Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3648 What a great cleverness!

Ling Feng was slightly stunned. He never expected that Empress Qingluo would be so direct and even ask to buy the elixir she refined.

Elder Lian Lei's eyelids also twitched slightly, aren't they still competing now?

Can you respect some of the rules of the game?

Oh, Empress!

That’s okay!

The Broken Immortal Emperor is someone who breaks the rules and ignores them.

He could only glance in the direction of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting with a wry smile, but he didn't say anything when he saw Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. It seemed that he had to do such offending things himself.


Elder Lian Lei sighed softly, and could only bow his hands to Empress Qingluo, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty Empress, this alchemy test is not over yet. Please forgive me and wait until the alchemy test is over before I ask this person." Bit...ahem..."

Elder Lian Lei turned his head and glanced at Ling Feng, paused, and then continued: "I wonder if it would be convenient for the Empress to buy from this little friend again?"

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng's seniority has risen a lot. He was a brat just now, and now he has become a friend.

Empress Qingluo was not an aggressive person. She nodded slightly and agreed.


Elder Lian Lei breathed a sigh of relief, but in this alchemy assessment, he probably had a preliminary judgment in his mind about who was good and who was bad.

Of course, the final result still has to be judged by a specialized alchemy master.

At best, he can only be regarded as a host, but he knows nothing about the quality and identification of elixirs.

Elder Lian Lei turned around and glanced at Ling Feng again. It seemed that he had really made a mistake before.

I thought that the elixir refined by Ling Feng would be the worst among the three, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be the most "defying"!

He took a deep breath and gave Ling Feng a meaningful look. Without saying anything, he turned around and walked to the front of the platform, looking around the audience.

Ling Feng and the others are not the only disciples who are being assessed.

At this time, some other alchemists also finished refining one after another.

However, there are no exceptions, either it is not refined, or even if it is refined, it cannot trigger the calamity of the pill, so naturally there is no need to pay more attention.

Ling Feng has finished refining it, so he stays where he is and waits for now.

He could feel that both Cao Yan and Teng Ziyong were turning around to look at him intentionally or unintentionally. They were obviously quite interested in the elixir he had refined.

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't take it seriously, but he began to think about why Empress Qingluo wanted to buy the elixir from him.

Is it really because of the beauty-preserving function of the elixir? Or rejuvenate?

With Empress Qingluo's unparalleled grace, does she still need such a thing?

Obviously unlikely.

Recalling that Empress Qingluo actually sent Yue Yinshuang to give away a treasure like a Fengqing Jade, I always felt that this woman had another agenda.

However, I have been very careful, so there should be no possibility of exposure.


I can’t figure it out!

Ling Feng frowned and simply stopped thinking about it. Judging from the attitude of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, he should not have been exposed.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting didn't even notice it, could Empress Qingluo notice it?

As long as your identity is not exposed, everything else is easy to talk about.

Not sure, I just think too much.

Ling Feng could only comfort himself in this way, and at the same time he had some expectations. The majestic empress would not be stingy in taking action.

Maybe I can get something good in exchange for it.


At this moment, Chi Yan's hearty laughter came to his ears.

This guy actually completed it!

Ling Feng was stunned at first, and then a little incredulous.

Chi Yankuang didn't lie to himself, he was indeed an entry-level player.

He can make alchemy, but his level is very average.

Whether it is from the perspective of extracting the medicinal liquid or controlling the flame, although it is not bad, it is not much better.

Unexpectedly, even in this case, he could successfully refine the elixir?

Could it be that this kid is also a master who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, and has been hiding his strength?

I can’t tell!

Ling Feng even began to reflect on himself. He shouldn't look at people through the cracks in the door and look down on them.

Chi Yan Kuang, after all, is also Tianzhi's inner sect's genius, and his level is still high.

However, when Chi Yan Kuang "fished" a dark pill out of the pill furnace, Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

What a red flame madman!

As expected of you!

This guy's elixir was indeed refined.


What a good boy, not only did he not add any medicinal materials to neutralize the conflicting problem of multiple main medicinal materials in the elixir recipe, but he also deleted a large amount of the elixir recipe.

There were originally more than a hundred medicinal herbs, but this guy used at most a dozen!

one tenth!

Then, after deleting, subtracting, and tinkering, I refined one...

Return to Yuan Dan!

It's the simplest and most basic kind of elixir that anyone at the entry level can refine.

The grade is not low, but the difficulty...

Infinitely approaches zero!

Ling Feng slapped his forehead, truly convinced by this great wisdom!

What a shame he could figure it out!

"Yo ho!"

At this moment, Elder Lian Lei also became interested.

He originally thought that Tianzhi didn't have any outstanding alchemists, but Ling Feng greatly dispelled this prejudice.

Seeing that Tianzhi had another disciple, he announced with ecstasy that he was done, and he couldn't help but go up and take a look.

Although it was said that he failed to trigger the elixir, if he could really complete the elixir recipe of the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll, his strength would be pretty good.

He walked quickly to Chi Yan Kuang, "Boy, let me see what kind of elixir you are refining?"

Chi Yan Kuang took it with a burst of excitement, and immediately took out the Yuan Dan, and said with a proud look on his face: "Please take a look at it, elder!"

Elder Lian Lei smiled and reached out to take it, but when his eyes were locked on the pill in front of him, his reaction was almost exactly the same as Ling Feng's.

Although he doesn't know how to make elixirs, he still takes a lot of elixirs.

The most basic elixir, the Recovery Pill, is basically used by every monk in their daily life.

He even wondered if his eyesight might have been wrong.

However, after looking at it several times, no matter the smell, state, or medicinal properties, it is clearly the Huiyuan Pill!

