Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3657 The treasure house of imperial weapons!

As the Qijue Immortal Ranking came to an end, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting gave another impassioned speech, and soon led the Qijue experts to leave the Qijue Tower.

These seven peerless geniuses will follow Immortal Emperor Yi Ting into the treasure house of imperial weapons to select heavenly weapons.

As for other geniuses, they will follow Elder Lian Lei to go to the treasury of Xuntian Lei Clan to select rewards.

Obviously, this is not the same treasure trove.

According to Elder Lian Lei, those heavenly soldiers are at least equivalent to the ninth level of the Xuntian Lei Clan's treasure house.

But it turns out that the treasure house actually has nine levels, and beyond the Qijue, the rewards for the best geniuses can only barely make it to the third level.

However, it is quite suitable for these monks who are only at the Immortal Lord level.

About half an hour later, Ling Feng and the other ninety-three top 100 geniuses who could leave their names on the Qijue Monument arrived in front of a high tower in the north of Leixiao Imperial City.

This high tower is the treasure house of Xuntian Lei Clan, with nine floors.

Under the reception of the staff, the group entered the treasure house one after another and began to select rewards.

Ling Feng is the fifteenth, so he is qualified to enter the third level treasure house.

Among the other Tianjiao who ranked in the top fifteen, there is one person who also belongs to Tianzhi.

It is also interesting to say that this Tianzhi disciple is not Ao Tianxin who "defeated" Ling Feng in the imperial examination, but Wang Teng, the sword-driving immortal king.

In his battle with Shui Yanbing, he indeed showed his grace as a swordsman, so in the final evaluation of his overall strength, he was even much higher than Ao Tianxin.

Although Ao Tianxin became a champion, he did not get into the top fifteen.

Ao Tianxin was somewhat dissatisfied with this.

However, the rankings on the Qijue Monument have been decided, and given his 800 courage, he did not dare to question Elder Lian Lei, let alone Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, who presided over this Qijue Immortal Ranking.

Therefore, when this guy saw Ling Feng walking directly to the steps of the third floor of the treasure house, he couldn't help but taunted him sourly: "Obviously he was defeated by me, but he made it into the top fifteen with his alchemy! Humph, it's really useless Heavenly principle!”

Immortal Yufeng shook his head and smiled. Among the six emperors, except for Immortal Yuxu Su Liuli who had a relatively good relationship with Immortal Yushen, only Immortal Yufeng could talk to him.

"Senior Brother Ao, to be honest, if Qin Zu of the Xuntian Lei Clan hadn't consumed all the power of Junior Brother Ling's black donkey, you might not have been able to take on the black donkey's thunderbolts, supremes, or cannons, right? "

Ao Tianxin's face froze, he snorted softly, and stopped talking to Yufeng Immortal Lord.

Although the name that bitch made up casually is extremely difficult to pronounce, it is indeed amazingly powerful.

Immortal Lord Yufeng shrugged and said with a faint smile: "To a certain extent, Junior Brother Ling already possesses the strength of the Six Yu level. There is no doubt about this."


Even the Yuxu Immortal Lord Bai Luohuan, who had always been silent and few words, actually nodded slightly.

The speed at which Junior Brother Ling grew up really amazed these six strong men.

Even though Ao Tianxin was unconvinced, he was also fully aware of Ling Feng's extraordinary ability.

If Ling Feng hadn't eliminated Qin Zu, the challenger might not have gotten his turn.

However, Ao Tian is obsessed with saving face, and he will definitely not give in.

Ling Feng naturally heard some of the conversations of these senior brothers, but he just pretended not to hear it and followed Elder Lian Lei and the other top fifteen powerful men into the third level of the treasure house.

It is worth mentioning that only one person from the Xantian Ice Clan entered the third level, and this person turned out to be Yan Jinghong!

As for the Lan family siblings, they can only choose rewards from the second level treasure house.

I have to say that Yan Jinghong's performance in the sword test was indeed very impressive.

Although it is only the beginning, it cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, as he continues to unseal the seal of the Sky Patrolling Divine Pattern, his strength will continue to rise.

This is a personal destiny, and I cannot envy it.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ling Feng did not have too much contact with Yan Jinghong, but he also expressed his affirmation of his strength and progress through his eyes.

Yan Jinghong still looked cold and ignored Ling Feng, but there was a trace of pride in his eyes, and he was beaming towards Ling Feng.

This time on the Seven Ultimate Immortals Ranking, Ling Feng ranked fifteenth, and he ranked twelve!

