Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3650: Going against the quicksand!


While Ling Feng and Chi Yan were talking madly, the two sides fighting fiercely on the stage seemed to have stopped testing each other and showed their true skills.

The sky patrol patterns on their foreheads lit up almost at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, behind Cao Yan, huge pillars of flames rose into the sky.

Compared to the three or five paths of Chi Yan Kuang, the seven or eight paths of Heavenly Flame Fire Immortal Formation are hundreds and thousands of times more numerous.

For a moment, Chi Yan's eyes widened and he stared straight at the stage, exclaiming in admiration.

"Oh my god, that guy's flame array seems to be similar to our Chi family's Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Array, but his fire array is more perfect and more domineering. It is almost an advancement of the Dutian Flame Fire Immortal Array. Level version!”

It has to be said that Chi Yankuang's eyesight is not bad.

But he still didn't fully understand that Cao Yan's purpose of raising those fire pillars was not to form a fire formation to trap Gu Qifeng.

Gu Qifeng is a powerful person from the Xantian Mountain Clan, and his best skill is defense ability.

Although those fire pillars were powerful, it was impossible to cause any harm when they hit him.

The next moment, pillars of fire rushed directly towards Cao Yan. Under the torrent of flames, Cao Yan's body instantly turned red.

Then, a stream of extremely condensed fire surged around his body, a bit like the Xuantian Ice Clan's body-protecting state of black ice, but a little different.

Yan Jinghong transformed into the black ice state, not only to strengthen his own defense, but also to be more intimate with the ice aura between heaven and earth, so as to exert more powerful ice law power.

It seems that this ability is not unique to the Xuntian Ice Clan.

The flames increased, and Cao Yan's speed also increased a lot. At some point, a long spear appeared in Cao Yan's hand. The tip of the spear was a little bit, and the flames wrapped around circles of fire arcs. The flames condensed and turned into fireballs, like It crashed into Gu Qifeng like a falling star.

At the same time, within the competition venue, pieces of bluestone floor tiles turned into lava, and then, under a violent suction force, they all crashed into Gu Qifeng.

At the same time that Cao Yan turned into a fireman, Gu Qifeng had also covered his body with a layer of rock armor, leaving only a pair of bright eyes exposed.

And in front of him, there was a heavy golden shield floating in front of him, which was more than three feet high, like a city wall, lying in front of him.

The golden heavy shield completely blocked Cao Yan's meteorite fire rain, and then Gu Qifeng stomped his feet hard on the ground.


The ground rumbled and trembled for a while, and then, Cao Yan's whole body sank, and the flaming meteorites he released fell straight under his feet before they could attack Gu Qifeng.

The impact of the explosion almost blew him away.

Cao Yan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth to dodge the violent impact. He knew that in addition to being able to manipulate various earth laws, the Xantian Mountain Clan's most powerful ability was to control the gravity field.




Whenever Cao Yan found a place to stay, the floor tiles under his feet would shatter. Then, a giant quicksand claw would stretch out from the ground and drag Cao Yan down.

If Cao Yan hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been tricked.

"What a powerful combination attack!"

Under the stage, Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and the dark-yellow dense scroll in his hand closed with a "snap" sound.

The previous battle was too one-sided, and it didn't matter if it was distracted.

But this battle is of great learning significance for him.

Although he has made great progress in this trial of the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings, there is still a certain gap compared with these top geniuses.

There is no doubt that a lot can be learned from their battles, especially such close battles.

Although the Xantian Mountain Clan was driven from its peak to the mortal world by Dayu Xianting, his background is still terrifying.

And if a genius like Gu Qifeng does not perish, I believe he will definitely become the overlord of one party in the near future.

His strength may be on par with Cao Yan, but his combat wisdom is much higher than Cao Yan's.

Just by organizing a few combined attacks, the situation of the battle was immediately reversed, leaving Cao Yan in an extremely passive situation.

Cao Yan could only use the fire escape technique and not just dodge, because he knew very well that once caught by the quicksand claws, what awaited him would be Gu Qifeng's most famous killing move.

Go against the quicksand!

Unlike the other abilities of the Xantian Mountain Clan, which are all defensive-oriented, Niluanqusha is an earth-type kingly magic that completely gives up defense!

And it is a very top level of royal magic.

Because all defenses are completely given up, the opponent must be trapped at the beginning, and the quicksand pool created by Gu Qifeng is the best trapping formation.

Fire can burn through rocks and burn everything.

However, when encountering quicksand, its power will be greatly reduced.

Once he falls into Gu Qifeng's quicksand pool, he will be trapped for at least ten breaths.

And these ten breaths are enough for Gu Qifeng to activate the Quicksand of Rebellion.

Those quicksands are all particles so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. They will instantly penetrate all defenses and penetrate directly from the pores into the limbs and bones.

Then, as long as Gu Qifeng performs a trick, all the quicksand particles that invade the body will explode at the same time in an instant.

The power of that kind of explosion can blow up to the point where nothing is left.

Even Ling Feng's ability to regenerate with blood is completely useless under this kind of offensive.

Because it is impossible for him to leave any drop of blood!

Because of this, Cao Yan would rather give up the attack completely than take any risks, lest Gu Qifeng take advantage of him.

