Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3666 Tianshu Royal City!

While Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling were joking around, Yu Shiwei and Feng Ling, led by the silver-haired woman, had already strode onto the teleportation array.

The silver-haired woman rotated a few discs on the wheel in front of the array, and soon, a huge blue vortex opened in the center of the array.

The next moment, the figures of the three women disappeared in the vortex and were teleported away.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. After this farewell, there would probably be no chance to see them again.

After a while, it was finally Ling Feng's turn.

Ling Feng took the lead to climb the platform, and after adjusting the star mark, the three of them walked into the teleportation light curtain at the same time.

The familiar space-time tide quickly swept over, and the three people disappeared in the space-time channel in a flash.

About half an hour later, the three of them were at the other end of the teleportation, Tianshu King City.

As the largest city in the extreme north of Xuntian Leiyu, almost all the strong men in the north gathered here.

When the three of them came out of the teleportation array, what they saw was a city of ice and snow covered with thick snow.

The north wind was howling, and the silvery white snowflakes were falling, creating a sense of quiet and tranquil beauty.

This was a city with snow all year round, so most of the pedestrians on the streets were wearing fur coats made of animal fur.

Although the cold weather was almost immune to immortal cultivators, there were still many mortals of low realms who could not resist the bone-chilling cold.

Even if Xiao Xianling was covering up more powerful immortals, she couldn't help but exhale a breath of mist, rubbed her white and tender palms, and frowned slightly, saying: "It's really cold here!" Ling Feng shrugged, took the two girls and flew down from the teleportation platform, then turned back to look at the two girls, and said slowly: "Don't rush to travel today, let's find an inn to stay first, I still have to inquire about some information, and buy a detailed map of this land by the way." "Yes, yes, no hurry!" Xiao Xianling immediately became energetic when she heard that she could rest, "Hehe, I just happened to buy some fox fur coats. In our Tianzhi, we usually don't have much chance to wear them!" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Shopping and beauty are both women's nature! The three of them walked along the main road. After a little inquiry, they learned that the most famous inn in the city was a hot spring inn. In such a cold land, it is naturally very pleasant to be able to soak in hot springs. Therefore, before Ling Feng could speak, Xiao Xianling decided to stay at the hot spring inn.

"Smelly boy, I've decided to go down to the hot spring!"

Xiao Xianling's eyebrows flew with joy. This little girl really wanted to do whatever she wanted.

Ling Feng shrugged and said lightly: "Okay, let's meet at the hot spring inn, I'll go to find out the news."

Si Chen was originally going to stay with Ling Feng, but Xiao Xianling pulled her arm, "Sister Chen, why are you always following that stinky boy? There's no danger here. Let's go to the hot spring together."


Si Chen rolled his eyes, but couldn't resist Xiao Xianling after all.

Besides, Ling Feng acted cautiously and was in the city, so there shouldn't be any accidents.

What's more, she gave the Haoyue Mirror to Ling Feng, so if anything happened, he could notify her in the first time.

So, the three of them went their separate ways. Xiao Xianling and Si Chen went to the hot spring inn to soak in the hot springs, while Ling Feng went to places like the teahouse and wine shop, where he might get some valuable information.

The three of them separated at a crossroads, and soon, Ling Feng strode into a street full of stalls.

Most of the people setting up stalls here are casual cultivators. Without a sect as a backer, they can only rely on themselves.

And the things they sell are mostly some materials obtained from hunting monsters. The grade is not high, so Ling Feng naturally doesn't like them.

Seeing Ling Feng, a young man dressed in gorgeous clothes, coming, the vendors shouted even harder.

However, Ling Feng walked straight to a bookstall because he saw several hand-drawn maps on the bookstall.

"Young Master, what do you want?"

The stall owner is a young boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, who looks quite honest and simple.

His cultivation is only at the talisman realm, and from the aura, he only has an ice talisman.

Unless a cultivator of this single attribute has the ultimate bloodline power, the highest achievement he can achieve in the future is probably the Dao Fruit Realm.

However, seeing that he is not very old, but has reached the Fuzhuan Realm, his aptitude should not be bad.

Ling Feng pointed to the map on the bookstall and said calmly, "Where is this map from?"


The man quickly unfolded the map and explained with a smile, "This map is a detailed map of the 72 peaks of the Dayin Snow Mountain Range outside the city. If you want to explore Dayin Snow Mountain, you must buy a copy."

"A detailed map of Dayin Snow Mountain?"

Ling Feng looked at the young man, "These maps are hand-drawn, right? With your strength, I'm afraid you are not enough to travel all the 72 peaks of Dayin Snow Mountain. I'm afraid the authenticity of them..."

"Please rest assured, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather..., a total of six generations of people have spent their efforts to draw this map of the snow mountain. There is absolutely no place that is imagined out of thin air or randomly surveyed. If there is any falsehood, I am willing to pay ten times the compensation!"

When the young man heard Ling Feng questioning the authenticity of the map, he immediately became a little excited.

"Okay, okay, I believe you are."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This guy was also upright, so he unfolded the map directly for him to see.

With my own eyesight, with just one glance, I have actually memorized everything on the map.

However, Ling Feng was too old to even take advantage of such a small advantage.