A full three places higher!

A whole three!

Just these three people were enough to make Yan Jinghong proud for ten or eight years.

If there were no outsiders present, Yan Jinghong would have been able to show off a few words in front of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng was secretly amused. He didn't expect that Yan Jinghong, who usually seemed quite aloof, was actually very sullen on the inside!

"Okay, you can choose any one of the treasures on this level, but remember you can only choose one, and don't do anything that is degrading to your status, so as not to make everyone look bad!"

Elder Lian Lei cleared his throat and continued: "The time limit is half an hour. After the selection, you can leave. Oh, there is one more thing."

Elder Lian Lei paused, and then said: "You top fifteen geniuses, including the Seven Ultimates, don't leave Lei Xiao Holy City in a hurry, and it's best not to go back and practice in seclusion, because soon, the Emperor will Your Majesty will summon you, and when the time comes, it will be your benefit!"

"What a benefit!"

The person who spoke was Yan Jiuchuan from the Xuntian Fire Tribe.

The rest of the people looked at each other with curiosity.

"You will know when the time comes."

Elder Lian Lei smiled lightly, "In short, it's just a blessing from heaven!"

Ling Feng's heart tightened. Sure enough, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting convened the Seven Ultimate Immortal List not just to select a new generation of geniuses.

He spent a lot of manpower and material resources, not only to raise the emperor's troops, but also to scatter treasure troves. He came up with so many tricks, and the conspiracy behind it must be quite big.

Although he has tried very hard to hide himself and his strength, he is probably still involved in the "conspiracy" of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

"It seems that whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, the only way to plan for now is to take one step at a time."

Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart. He was not willing to take a trip into this muddy water, but as the saying goes, risks and rewards coexist.

The higher the risk, the higher the return!

At the same time, the Qijue experts, led by Immortal Emperor Yiting, came to a mountain forest on the outskirts of Leixiao Holy City.

Of course, this Immortal Emperor Yi Ting is not the true form of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, but is just a shadow of him, a dharma image.

At this moment, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was discussing something with the elders of the other major forces in the Shenxiao Hall in Leixiao Imperial City.


In front of the Wanzhang Waterfall, the sound of the waterfall is like thunder. The sky-high water curtain reflects the colorful rainbow under the sunlight, which looks extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

The entrance to the Imperial Arms Treasure House is right behind this waterfall.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting waved his hand, and a colorful rainbow bridge illuminated the waterfall.

Then, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting floated down on the Hong Bridge, and the Seven Talents quickly followed him.

The moment you cross the Hongqiao and enter the waterfall curtain, you feel like you have crossed countless layers of time and space.

When everyone came back to their senses, they discovered that this was an extremely mysterious time and space.

What caught his eye were handfuls of magical weapons suspended in mid-air.

Those magical weapons seemed to be a realm of their own, transforming into thousands of worlds in this mysterious time and space!

For example, in the sky in the south, there is a red spear, the flames are flowing, and the void is boiling in the flames!

In that world of flames, that red spear was like a ruler, suppressing the world.

As far as the eye can see, there is a sea of ​​fire and purgatory!

Another example is a long sword that is crystal clear and looks like ice crystals. It is suspended in the sky, and a world of ice and snow is derived. The heaven and earth are frozen by it, and the four seas are frozen by it!

Another example...

For a moment, the Qijue Tianjiao all opened their eyes wide and looked at the imperial soldiers in disbelief.

And soon, this is their weapon!

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, or rather Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, had a faint smile on his face. With a wave of his hand, a thunder talisman appeared in the hands of each of the seven geniuses.

"You can each choose a suitable heavenly weapon, and then put the talisman in your hand into the heavenly weapon, and then you can subdue the weapon spirit of the heavenly weapon."

"Thank you, Lord Emperor!"

The spirits of the seven outstanding geniuses were all lifted up.

Originally, it would be difficult to surrender something like the Imperial Soldier.

Unexpectedly, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had already thought about this level.

What a foresight!

In an instant, the seven geniuses each flew out and flew towards the magic weapon that attracted them.

Looking at the departing figures of these people, a cold light flashed in the eyes of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, and he murmured, "The seven emperors' soldiers are united into one, Taixu Zhoulong, Taixu Zhoulong, do you think you are hiding in that space?" Can you sit back and relax in the gap between the turbulent flow? Hehe..."

But it turns out that the opportunity that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had been planning all along was actually——

Taixu Zhoulong!

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