Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3660 Bright Moon Mirror!

At the same time, among the other major forces, the elders who led the team also informed their disciples of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's plan to slay the dragon.

Of course, those who are more cautious will only tell the disciples who have obtained the top fifteen rankings on the Seven Ultimate Immortal List, just like the Yin Yin Immortal Lord.

Empress Qingluo is obviously not included in this list.

After returning to Bieyuan, Empress Qingluo informed all her disciples of the dragon-slaying plan. After seeing the reactions of the juniors from the Xuntian Wind Clan, she immediately said with a cold face: "Lingxiu, you are not allowed to participate, do you understand? "

Just one month of Yinshuang injection made Empress Qingluo feel very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the strength of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, with her temper, she might have directly asked Immortal Emperor Yi Ting for someone.

Naturally, it is even more impossible to push other juniors into the fire pit.

"Disciple understands!"

Among the disciples of the Xantian Feng Clan, besides Yue Yinshuang, there is also Lingxiu, the leader of the Qingling Ten Elites.

Although Lingxiu is actually somewhat interested in Taixu Zhoulong, since the empress has her destiny, she will naturally not disobey him.

At the same time, the Xantian Ice Clan, Xantian Fire Clan, Dayu Xianting...

The leaders of each force also conveyed the matter of slaying the dragon, but they did not directly interfere with the disciples' decision.

First of all, I dare not think of Empress Qingluo and not take Immortal Emperor Yi Ting seriously.

Secondly, even if he doesn't participate, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting has been planning carefully for so long, and has organized the Qijue Tianjiao, holding seven imperial soldiers, and he is basically guaranteed to win.

And once Immortal Emperor Yi Ting obtains the source of the Ancestral Dragon, his strength will definitely reach a higher level, even reaching a higher level after being shattered.

At this time, you must first please him and hug this thigh.

After weighing the pros and cons, it is naturally the best choice to provide someone to help Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Night falls.

And this night was destined to be very long for Ling Feng.

Although Ling Feng had comforted himself many times, he was still a little uneasy.

I thought that after the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking was over, I could leave Leixiao Holy City, but I didn't expect that something like this would suddenly arise.

It is impossible to say that I am not a little depressed.

For the current Ling Feng, who is still in the stage of insignificant development, it is really inappropriate to have too much contact with the ultimate powerhouse like Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Even if you may not be exposed for a while, if you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet!


Ling Feng frowned and sighed for a long time, and finally decided to put all these things behind him.

He took out the five-colored sacred stone and decided to let the star stone swallow up the spiritual power of the five-colored sacred stone first to see if there were any new changes in the star stone this time.

He took off the Star Stone from his chest, and the imprint that Eggman had left on it was still vaguely visible.

Although this little guy is still just a cub, his strength is already terrifying.

For himself, it is also a life-saving trump card.

Ling Feng brought the five-colored divine stone close to the star stone. Soon, the star stone shone with a faint blue light, and after a while, it directly sucked up the spiritual essence inside the five-colored divine stone.

A good five-color divine stone just turned into powder and dissipated.

As expected, the Star Stone remained unchanged. After absorbing the five-color sacred stone, it returned to its original appearance, quietly and just like an ordinary stone.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, mentally prepared for this outcome.

After feeding so many treasures, I can only bite the bullet and continue feeding.

Anyway, this thing is definitely unusual!

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Ling Feng quickly put away the star stone, opened the door and saw that it was Wang Teng, the sword-controlling immortal.

"Senior Brother Yu Jian?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Wang Teng to come to him.

"Junior Brother Ling."

Wang Teng nodded slightly towards Ling Feng, and then said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, what do you think about the matter of slaying the dragon?"


Ling Feng was a little surprised. Wang Teng usually seemed a bit withdrawn and aloof. He didn't seem like the kind of person who liked to ask other people's opinions.

"Senior brother, please come in first."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and invited Wang Teng to come into the room and sit down. Then he said, "It seems that senior brother is very conflicted now."

Wang Teng was silent for a moment, but still nodded and said solemnly: "The main reason is that I don't seem to want me to go."

Sure enough, this Senior Brother Yu Jian is not a fool. He can understand the meaning of welcoming the Immortal Lord, but he also has his own ideas.

"So, senior brother himself wants to go, right?"

"can not say it clearly."

Wang Teng shook his head, "Maybe this is a trap, but being able to see the legendary Taixu Zhoulong may be the only opportunity in my life."


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, but he didn't dare to say that he had actually seen him once.

