Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3663 Why don’t you know how to cherish it?

The Alchemist Guild is quite famous in the Leixiao Holy City.

After a little inquiry, Ling Feng knew the location of Lei Xiao Holy City.

After a while, Ling Feng arrived at the gate of the Alchemist Guild from the Xantian Feng Clan's hotel.

The first thing that catches the eye is a very tall humanoid statue, which is said to be the legendary "Nine Heavens Alchemy God" and is also a mythical alchemist recognized by all the alchemists in the Sky Patrol.

Ling Feng stared at the statue for a moment, and from a distance, a burst of hearty laughter came from his ears.

"Hahaha... Little friend Ling Feng, I didn't expect you to come so soon. It's better to come early than to come by chance. It's such a coincidence that I have just come from the mansion. I didn't expect to meet little Ling Feng." friend!"

The person who spoke was none other than President Chen Yuanmo Chen.

As a well-known alchemy master in Lei Xiao Holy City, this old man's attitude towards Ling Feng was really amiable.

Of course, this is only true for Ling Feng.

The guard guarding the entrance of the Alchemist Guild couldn't help but snicker secretly in his heart.

What a coincidence. The old president has been coming to the union early in the morning every day to guard the union, never taking his eyes off the door.

No, as soon as Ling Feng arrived, President Chen appeared immediately.

The so-called coincidences are actually mostly carefully arranged and premeditated.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. It is also the philosophy of life to see through things without telling them.

"Yes, what a coincidence! Junior Ling Feng has met President Chen!"

Ling Feng smiled and was about to salute Chen Yuanmo, but was stopped by Chen Yuanmo.

"Hey! Why are you so formal? In alchemy, those who have mastered it come first. During the alchemy test that day, I noticed that your alchemy attainments are definitely not inferior to most of the alchemists in our alchemist union. You If you are interested, you can consider joining our Alchemist Guild directly and becoming an enshrined elder."

Chen Yuan praised Ling Feng without leaving any trace, and at the same time he did not forget to win over Ling Feng, a young talent. He was also very cunning.

Ling Feng was clear in his heart, but he still smiled and waved his hand, "After all, I am a disciple of Tianzhi and will not stay in Leixiao Holy City for too long, so I accept the president's kindness."

"That's such a shame!"

Chen Yuanmo sighed softly. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still felt a bit regretful.

"That's all, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go to my place to finalize the cooperation matters first."

Although it was a bit of a pity not to be able to recruit such an outstanding and talented alchemist as Ling Feng, it would be nice to be able to get a few more pill recipes from the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll from Ling Feng.


Ling Feng laughed loudly, and under the leadership of President Chen, he walked through the halls and alleys, and soon came to a huge exhibition hall.

But it turns out that this is not only the headquarters of the Alchemist Guild, but also the treasure building of the Alchemist Guild.

Not only are some rare elixirs sold to the outside world, but some natural and earthly treasures can also be sold separately.

In the huge exhibition hall, it can be said that everything you need is dazzling.

From time to time, some monks with strong auras would pass by and they would nod to President Chen.

The auras of these monks range from the level of the Immortal Lord to the level of the Immortal Lord. Most of them are dominated by the power of thunder. They should be strong men from various blood branches of the Xuntian Lei Clan.

Ling Feng followed President Chen very low-key, not wanting to cause trouble.

"This is the treasure building of our Alchemist Guild. It is divided into three floors. I usually entertain some distinguished guests in the reception room on the east side of the third floor."

Ling Feng just listened humbly, without interrupting, nor echoing Chen Yuanmo's words, nor was he complacent because of the "distinguished guest" he said.

Chen Yuanmo nodded secretly in his heart. Although this junior is not old, he has a calm mind and is neither humble nor arrogant. He is indeed a dragon among people.

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly heard a few very familiar voices and couldn't help but pause.

"Feng Ling, you also said that we are not destined for three lives. I came here on a whim to buy elixirs, and I ended up meeting you! You said, isn't the fate between us destined by God?"

"" One of the female voices was angry and fearful, but she was speechless for a long time.

"Master Cao, please respect yourself!"

Familiar voices, familiar dialogue.

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, well, it happened to him again!

But it wasn't the messy Cao Wuxie, the tearful Feng Ling, and Fengling's junior sister, his old friend Yu Shiwei.

Cao Wuxie, who pestered Fengling again and again, had obviously already made his point. This guy couldn't understand human speech at all.

"Little friend Ling Feng, what's wrong?"

Suddenly realizing that Ling Feng was not following him, Chen Yuanmo looked back and found that Ling Feng was looking to the side.

Following Ling Feng's gaze, he saw a man and two women entangled over there.

Although Chen Yuanmo had never met that man before, he could feel the rich, domineering and blazing aura of fire.

This kind of breath should be familiar to every alchemist.

That's the breath of the Sky Patrol Fire!

"Are they your friends?"

Chen Yuanmo asked curiously.

"For women, yes, but for men..."

Ling Feng shrugged. If Cao Wuxie hadn't had a good background and a good father, he would have been beaten to death on the roadside long ago.


Chen Yuanmo hesitated a little. Ling Feng's meaning was obvious. He was not from the same group as the man who patrolled the Sky Fire Tribe.

However, Cao Wuxie is a disciple of the Xantian Fire Tribe after all. As the president of the Alchemist Guild, he has many considerations, so he is not suitable to intervene in this matter.

But this is the matter of Ling Feng's friends after all. If he just stands idly by, will it make Ling Feng have a grudge?

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yuanmo waved to the attendant beside him and said softly: "Go and warn the guest over there so that he does not harass other guests."


