Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3665 Let’s go!

"Senior, do you mean that you will take us there yourself?"

Yu Shiwei was immediately overjoyed.

"That's what it means."

Elder Ziyun nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, senior!"

Yu Shiwei was pleasantly surprised. With Elder Ziyun personally guiding the way, this trip would definitely be fruitful.

"Hey, don't talk about seniors and seniors and call me old. You can call me Sister Yun."

Elder Ziyun raised his eyebrows and smiled. His expression did not look like a woman, but more like a frivolous man.

"But you are the same as Master."

"There's nothing to worry about such things as seniority."

Elder Ziyun waved his hand, "What I hate the most is seniority. If you don't scream, I won't go!"

"Um, Sister Yun..."

Yu Shiwei had no choice but to shout.

"That's right, hahaha, little Weiwei is still good!"

Elder Ziyun laughed loudly and pinched Yu Shiwei's little face. This matter was finally settled.

On the other hand, after Cao Wuxie was beaten violently by Chen Yuanmo, he was thrown out of the Alchemist Guild.

Unexpectedly, after this guy returned to the Shantian Fire Clan's villa, he was beaten violently by his father, Cao Han, who had heard the news. He was also put in solitary confinement and was not allowed to go out again to embarrass himself.

Originally, the Seven Ultimate Immortal List was over, and they should have returned separately.

Who would have thought that another incident would arise, such as dragon slaying.

Therefore, the leaders of the seven major forces also chose to stay in Leixiao Holy City and wait until the dragon-slaying operation was over before returning with the talented disciples who participated in the operation.

Everyone knows that this trip is dangerous, and no one can say now who will come back and who will not.

Cao Wuxie was most afraid of his father and brother Cao Yan. He could only nod his head submissively, but he was still very dissatisfied.

"Damn Ling Feng, I will definitely fight tooth for tooth, eye for eye. Just wait for me, I will never let you go!"

Little did Ling Feng know that Cao Wuxie's hatred for him was so strong.

But he didn't care. Cao Wuxie was no longer a threat to him.

And when he returned from the Alchemist Guild to the Bieyuan where Tianzhi was, Commander Zhuo Jun Jiezhuo had already been waiting for a long time.

"Brother Ling, why did you come back?"

Zhuo Junjie looked anxious. As soon as he saw Ling Feng's figure appear, the inside turned into lightning and shot out.


Ling Feng smiled lightly and said casually: "I went to the Alchemist's Guild, so I was delayed a little. Has Senior Brother Zhuo been waiting for a long time?"

"It's not too long."

Zhuo Junjie grinned. His current task was to "satisfy" all Ling Feng's requirements.

This was the first task that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had directly assigned to him, so of course he couldn't neglect it in the slightest.

"Brother Ling, you'd better make a list of the medicinal materials you need so that I can go to Yundan Pavilion to urge them. If there are any rare spiritual flowers or herbs, I can prepare them in advance."

Zhuo Junjie said seriously.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, Zhuo Junjie was quite impatient.

He casually took out a list from the Naling Ring, which had been prepared when he was at the Alchemist Guild.

Moreover, there is also a little bit of personal work involved.

He went to the Alchemist Guild's warehouse and saw many strange flowers and plants. He did not buy them, but just recorded them casually.

How can a 50% discount be compared to free?

Ling Feng would not have any qualms about taking advantage of the Xuntian Lei Clan.

"so much?"

Zhuo Junjie looked at the two dense lists, his eyes widened.

"is there a problem?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, feeling somewhat guilty.

"That's not true."

Zhuo Junjie shook his head, "Anyway, just write down what medicinal ingredients you want! That's it, right?"

"That's all for now."

Ling Feng shrugged, "Let's get fifty portions of each item first!"


Zhuo Junjie nodded and smiled, "Brother Ling, I'll come back to you in two days!"

"Not urgent."

Ling Feng quickly stopped Zhuo Junjie, "I still have something to do and I have to travel far away. It may take some time, so I'd better wait until I come back to find you!"

"Huh? Are you going on a long trip?"

Zhuo Junjie was stunned, "Where to go? How about I accompany you?"

"That's not necessary. It's still the territory of the Sky Survey Thunder Territory. I'm just going..."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said casually: "Meet an old friend."

"That's right." Zhuo Junjie nodded, "Okay, then I'll prepare the medicinal ingredients and wait for you to come back."

With that said, he threw another gold medal to Ling Feng, "This is the token of Xuanwei Camp in our divine capital. You can just go to Xuanwei Mansion to find me when the time comes."

"I got it!"

Ling Feng put the gold medal away. The reason why he deliberately told Zhuo Junjie that he was leaving was because he wanted to test Zhuo Junjie.

Now it seems that he was not sent by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting to monitor him.

Maybe, I am really over-concerned.

"What? Are you leaving for a while?"

Jie Yinxian Zun couldn't help but frowned when he heard that Ling Feng wanted to leave and act alone at this juncture.


Ling Feng nodded, facing Jie Yinxian Zun, he had nothing to hide.

