Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3649 Everyone takes a step back?

The old alchemist smiled and said: "This elixir recipe is also my own creation. From today on, it will be named Xuanhuang Lingxu Dan. What do you think?"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Thank you, senior, for the name!"

Xuanhuang Lingxu Pill, this old man is quite good at naming it!

"Similarly, I am very willing to deposit this elixir recipe in our Alchemist Guild in the Sky Patrol. Every year, we will give you a patent dividend."

The old man in the middle extended the invitation again.

"Of course I am willing to store this elixir recipe with the Alchemist Guild, but talking about money is too vulgar."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Knowledge is priceless, how can it be measured by money? I don't know if the alchemist exists for money, but to benefit all the monks in the entire Immortal Realm!"

Good boy, let’s start singing a high note!

On the high platform, Xiao Xianling narrowed her eyes and smiled secretly. Based on her understanding of Ling Feng, she knew that this brat must not be holding anything back!


Ling Feng's words made the three old alchemists' eyes light up. Does this kid still want to give it away for free?

What a great feeling!

"Haha, what I mean is that it is perfectly fine to place this elixir recipe directly in the Alchemist Guild, but as several elders, it is impossible for them to take advantage of a junior like me, right?"

Ling Feng looked up at the three elders and said with a smile: "Right?"

The three elders were smiling but not smiling at all. They were really scary, they were so treacherous!


The old man in the middle took a deep breath and said, "Of course, even if I agree, we can't take advantage of you in vain."

"So, let's not talk about money. Talking about money hurts feelings. Even if we just make friends, I will buy any elixirs, medicinal materials, elixir furnaces, and elixir prescriptions at your alchemist's guild at a 30% discount. How about it?"

Ling Feng said with a smile.

It just so happened that he was also planning to change to an alchemy furnace.

Although Xiao Xianling has always been interested in Xiao Xianling's Jiulong Shenxiao Furnace, after all, it is someone else's thing and cannot be occupied forever.

"What's the discount?"

The slightly fat old man on the left almost jumped out of his seat.

30% off?

You are so embarrassed to speak!

Why don't you just say 10% off!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. The other party's reaction was completely within his expectation.

When bargaining, of course you have to first say an impossible number and lower the other party's psychological expectations.

Obviously, a 30% discount is not the bottom line the other party is willing to accept.

But it doesn’t matter, there is still room for counter-offering.

"Twenty percent off!"

The alchemy master in the middle took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and finally came up with a 20% off plan.

"The Keqing elders from our Alchemist Guild are basically at a 20% discount."

The fat elder on the left looked a little ugly. He stared at Ling Feng with his big eyes and almost said: I advise you not to push yourself too far!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, as if he had never been an elder.

Still 20% off?

What a liar!

Ling Feng grinned. He knew that just a recipe for Xuanhuang Lingxu Pill would not be enough to get a higher discount.

However, don't forget that in this alchemy trial, he is already the sure number one.

The Xuanhuang Secret Scroll is already in his possession.

With the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll in hand, are you afraid that you don’t have a more precious and rare elixir?

He raised his eyes and looked at the alchemy master in the middle, and lowered his voice and said: "Senior, you won't forget what the reward is for this alchemy trial, right?"

Just these words woke up the dreamer, and the old man's eyes suddenly lit up. This boy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

After Ling Feng's prompting, the old man immediately understood. He nodded, slowly stretched out five fingers, and gritted his teeth and said: "Sixty percent off, can't go any lower!"

"Okay, okay, let's all take a step back. You said 60% off, and I said 30% off, so let's give it 40% off."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, his cunning look looked like a fox!

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched slightly. Do you call this a step back?


The old man was hesitant. Just when he was hesitating and yet to make up his mind, Ling Feng already made a decision: "50% off, right? Deal!"

After saying that, he bowed directly to the old man and said, "Thank you, senior!"

"You kid..."

The old man felt dumb and couldn't laugh or cry for a while. He shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Okay, that's it, but..."

He took a deep breath and spoke with his spiritual consciousness: "After you obtain the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll, you will complete the recovered elixir recipe and give our Alchemist Guild of Surveying Thunder Territory five additional elixirs of second-level divine grade and above for free. Fang! In the future, Danfang must also give priority to us. Only if we agree to this condition can I agree to your conditions!"

"It's easy to talk about."

Ling Feng made a no-questions-asked gesture to the old man, and had already made up his mind. After this round of the Seven Ultimate Immortals Ranking was over, he would first go to the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild to do some shopping!

50% off!

I am really a little genius at bargaining!


The old man snorted and nodded, acquiescing to Ling Feng's seemingly unreasonable request.

"Mr. Chen, do you agree now?"

The fat alchemist's eyes widened and he looked at Chen Yuanmo in disbelief. Mr. Chen, who had always been calm and sophisticated, would actually make such a concession today.

"No need to say more, this matter is settled."

Chen Yuanmo waved his hand, looked at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "When the Seven Ultimate Immortal List is over, you can go to the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild in the east of Leixiao Holy City. By then, I will prepare an agreement and wait. Come and discuss in detail.”

