is not envious. No matter how good the alchemy furnace is, it still depends on the alchemist's own abilities.

For now, the supporting role that the Sun and Moon Universe Furnace gives me is enough.

"Brother Ling, this alchemy furnace looks a little shabby!"

Chi Yan turned his head and glanced at Ling Feng's alchemy furnace, and said solemnly: "You hold so many sect contribution points in your hands, and you don't even mention going to Zhitian Palace to get a new one?"

Ling Feng shrugged. The last time he participated in the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking, he did earn a lot of contribution points. If he had time, he might consider exchanging them for a better alchemy furnace.

However, Ling Feng has never been in the habit of buying alchemy furnaces with money.

This kind of thing is easier to use after snatching it from others.


At this moment, Elder Lian Lei cleared his throat and said loudly: "Attention, now I have announced the test questions for this alchemy trial, everyone, watch out!"

As he spoke, Elder Lian Lei waved his hand, and a piece of golden tissue paper slowly unfolded in his hand.

Then, a ball of golden light slowly floated in the air, and rows of golden words condensed in the air and lingered for a long time.

Obviously, these words record a recipe for elixir!

Everyone muttered silently and quickly memorized the contents of the elixir in their minds.

For these geniuses in the Tao and Fruit Realm, photographic memory is a basic quality.

"This elixir recipe is one of the fragments in the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll. The elixir recipe itself is incomplete."

Elder Lian Lei said loudly: "What you have to do is to complete the elixir according to your own understanding. You can add some medicinal materials appropriately, and finally refine a finished elixir."

"In other words, the answer to this alchemy trial is not unique. As long as the elixir can be refined, the trial is completed. In the end, we will make a comprehensive evaluation based on the medicinal properties and quality of the elixir to determine The final ranking.”

As soon as the words fell, the whole place was in an uproar.

"Good guy, although I don't know how to make alchemy, it seems that the difficulty of this trial is much higher than imagined!"

"Hey, dear, with the incomplete elixir recipe, you can choose the medicinal materials and add them to it. This is not just a simple test of your alchemy ability, it is as difficult as creating the elixir recipe yourself!"

"In my opinion, not more than half of the people can successfully refine the elixir in the end."

At the same time, the elders of the seven major forces on the high platform also showed a playful smile.

"It seems that this alchemy trial will be quite interesting."

Cao Han smiled faintly, with a hint of pride on his face.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, everyone could see that in Cao Han's heart, his son Cao Yan would definitely win the championship.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and the monks who participated in the trial all showed solemn expressions.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, this trial was indeed not easy.

Moreover, directly using the fragments of the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll requires extremely high vision, otherwise, it would be impossible to complete the elixir recipe of this level.

"It's over!"

Chi Yan Kuang even spread his hands and waved his hands, "The elixir recipe is not complete yet, I can't even practice it!"

For alchemists who are only at the entry level, this kind of trial is obviously not something they can complete.

"Brother Ling..."

Chi Yan madly winked at Ling Feng, "Look at this... hehe..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said, "It really doesn't work. You can take whatever I take later. As for whether you can refine the elixir, it depends on your own ability."

"Ha ha!"

When Chi Yankuang heard this, he immediately turned from sadness to joy, but the next moment, Elder Lian Lei poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Everyone must complete this trial independently. You have one stick of incense to think about what medicinal materials to use, and then select them one by one. When each contestant selects medicinal materials, isolation barriers will automatically open around other contestants to prevent Someone will steal someone else's answer."

"Depend on!"

Chi Yankuang cursed in his heart, Damn it, there is no way to cheat now.

"One stick of incense, the timer starts!"

Elder Lian Lei waved his sleeves, and an incense burner appeared in front of him. The fragrance rose, and everyone began to think hard.

"The cold moonflower, the gardenia flower, the quiet leaves, the fragrance of the moon..."

Ling Feng secretly listed the medicinal properties of these medicinal materials one by one. In the incomplete prescription, there were a total of one hundred and seventeen different medicinal materials.

There are six kinds of medicinal materials with strong medicinal properties and relatively high grade. They should be the main medicines in this elixir.

As for the other 111 kinds, there are more than thirty kinds of medicinal properties that conflict with each other.

It is a very difficult thing to reconcile the medicinal properties.

In addition to the need to select the right medicinal materials, the process of fire control and the process of refining and extracting medicine must not be sloppy.

It can be said that an alchemist who can refine elixirs can already be regarded as extraordinary and holy in the art of alchemy!

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