Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3651 Qingtian Yiliang!

"Wang Dao Immortal Technique! Sand Waterfall Funeral!"

The moment Cao Yan approached Gu Qifeng with his fire escape technique, the quicksand in the quicksand pool suddenly rose into the sky like a stormy wave.

The wild sand gathered from both sides like huge waves. Before they collided together, the storm formed by the huge impact had already hit the entire venue, making the sky and the ground dark for a while.

Cao Yan's expression changed drastically, and he finally realized that Gu Qifeng was deliberately exposing his flaws in order to lure the enemy deeper!

I fell into a trap!

In the midst of the lightning and flint, fire surged around Cao Yan, turning into dozens of giant flame dragons, trying to disperse the sweeping sand waterfall.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

All of this had already been planned by Gu Qifeng. He and Cao Yan were already on par in terms of strength. His moves were hidden and ready to go.

On the other hand, how can Cao Yan compete with Cao Yan's hasty moves?

Boom boom boom!

Countless fire dragons crashed into the sand waterfall, but they were like mud cows entering the sea.

Gu Qifeng's Cangyuan Domain had already blocked Cao Yan's energy, completely blocking his chance to escape using the fire escape technique.


Amidst the unwilling roar, Cao Yan's figure was finally completely buried by the sand waterfall.

for a long time……

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the sand waterfall returned to calm. On top of the ring, only a figure covered in thick sand and dust could be seen, standing stiffly on the spot, motionless.

It was like a rock puppet wearing armor.


Some sand and dust shook off from the head of the rock puppet, revealing a pair of eyes filled with anger.

However, he didn't dare to move.

Gu Qifeng's reverse quicksand has invaded his limbs and bones. As long as Gu Qifeng has a thought, he can control those quicksands as fine as dust to explode instantly.

Then, even he, Cao Yan, would only die.

Gu Qifeng stood with his hands behind his back, a faint smile on his lips, "Senior Brother Cao, it seems that I have won."

There was a trace of hesitation in Cao Yan's eyes. After a long time, he finally sighed and gritted his teeth: "I... give up!"

Locked by the quicksand, he didn't stand a chance.

There is no choice but to admit defeat!

For a moment, the hall was filled with excitement.

Unexpectedly, Cao Yan would admit defeat like this.

But it is true that if it were not for the counter-chaos quicksand of Zhonggu Qi Feng, the two might still be able to continue fighting.

However, once hit by the reverse quicksand, I believe that no one among the monks at the Immortal Lord level can withstand that terrible attack.

Even with that million, I'm afraid it won't work.

However, with Wan Jun's speed, it was difficult for Gu Qifeng's moves to hit Wan Jun.


Chi Yankuang had a look of disbelief on his face, and immediately turned to look at Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, how did you know it was within ten feet?"

It’s not surprising that Cao Yan lost. After all, Cao Yan and Qi Feng’s strength was between equals, so it was possible for anyone to lose or win.

But Ling Feng's prediction was too accurate, almost accurate.

"Because if it were me, I would choose this distance."

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips. Gu Qifeng was a very skilled warrior and a master who was good at finding opportunities.

He is good at analyzing his opponent's abilities and mastering his opponent's mentality. Such people are often the most terrifying enemies!

From this point of view, it is quite similar to Ling Feng's style.

"Hey, I don't know if it's true..."

Chi Yan rolled his eyes wildly, obviously very dissatisfied with Ling Feng's answer.

At the same time, Gu Qifeng also lifted the restrictions on Cao Yan. With a stroke of his palm, pieces of light yellow earth mist immediately emerged from Cao Yan's body, spreading and lasting for about a long time. Thirty breaths of time!

Finally, a thick layer of sand and dust accumulated on the ground under Cao Yan's feet, which was more than three inches high!

This shows how much quicksand invaded Cao Yan's body!

"Brother Gu, I am convinced that I lost this battle, but I won't lose the next time!"

Cao Yan cupped his fists and saluted Gu Qifeng. Although he said he was convinced, he was not necessarily convinced in his heart.

Gu Qifeng also bowed his hand and smiled modestly: "Senior Brother Cao said that I was just lucky enough to win this time."

The attitudes of the two people formed a strong and sharp contrast.

It has to be said that although the Xuntian Mountain Clan seems to have been driven off the altar by Dayu Immortal Court and is on the decline, judging from Gu Qifeng’s composure and wisdom, the Xuntian Mountain Clan still has a chance to revive.

Elder Lian Lei smiled and said nothing, flew onto the ring, announced the result of the game, and said loudly: "Okay, the next match is between Yi Liang of the Xuntian Lei Clan and Shui Yan Bing of the Xuntian Ice Clan."

The nine people who advance through the nine exams will each have three competitions, and this one is Yi Liang's first competition and Shui Yanbing's second competition.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. There were many masters of the Xuntian Thunder Clan. Although Yi Liang looked dim under the bright light, in fact, the four-flash experts of the Xuntian Thunder Clan were stronger and stronger than the last one. unbelievable.

If nothing else, take the Qin Ancestor as an example. This person's strength is definitely beyond that of the average Six Yu strongman.

But Mo Yixi was able to subdue Qin Zu, which shows that Mo Yixi's strength actually surpasses the ordinary six emperors.

As for Yi Liang, he is the leader of the Four Flashes. His strength may be...

Ling Feng raised his eyes and stared at the arena, and did not continue to make random guesses.

How strong this Yi Liang is will soon become apparent.



The next moment, two figures landed on the ring almost at the same time.