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng saluted Chen Yuanmo again, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Hehe, you don’t need to tell me, I will definitely come!

"Okay, let's go to the next one..."

Chen Yuanmo shook his head and smiled bitterly, sending Ling Feng away as a living "Pixiu". Then, the next participating disciple also came forward with his own elixir to verify.

Soon, it was Chi Yankuang's turn.

When Chi Yan brought the Huiyuan Pill he had refined to Chen Yuanmo's three alchemy masters with a beaming look on his face, Chen Yuanmo's old face immediately darkened.

"Someone, get this bastard out of here!"

The fat elder was not as good-tempered as Chen Yuanmo. Their alchemist guild had just been slaughtered by Ling Feng, and he felt aggrieved. He couldn't bear it when he saw such a perfunctory thing.

The next moment, there were two warriors in armor, one on the left and one on the right, directly grabbing the Red Flame Kuang and dragging him down.

"Hey, haven't I succeeded in practicing? Why are you driving me away? Are you just saying that I haven't succeeded in practicing?"

Chi Yan screamed loudly, this guy really thought he could get away with it.

Unexpectedly, I met a cruel person.

Ling Feng really couldn't stand it, so he could only step forward quickly. The Chi Yan Kuang thought Ling Feng wanted to help, so he quickly shouted: "Brother Ling, please help me, I have completed the alchemy as required! "

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and struck the man unconscious with a knife.

After all, on the high platform, the old face of Jie Yinxian Zun was already a little helpless.

With Ling Feng's precise control of power, Chi Yankuang fainted as soon as he rolled his eyes. The last thought in his head was: Damn it...

When Chi Yankuang woke up, it was already sunset.

With the end of the alchemy test, all nine tests and one refinement were finally completed.

As a matter of course, Ling Feng became the first in the Alchemy Assessment, and immediately after, Elder Lian Lei sent over the "Xuanhuang Secret Scroll".

As for the rewards for the Nine Exams, they will not be distributed until the final battle for hegemony among the Seven Jue is over.

"My darn thing!"

Chi Yan opened his eyes violently and cursed, but before he could finish his words, Ling Feng on the side stuffed his mouth with a smelly shoe.

The smell is quite strong, just like my own sweaty feet!

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Chi Yan violently vomited out the smelly shoes, and when he looked back, he found Ling Feng sitting next to him, flipping through yellowed books.

Others around him were staring at the stage, where two masters seemed to be competing.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Cao Yan from the Xantian Fire Clan, facing Gu Qifeng from the Xantian Mountain Clan.

The battle between the two top geniuses drew cheers from the audience.

"Holy crap, how long have I been unconscious?"

Chi Yankuang felt dizzy, as if something was broken.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered that it was Ling Feng who knocked him unconscious. He immediately stared at Ling Feng with wide eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "You are such a thick-browed guy, you look so honest, but you are here to trick your own people!"

"Trick you?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "If I hadn't carried you to this auditorium, you would still be throwing yourself into the street now!"

"Then why did you knock me out?" Chi Yan asked with hatred.

"Do you think what you are doing is called human affairs?"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, "Didn't you realize that the Immortal Master Jie Yin was about to find a crack in the ground and burrow into it?"


Chi Yan coughed a few times, his voice became a little softer, and he said with a guilty conscience: "Then I also want to win glory for the sect. Who asked me to fail the exam question? Inexplicably, the elixir prescription is not complete. I can make a hammer. !”

"Okay, don't mention it."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's been over for several hours anyway."

"What? I've been unconscious for several hours?"

Chi Yan's eyes widened wildly, "You kid, you're so mean!"

Chi Yan laughed wildly and muttered a few words, then looked at the two sides fighting in the stands, and asked in a deep voice: "Then what is the situation now? The final decisive battle has begun?"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, looking at the mysterious scroll in his hand while watching the battle on the stage.

For him, he can use both distraction and distraction with ease.

"There have been several matches. The first match was between Wan Jun and Shui Yan Bing. Shui Yan Bing lost miserably."

"The second match was between Senior Brother Ren Tianhen and Yu Fan from the Great Yu Immortal Courtyard. Yu Fan was defeated miserably."

"The third match is between Yue Yinshuang and Senior Brother Ao Tianxin. Needless to say, Senior Brother Ao will definitely lose miserably."

"Then there's this match. Cao Yan versus Gu Qifeng. The two seem to be on par in terms of strength. I think they can fight."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

From the current point of view, even among the seven top geniuses, there is still a certain gap between them.

The strongest one is probably Wan Jun.

Then there are Yue Yinshuang, Ren Tianhen and others. Of course, the final result needs to be played to know.

This final round of competition is based on a points competition system. Each of the nine qualified candidates from the nine examinations will have three competitions.

In the end, the top seven will be selected based on points, and they will be the strongest of this year's top seven.

Then the top three will be determined among the strong players who have won three games.

Ling Feng deliberately let the competition go, so naturally he could only become a spectator.

But no matter what, this trip to Leixiao Holy City, he has obtained huge gains beyond expectations, and it is a worthwhile trip.

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