Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3654 Heavenly Soul Nine Transformations! Eight steps of thunder!

"Go against the quicksand, explode!——"

Following Gu Qifeng's high-pitched roar, a heart-stopping sense of oppression suddenly swept across, with Gu Qifeng as the center.

In fact, every grain of gravel on the arena trembled slightly.

Just when everyone thought that Wanjun's body was about to explode, Wanjun actually stood there with his hands behind his hands, motionless. Not only did the imaginary explosion not happen, there didn't even seem to be any movement at all. .

Such a strange scene, the whole place fell into silence, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

It stands to reason that since Wan Jun has been hit by Gu Qifeng's reverse quicksand, then as soon as Gu Qifeng detonates the sand particles in his body, a series of events will occur inside Wan Jun's body that can make ordinary immortals powerful. A horrific explosion that turned everything into ashes.

But now, why does the counter-chaos quicksand fail?

" is this possible?"

Gu Qifeng's eyes widened and he stared at Wan Jun opposite him in disbelief.

Indeed, he stood there and let his quicksand enter his body.

But why can't those sand particles be detonated?

"Explode! Explode! Explode!"

Gu Qifeng could no longer remain calm and frantically tried to detonate the dust again, but the result was exactly the same as before.

The sand particles that would have exploded as soon as he had a thought were completely out of control.

what is happening?

The audience in the audience was also completely confused.

This is completely beyond their knowledge.

Even Wan Xiner, although she was well aware of Wan Jun's power, did not know how her cousin made Gu Qifeng's Quicksand of Reverse Chaos ineffective.

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on Wan Jun on the stage. Although he could not use the insight of the Eye of the Emperor, his eyesight was still far beyond that of monks of the same level.

He clearly observed that at the moment when Gu Qifeng was about to detonate the reverse quicksand, his body quickly flashed with lightning.

Then, no matter how Gu Qifeng tried to detonate the quicksand, it was to no avail.

Because those sand and dust particles hidden in Wanjun's body were all destroyed in the flash of lightning...


When Gu Qifeng roared and tried to detonate the sand particles, the vaporized sand had already been excreted from the pores of his body.

As long as Gu Qifeng calms down, he will probably find that the dust that originally accumulated densely in Wanjun's body has long since disappeared.

Naturally, he can no longer detonate the so-called quicksand of reverse chaos.

"The power of his thunder is indeed different from ordinary thunder!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Although he had seen through all this, he would not jump out and say anything at this time.

Anyway, Wan Jun estimates that he will reveal the answer soon.

At the same time, the elders on the high platform obviously saw some clues, and they were all amazed.

Even Empress Qingluo, who had always been quite disdainful of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, had to sigh that there was indeed another evildoer among the juniors of Xantian Lei Clan.

" on earth did you do that?"

After a brief moment of losing control, Gu Qifeng finally regained his composure. He clenched his fists and looked deeply at Wan Jun opposite him.

He thought that as long as he had the chance to use the Reverse Chaos Quicksand, he would definitely be defeated even if it was against the odds.

However, Wan Jun used practical actions to severely damage his self-confidence.

Wan Jun still stood there with his hands behind his hands and said very calmly: "Actually, to break Brother Gu's counter-chaos quicksand, you only need to destroy those sand particles before you detonate them."

"This is impossible!"

Before Gu Qifeng could speak, Cao Yan, who had been hit by this trick before, couldn't sit still. He suddenly stood up from his seat and gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Brother Wan, after the sand and dust enter the body, if you act rashly, If you want to destroy them first, I'm afraid they will explode before Gu Qifeng can detonate them. Wouldn't that be self-destruction? "

After Cao Yan fell into this trick, he didn't think about Wan Jun's statement.

However, although his Sky Patrol Divine Fire is very powerful, it can instantly burn those tiny dust particles into ashes.

But this is equivalent to directly igniting the fuse of the explosive package and self-destructing in advance.

"That's true!"

Gu Qifeng nodded, "Even Senior Brother Wan's thunder would probably be self-defeating and detonate instead if it were to destroy those sand and dust particles that are spread throughout every corner of the body."

He still couldn't believe that his anti-chaos quicksand could be said to have no flaws.

In other words, in his imagination, this move can only be resisted forcefully.

"Yes, this is indeed the case originally, but the gravel itself will not actually explode. The reason why they can detonate is because when Brother Gu dispersed and diluted them, he attached them to every grain of sand. My own earth law transformed them into extremely explosive sand, am I right?"


Gu Qifeng clenched his fists, "Even so, but..."

Suddenly, Gu Qifeng's eyes widened and he stared at Wan Jun in disbelief, "Could it be, could it be..."


Wan Jun nodded slightly, "Since Brother Gu can transform these gravels, I can also do the opposite and transform them again, right?"

"This this……"

Gu Qifeng swallowed hard.

It sounds simple, but in fact, he breaks it into pieces, injects the power of his law into the complete rock, and then disperses it into gravel and dust.

But Wanjun transformed the power of law in every grain of sand within a very short period of time.

