Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3659 A group of people panicked!

After coming out of the treasure house of the Thunder Clan, Ling Feng was in a good mood.

Although it was only the third floor, it was the treasure house of the Thunder Clan after all. The various rare treasures in it made Ling Feng dazzled for a while.

If he was not strong enough, Ling Feng would have to carry forward the spirit of plucking feathers from passing geese and empty this treasure house to satisfy his desire.

In the end, Ling Feng still chose a colorful crystal stone. The reason was.

Because this crystal stone could actually make the star stone react and burn hot.

The last time the star stone was hot was when it sensed the Hongmeng Immortal Crystal.

Anyway, the star stone has been fed with so many top-grade ores, so this little bit is not a big deal.

And this colorful stone, according to Elder Lian Lei, seems to be called a five-color divine stone, which is also a very rare stone from outer space, a treasure comparable to the Hongmeng Immortal Crystal.

However, because this five-color divine stone is only the size of a thumb, it was placed on the third floor.

If it was a little bigger, it could at least be included in the fifth-level treasury.

Therefore, in a sense, Ling Feng was lucky enough to have found a loophole.

It was not a big loophole, but it was a small loophole.

Therefore, when Ling Feng came out of the treasury, he was in a very good mood.

After trading the pill with Empress Qingluo, he should be able to leave this place of trouble.

Finally, he got away with it. Now he just wanted to leave Leixiao Holy City as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the night would be long and dreams would be many. If his identity was exposed, he would be finished.

However, the naive Ling Feng might not have thought that he did not look for trouble, but trouble came to him.

Emperor Yiting named him to join the "Dragon Slayer" team. Whether there was another plot behind this, I am afraid only Emperor Yiting himself knew.

Not long after, Ling Feng and other senior brothers and sisters of the Six Imperials returned to the villa where Tianzhi was temporarily staying.

At this moment, Immortal Venerable Jieyin had been waiting in the main hall for a long time.

It was the Immortal Lord Yushen who had gone to select the imperial soldiers but had not returned yet.

"Immortal Lord!"

Seeing the Immortal Lord Jieyin sitting upright in the hall, looking serious, all the disciples hurriedly saluted the Immortal Lord Jieyin.

However, the Immortal Lord Jieyin still looked solemn and said nothing.

Ling Feng looked around. Xiao Xianling and Si Chen, the two girls, were also in the hall. He couldn't help but asked, "Miss Xiao, what happened to the senior?"

"Who knows."

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips, "It's been like this since I came back from the imperial city."

Ling Feng looked at Si Chen again, and Si Chen shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he knew nothing.

However, with the Immortal Lord Jieyin's calm and peaceful state of mind, it stands to reason that few things would make him so troubled.

Ao Tianxin, on the other hand, asked directly, "Immortal Venerable, why hasn't Senior Brother Yushen come back yet? We have all chosen our rewards and returned. He just chose an imperial weapon, so why did it take so long?"

After saying this, Immortal Venerable Jieyin actually made some movements. He looked up at Ao Tianxin, took a deep breath, and then sighed, "He won't come back!"


All the disciples were stunned.

"What do you mean by 'he won't come back'?"

Ao Tianxin blinked and asked.

Ling Feng had a bad feeling.

Because when Immortal Venerable Jieyin spoke, he actually glanced at him with his peripheral vision.

What's going on? Does it have anything to do with me?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng became a little nervous.

"Then Emperor Yi Ting has another task to give to Tian Hen!"

The Immortal Venerable Jie Yin took a deep breath, said nothing more, pondered for a moment, and waved his hand, "Okay, you all go back and rest, you have worked hard during this period!"

Everyone was a little confused, but still bowed to the Immortal Venerable Jie Yin, and said in unison: "Disciples, take your leave!"


The Immortal Venerable Jie Yin raised his hand again and looked at Ling Feng and Wang Teng.

"Wang Teng, and Ling Feng, you two, stay!"

The disciples looked at each other, and finally looked at Ling Feng and the others.

They were all the top fifteen geniuses in the Seven Absolutes Immortal List this time. Could it be that something really happened?

However, since the Immortal Venerable Jie Yin didn't say anything, they didn't ask too much.

After a while, the other disciples left, leaving only Ling Feng and Wang Teng in the hall.

There were also Xiao Xianling and Si Chen.

"Girl, you go down too!"

The Immortal Venerable Jie Yin looked at Xiao Xianling. This matter had nothing to do with her, so it was better for her not to know.

As for Si Chen, her mission is to always stay by Ling Feng's side. Unless there are special circumstances, it is unrealistic to get rid of her.

"I won't!"

Xiao Xianling pouted. This girl is obviously never obedient.


Jie Yin Xianzun was helpless. He has always been helpless with his granddaughter.

"Forget it."

Jie Yin Xianzun sighed lightly, and then slowly repeated what Emperor Yi Ting had said in the Shenxiao Palace.

After hearing this news, the expressions of everyone in the palace became extremely exciting.

Si Chen's pupils contracted. He didn't expect that Emperor Yi Ting was after the origin of the Zulong Dragon!

Xiao Xianling was shocked, "Oh my God, it's really the Zulong!"

As for Wang Teng, he had a cold face and didn't know what he was thinking. However, judging from the gleam in his eyes, his excitement should be greater than shock.

Needless to say, this guy definitely wants to participate in this dragon-slaying operation.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, almost couldn't help but scold his mother, and he was so panicked!

Why call me by name?