In fact, as the genius of the Xuantian Fire Clan, the attack power of the flame laws he controls is much stronger than the earth laws of the Xuantian Mountain Clan.

He gave up his most powerful offensive method and just dodged, and he had already fallen into the inferior position.

But this is also his helpless choice. Once caught in the quicksand of chaos, he almost has no choice but to admit defeat and has no other choice.

However, he did not notice that there was a hint of teasing in the corner of Gu Qifeng's mouth.

He had known for a long time that Cao Yan was cautious and unwilling to take risks, and he would go head-to-head with him despite the risk that he might fall into the quicksand of chaos.

In fact, if Cao Yan directly used his killing move, he could still fight for the chance to drag him into the quicksand pool.

However, it is actually only a 50-50 situation.

If Cao Yan is willing to gamble, their chances are half and half.

However, Cao Yan was unwilling to gamble, so it only increased the chips in his hand.

What he was betting on was Cao Yan's prudence.

"Rockfall Technique!"

"Earth Wall Technique!"

"Dust gathering technique!"

"Quicksand Technique!"

"Rock Breaking Technique!"

In just an instant, Gu Qifeng continuously performed several small magic techniques to interfere with Cao Yan's dodge. The most troublesome thing for Cao Yan was naturally Gu Qifeng's gravity field.

Almost every time Gu Qifeng clenched his fist, his gravity field increased by about ten times. Although Cao Yan was able to break through the pressure of the gravity field with his overbearing sky patrolling fire, his mobility would still be weakened.

The reason why Gu Qifeng continued to strengthen the gravity field according to a certain rhythm was to give Cao Yan an illusion.

Although Gu Qifeng can strengthen the gravity field again and again, he can break the blockade instantly, so there is still time to find opportunities to break the situation.

Moreover, his power cannot be endless.

It would be impossible for him to maintain such a combination of magical attacks for long.

As long as he delays, he will have a chance.

This is like boiling a frog in warm water. As long as the frog in the soup pot cannot instantly sense the sense of crisis, he can gradually weaken his defensiveness.

Therefore, Gu Qifeng was not in a hurry at all, even the rhythm of the attack and the time gap were not bad at all.

It gave Cao Yan the illusion that he had gradually mastered everything and had even found a flaw.

At this moment, Cao Yan sneered secretly in his heart.

Although Gu Qifeng's combination of magic spells did create a lot of trouble for me, in fact, except for the magic spell that countered the chaos and quicksand, the other offensive attacks were almost negligible.

As long as I'm careful not to be dragged into the quicksand, there's nothing he can do to me!

Cao Yan thought about this, and even saw that although Gu Qifeng's offensive methods looked fancy, in fact, after several rounds, his seemingly disordered and seemingly messy attacks still had traces to be found.

In order to be sure, Cao Yan even tried another round.

Sure enough, there is indeed a pattern!

Cao Yan's eyes sparkled with light.

Sure enough, there is a flaw!

He smiled coldly and was ready to fight back.

At the same time, Gu Qifeng also sneered secretly in his heart.

No matter how cautious you are, I will still be better than you in the end!


The next moment, the fire on Cao Yan's body suddenly surged, and he easily shattered the earth wall in front of him with one shot. Then, his body rotated 360 degrees in mid-air, and the flames stirred up a storm, directly blowing away countless rocks falling from the sky. All rolled into flying sand.

Then, a spear pierced out, like a dragon!

Even the sound of roaring dragons can be heard in the void!

"What a great shot!"

Chi Yan clenched his fists and shouted excitedly. After all, he was also a fire monk. Although he couldn't go on stage to participate, he could step into the role of Cao Yan and the experience was still full.

"It's so handsome, this is the power of fire!"

Chi Yan's crazy eyes flashed with excitement, and he did not forget to push Ling Feng, "Did you see, Brother Ling, then Gu Qifeng will definitely lose!"

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled lightly: "Is Gu Qifeng destined to lose? No, I think Cao Yan is probably going to lose!"

"Hey, Brother Ling, your eyesight is not good!"

Chi Yan grinned wildly and said: "Once Cao Yan approaches within ten feet of Gu Qifeng, with his fire escape technique, the next moment, his fist will fall on Gu Qifeng's face. And his long sword, It will be on Gu Qifeng’s neck!”

Ling Feng smiled and said nothing, but secretly laughed in his heart: Once Cao Yan gets within ten feet of Gu Qifeng, then he will be defeated!

"Hahaha, Senior Brother Gu, you lost this round!"

At this moment, Cao Yan's figure suddenly rose into the sky, and a blazing little sun seemed to appear in the sky.

The dazzling light shone out, making everyone almost unable to open their eyes.

It has to be said that Cao Yan was indeed cautious. Even in this situation, he still added an extra layer of insurance.

The next moment, a fire dragon rushed from the golden sun, with a golden spear dancing on the dragon's claws.

The fire dragon was clearly transformed by Cao Yan.

"I've broken your moves!"

Cao Yan's voice echoed in the air.

But Gu Qifeng stood with his hands behind his back, motionless, with a faint smile on his lips, "Really? Then Senior Brother Cao, it seems that you may be disappointed!"

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