"How much?"

"Five...five hundred fairy stones."

The man gritted his teeth and said.

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. Isn't this too cheap?

If this were placed in Leixiao Holy City, it could fetch five thousand!

Seeing that Ling Feng didn't speak, the young man quickly said: "Usually, I only accept two hundred immortal stones, but... But now I urgently need a thousand immortal stones to afford the medicine to treat Axue. Now, there are still five hundred, so……"

The boy said, his eyes a little red.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed.

As the saying goes, a penny can stump a heroic man, and a thousand fairy stones are nothing to me, but to this young man, it can save a being that is very important to me.

Before Ling Feng set foot in martial arts, he had been practicing medicine with Ling Kun.

With his medical skills, it couldn't be easier if he wanted to make money.

But all along, he donated medicines to doctors and only charged a small fee for medicines. He even took no money from really poor people.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for both parties to be impoverished?

Even after going through so many things, the benevolence of a doctor in Ling Feng's bones has never changed.

"Take these fairy stones."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and took out a whole bag of fairy stones.

There are probably tens of thousands of immortal stones in it, not too many, not too few, but for this young man, it is enough to save his life.

"But, my map..."

The young man was quite principled. Ling Feng frowned and directly picked up a lot of miscellaneous books on the bookstall. "Just treat it as if I bought all these books. Let's leave it at home."

"Thank you! Ashue is saved, saved!"

The boy's eyes turned red again, and tears could be vaguely seen in his bright eyes.

The icing on the cake is the icing on the cake, but it is difficult to provide help in times of need.

For the young man, these fairy stones from Ling Feng were like providing help in times of need.

"My dear friend, thank you! Thank you very much!"

"No need."

Ling Feng put away the map and books and was about to leave, but the young man stopped Ling Feng and gritted his teeth and said: "My dear friend, can you tell me your name? I will always remember you."

"My name is Ling Feng."

Ling Feng had no choice but to say his name. Just as the young man was about to kowtow to Ling Feng to thank him, Ling Feng's figure turned into a red light and disappeared.

"I really met a good person today! Lord Lingfeng, I will always remember you!"

The young man put the gold coins in his arms and murmured: "Axue, wait for me, I will buy the medicine right away! Just wait for me!"

After leaving the bookstall, Ling Feng wandered around the surrounding streets several times until dusk, when he finally rushed to the hot spring inn that he had agreed with Xiao Xianling and the others.

Because of the cold climate in the city, many people come here to soak in the hot springs every day even if they don't stay in the inn.

It even attracted many monks from other cities to come.

It is said that the hot springs here can wash away the accumulated impurities in the body, and can also connect the blood vessels. Taking a dip occasionally is also very beneficial to strengthening the power of qi and blood.

Therefore, it is very expensive to soak in hot springs here.

After asking around, I found out that one hour of soaking in the hot springs here would cost ten fairy crystals!

But despite this, the hot spring pool business is still very popular.

"Shopkeeper, will a woman named Xiao Xianling come to book a room this afternoon?"

"you are?"

The innkeeper looked at Ling Feng and immediately said: "You are Mr. Ling Feng, right?"

"it's me."

Ling Feng nodded, "What's my room number?"

"Is such that……"

The shopkeeper directly made a list and handed it to Ling Feng, "These are the things Miss Xiao asked us to buy. Together with the room fee and hot spring fee, there are a total of 112,000 fairy crystals. You can pay for the fairy crystals directly. , you can also use the VIP card of Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce to settle.”

One hundred and ten thousand?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, Xiao Xianling, did you really take me for granted?

"Sir, how do you want to pay?"

“Swipe your card!”

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and took out Tianmeng's Supreme Black Diamond Card from the Naling Ring. When the shopkeeper saw the black card, his hands trembled a few times.

It turns out that this young master is so rich. No wonder those two women are so beautiful, so fresh, so... energetic!

Just when Ling Feng was about to swipe his card to pay, there was a sudden commotion in the inn, which seemed to be from the direction of the hot spring pool.

I heard that many female monks rushed out of the hot spring pool wearing only a layer of translucent gauze, cursing and cursing as they ran, such as, "Rogue", "Shameless", "Shameless lecher"... …

Words like that!

What gangster?

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, good fellow, is it possible that someone else dares to cause trouble in the women's hot spring pool?

The shopkeeper was also shocked and shouted quickly, "You haven't given me the money yet, don't run, I haven't given you the money yet! Stop me quickly, why are you still standing there? Stop me now!"

This old guy is really obsessed with money.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura came from the inn, followed by a wave of air.

In the lobby, all the tables and chairs were overturned. Many monks even failed to stand firm and were knocked away.

And this breath clearly belonged to Si Chen!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, Si Chen took action?

Did you run into any trouble?

Thinking about the reactions of other women, there must be some lecherous ghost who dares to break into the women's hot spring pool!

"Depend on!"

Ling Feng cursed lowly, and without any time to hesitate, his figure turned into a ball of lightning, directly performed the Nine Nether Blinking Technique, and rushed towards the direction of the hot spring pool.

No matter what, Si Chen and Xiao Xianling are his very important companions. If they are in trouble, he must take action!

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