He directly said that he had learned about the mysterious Tallinn in the Seven Jue Tower, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to try his luck.

"I see."

The Immortal Lord Jieyin nodded slightly, "Since you are looking for opportunities, I really shouldn't stop you..."

After hesitating for a moment, Jieyin Xianzun looked at Si Chen, who was sitting aside and drinking tea by himself.

If this woman is always by Ling Feng's side, there should be no danger.

"All right."

Jie Yinxian Zun pondered for a moment, and finally agreed, "You brat, look for opportunities, but don't forget what Emperor Zun told you. You know, if Emperor Zun pursues it, I will also I can’t protect you.”


Ling Feng nodded and smiled.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting presented the Nine Heavens Mysterious Yellow Cauldron, and allowed himself to randomly select spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs from the Xantian Lei Clan's inventory. Rather than being full of sincerity, in fact, it was invisibly given to Ling Feng. kind of pressure.

Of course everyone is happy if the task can be completed.

But if it cannot be completed, I am afraid that the emperor will turn his face and be very decisive.

"Disciple's return trip should not take more than a month. The time for refining the elixir is more than enough."

After saying that, Ling Feng looked back at Si Chen and said with a smile: "I'm afraid there will be Sister Lao Chen again along the way!"


Si Chen glared at Ling Feng angrily, but didn't say much.

This is not the first time this guy has used himself as a "gun" user.

And Si Chen has actually started to get used to it over the years.

I am a master of the Four Wonders level, but I am actually used to this kind of thing!

This disgusting brat!

"Well, there's one more thing."

Ling Feng coughed a few times and looked at Jieyin Xianzun with some trepidation.

"You're such a brat, do you have moments of embarrassment?"

Jie Yinxian Zun rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"I just hope that you, Immortal Lord, can keep this secret for me. It's best not to tell Senior Sister Xiao, haha..."

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. It wasn't that he was annoyed by Xiao Xianling, it was just that he wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

Bringing Xiao Xianling with you is somewhat...

To put it bluntly, Xiao Xianling's strength is indeed relatively weak now, and it is easy to be held back.

Once in danger, he would have to take care of her.

"I'm not saying that Senior Sister Xiao is not good, haha..."

Ling Feng explained with a dry smile, but when he saw the Immortal Lord Jie Yin raised his hand, he couldn't laugh or cry and said: "I know this girl's temper very well. If you sneak away, then she will be annoyed by my old bones. , so you should think more about me and take her with you!"


Ling Feng felt helpless for a while, why is this old man like this?

"What should I say? You are now my registered disciple, and I am half your master. You must listen to what I say."

Jieyin Xianzun narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You are a young man, you always have more energy than an old man like me!"

"All right……"

Ling Feng was helpless for a while and could only nod in agreement with a grimace.

Early the next morning, Ling Feng took Si Chen and Xiao Xianling on a journey to the far north.

"You brat, I heard from grandpa that when you went out for training this time, you went to see grandpa specifically and said you wanted to act with me?"

Xiao Xianling and Ling Feng walked side by side, with a look of pride on their faces, "Well, you've discovered it, too. The reason why you brat is so lucky is all thanks to me!"

"Is this what Senior Jie Yin told you?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Xianling glanced at Ling Feng suspiciously.


Ling Feng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, squeezed out a smile and said: "Senior sister is right, I have always been thanks to senior sister! Since I am looking for opportunities this time, how can I do it without senior sister?"

"Humph, you have some conscience!"

Xiao Xianling raised her eyebrows and smiled. After being complimented by Ling Feng, she felt a little light under her feet.

After a while, the two came to the teleportation circle in the north of the city.

It would take at least ten days and a half to fly directly from Leixiao Holy City to the far north using a flying magic weapon.

Even if it consumes a lot of money, it’s a waste of time.

Ling Feng had already completed an overall investigation.

You can directly use the teleportation array to teleport to Tianshu King City, the largest city in the far north.

Starting from Tianshu King City, we are very close to where the Tallin is located.

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly noticed a familiar and crisp ringtone not far ahead.

"Jingle Bell……"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked in the direction of the ringing sound. Sure enough, it was Yu Shiwei!

Just like the first time we met outside Wanjian Villa, she was still wearing a gauze covering her face, holding a guqin in her arms, and walking barefoot.

The bell on the wrist, no matter where it goes, wherever it rings, it seems that the restless heart can get a moment of peace.

"We actually met again."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and saw that beside Yu Shiwei, besides Senior Sister Feng Ling, there was another silver-haired woman.

The woman was very tall and extremely hot.

After Xiao Xianling took off her disguise, her figure was already very proud.

But that silver-haired woman was actually a lot more exaggerated than Xiao Xianling.


Big, big, big, big!


Xiao Xianling seemed to notice Ling Feng's abnormality and couldn't help but snorted, "Hey, you stinky man!"

As he spoke, he also deliberately puffed out his chest, quite intent on competing.


Ling Feng coughed dryly and said with a solemn expression: "Where are you thinking? I'm just curious, where are they going?"

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