Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3652 Qianye Ten Thousand Buddha's Hands!

The sudden reversal caught people off guard. The result looked as if Yi Liang deliberately vomited blood to expose the flaw, and then gave Shui Yanbing an opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, Wan Xin'er in the audience finally said it.

"The Qingtian Thunderbolt Fist actually still has huge flaws. Senior Brother Yi practiced it reluctantly. Although his power was domineering and fierce, unexpectedly, he failed to persist until the end of the game and began to suffer backlash."

Wan Xiner sighed softly, with the underlying meaning being full of regret.

Ling Feng nodded secretly. With his insight, it was not difficult to see that Yi Liang's boxing skills were extremely powerful and could even suppress Shui Yan Bing.

However, this is like a castle built in the air, with no foundation.

While he bursts out with great power, he is also squeezing and destroying himself.

It seemed that Yi Liang really wanted to win, but in the end he was defeated by his body.

No...that's not right!

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up, as if he noticed something.

Although Yi Liang's Qingtian Thunderbolt Fist has huge flaws, with Yi Liang's steady fighting style, he should have a very accurate estimate of his own strength.

There is no way he would do that, knowing that even if he squeezed his own strength, he would fight a battle that he had no chance of winning.

Since he fought with all his might and paid a huge price, he must be quite confident.

And at the moment Yi Liang vomited blood, Ling Feng clearly saw a hint of shock in his eyes.

Obviously, he did not expect that his boxing skills would backfire in advance.

That is to say...

Ling Feng quickly brainstormed and finally locked his eyes on Shui Yanbing.

Not simple!

This Shui Yanbing is indeed the top talent of the Xuntian Ice Clan. His true strength may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

Perhaps, he had already seen through Yi Liang's flaw, so he used some special ability to accelerate the process of Yi Liang's backlash.


Ice air!

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally came to his senses.

Yi Liang's Thunderbolt Fist, while frantically bombarding Shui Yanbing, shattered countless ice cubes, and those ice crystal fragments were scattered in the air, forming a special Ice air.

This ice energy carried Shui Yanbing's spiritual energy and entered Yi Liang's body, and what happened next was all reasonable.

This Shui Yanbing is not only a master of swordsmanship, but also a master of poison!

After all, in a sense, water can actually be a poison!

"It's really interesting..."

There was a faint arc on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. This time, the Seven Ultimate Immortal List was indeed not in vain!

As Shui Yanbing won the battle, Yi Liang was counterattacked by his own punch and was seriously injured.

Therefore, Yi Liang will not be able to participate in the next games, and is destined to be ranked last with a total loss of three games.

The game continues.

The next match was between Wan Jun and Yu Fan from Dayu Xianting. The final result was not much suspense. Wan Jun won, but Yu Fan didn't even use his real trump card.

Facing the powerful Wan Jun, he chose to retain his strength and wait for the next opportunity.

After all, he had lost two games in a row, the first to Yu Shenxianjun, and the second to Wan Jun. It would be too embarrassing to lose in the third game.

Then came Yu Shen Xianjun. He was lucky enough to draw Ao Tianxin. As a result, Ao Tianxin shouted loudly as soon as he came on stage: "If you don't fight your own people, Senior Brother Ren, I support you!"

Then, he jumped off the ring very gracefully.

In fact, I just know that I can’t beat him!

And then……

Finally, the game came to the last game.

Yu Fan, fight against Ao Tianxin!

For a moment, Yu Fan's anxious heart finally relaxed.

He was so unlucky before that he met two ruthless people in a row. Of course, Wan Jun was a ruthless person and everyone knew it, but what he didn't expect was that Yu Shenxian Jun was also so fierce.

He originally thought that Tianzhi's Six Imperial Guards should all be about the same strength, but after fighting against Ren Tianhen, he realized what the Six Imperial Guards were!

Ren Tianhen's strength should be divided into a separate category.

The others are not on the same level as him at all!

In fact, it is not that no one has mentioned this matter, because the strength gap between Ren Tianhen and the other six emperors is really too big.

But Ren Tianhen just smiled and said: It is better not to say such words that are not conducive to the unity of the brothers in the future.

With this level of ideological consciousness and height, what else can the elders say?

He is definitely a good candidate to be a head teacher!

Therefore, in fact, Ren Tianhen was also one of the seedlings trained as the successor of Lord Tianzhi, and he had received many pointers from the powerful Immortal Emperors of Emperor Star Pavilion.

As a result, Ren Tianhen's strength naturally increased by leaps and bounds, and the gap between him and the other six imperial guards became wider and wider.


After learning that his last opponent was Ao Tianxin, Yu Fan's confidence finally returned.