Am I exposed?

Am I exposed? ?

Am I exposed? ? ?

Ling Feng's mind was almost occupied by this fearful emotion.

I even wanted to run away at one point.

But soon, Ling Feng felt that this was not the case.

If Immortal Emperor Yi Ting really knows his identity, all he needs to do to get rid of him is one thought.

There's no need to go to such trouble.

Therefore, if we bypass the question of whether he knows his identity, we can directly look at the purpose of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

In other words, at least at this moment, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting has no idea of ​​killing himself.

Therefore, there is no need for you to get confused and panic.

If he ran away directly, there would be three hundred taels of silver left here.

At this time, you should have confidence in yourself and in Keveli.

In any case, Keveli has left a restriction on herself that hides the aura of the Tiandao clan, and Keveli is also a Broken Immortal Emperor-level existence!

After thinking about this, Ling Feng was not so uneasy anymore.

On the contrary, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting wanted to steal the source of the ancestral dragon. Since he knew about it, how could he let him succeed?

Absolutely impossible!

In addition to the hatred between the Xuantian clan and the Tiandao clan.

Also, Taixu Zhoulong is Ling Feng’s old friend!

It can even be said that the only person who can prove that what Immortal Emperor Yi Ting said is true is Ling Feng.

Back then, in the Western Sword Territory, in order to change the history of the God of Shepherd being erased and the Valley of the Evil no longer existing, Ling Feng by chance activated the Star Wheel under the Xingyue Cliff, reversed time and space, and returned to The West Sword Region three hundred years ago.

It was this experience that led Ling Feng to encounter Taixu Zhoulong hidden in the gap between time and space.

It is precisely because of this that he obtained a space-time imprint left by Taixu Zhoulong, and has since mastered the laws of time and space.

This past event, although more than ten years have passed, is still vivid in my mind.

That was also the first time he witnessed the legendary ancestral dragon with his own eyes.

Although the Ancestral Dragon he saw might just be a shadow left by Taixu Zhoulong in the rotation of time and space, it confirmed that although Taixu Zhoulong itself had long since perished, it still had some incarnations. , wandering in time and space, avoiding the cause and effect of death.

There is such a relationship, no matter how you look at it, you can't just sit back and watch.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, this old bastard, actually wants to seize the source of Taixu Zhoulong. If he really succeeds, will he still be able to fool around in the future?

Looking at it now, there are some conditions that are very beneficial to me.

That is, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting himself cannot enter the space-time gap where Taixu Zhoulong is hidden to capture the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong.

Then, Ling Feng would have room to do something.

Anyway, no matter what, he must ensure that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's dragon-slaying operation fails.

Not only to repay Taixu Zhoulong for his past kindness, but also for himself.

The Yi Ting Immortal Emperor who is at the ninth level of Broken is already difficult to deal with. If he is allowed to advance to another level, will the Tiandao Clan still have a chance?


At this moment, Jieyin Xianzun cleared his throat, raised his voice, and said with a serious face: "So, that's what happened. Wang Teng, you still have a choice. You want to join this dragon-slaying operation. "?"

Wang Teng didn't hesitate too much, and bowed his fist to the Immortal Lord Jieyin, "Thanks to the Emperor's respect, of course my disciple is willing!"


Jie Yinxian Zun sighed softly, this boy is still young after all.

How could Immortal Emperor Yi Ting think highly of him? He clearly just wanted to get more cannon fodder.

He stupidly came forward!

What an idiot!

However, with these words, Immortal Lord Jie Ying dared to think about it, this is the Holy City of Lei Xiao, how could there not be Immortal Emperor Yi Ting’s eyes and ears?

"Think about it again."

Jie Yinxian Zun gave a wry smile. He couldn't persuade him openly, so he could only see if he could figure it out before tomorrow.

As for Ling Feng...

Jie Yinxian Zun looked at Ling Feng with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

Judging from personal feelings, Jie Yinxian Zun certainly did not want Ling Feng to take this risk.

But Immortal Emperor Yi Ting asked him to participate by name, which was something he couldn't disobey.

"Boy Lingfeng, what do you say?"

"Disciples don't have a choice. No matter what I say, it doesn't make any difference."

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a wry smile: "But Immortal Lord, don't worry too much. Since Immortal Emperor Yi Ting wants me to make elixirs, I'm just here to help, so there won't be any danger."

Alchemy is great!

When the time comes, add some ingredients to the elixirs supplied by the Qijue Tianjiao to make their hands and feet weak, and they can still slay dragons?

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, you are an old bastard, you still want the Ancestral Dragon Dragon Source, it is just a dream!

"Don't worry, Grandpa, this brat has a very lucky destiny! Maybe he will be the big winner in the end!"

Xiao Xianling was a little bit confident in Ling Feng.

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

Jieyinxian Zun coughed a few times and interrupted Xiao Xianling's words.

This silly girl, you don’t want to say this!

Ling Feng also smiled bitterly and thought to himself: You little bitch, why don't you take me with you when you are bragging! However, it sounds quite comfortable!

Si Chen on the side looked a bit bitter.

Why is it so difficult to carry out my personal surveillance mission?

Wherever this kid goes, he is always helpless!

There is no way I can stick to my body!

"Just think clearly."

The Immortal Lord Jieyin patted Ling Feng's shoulder lightly, and then said slowly: "In that case, at noon tomorrow, you two will follow me to the Shenxiao Hall to meet Emperor Yi Ting!"

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