"A rare opportunity."

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment and then said slowly: "Actually, slaying the dragon is not the only thing that matters. Who doesn't want to see the ancestral dragon?"


Wang Teng smiled and said, "So, I actually envy you a little. You don't need to be conflicted at all, because you have to go."

"Are you envious?"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, but what Wang Teng said did make sense.

If he had not been named and had to go, would he still go?

It’s hard to say.

Even though he knew there was a trap, he still couldn't help but want to jump in.

Opportunities and risks coexist.

As a monk, without a spirit of adventure, it would be impossible to reach this point.

"Maybe so."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "So, when senior brother comes to see me, he has already made a decision."


Wang Teng nodded, "Although we don't have any friendship, we are still brothers in the same sect. This dragon-slaying operation will definitely be full of crises, and other people will also have their own secrets. I think, in order to be able to protect the whole body, And if we retreat, maybe we can join forces.”


Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. On the surface, this Senior Brother Wang came to express his feelings to him, but in fact, he came to find allies!

He smiled slightly and nodded, "Of course, after all, we are brothers in the same discipline!"

"Okay, based on your words, I feel relieved."

Wang Teng laughed loudly, raised his palm and stretched it out in front of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng also raised his hand to give him a high-five and said with a smile: "Happy cooperation!"

“Happy to work with!”

Wang Teng smiled lightly, it was easy for smart people to talk.

"Then I won't disturb junior brother's rest."

Wang Teng said, taking out a stack of talismans from his arms and slapping them directly on the table, "Junior brother, this talisman is called the mutual teleportation talisman. It can be teleported directly to the opponent's side the moment it is lit. This This action may come in handy.”


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "In that case, thank you so much, senior brother!"

There are eight talismans in this pile. This is a good thing!

Although, in fact, Ling Feng can use the pupil technique to display the ability of time and space displacement, which can also achieve similar effects, but it consumes a lot of money, and secondly, the transmission distance is relatively limited.

Each of these talismans is probably worth a lot of money.

It seems that Senior Brother Wang Teng is indeed sincere.

The so-called courtesy reciprocity, Ling Feng also took out a bottle of elixirs and placed it on the table, pushing it in front of Wang Teng, "These are some elixirs that can instantly replenish the power of Qi, blood and mana. This time, Dragon Slaying is going to a completely unfamiliar environment. , I don’t know if I can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to restore my own mana, so it’s better to prepare more pills. In addition, I will refine a batch of Xuanhuang Lingxu Pills and give some to my senior brother when the time comes.”


Wang Teng was not polite, and after accepting the elixir, he left.

However, not long after Wang Teng left, Si Chen walked into Ling Feng's room very rudely.

"Sister Chen?"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, why did she come again.

"This bright moon mirror is ready."

Si Chen casually threw a palm-sized bronze mirror to Ling Feng and said slowly: "This bright moon mirror and the sun-chasing mirror in my hand are a pair. Even in a completely isolated time and space, there is no gap between the two mirrors. There is mutual induction. You only need to inject your own mana into it to transmit some simple information."


Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Si Chen, "So, what's the use of this?"

"After you enter the gap in time and space, remember to inject mana every twelve hours. Then I will know that you are still alive and my mission will continue. If you die, then I don't need to wait any longer. You can go back and resume your life. My time is also precious!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes and felt quite cruel!

"By the way, the mana of the Bright Moon Mirror and the Sun-Chasing Mirror is transmitted in both directions. Therefore, I will pour some mana into the Sun-Chasing Mirror every day. When you activate the Bright Moon Mirror, you can use part of my mana."

Si Chen said slowly.


Ling Feng suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the key!

I still misunderstood Si Chen.

"Thank you, Sister Chen!"

Ling Feng carefully put the bronze mirror away. Although Si Chen was only doing it for his own mission, he could feel the care and warmth inside.

"Hmph! Don't look at me like that!"

Si Chen rolled his eyes at Ling Feng and tilted his head to the side, "I just don't want the mission to fail!"

"Whatever you say is fine."

Ling Feng shrugged, "Anyway, thank you very much!"

If in the space-time gap where Taixu Zhoulong hides, the highest power is only at the level of the Immortal Lord, then if he can call on part of Si Chen's mana, it can be considered a powerful plug-in.

I have to say, this bright moon mirror is really a treasure!

Now that it's in his own hands, Si Chen didn't say he wanted to return it. Hey, from now on, this Haoyue Mirror will also change its surname to Ling.

Reasonable, very reasonable!

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