This is a completely different concept, and the difference in difficulty is more than a thousand times.

Not only does it require a very powerful power of divine consciousness to control the overall situation, but it also requires the power of Gu Qifeng's laws to be destroyed in an instant.

This is completely an all-round crushing!

I have to accept it!

Gu Qifeng sighed and finally smiled in relief.

He bowed deeply in Wan Jun's direction, "Thank you, Senior Brother Wan, for your teaching!"

Although Wan Jun cracked his reverse quicksand in full public view, it also provided him with ideas for improving this magical technique.

For him, losing to Wan Jun was not a shame.

On the contrary, the experience of this failure was a huge gain for him.


Wan Jun did not have that domineering attitude and bowed his hand to Gu Qifeng.

Gu Qifeng gave up and left, so Wan Jun naturally won this battle.

"Thunder, what a Wanjun!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He was a descendant of the Tiandao clan, and Wan Jun was the genius of the Xuntian Lei clan.

He and I are destined enemies, and there must be a battle!

"The next match will be between Ren Tianhen and Wan Jun!"

As Elder Lian Lei finished speaking, the second decisive battle between the three powers officially began.

Yushenxianjun took a deep breath, jumped up, and landed on the ring.

"Senior Brother Wan, I have long wanted to fight you!"

Ren Tianhen let out a hearty laugh, and these words definitely came from the bottom of his heart.

Although Ren Tianhen appears gentle and elegant on the surface, he is actually a complete fighting maniac in his heart.

"me too!"

Wan Jun still had a calm expression on his face, but there was still an undetectable glimmer of fighting intent in those bright eyes.

He has already seen that among the contestants on the Seven Ultimate Immortal List, only Ren Tianhen can barely become his opponent.

As for Yue Yinshuang, it's not that she isn't strong, it's just that her fighting spirit is not as strong as Ren Tianhen's.

"Okay, hahaha!"

Ren Tianhen laughed loudly, and amid the wild laughter, the wind swept through the remaining clouds, and above the sky, a huge divine soul statue slowly floated.

It is surprisingly the incarnation of Ren Tianhen.

He is the Immortal Lord of Yu Shen, majoring in the divine soul.

As soon as he took action, he directly sacrificed his immortal fighting spirit.

Ling Feng's eyes widened. This battle was of great learning value to him.

Along with the soul, Ling Feng lost his direction after cultivating the immortal fighting soul. He only had a powerful soul source, but almost no powerful enough methods to use it.

There is also no direction for further development.

It wasn't until I met Cheng Tianyong later that I learned some soul-forging techniques from him.

But this is still far from enough.

In order to hide the secret that he was an undercover agent of Demon Soul Palace, Cheng Tianyong did not dare and would not reveal everything to him without reservation.

But Ling Feng was still very grateful to him for pointing him in some directions.

And this battle can give a glimpse of Yu Shenxianjun's true strength, which will naturally be of great benefit to him in continuing to cultivate the Divine Soul.

According to what Ling Feng has learned so far.

After cultivating the immortal fighting spirit, one actually enters the threshold of cultivating the soul path.

After the Immortal War Soul, one must begin to condense the so-called Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Soul.

These nine turns are: blood turn, three soul turn, void turn, five elements turn, yin and yang turn, stars turn, ghosts and gods turn, grand mist turn, immortal turn.

At this level, the way of cultivating the soul is also the way of the gods.

One's own strength is actually based on the power of the incarnation of the fighting spirit.

Blood Soul Transformation, as the name suggests, the fighting spirit is no longer a pure incarnation of a divine soul, but more like a body of flesh and blood. It not only shares the power of qi and blood with the host, but can even feed itself back by strengthening the fighting spirit's qi and blood.

The three-soul transfer means splitting three levels of fighting souls on the basis of the immortal fighting spirit. It can even realize the fighting spirit formation, which is extremely powerful.

Cheng Tianyong did not elaborate too much on the later levels, because the current Ling Feng has not even been able to complete the blood rotation, let alone the subsequent rotations.

In the final analysis, what he lacks is a method to cultivate the soul.

However, during this period of time, after starting to practice the "Great Killing Technique", Ling Feng was no longer in a hurry to find any more secret soul techniques.

But no matter what, the soul path is also one of Ling Feng's many trump cards, and he will not give up his solid foundation of soul path easily.

"Brother Ren's immortal fighting spirit has probably reached the level of Void Spin. Come on, I have never fought against a real soul master. I hope you can let me have fun fighting!"

Wan Jun's eyes were locked on Ren Tianhen, and he was not in a hurry to attack. He was waiting, waiting for his opponent to enter his peak state.

"Senior Brother Wan's Eight-step Lei Ji has been famous among me for a long time, and I hope that I can have the honor to see it today!"

Ren Tianhen also clenched his fists. As he burst out with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, the immortal fighting spirit behind him also split into three.

The three Dharma statues stand in the sky, their brilliance rotates, and they are unparalleled in the world!

This is the second level of the Heavenly Soul's Nine Transformations, the Third Soul Transformation!

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