The attendant nodded, feeling a little helpless.

However, the president had an order, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Taking a deep breath, the attendant quickly walked towards Cao Wuxie and said from a distance: "Master, please abide by our rules here and do not harass other guests."


When Cao Wuxie heard these two words, he immediately became furious.

"Do you know what harassment is? Does the matter between me and my Taoist companion have anything to do with you?"


The attendant's expression changed and he quickly looked at the two Fengling girls.

Feng Ling's face was earth-colored, and she waved her hands repeatedly: "No, it's not!"

"No, you were so gentle and caring to me. In my heart, I have long recognized you as my Taoist companion!"

Cao Wuxie's eyes widened and he said sincerely: "For you, I even stabbed that bitch's eyes out and disfigured her face, eliminating all possibilities of disconnection. Why can't you believe me? ! I will always be so kind to you! Why don’t you know how to cherish it?”


For a moment, not only Feng Ling and Yu Shiwei, but also the attendant, the outsider, could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Is this guy a lunatic?


In the distance, Chen Yuanmo was stunned when he heard what Cao Wuxie said.

He has seen rude and unreasonable people, but he has never seen such a person in all his thousands of years of life.

If it weren't for the Xuntian Fire Tribe behind him, Chen Yuanmo would have had the urge to take action.

"Get out of here, young master, don't make me angry!"

Cao Wuxie didn't take the attendant's warning into consideration at all. She glared at him coldly, then looked at Fengling again, reaching out to pull her.

Although Yu Shiwei firmly protected her behind her, Feng Ling was still trembling with fear.

"Yu Shiwei, don't think that because you are a woman, I don't dare to hit you! Although I, Cao Wuxie, despise people who hit women the most in my life, don't rely on my kindness and gentleness to be so unscrupulous!"



Ling Feng once again refreshed his three views.

Good guy, it’s a shame he can speak out!

He never beats a woman. The woman who was blinded and disfigured by him, wasn't she a woman?

"This young master..."

The attendant couldn't stand it any longer, and was about to step forward, but Cao Wuxie stepped forward and slapped the attendant away like a spinning top.


The attendant bumped into a row of containers, and the glass and wood shattered all over the floor.

For a moment, the surrounding monks who were selecting elixirs all looked over.

Who could be so presumptuous as to cause trouble on the territory of the Alchemist Guild?

Cao Wuxie casually threw out a bag of bulging Yuan Jing, threw it at the attendant, and said coldly: "Huh, I told you not to meddle in other people's business."

When he threw out the Yuan Jing, he glanced at Ling Feng and met Ling Feng's gaze. When he looked up and saw Ling Feng, his eyes immediately widened and he became furious.

"Good boy, it's you again!"

As soon as Cao Wuxie saw Ling Feng, he immediately became furious.

"Master Ling!"

When Yu Shiwei saw Ling Feng, a flash of brilliance flashed in her beautiful eyes.

It's a coincidence that every time something like this happens, Ling Feng happens to be there.

Could it be...

A slight blush appeared on Yu Shiwei's pretty face, but she still shook her head.

As a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, I should have devoted myself to studying medicine and saving more suffering people, so how could I act rashly?

My practice is still not deep enough!

"It's really a narrow road for enemies! I was careless last time at Qijue Tower, and I let you get lucky and win just a little bit. This time, I must make you look good!"


Ling Feng smiled coldly, just a little?

It is said that today is different from the past. In fact, although it was not difficult to defeat Cao Wuxie last time, it was not too easy either.

But at this moment, his strength has made a huge leap forward.

Facing Cao Wuxie again would be a piece of cake.

What's more, this time, there was no Yan Jiuchuan around him, nor any other elite disciples of the Xuntian Fire Tribe.

"Burn the sky and cook the sea!"

Cao Wuxie rushed towards Ling Feng like a madman. Relying on his status, he was used to being unscrupulous. No one dared to say anything wrong about him, so he always felt that he was the moral high ground and righteous. incarnation.

And all of his humiliation was basically due to Ling Feng.

Therefore, his hatred for Ling Feng even exceeded his entanglement with Feng Ling.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and was about to take action when he suddenly heard a loud shout coming from his ears.


Amid the high-pitched and powerful roar, a wave of heat swept through.

In just one face-to-face encounter, Cao Wuxie was directly hit hard into the ground.

But it turned out that it was President Chen Yuanmo Chen who finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action.

As the saying goes, there is no need to endure it anymore.

Sometimes, it is meaningless to give in repeatedly for the sake of so-called interests and fear of so-called family power!

What's more, this is the Alchemist's Guild. With so many people watching, in full view, if he continues to tolerate it, how can he, the president, get down?

After weighing the situation, President Chen finally took action, which surprised Ling Feng.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly wily old fox also has such a side.

He looked a little rickety and old, but at this moment, he was also a bit taller.

However, it is indeed difficult for people to feel calm about a shameless person like Cao Wuxie.

"What an uneducated thing. This is our Alchemist Guild. If you dare to act wild here again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Chen Yuanmo snorted coldly and shouted: "Here, throw this person out. From now on, our Alchemist Guild will no longer welcome this person! If he dares to come again, come and beat him again! Whose face is it? , it doesn’t work either!”

"Pah! Pah! Pah!..."

For a moment, there was thunderous applause, and the tough Chen Yuanmo made the guests present cheer.

That's how it should be, Cao Wuxie has long been disliked.

He should beat this kind of person!

(PS: I got up early in the morning to type, a chapter of nearly 4,000 words!)

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