"You're going to use this to hand in your answer??? Which alchemist can't make such a pill??? I can make it!"

Elder Lian Lei is naturally very familiar with the prescription of Hui Yuan Dan.

As long as you are a cultivator, you still know a thing or two about the most basic elixir recipes.

This is obviously very different from the remaining elixirs and treasures in the exam question.


Chi Yan grinned wildly, "Elder, you don't know something right now. You just said that you should make elixirs according to the medicinal materials on the fragment, but you didn't say that you have to use all the medicinal materials on it! Look, the ingredients in my Yuan Dan this time Jade Spirit Grass, Immortal Pill Branch, Purple Dew Fruit...aren’t these medicinal materials all found in the elixir recipe?”

Chi Yankuang also spoke so plausibly that he almost stopped Elder Lian Lei.

The key is what this guy said...

There seems to be nothing wrong with it!

"Yeah, you think it's okay too, right?"

Seeing that Elder Lian Lei didn't speak, Chi Yankuang was even more ecstatic. He felt that his bet was right, and he became even more proud, "What is this called? This is called trial! Being able to make alchemy is a skill, and knowing how to trial is also What a skill! Now that I've made the elixir, it's better than those who can't even make it!"


Elder Lian Lei was silent.

Ling Feng was silent.

The contestants who had made the elixir were silent.

As for the contestants who did not refine the elixir...

That’s rage!

Damn it, is it a slap in the face? A slap in the face, right?

You can hit an arrow even while lying down!

As for the onlookers, they cheered and scorned.

On the high platform, Elder Cao Han of the Xuntian Fire Clan, because his son was upstaged by Ling Feng, so when he found an opportunity, he couldn't help but taunted: "Jie Yinzun, you Tianzhi are not only an outstanding alchemist. Teacher, there is also a very powerful question examiner!”

"Ha ha……"

For a moment, there was laughter on the high platform.

The old man's face was burning. If he had known better, it would have been better to tie up the dog instead of bringing this boy!

This great smart man thinks he is smart and clever, but he doesn’t care what the occasion is!

In the examination room, Elder Lian Lei was silent for a long time, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, then he took a step forward, turned around and left without looking back.

Because, if he didn't leave, he was afraid that he would not be able to help but give this smart man a big blow!

Time passed little by little, and soon, all the disciples who participated in the Alchemy Assessment had used up all their opportunities, and the competition finally came to the final stage.

Elder Lian Lei directly invited the three famous alchemy masters in Xuntian Lei Territory to judge.

These three alchemy masters are all dean-level figures in the alchemy world of Xuntian Leiyu. It is not easy to meet one of them. But now it is the face of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. If they are invited, they will not be allowed to come. Not coming.

There were only seven disciples in total who finally refined the elixir and completed the assessment.

This also includes the guy Chi Yan Kuang.

If he could really get through it, he might be able to get some rewards or something.

The contestants sent their elixirs one by one to three alchemy masters for judging. The first ones in line were naturally Cao Yan and the other three who finished first.

Cao Yan sent the porcelain bottle containing the elixir to the three masters. After the three carefully verified it several times, an old man finally nodded slightly.

"This elixir has a total of seven elixir patterns, reaching the intermediate level of the first-level divine product. It was completely completed by this little friend Cao Yan. It is considered original. From today on, it will be named Xuanhuang Yanling Pill! You can choose The elixir recipe will be handed over to the Alchemist Guild of our Sky Patrol for safekeeping. Every year, our Alchemist Guild will give you a patent dividend. You can choose to pick it up at home, or you can choose to pick it up at the nearest store. Extracted from Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce.”

"Thanks to the support of my senior, my disciple is willing!"

Cao Yan was ecstatic. He could get permanent dividends by participating in a competition. No fool would want to!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that the Alchemist's Guild in the Sky Patrol Territory had done a pretty good job in protecting intellectual property rights!

However, if it can buy out the right to use this elixir recipe, the Alchemist Guild will never lose anything!

Especially for good things like longevity pills, there is no shortage of market.

Then came Teng Ziyong. His elixirs and eight elixir patterns were even better than Cao Yan's. However, when the Grand Master of the Alchemist Guild also extended an invitation, Teng Ziyong rejected it.

He was originally from the Alchemy Sect, so the alchemy he created naturally belonged to the Jiuyi Immortal Sect.

Belongs to their Teng clan.

Although the three old men felt a little regretful about this result, they didn't care.

Then, it was Ling Feng's turn.

However, when Ling Feng took out the elixir, none of the three elders dared to touch it.

After all, Elder Lian Lei’s embarrassing appearance before was still vivid in his mind.

"Three seniors, please rest assured. In fact, as long as you wear gloves or use spiritual power to gather a layer of protection and do not come into direct contact with the elixir, you will not be poisoned."

After saying that, Ling Feng released it himself, attached the spiritual power to his palm, then gently poured out the elixir and handed it to the three old men.

"My little brother's idea is indeed ingenious!"

"Not bad!"

"Well, the whole body is bright green, and the fragrance of elixir is overflowing. If it was not stated clearly, who would know that this elixir is actually a deadly poison!"

The three of them praised it at the same time, and soon, they saw nine pill patterns on the pill.

There was even a tenth faint line!

Taking a deep breath, the three of them deliberated for a while before making their final evaluation.

"Nine pill patterns, the level is the second level of the divine grade!"

Cao Yan and Teng Ziyong's eyes narrowed. Their elixirs were only at the first level of the divine grade, but Ling Feng's elixir had reached the second level of the divine grade!

Although it is only a first-order difference, in fact, it is already an essential difference.

They all lost to an unknown guy!

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