Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3653 Crazy Wanjun!

Yu Fan defeated Ao Tianxin with a crushing gesture. At this point, the final strongman of the Qijue Immortal List was finally determined.

They are Wanjun from the Thunder Clan who patrols the sky!

Yue Yinshuang from the Xuntian Feng Clan!

Tian Zhi Ren Tian Hen!

Cao Yan, the Fire Tribe who patrols the sky!

Shui Yanbing from the Xuntian Ice Tribe!

Gu Qi Feng from the Xuntian Mountain Clan!

And Yu Fan of Dayu Immortal Courtyard.

Each of the seven super-first-class forces occupies exactly one quota.

The next step is to determine the top three among the geniuses who have won all three games.

After all the previous competitions, among the nine champions, a total of three had won all three matches.

Wan Jun, Ren Tianhen, and...

Xuntian Mountain Clan, Gu Qifeng!

Yes, it was Gu Qifeng.

In the first game, Cao Yan was defeated head-on. With his powerful counter-chaos quicksand, almost everyone controlled the rhythm of the battle. Even someone as strong as Cao Yan was still completely led by him.

In the second game, Yi Liang was drawn. Because Yi Liang was seriously injured, he had a bye and won another game.

But in the third game, he relied on his own hard power to defeat Shui Yanbing of the Xuantian Ice Tribe.

There was a certain amount of luck involved in winning all three games, but Gu Qifeng's strength was indeed obvious to all.

As for Yue Yinshuang from the Xuantian Wind Clan, she did have a chance to secure the top three spot, but her luck didn't seem to be good and she got Wan Jun in the third game.

As a result, although Yue Yinshuang had tried her best and even sacrificed the Fengqing jade that Empress Qingluo had given to Ling Feng and later given to her by Ling Feng, she still failed to defeat Wan Jun.

In fact, Wan Jun seemed to have no trouble winning.

This gap is despairing.

Because of this, Yue Yinshuang missed the top three.

However, the Qijue Immortal Ranking only selects the strongest Qijue, and the final rewards are the same, there is no difference.

It's just that the rankings will be in order.

"Next, there will be a competition between the three winning geniuses, which will ultimately determine the top three rankings."

Elder Lian Lei’s voice sounded, and the whole place fell into silence.

This final peak battle is naturally exciting.

Even Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little excited.

In the past, I would probably be the one standing on the stage in such situations.

But this time, even if I don't hide my strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to reach the end.

Emotionally speaking, Ling Feng still hopes that Yu Shenxian Jun can win the championship, but from a rational analysis point of view.

The strength of Yushenxianjun is probably about the same as that of Yue Yinshuang.

Since Yue Yinshuang was defeated, Yu Shenxianjun's chances of winning were not great.

However, as long as the game is not over, it is too early to draw a conclusion now.

Wan Xiner sat next to Ling Feng, pursed her lips, and said softly: "Actually, there is nothing to compare with. Brother Wanjun's strength has long been at the level of an immortal."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, yes, he broke through to the Immortal Realm three times and destroyed Yuan Mansion three times. The foundation of Wanjun is so solid that it is simply unimaginable.

This not only proves Wan Jun's great perseverance, but also can reshape Yuan Mansion several times in a short period of time. It is impossible to imagine how many resources and treasures were consumed.

The Xuntian Lei Clan's strong support for Wanjun also destined Wanjun's strength to become the proud king who dominates this era.

Just as there was a lot of discussion in the audience, Elder Lian Lei announced loudly on the stage: "The first match, Gu Qifeng versus Wan Jun!"

After finishing his words, Gu Qifeng bowed his hands in Wan Jun's direction and said, "Senior Brother Wan, please enlighten me!"

Wan Jun nodded slightly towards him, then took a few steps back and slightly distanced himself from Gu Qifeng.

At the same time, Yu Shenxianjun jumped off the stage and stared at the two people on the ring.

Although his chance of defeating Wan Jun is very small, even if there is only one in ten thousand chance, he will never give up and surrender without a fight.

Just thinking about being able to fight against a talented king like Wan Jun makes people's blood boil.

"Game start!"

Elder Lian Lei shouted, and then his figure turned into a bolt of thunder and disappeared from the ring.

Immediately afterwards, the floor of the arena began to crack, and the bluestone floor tiles turned into quicksand and surged.

It was the same move used against Cao Yan before.

if only……

Gu Qifeng clenched his fists. He believed that as long as Wan Jun was hit by his reverse quicksand, then even Wan Jun would definitely lose!


Immediately afterwards, earth walls rose up in the quicksand pool to protect Gu Qifeng within the earth walls, forming a defensive formation.

What he feared the most was Wan Jun's terrifying speed, which made it difficult for anyone to guard against him.

And if Wan Jun is allowed to get close to him, then there is absolutely no chance that he can drag Wan Jun into the quicksand.

No matter how powerful the counter-chaos quicksand is, there is never a chance to activate it.

A killing move that cannot be used, no matter how powerful it is, is nothing.

Therefore, he absolutely cannot give Wan Jun any chance to get close.

