Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3664 Tallinn! The far north!

"Humph, I don't know what it means!"

Chen Yuanmo flicked his sleeves and after careful consideration, he chose to expel Cao Wuxie from the Alchemist Guild.

Although it may make the Xantian Fire Clan a little unhappy, this is the Holy City of Lei Xiao after all, the homeland of the Xantian Thunder Clan.

No matter how uncomfortable the members of the Xantian Fire Tribe were, they would not dare to act wild in Leixiao Holy City.

What's more, it was indeed Cao Wuxie who was at fault in this matter, and so many people present were witnesses.

"Thank you, senior, for helping me!"

Yu Shiwei pulled Feng Ling, who was just recovering from the shock, and bowed to Chen Yuanmo to express her gratitude.

"No need to say thank you."

Chen Yuanmo stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "This is the place where my Alchemist Guild belongs. Naturally, I cannot let any guest be disturbed by a shameless villain. No matter who it is, I will definitely take action!"

His words have invisibly elevated the image of the entire Alchemist Guild. I believe it won't be long before word of President Chen's "glorious" deeds spreads throughout the city.

Ling Feng also stepped forward at the right time and said hello to the two girls Yu Shiwei, "Miss Yu Shi, Miss Feng Ling, I didn't expect to meet here again!"

Yu Shiwei also bowed to Ling Feng. She knew that if it weren't for Ling Feng's face, Chen Yuanmo might not take action so decisively.

You might not even notice the two little ladies at all.

"Senior sister and I want to buy some elixirs and pay a visit to Senior Ziyun in the union."

Yu Shiwei said softly: "Senior Ziyun and my master are old friends. When I come to Leixiao Holy City this time, I naturally want to pay her a visit."

"You guys are looking for Elder Ziyun."

Chen Yuanmo stroked his long beard, pointed to a long corridor on the right and said calmly: "Elder Ziyun usually studies the alchemy path in the underground alchemy room at the end, and rarely shows up."

"Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

Yu Shiwei was overjoyed and quickly pulled her senior sister Feng Ling to bow to Chen Yuanmo.

Chen Yuanmo smiled faintly, "You're welcome. Seeing that you all have the scent of elixir, you must be rising stars who are proficient in alchemy. Elder Ziyun's nature is, well... weird. In short, she has many enemies but not many old friends. You should be A disciple of Cihang Jingzhai."


Yu Shiwei nodded repeatedly.

"Looking back, the last time we met Venerable Miaofan from Cihang Jingzhai was hundreds of years ago."

Chen Yuanmo stroked his long beard and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

But for monks of their level, sometimes thousands of years are just a snap of a finger.

Yu Shiwei smiled slightly, bowed to Chen Yuanmo again, and then said warmly: "Then senior sister and I won't disturb you two, let's take our leave first!"

With that said, he pulled Feng Ling towards the corridor that Chen Yuanmo pointed just now.

But when he left, his eyes fell on Ling Feng and he looked at him carefully.

When he was at Qijue Pagoda, Ling Feng once took a strand of her hair as a trade in order to lure her across the Netherworld Flame River.

I wonder if he still has that strand of hair with him...

After thinking about it, Yu Shiwei was a little distracted again, but she was gently pulled by Feng Ling, and then she came to her senses.

Yin Ya bit her teeth and left quickly.

Ling Feng felt the strange look in Yu Shiwei's eyes, and couldn't help but feel a little strange, but without thinking much, he turned to look at Chen Yuanmo, "Thank you, President Chen, for helping my friend. Okay, we should get on with business." ”

"Ha ha!"

Chen Yuan laughed loudly and nodded, "Yes, business matters, business matters!"

After a while, Chen Yuanmo led Ling Feng to his usual office. After entering, he took out a contract from a bookshelf filled with documents.

"Little friend Ling Feng, I have already prepared the contract. You can take a closer look to see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, we can each put a fingerprint on it and the contract will take effect."

