Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3645 Three calamities combined into one! Heaven-defying elixir calamity!

"Timing begins!"

The fragrance was lit and the smoke rose, and all the contestants began to think hard.

It is quite difficult to complete the ancient elixir recipe in the "Xuanhuang Secret Scroll" in one stick of incense. However, these people present are the proud sons of the younger generation, so naturally they cannot judge by common sense.

After a while, a man with dark skin walked out from behind the stone platform and walked directly to the medicine cabinet.

The man's clothes were a little weird, with a short-sleeved shirt, a blue-black headband woven with hemp rope around his head, and a large gold ring around his neck, which set off his bronze skin. Darker.

It is precisely because of the vastness of the Immortal Realm that there are many wonders. The contestants on the Seven Ultimate Immortal List come from all over the Immortal Realm. Therefore, it is normal for some contestants to have different customs and habits from others.

At this moment, it was less than a quarter of the time before the timer started.

For a moment, the audience was in an uproar. After all, even Cao Yan, who was patrolling the Sky Fire Tribe, had not yet completed the elixir recipe. This little-known guy was actually faster than Cao Yan!

"Who is that boy?"

"I'm going, I can't be blind, I can't be so fast!"

"I think so. This isn't nonsense!"


Everyone was talking endlessly. Even among the disciples who participated in the Alchemy Trial, many people looked at the dark-skinned man in astonishment. Basically, when everyone still had no clue, this guy had already figured out what to do. Have you completed the elixir recipe?

At this moment, a golden pillar of light suddenly rose up from the stone platform where all the contestants were, covering all the contestants.

It turns out that this is what Elder Lian Lei mentioned about the protective measures.

When someone chooses medicinal materials, a barrier will automatically be raised to avoid the possibility of "plagiarism and cheating."

The reason is naturally to avoid the existence of "bastards" like Chi Yan Kuang.

The swarthy young man was seen wandering among the rows of medicine cabinets. After a while, he figured out the ordering rules of these medicines and quickly pinpointed the medicines he needed.

Elder Lian Lei nodded slightly. He originally wanted to go up and help tell the young man how to find the needed medicinal materials, but it seemed that he could do without.

After the swarthy young man finished selecting, Elder Lian Lei stepped forward and said: "Here are the medicinal materials that have been recorded in the elixir recipe. You can receive three to five copies, but no more than five."

The swarthy boy nodded, "Then, I only need three portions."

Generally speaking, as a master of alchemy, the rate of achieving an elixir must be at least 50%. Considering that the elixir prescriptions on the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll are of too high a grade, the probability of being guaranteed has been reduced to 20%.

If the 20% probability is not enough, then there is no need to take the assessment.


Elder Lian Lei nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he took out three packages of medicinal materials and delivered them to the dark man.

"Thank you, senior!"

The dark-skinned man bowed his fist to Elder Lian Lei, and immediately flew back behind the stone platform.

For the sake of fairness, he had to wait until everyone was ready after the burning of incense was over before he could start refining the pill at the same time.

Time passed little by little, and about half the time it took to burn the incense, Cao Yan finally walked out of his stone platform and began to select elixirs.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng was preparing to select the medicinal materials almost at the same time, but because Cao Yan was a step ahead, he had to wait for Cao Yan to finish selecting before he could go ahead and select.

At the same time, on the high platform, the elders of the seven major forces also began to talk about the mysterious "dark" man from before.

"Looking at the young man's clothes, he seems to be a disciple of the outer sea force."

Elder Cao Han's eyes narrowed and he said calmly.

Although he didn't say anything, this dark man stole a lot of the limelight from his son.

"If I read it correctly, the golden ring around the young man's neck and the totem symbol on it should be the clan emblem belonging to the Rui clan of Wulong Island. This Wulong Island is located in the Xunfeng Tianyu and Tianzhu Lei The environment in most areas of the Rebellion Star Sea area at the junction of the domains is extremely harsh, but as the saying goes, things must turn to the extreme, but the Oolong Island has become a blessed place, not only filling it, but also a variety of spiritual flowers that are rare or even extinct in the outside world. The place where spiritual grass grows.”

"Therefore, over time, Wulong Island attracted a large number of alchemy masters to gather here. Finally, they gathered into a sect called Jiuyi Immortal Sect. Because the sect was divided into nine different factions composed of nine families, it was named Jiuyi.”

After the words of the Immortal Master were finished, everyone else looked at him with admiration.

"Jie Yinzun is indeed a scholar. There is probably nothing big or small in the Immortal Realm that you don't know!"

Cao Hanlang laughed, and Yuchi Chongfeng from the Xantian Mountain Clan gave him a thumbs up.

"Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, the old man only has more places to travel."

Jie Yin Xianzun gently stroked his long beard and continued: "The Rui family is the top line in the Jiuyi Immortal Sect. It is not difficult to understand that this young man has such a talent for alchemy."

