Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3646 Mountain and River Map! Thunder God of War!

Thunderclouds rolled, and the entire hall was filled with dark clouds, which seemed extremely dull.

However, the monks who were watching in the venue all showed a look of surprise.

Three tribulations combined into one, such a grand scene is rare!

In fact, if there were not so many masters on the field, facing such a terrifying pill tribulation, the most correct thing to do would be to run as far as possible.

Elder Lian Lei took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and flew directly into the air. With his hands raised, a huge golden translucent light shield slowly rose. With his own strength, he directly blocked all three pill tribulations.

Boom boom boom boom!

The violent thunder fell crazily on the light shield, exploding extremely brilliant and dazzling sparks.

The scene was spectacular!

It was just a bit hard for Elder Lian Lei, and sweat broke out on his forehead. Although the cultivation level of those young alchemists was not high, the pill tribulation they refined was so severe.

Of course, this is also related to the fusion of the three pill tribulations.

Otherwise, if you pick out a pill tribulation at random, Elder Lianlei, no matter how powerful a top immortal, can easily control it.

At the same time, Ling Feng, Cao Yan, and the Teng family member of Wulong Island have also reached the most critical moment of pill refining.

The three pill furnaces were shaking violently at the same time. If it were normal, they would have to split their attention to fight against the pill tribulation, but now with the help of Elder Lianlei, they have saved a lot of trouble.

However, being able to trigger the pill tribulation also means that the pills they refine are probably very close to the legendary divine products!

"This place is clearly inside the Seven Absolutes Tower, but it can actually condense the pill tribulation. This Seven Absolutes Tower is worthy of being a legendary artifact. The world evolved from the internal space actually has the power of the world!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, collected his mind, and began to concentrate on controlling the Nether Sky Mysterious Fire.

Now is the most critical moment of pill condensation. If there is a slight mistake, the quality of the pill will be greatly reduced.

There is even the possibility of a furnace explosion.

Ling Feng has been refining pills for many years, but he has never been so nervous today.

After all, this pill recipe from the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll is the highest-grade pill he has refined so far.

No other!


The thunderclouds are getting more and more violent, and the power of the three pill tribulations combined is extraordinary.

Elder Lian Lei gritted his teeth. As long as he retreated a little, the venue below would be directly blown into ruins by the violent pill tribulations.

Even, it would affect the entire venue.

So, this thunder, you have to resist it if you can, and you have to resist it if you can't!

"It's really going to kill me!" Elder Lian Lei took a deep breath and directly sacrificed a half-person-high scroll.


The scroll opened, and it turned out to be a scroll with a picture of mountains and rivers!

This magic weapon is called the Mountain and River Map, and the mountain and river pattern in it represents a world of heaven and earth.

In an instant, a pillar of light rose from the Mountain and River Map, directly absorbing all the thunder that erupted from the pill tribulation.

Under the light of the Mountain and River Map, the violent pill tribulation disappeared in an instant and was swallowed up bit by bit. Elder Lian Lei's pressure suddenly decreased, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he should have held on.

Although he used his most valuable magic weapon, he still held on!

The pill tribulation lasted for half an hour and finally reached the last moment.

As long as he could withstand the last fusion pill tribulation, the three furnaces of pills that triggered the pill tribulation would be able to condense successfully.

Elder Lian Lei took a deep breath. It was obviously those young people who were refining pills, but it turned out that he was the one who worked the most.

Cheer up and hold up the Mountain and River Map. No matter how violent the tribulation thunder was, it was still inferior to his rare magic weapon.



In the sky, the fused tribulation clouds seemed to pour out all the remaining energy in one breath. The originally dark clouds began to turn red, as if they were on fire.

Elder Lian Lei's heart sank. The calamity cloud was on fire. Isn't this the legendary Heaven Burning Calamity!


When I was promoted to the Immortal Venerable, I didn't trigger the Heaven Burning Calamity!

I didn't expect to have the chance to see the Heaven Burning Calamity in this life!

When he thought of this, Elder Lian Lei's scalp was a little numb. He bit his tongue suddenly and spat out a mouthful of blood on the mountain and river map.