"no problem."

Ling Feng smiled slightly, without looking, he directly pressed his thumb on the ink pad, and then pressed his fingerprint on it again, "I absolutely believe in the sincerity of senior."


Chen Yuanmo burst out laughing, "My little friend is really a cheerful person!"

With that said, he also pressed his fingerprints on the contract.

In an instant, a faint golden light flashed on the contract, and then a gilded flame ignited.

"The contents of the contract will be automatically entered into the contract book of our Alchemist Guild. In the future, you only need to indicate your identity, and you can get a 50% discount at all branches of our Alchemist Guild. At the same time, In the future, if you give other completed elixir prescriptions to our Alchemist Guild, after more than five copies, the profits will be transferred to your name through the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. "

Ling Feng nodded slightly. These were the conditions agreed before. President Chen did not delete anything. It can be said that he was very sincere.

"This is my Tianmeng VIP card, and this is the recipe for Xuanhuang Lingxu Dan."


Elder Chen put away the two things separately. When he saw Ling Feng's Supreme Black Diamond Card, his eyelids twitched slightly.

This little guy, at such a young age, actually has a Supreme Card!

It seems that I still underestimated this little guy's family background!

No wonder he looks down on pure dividend income, but wants a high proportion of discounts.

This kid is not very young, but he is already a cunning "old fox".

However, their Alchemist Guild will definitely not suffer any loss in this transaction.

Xuanhuang Lingxu Pill, plus five free copies of the supplementary pill prescriptions in the Xuanhuang Secret Scroll, it’s worth it!

"President Chen, I want to see if there are any suitable elixirs and medicinal materials here for a while, and I just want to buy a batch!"

"no problem!"

Chen Yuanmo was obviously in a good mood, "I will take you there myself!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, not that he wanted to buy a large amount of medicinal materials here immediately.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting gave him two pill prescriptions before, namely Tianhuang Chenchen Pill and Tai Ying Shen Pill.

Therefore, he was given the right to receive medicinal materials from the Xantian Lei Clan's inventory for free.

Therefore, we are not in a hurry for medicinal materials, but we can see what elixirs can be used.

In this dragon-slaying operation, Ling Feng wants to secretly help Taixu Zhoulong, so he must be fully prepared!

Speaking of which...

Ling Feng suddenly thought of when he was ferrying people across the Netherworld Flame River and taking people across the river.

Once, in the memory of a monk, I learned about a mysterious Tallinn.

It was precisely because the monk accidentally got a strange mark in the tower forest and unexpectedly gained some mysterious power.

And that Tallin seems to be in the far north of the Sky Survey Thunder Territory.

I still have three months left, so in terms of time, I can definitely go back and forth.

Go there and try your luck, maybe you will get something.

the other side.

With Chen Yuanmo's guidance, Yu Shiwei and Na Fengling quickly found Elder Ziyun who was refining elixirs in seclusion.

As soon as he entered the underground alchemy master, a hot breath rolled in.

The temperature here is at least ten times higher than the outside!

Feng Ling frowned slightly, and the hot breath had already brought her severe discomfort.

"Senior Ziyun is really an alchemy madman!"

Feng Ling muttered something softly, then heard a "rumbling" sound coming from his ears.


At this moment, a violent explosion came from the depths of the alchemy room.

The two women were startled and hurriedly walked forward, only to see a woman with long silver-white hair, disheveled, wearing a cool short coat, frowning and standing in front of an exploded pill furnace.

The sweat slid down the skin and fell to the ground, but it was quickly evaporated and turned into a hot white mist with a sizzling sound.

"Failed again!"

The silver-haired woman held her chin, then took out a piece of cardboard and recorded something. She didn't notice the arrival of Yu Shiwei and her two daughters.

"Junior Yu Shiwei, on the order of my master, I came here to pay a visit to senior Ziyun!"

Yu Shiwei had no choice but to whisper at the silver-haired woman's back.