What kind of bullshit is the Dragon-Controlling Immortal Lord? Among the gods, he only recognizes the God-Controlling Immortal Lord, and he doesn’t look down on the others.

"What bad luck!"

Ao Tianxin's mood at the moment was not as relaxed and relaxed as Yu Fan's.

But if you think about it carefully, you, as the challenger, also came here by mistake.

In fact, if Ling Feng's stupid donkey hadn't defeated the Qin Ancestor of the Xuntian Thunder Clan, he really had no confidence that he would be able to defeat the Blood Tribulation Thunder Beast of the Xuntian Thunder Clan.

Apparently, all my luck had been exhausted during the ninth exam.

Taking a deep breath, Ao Tianxin gritted his teeth and flew onto the ring.

Even if you can't beat him, you can still get through a few moves if you bite the bullet.

"Tianzhi Yulong Ao Tianxin, please enlighten me!"

Ao Tianxin faced Yu Fan opposite, cupped his fists and saluted, and then directly sacrificed the Yuantian Dragon Ball. In an instant, the dragon's roar resounded over the entire Qijue Guild Hall.

Even if this battle is bound to be defeated, there must be a gorgeous ending!

Yu Fan cupped his fists and saluted. This time on the Qijue Immortal List, they, Yu Immortal Court, could be said to have lost all face.

In the second round of trials, not only was he kicked out of the top seven by the Jueying Palace, forget it, but there was also that guy Yu Zhao who could take the blame. After all, it was his words that provoked too many enemies, which led to the collapse of Yu Xianting. Targeted everywhere.

I originally wanted to show my strength in the final ring battle, but ended up encountering two ruthless people one after another.

In this last battle, he not only had to win, but he also had to win beautifully, and win neatly!

In an instant, Yu Fan's eyes narrowed, and his whole spirit suddenly changed.

Behind him, a huge golden statue suddenly rose, with thousands of hands and hundreds of heads, and rows of arms falling slowly, as spectacular as waves!

"Thousand-Ye Thousand Buddha's Hands!"

A blast of Sanskrit sound resounded, suppressing the dragon's roar.


Countless divine dragons screamed at the same time, and with a wave of their arms shrouded in golden light, they directly captured the divine dragons, just like catching loaches alive, and crushed each divine dragon directly into powder.


Countless giant dragons of all types were twisting and struggling in the giant palm, but they were unable to resist the surging terrifying power.

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the giant dragons exploded, turning into rain of blood and splashing down in the sky.

For a moment, blood filled the entire arena, and Ao Tianxin was so angry that his heart was bleeding.

The divine dragons in the Yuantian Dragon Ball were all made with his blood and essence, which took hundreds of years of his time.


Now it's all ruined!

The more divine dragons were slaughtered and killed by the golden dharma image, the bigger the dharma image became.

From a hundred feet, to a thousand feet, to ten thousand feet!

Not long after, almost the entire sky was enveloped by that dharma image, sweeping over the sky and the earth, and overwhelming the whole world!


How terrifying!

An unparalleled sense of huge pressure came over, and then, thousands of hands fired in unison, like golden wheels, with palm prints rotating one after another, and smashing towards Ao Tianxin crazily.

Ao Tianxin was as small as an ant under the huge and burly Dharma form.

He kept urging the Origin Sky Dragon Ball to release the dragon to resist.

However, even a giant dragon with a height of 100 feet is still incomparably small when faced with that behemoth.

Boom boom boom boom!

The arena was shattered, shattered again and again!

When the golden palm print landed on the ninth track, Ao Tianxin had already vomited blood and flew backwards, losing consciousness.

You know, there are more than 900 palms behind, the difference in strength is obvious!

With a flash of lightning, Elder Lian Lei flew out and rescued the unconscious Ao Tianxin directly from the field. At the same time, he shouted: "That's enough, the game is over. The winner of this battle is Yu Fan!"

The golden light dissipated, and the huge statue disappeared without a trace, leaving only the devastation on the ground, proving what had just happened.

Sure enough, it's not that Yu Fan is not strong, but that the two opponents he faced before are really too strong!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. If he were the one to receive this move, how many palms would he be able to receive?

It's best not to give him a chance to make a move, otherwise, he might not even be able to withstand the immortal golden body.

Even if he has a dragon bone body, it is obviously not enough to resist this kind of move.

From this point of view, in fact, Yu Fan's strength is definitely no worse than the top masters of other major forces.

Even, maybe even compared to Cao Yan, Gu Qifeng and his ilk are stronger than others.

However, if they were to fight, who would win or lose would depend on their performance.

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