The golden light instantly turned dark red, and the mountain and river map shook violently. From the dark golden light column, a Thunder God of War slowly rose.

The giant sword in the hands of the God of War was sky-high, trying to compete with the God of Heaven!

The sword was suspended in the air, and the sword edge swung. The three thousand feet of sword energy was across, and the earth rumbled and shook.

As expected of the chief Immortal Venerable elder of the Xuntian Lei clan, his strength is still strong!

"Sky Thunder Sword!"

Accompanied by Elder Lian Lei's roar, the God of War swept the sword edge, as if cutting the sky in half.

For a moment, the calamity clouds that looked like fire were swallowed by the golden light, and the violent thunder followed the giant sword of the martial god's Dharma image. For a moment, the martial god's Dharma image collapsed, and it was barely a match.


In the sky, the wind howled, and the calamity clouds were finally blown away. The golden light descended from the western sky, and it looked like the sky was clearing up after the rain.

Then, three golden lights fell from the sky and hit three different alchemy furnaces respectively.

Because of the mixing of the alchemy calamity, the power of creation after the alchemy calamity was almost evenly integrated into the three alchemy furnaces.


Immediately afterwards, the lids of the three alchemy furnaces rose into the sky, and then three rays of red light flew out of the alchemy furnace, trying to escape.

Generally speaking, this will happen to this kind of top-quality elixir that causes elixir tribulation. It absorbs some of the spiritual power of the will of heaven and earth, so it gives birth to a trace of original spirituality.

However, as an experienced alchemist, he would basically not let the elixir he had worked so hard to prepare just escape.

In an instant, Ling Feng, Cao Yan, and the Teng family disciples took out the porcelain vase and collected the elixir at the same time. The process could be described as smooth and smooth!


Ling Feng placed the porcelain bottle of the elixir on the stone table in front of him. The elixir even beat a few times inside the porcelain bottle.

The porcelain bottle shook violently for a while before finally stopping.

This elixir is so spiritual!

It is indeed made from the ancient recipe of Xuanhuang Secret Scroll!

Even because the three tribulations merged into one, the quality of this bottle of elixir was even more perfect than I expected!

"The pill is done!"

On the high platform, the elders of the major forces all looked at these three people. Although they could not be sure whose elixir caused that elixir, they could tell the difference as long as they judged it from the final quality of the elixir. Come down high.

"There was such a big commotion that even Elder Lian Lei sacrificed the Mountain and River Map. These three furnaces of elixirs are probably incredible!"

Jie Yinxian Zun laughed loudly. The quality of the mountain and river map was comparable to his spiritual boat.

Being able to make Elder Lian Lei sacrifice the Mountains and Rivers Map has proved the horror of the pill calamity.

"I also want to know what kind of elixir these three juniors can refine!"

Cao Han also showed a hint of excitement, which was somewhat proud.

After all, one of these three talented alchemists is his son!

"It is not easy to be able to complete the elixir recipe on the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll. What's more, it can also trigger such a powerful elixir catastrophe. If nothing happens, the most outstanding alchemist in the Immortal Realm in the future may be One of these three.”

Even Empress Qingluo, who had always been silent, actually spoke words of praise to these juniors for the first time.

"Hahaha, the empress is right, and I think so too."

Yuchi from the Xantian Mountain Clan nodded and laughed.


On the other side, Elder Lian Lei breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally solved the violent thunder. However, this breath consumed almost 99% of the spiritual power of Shanhe Tu. I am afraid that it will be a long time to come. It is no longer available.

"I want to see what kind of elixir these three juniors have made!"

Elder Lian Lei put away the map of mountains and rivers, and in a flash, he appeared in front of Cao Yan first.

He took it for granted that the elixir that caused the most powerful elixir tribulation just now was probably refined by Cao Yan.

"I've met senior!"

Cao Yan cupped his fists and saluted Elder Lian Lei, his face full of confidence and pride.

Obviously, he also believed that his elixir definitely deserved to be number one.

"Let me see quickly what kind of elixir you have refined."

Elder Lian Lei was impatient.


Cao Yan quickly opened the porcelain bottle and saw a fragrant light golden elixir rolling into the palm of his hand.