Unfortunately, the woman remained unmoved.

"Junior Yu Shiwei, on the order of my master, I came here to pay a visit to senior Ziyun!"

Yu Shiwei raised her voice and shouted loudly.

This time, the silver-haired woman finally had some reaction and looked back at Yu Shiwei, "Yeah? Who are you? Who is your master? Do I know him?"


When the silver-haired woman turned around, Yu Shiwei and Feng Ling's expressions changed at the same time.

But it turned out that there was a long and narrow scar on the left eye of the silver-haired woman, which started from the forehead, penetrated the eyeball, and extended directly to the cheek.

Such a long scar showed how seriously injured she had been.

Although the wound has healed now and the scar has turned into a shallow mark, it still remains on the face and has become a permanent mark.

For women who love beauty, this should be a big blow.

In particular, Elder Ziyun herself is definitely a rare beauty, but she has such a scar, which ruins the overall beauty.

However, it also brings a hint of wildness, a heroic flavor.

"Hey, what a fuss!"

Elder Ziyun sneered, "If you have something to say, leave as soon as possible. Don't waste my time."

Elder Ziyun's temper is indeed not very good.

No wonder Chen Yuanmo said that she didn't have many friends, but she had many enemies.

"My master is Venerable Miaofan from Cihang Jingzhai. Senior, we had met several times more than a hundred years ago, but at that time, I was still young..."

"Who are you……"

After hearing Venerable Miaofan's name, Elder Ziyun finally put down the thick cardboard and stared at Yu Shiwei, "You...are you Xiao Weiwei?"

"Uh... I am!"

Yu Shiwei nodded, "Senior Ziyun, you finally remembered me."


Feng Ling on the side couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Weiwei, haha, Xiao Weiwei..."

I never thought that junior sister would have such a cute nickname?

"Haha, I didn't expect that black girl back then, but she has grown into a graceful beauty!"

Ziyun looked Yu Shiwei up and down, "If I were a man, I would definitely marry you!"


Yu Shiwei secretly smiled bitterly. The words she heard Ziyun say the most when she was a child seemed to be Ziyun saying to her master, the Venerable Miaofan: "If I were a man, I would definitely marry you!"

Now, is it your turn?

Yu Shiwei shook his head and smiled bitterly, just thinking it was a joke.

Venerable Miaofan wiped the sweat from his body, then took out a silver-white robe and put it on his body.

"Come on, it's very hot here. If anything happens, let's go up and talk!"


Yu Shiwei nodded, glanced at Feng Ling, who was already laughing so hard that she couldn't stand upright, and then pulled her to follow Elder Ziyun to the quiet room above.

"Okay, you can talk now."

Elder Ziyun stretched and leaned directly on the couch beside him, crossing his legs without caring about his own image.

In addition, she was dressed a little coolly. Although she was wearing a robe outside, it still couldn't cover her proud capital.

Yu Shiwei looked away, a little afraid of the elder Ziyun, but she still said bravely: "That's it, the reason why this junior came to Leixiao Holy City this time is not only to participate in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking, but also to search for A long-extinct elixir. According to Master, there is a strange tower forest in the far north of the Thunder Territory. There are countless strange flowers and plants growing behind the tower forest, and you, senior, have been there before. "

"That place?"

Elder Ziyun held his chin and thought for a moment, "Yes, there is indeed some hope in that place to find elixirs that have become extinct in the outside world."

"Elder, please tell me where Tallin is. I would be very grateful!"

"If I could tell you, I would definitely tell you!"

Elder Ziyun sighed softly, "It's a pity, I can't explain it. The time I went in, it was just a coincidence..."

"Is that so?"

Yu Shiwei was a little disappointed, but at this moment, he heard Elder Ziyun say again: "But it just so happens that I also have some elixirs that I want to pick, and I am planning to go there again to try my luck. Maybe when I get to the place, I will Remember something."

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