Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3656 Imperial Soldiers!


Miserable failure!

An undeniable defeat!

Yu Shenxian Jun sat slumped on the spot. He knew very well that if Wan Jun hadn't only taken half a step and stepped back, he would have been severely injured.

Even if you don't die, you will lose half your life.



Yu Shenxianjun thought that there might be a certain gap between himself and Wan Jun, but he never expected that the gap would be so big.

It's simply not a one-dimensional power.


Wan Jun won the game, but he didn't seem to be very excited.

Even Yushenxianjun still couldn't hold back Babu Leiji.

Even if it's just the first step.

It's very cold at high places.

Although he won the game, what was left to Wan Jun was the loneliness and emptiness of being overwhelmed by the cold.

On the high platform, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had an undetectable smile on his lips.

This is how it should turn out!

He spent countless efforts to modify this heaven-defying secret technique to make it easier to practice.

Not only that, he also spent a huge price and countless resources to help Wan Jun succeed in cultivation.

But even so, Wan Jun only completed the first six steps of the eight steps of Lei Ji.

If you want to master the last two steps, you still need to pay a huge price.

However, as long as Wanjun can recreate Babu Leiji's style, these costs are nothing.

Because only in this way can it be proved that only the Xuntian Thunder Clan is the true orthodoxy of the Thunder Way and controls the supreme power of thunder!

No other race or creature can be compared with the Xuntian Lei Clan!

Absolutely no such possibility!

This possibility is absolutely not allowed to exist!

no way!

The elders of other tribes also remained solemn and had their own thoughts.

Especially Empress Qingluo, her disciple Yue Yinshuang, who she painstakingly trained, is already a rare talent among the younger generation.

But in front of Wan Jun, it was still too inferior and completely lackluster.

Even Shui Changyin, who had always been extremely arrogant, showed a look of deep fear.

Although Wan Jun was only a monk at the Immortal Lord level, he actually had a feeling of being invincible.

Especially the eight-step Lei Ji, in his heart, it was listed as a move that could never be forced.

The consequences of hard connection may be death...

Death and destruction!

Even though he is already a powerful Immortal in the Open Heaven Realm!

After Wan Jun took back the eight-step thunder, for a long time, the entire guild hall was still silent.

Almost everyone was immersed in that terrifying sense of oppression.

I can't imagine that if I were to face such a terrifying power, would I die suddenly?

Even Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly.

Only now did he realize that just one Wanjun was like an unreachable mountain in front of him.

Not to mention, he will eventually face Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

The strongest person in the Immortal Realm!

The road I have to go is still far, far away!

"I lost……"

After a long while, Yu Shenxianjun staggered to his feet, sighed, and finally chose to admit defeat.

The gap is too big.

Although Wan Jun stopped his attack in time and his injuries were not serious, there was no need to continue fighting.


Wan Jun cupped his fists and saluted the Immortal Lord Yushen. He was as humble and polite as ever, and at the same time said slowly: "If Brother Ren can cultivate to the fifth level of the nine heavenly soul revolutions, the level of yin and yang transformation, maybe there will be a chance to receive the third step or above." ”

"Even if the yin and yang change, can we only reach the third step?"

Ren Tianhen smiled bitterly, "I wonder to what level has Senior Brother Wan's Eight Steps of Lei Ji reached?"

"Step six."

Wan Jun looked calm and slowly spoke out the answer.

For a moment, not only Yushenxianjun, but also the whole place was in deathly silence.

In just half a step, he completely defeated Yu Shenxianjun. With such a heaven-defying magical power, he actually reached the sixth step!


This Wanjun's strength is really terrifying!

Perhaps one day, he will even be able to surpass Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, which is yet to be known.


Yu Shenxianjun laughed at himself, bowed his hands in the direction of Wan Jun, and immediately jumped off the ring with a face ashen as death.

He is not a glass-hearted person. He can accept his own failures and face his own shortcomings.

However, Wanjun's power is like an ancient sacred mountain lying in front of him, which makes people despair and makes people unable to see the possibility of surpassing him.

This kind of despair is the most devastating thing.

Especially a genius like Yu Shen Xianjun.

Come to think of it, accepting this cruel fact cannot be done in a day or two.

As for this kind of pain, Yan Jinghong can be said to be quite experienced.

After all, he was hit by Ling Feng not once or twice.

If he wasn't familiar with Yushenxianjun, he could exchange experiences with Yushenxianjun and tell how he came out of the shadows.

Of course, the most important thing about this kind of thing is that you have to figure it out yourself.

After Yu Shenxianjun left the stage, Elder Lian Lei came on stage again and announced the result of the game loudly.

Wanjun has won consecutive games, so he has locked in the first place in advance.

As for the second and third place, the winner will be decided between Yushenxianjun and Gu Qifeng.

After a short break, the game started again.

After a relatively close game, Yu Shenxianjun won with difficulty.

In fact, Yushenxianjun was much stronger than Gu Qifeng, but he obviously did not adjust his mentality at the first time, so he made several mistakes in a row. Although he finally defeated Gu Qifeng, the victory was not easy.