The arena that had originally fallen apart and was replaced by gravel was restored to its original state the moment the two men took the stage, as if it had never been destroyed.

However, the moment Shui Yanbing took the stage, the arena seemed to be frozen and turned into a huge glacier.

Shui Yanbing stood with his hands behind his back, a cold light flashing in his eyes, a blue light flashed, and an ice-blue long sword was slowly drawn out of his palm.

This sword is named Hanxing.

Obviously, Shui Yanbing probably understood that Yi Liang was by no means a weakling, so he directly used his sword without any hesitation.


Suddenly, the cold wind howled, and snowflakes began to fall throughout the venue.

"Brother Shui!"

Yi Liang saluted Shui Yanbing, and then kicked on the spot. Suddenly his figure turned into electricity and rushed directly in front of Shui Yanbing.


Thunder light flashed, and Yi Liang's figure continued to disappear, appear, disappear, and appear on the ring...

And every time he appeared, he would always kick Shui Yanbing hard before he could defend himself.

His speed is really too fast!

Bang bang bang!

Almost as soon as the game started, Shui Yanbing was hit six times in succession and kicked back violently. His body was covered with scorch marks from the thunder.

Not only his clothes, but also his skin were burned black.

Finally, the Xuntian Divine Pattern on Shui Yanbing's forehead lit up. The next moment, the power of Xuntian Ice Soul possessed him. On the one hand, he could withstand Yi Liang's terrifying explosive power. On the other hand, as long as Yi Liang's soles touched his In an instant, the power of Xuntian's ice soul will automatically backfire and freeze the opponent's body.

Even if it cannot be frozen quickly, the moment the power of the ice soul bites back, it will immediately slow down the opponent's speed.

I have to say that his strategy did work, but Yi Liang was more cautious.

He obviously saw through Shui Yanbing's intention, so he did not attack rashly, but retreated to the edge of the ring. Then, he slowly raised his left leg to the knee level, while clenching his fists, Put it in front of you.


What he is best at is boxing!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that this Yi Liang had previously advanced to the second round as the champion of the boxing test.

"Junior Brother Yi's nickname is Qingtian Yidash, and his Qingtian Thunderbolt King Fist is very powerful!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to his ears. Ling Feng looked back and realized that the guy sitting behind him was actually Wan Xin'er from the Thunder Clan who patrolled the sky!

Ben Lei flashes among the four flashes of the Thunder Clan that patrol the sky!

Why is this woman here?

A trace of doubt flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, it seemed that it wasn't her before.

"Hey, I want to change places. Who dares not to listen to me?"

Wan Xiner said, and jumped directly to the front row, then glared at Chi Yan beside Ling Feng, and said coldly: "You, go to the back!"


The corner of Chi Yankuang's mouth twitched slightly, and he hesitated for a moment. Knowing that this aunt could not be offended, he swallowed the next words directly.

He could only jump to Wan Xiner's original position angrily, and at the same time cursed in his heart: Xuntian Lei Clan is amazing, I, Brother Ling, can't look down on you!

Of course, he dared not say these words, otherwise, with Wan Xiner's bad temper, he might not have a chance to return to Tianzhi alive.


Wan Xiner sat down next to Ling Feng very honestly and politely, and said somewhat proudly: "How about it, we are the masters of the Thunder Clan who patrol the sky, are they powerful?"

Ling Feng shrugged, noncommittal.

In the first stage of the trial, Ling Feng once rescued Wan Xin'er who was surrounded by more than a dozen big monsters. Although Wan Jun arrived in the end and killed the dozen big monsters in an instant, no matter what, Ling Feng also came to help.

Because of this, Ling Feng and Wan Xiner also had some friendship.

In addition, Wan Xiner seems to be friends with Yu Shiwei. A friend of a friend can be considered half a friend.

"Hmph, do you think that compared with the others, I seem to be a bit unworthy of my reputation?"

Wan Xiner glanced at Ling Feng with some annoyance. Ling Feng had witnessed with his own eyes how embarrassed she was when she was surrounded by more than a dozen monster beasts.

Ling Feng waved his hand quickly, "Of course not, I have no such idea."

"Actually, you are right to think so."

But Wan Xiner laughed calmly, "Actually, I am the weakest among the four flashes, and the gap is not small. But, who makes me Wan Jun's cousin! Moreover, what I am good at is also Not in battle."

She shrugged, "Forget it, there's no need to talk to you so much. I'm not annoyed when I say it, but you're still annoyed when you hear it."

For some reason, Ling Feng felt that although the girl in front of him looked optimistic, there seemed to be a hint of sadness hidden in her eyes.

Maybe, it's just my own illusion.

She is Wan Jun's cousin, the little princess of the Thunder Clan who is loved by thousands of people. How could she be sad?

The one who should be sad should be himself.

Shaking his head and laughing to himself, Ling Feng turned his attention back to the stage.

As Wan Xin'er said, Yi Liang's Qingtian Thunderbolt King Fist is indeed very powerful.

Even Shui Yanbing tried his best, but he couldn't get even a cent from Yi Liang.

At best, they can only be considered equally matched.

Unexpectedly, the Xuantian Thunder Clan's heritage is so profound. The second most talented person is already comparable to the strongest genius of the Xuantian Ice Clan.

But when he saw that Shui Yanbing was about to be driven out by Yi Liang and gradually fell into disadvantage, Yi Liang suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his breath became weak.

Shui Yanbing seized this opportunity and struck out with his sword with his backhand, sending Yi Liang flying hard.

By the time Yi Liang came to his senses, he had already been knocked off the stage by Shui Yanbing.

He has been defeated!

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