"This is the elixir I refined based on the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll. I added thirty-three medicinal materials with different properties, which are..."

"Okay, okay, just write down the elixir recipe you completed later. There's no need to tell me so much."

Elder Lian Lei interrupted Cao Yan directly. He was not an alchemist, so he didn't understand what he was told.


Cao Yan then closed his mouth and handed the elixir to Elder Lian Lei, "Elder, please take a look."

Elder Lian Lei took the elixir. This plump and round elixir, filled with the fragrance of elixir, made him feel relaxed and happy.

"Good Dan!"

Elder Lian Lei secretly praised, "Just by taking a breath of the elixir fragrance, I actually feel like I am extending my life!"

"Yes, this is the life-extending elixir I refined based on the remaining recipe of the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll. It can increase the lifespan of about three thousand years! Even a monk who has run out of oil and burns out, as long as he takes it in time This elixir can, at the very least, increase your life span by more than two thousand years."

"Three thousand years of life!"

Elder Lian Lei's eyes lit up, "It can indeed be regarded as a divine elixir!"

Although the powerful immortals all have long lifespans, life will always come to an end.

This kind of elixir can increase your lifespan by nearly three thousand years in one breath. It is indeed a divine product, worthy of being an ancient recipe from the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll.

Elder Lian Lei looked at the elixir carefully, and then he was surprised to find that there were actually seven elixir patterns on the elixir.


Elder Lian Lei nodded towards Cao Yan. Although he knew nothing about alchemy, he also knew very well that the more elixir patterns, the higher the quality.

An elixir of this quality can actually produce seven elixir patterns. This Cao Yan is truly a master of both elixir and fire, a peerless genius!

"Well, good, good!"

Elder Lian Lei narrowed his eyes, not hiding his approval of Cao Yan.

Then, he quickly walked up to the Teng family disciple.

"Junior Teng Ziyong has met Elder Lian Lei!"

Teng Ziyong bowed deeply towards Elder Lian Lei, almost vertically.

"He is a well-measured young man."

Elder Lian Lei narrowed his eyes and smiled, quite satisfied with Teng Ziyong's humble attitude.

"What kind of elixir did you refine again?"

Teng Ziyong poured the elixir out of the porcelain bottle and respectfully held it in his palm before sending it to Elder Lian Lei, "The elixir refined by this junior is not a life-extending elixir, but can enhance the power of qi and blood. In an instant, An amplification elixir that explodes a hundredfold in strength.”

"A hundredfold increase pill..."

Elder Lian Lei chuckled, and suddenly realized something. He stared at Teng Ziyong with wide eyes, "How many times did you say that?"

"One...should be a hundred times."

Teng Ziyong blinked, "Maybe it's double? Anyway, it can probably explode the power of qi and blood instantly to enhance strength. The effect of the medicine can last for about half an hour. Moreover, the side effects are mild, and you will be stuck for an hour after using it. However, it hasn’t been tested yet, so it’s hard to say.”

"A hundred times, and it's just a minor side effect!"

Elder Lian Lei's eyes widened. Life-extending elixirs are of course a good thing, but this kind of elixir that instantly explodes a hundred times more powerfully and has only minor side effects...

Not only is it against the will of heaven?

It’s simply outrageous!

In other words, this is a pill that can elevate you to a higher level almost instantly!

The Immortal Lord of the Earth-opening Realm instantly rose to a level comparable to the Open Heaven Realm.

Of course, this intensity cannot complete the leap of qualitative change.

For example, the Immortal Lord crosses over to the Immortal Lord, and the Immortal Lord crosses over to the Immortal Emperor.

But a hundredfold improvement is enough for the top Immortal Lord to compete with the Immortal Lord.

In other words, it is equivalent to making an ordinary person become a genius directly.

Let a genius turn directly into a monster!

However, the medicine is only effective for half an hour.

"If the effect of this medicine is real, it will be even better than the longevity pill!"

Elder Lian Lei secretly admired it, but he would not know anything until the final test of the medicine's properties.

"You're a great boy!"

Elder Lian Lei nodded, and then walked towards Ling Feng.

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