However, what surprised Gu Qifeng was that from the beginning of the game, Wan Jun stood on the edge of the ring with an indifferent expression, seeming to be waiting for his offensive.

He actually gave up taking the initiative to attack?

Gu Qifeng clenched his fists and cursed in his heart: Even if you are Wan Jun, you still look down on others!

In an instant, anger erupted from Gu Qifeng's eyes. His hand movements changed and meteorites fell from the sky. In the quicksand pool, earth dragons rolled up huge waves of sand.

"Sand Falls Funeral!"

With a loud roar, the earth dragon rolled up a hundred-foot sand wave that covered the sky and blocked the sun, and slapped away in the direction of Wanjun.

Wan Jun remained motionless, but blue arcs of electricity flashed around him.


The moment the hundred-foot sand wave hit the three-foot radius around him, he was directly shaken away.

The royal magic that had subdued Cao Yan in one move before was actually useless in front of Wan Jun.

Gu Qifeng tightened his fists and his arms began to tremble unconsciously.

too strong!

This is completely despairingly powerful.

Gu Qifeng sighed softly and hesitated for a moment. Just when he was about to give up and admit defeat, Wan Jun's voice came from the other side.

"Brother Gu, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to look down on you. I just hope that I can personally experience your rebellious quicksand."


Gu Qifeng's eyes widened and he stared at Wan Jun with an incredulous look. After a long while, he managed to say, "What do you do you want to learn from me?"

"I'll stand here and let you launch the counter-turbulent quicksand without dodging or dodging."

Wan Jun stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes stern, full of domineering, and he seemed to be vaguely overlord.

"you you……"

Gu Qifeng swallowed hard, "Senior Brother Wan, have you thought about it?"

He took a deep breath and said, "Once the power of this quicksand detonates, even I cannot control it. It will inevitably explode until every last grain of sand explodes. Do you really want to experience it?"


Wan Jun's face was filled with incomparable confidence, "If I unfortunately die due to Brother Gu's move, I am the one who asked for it and it has nothing to do with Brother Gu!"

There was a slight sweat on Gu Qifeng's forehead. What did Wan Jun mean?

court death?

Impossible. Wan Jun has a great future and is a direct disciple of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. There is no way that he is looking for death because he can't think about it anymore.

Does that mean he is sure of cracking his own quicksand?

Is this... is this possible?

As long as he is still in the realm of Immortal Lord, it is absolutely impossible for him to withstand that level of explosion!

It would explode to the point where no scraps would be left, and any life-saving trump cards would be useless.


Gu Qifeng gritted his teeth and became worried. He did not believe that monks at the level of Immortal Lord could break his own quicksand of rebellion.

As long as the quicksand against chaos is activated, even you, Wanjun, will definitely die!

Since you want to risk your life, why don't I help you?

Thinking of this, Gu Qifeng no longer hesitated and waved his big hand. In an instant, two giant claws made of quicksand stretched out from the quicksand pool and directly grabbed Wanjun's legs.

Then, with a strong tug, Wan Jun was dragged directly into the quicksand pool.

And from beginning to end, Wan Jun really didn't resist at all.

The quicksand pool quickly covered Wan Jun's head, and the tiny dust particles immediately passed through every pore of Wan Jun's body and invaded his limbs and bones.

All the tendons and all the internal organs are filled with tiny gravels that can explode in an instant.


The quicksand quickly disappeared, and Wan Jun's body slowly emerged.

He still stood there with a calm expression, as if waiting for something.

"Brother Wan, it's still too late to regret it now!"

Gu Qifeng stared at Wan Jun. Although Wan Jun looked no different from before on the surface, his weight had more than doubled due to the intrusion of those sand and dust particles into his body.

Once those sand and dust particles self-destruct, they will explode so much that he won't be able to find even a single piece of debris or debris.

Completely reduced to ashes and reduced to nothing!

"This guy!"

Under the stage, Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He did not dare to use the Eyes of the Emperor in front of everyone, but with his eyesight, he could still clearly "see" that even the blood flowing in Wan Jun's body was Full of those tiny dust particles.

With every powerful beat of his heart, those particles filled with destructive energy would further spread to every corner of his body.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of power he could resist against an explosion of this level.

Even the toughest keel in his body will be blown to pieces, let alone rebirth with a drop of blood.

How will he resolve this move?

Ling Feng was also puzzled, but since he dared to try, he must have been sure.

At this time, the elders on the high platform also became interested.

It was originally a battle without much suspense, but because of Wan Jun's almost crazy behavior, it actually brought a bit of suspense.

They also wanted to know how Wan Jun would respond.

Or is he simply too arrogant and arrogant?

Everything, wait and see!

"Come on! Brother Gu, hurry up and stir up the quicksand of rebellion!"

Wan Jun, however, looked calm and even urged Gu Qifeng to take action.

Gu Qifeng glared at Wan Jun, gritted his teeth, and finally shouted loudly: "Okay, then, it's as you wish! Go against the quicksand, explode! -"

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