"When you said this, I remembered that although there is nothing too extraordinary about Jiuyi Immortal Sect, the advantage is that there are enough alchemists and enough elixirs, so the overall realm of the disciples is higher than the last one, which is also called They have become a first-rate force!"

Cao Han chuckled.

Pills themselves are a scarce resource, especially high-grade pills.

This Jiuyi Immortal Sect has enough pills, so every time it recruits disciples, it is basically a crowded place, and it is easy to understand that it can recruit outstanding talents.

While these elders were talking, the stick of incense finally burned out.

Within a stick of incense, only about 70% of them had completed the elixir recipe, and many of them were still guessing. The remaining 30% had their heads hanging down, extremely frustrated, and some people had already started to give up and chose give up.

Big beads of sweat appeared on Chi Yan Kuang's head. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, deciding to meet a blind cat.

He bit the bullet and selected some dispensable medicinal materials. When Elder Lian Lei asked him how many medicinal materials he needed, he naturally chose five.

It’s just blind practice anyway, of course the more the better.

In the end, nearly 20% chose to give up, and the remaining disciples also placed the medicinal materials they selected, and only waited for Elder Lian Lei's order to start refining the elixir.

Elder Lian Lei glanced at the entire audience, scanning everyone one by one, then nodded and said loudly: "Okay, then, let's begin!"

Suddenly, everyone started to take action.

Ling Feng gathered his mind and began to concentrate on extracting and refining the spirit flowers and herbs. With his technique and eyesight, the process of extracting the medicinal liquid was naturally very smooth.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng activated the Youtian Xuan Fire under the alchemy furnace, but did not directly activate the original divine fire.

In order to avoid being spotted by the Broken Immortal Emperor, he was so stable that he didn't even use his own pill fire to make pills.

This Youtian Xuanhuo is of a high grade, and is more than enough for making elixirs.

As for Ling Feng's fire control technique, although he still uses the Qianyang Nine Refiners created by the Nine Yang Grand Master from the lower realm, after Ling Feng's own improvement and optimization, it has surpassed many fairy-level fire control techniques.

During the process of refining alchemy, time flies by.

After more than an hour of refining, most of the alchemists finally started the furnace one after another.

However, in this first batch of elixirs, basically about 70% of the contestants failed to successfully condense the elixirs.

Because the main medicinal materials recorded in the elixir recipe of the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll are in conflict with each other, the difficulty of making the elixir has been greatly increased.

Not only are the requirements for fire control techniques extremely high, but also the selection of auxiliary medicinal materials is extremely strict.

When each contestant opened the alchemy furnace, there was a look of extreme disappointment on their faces.

Obviously, the alchemy failed.

Fortunately, they still have a second chance.

At the same time, Ling Feng's pill furnace also began to shake slightly, which was a sign that the pill was about to be refined.


Immediately afterwards, muffled thunder rolled, and a cloud of calamity quietly gathered in the sky, but it became darker and darker!

This is a sign that the calamity is about to come!

"Good guy, it's Dan Jie!"

Elder Lian Lei's eyes lit up, and he immediately said loudly: "Everyone, don't worry, you can just concentrate on refining elixirs. I will handle this elixir disaster!"

With the strength of Elder Lian Lei, it is no problem to deal with the calamity.

However, before he finished speaking, another black cloud floated in the distant sky.

Compared to the previous one, it’s bigger and darker!

It seems that a more advanced calamity has also arrived.


Elder Lian Lei's eyelids twitched slightly, but he didn't take it to heart.

Isn't it just a calamity? One or two, there is no difference!

The two calamity clouds quickly merged together and formed an even larger black cloud.

The sky above the entire guild hall was so dark, shrouded in dark clouds that it was almost impossible to see!

At the same time, the gems made of polished crystals in the guild hall automatically lit up, and then the guild hall was illuminated brightly again.

However, what shocked Elder Lian Lei was that the two clouds of calamity had just gathered, and then, a third cloud rolled in from the distance.

It looks like it is more than twice as big as the previous two fused together!

"Three...Three ways!"

Elder Lian Lei gulped and began to panic a little.

Why don't you just make a pill, or do you want to make it more like overcoming the heavenly tribulation?

Today's young people really don't know how to respect the old and care for the young!

Taking a deep breath, Elder Lian Lei flew up and stood directly above the alchemy site. He raised his hands high, and thunder jumped in his palms.

"You just concentrate on refining the elixir, no matter how many elixir tribulations there are, I will be there to carry it!"

As soon as the words fell, a loud crackling sound was heard, and the thunder of Danjie finally arrived!

Indeed, only veteran powerhouses like Elder Lian Lei can withstand the terrifying calamity of these three calamities combined into one.

At this moment, the pill furnaces that were shaking violently were Ling Feng, Cao Yan, and the disciple of the Rui family from Wulong Island.

As for which pill calamity corresponds to which pot of pills, no one will be able to tell for a while.

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