In other words, Yu Shenxianjun's mentality collapsed.

However, with Yu Shen Xianjun's character, I believe he will be able to get out of the shadows soon.

"competition is over!"

With the victory of Yu Shenxianjun over Gu Qifeng, all the trials and competitions on the Seven Ultimate Immortal List came to an end.

Outside the Qijue Tower, the tall Qijue Monument began to shine brightly.

In the end, the seven powerful men are: Xuntian Lei Clan Wanjun!

Tian Zhi Ren Tian Hen!

Gu Qi Feng from the Xuntian Mountain Clan!

Yue Yinshuang from the Xuntian Wind Clan!

Shui Yanbing from the Xuntian Ice Clan!

Cao Yan, the Fire Tribe who patrols the sky!

Dayu Xianting Yu Fan!

According to the rules of the Qi Jue Immortal Ranking, the powerful Qi Jue Immortal Emperor can select a heavenly weapon from the imperial weapon treasury of Yi Ting Immortal Emperor!

The so-called heavenly weapons are the divine weapons that accompanied the Tiandao clan in the past.

With the demise of the Tiandao clan, these heavenly soldiers naturally became "limited editions" with a very limited number.

And if you want to sacrifice the heavenly weapons, the price is not small. The first thing is how to tame the weapon spirits of the heavenly weapons.

For example, Ling Feng was destroyed in all directions. Since the birth of the sword spirit, it will only recognize Ling Feng as its master.

Once Ling Feng dies, the sword spirit that will be destroyed in all directions will also die with Ling Feng's death, and eventually become a piece of scrap metal.

If you want to sacrifice the heavenly weapons, you must refine the weapon spirit into a puppet without self-awareness within three years of the death of the original owner.

Although the original power of the Heavenly Soldiers was retained, the possibility of further advancement was forever lost.

Therefore, valuable heavenly soldiers often have their original owners who are very powerful and terrifying beings.

Most of them have even reached the level of Immortal Emperor.

Because of this, it is usually called the Imperial Soldier!

These imperial weapons are almost the most top divine weapons in the treasury of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. He is actually willing to take them out as rewards and distribute them to the top monsters of the major forces in the Immortal Realm. This can be regarded as a huge investment.

From now on, the rewards will not be as rich as the Imperial Armament.

However, you can also choose a treasure from the Sky Patrol Thunder Clan's treasure trove based on ranking.

Among them, the eighth to fifteenth players can choose rewards on the third floor of the treasure house.

Those ranked 16th to 50th can choose rewards on the second level of the treasure house.

As for the fifty and one hundred people, they can only choose rewards on the first level.

Because Ling Feng performed well in the Royal Examination and won the Alchemy Examination, not only could he get the "Xuanhuang Secret Scroll", but he also happened to be ranked fifteenth on this year's Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings.

Just in time to get the best reward besides the seven imperial soldiers.

Of course, there's an extra surprise.

The Xuanhuang Lingxu Pill he refined is still lying quietly in his pocket.

The Qingluo Empress had offered to buy this elixir before, so she thought that with the respect of the Qingluo Empress, she would be able to offer a good price.

You can look forward to it.

Just when Ling Feng was surprised, a gentle and pleasant voice suddenly came from his ears.

"Are you Mr. Ling Feng Ling?"

Ling Feng looked around and saw a woman in a blue dress walking lightly in front of him.

Ling Feng was slightly startled. This woman looked like she was dressed as a maid, but her aura was unfathomable. It was obvious that her cultivation level was far above his own.

"Who are you?"

Ling Feng blinked and asked in a deep voice.

"This slave is the maid of the Empress. She is here to deliver the message on the Empress' order."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he immediately reacted, "Is it about purchasing the Xuanhuang Lingxu Pill?"

The maid nodded slightly, "Exactly!"

Ling Feng quickly took out the porcelain bottle and was about to hand the elixir to the maid, but he saw her waving her hand and saying softly: "It's better to wait until Mr. Ling hands this elixir into the hands of the Empress. The Empress asked the maid to inform you." After the young master leaves Qijue Tower, he can go to the Fenghua Garden in the south of the city to discuss the purchase of elixirs. The empress will only stay in the city for three days, and there will be no waiting time. "

"Three days?"

Ling Feng nodded, "I've made a note of it. Please tell the lady to tell the Empress for me that she will definitely pay you a visit next time!"

"Then I'll take my leave first!"

The maid gave a blessing to Ling Feng, then spread out her body skills and flew towards the high platform.

Ling Feng stared at the high platform, but happened to meet the gaze of Empress Qingluo.

He was so frightened that his heart thumped, and he quickly looked away, fearing that something would be seen.

This woman is very dangerous!

Why do I always feel like this empress has another purpose for me?

The Feng Qing Jade was a test last time, and it seems to be another test this time.

He even hesitated, should he go to the appointment?

Shaking his head slightly, Ling Feng put these distracting thoughts behind his mind and thought about what kind of treasure to choose first. This is more meaningful!

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