Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3668 Change one question to another!


The door was slammed shut, and Ling Feng's heart also made a thump along with this "loud bang".

Are these two aunts trying to settle a score with me?

"Tell me, what did you see?"

Xiao Xianling stared at Ling Feng with a pair of phoenix eyes and snorted angrily.

"No, I really didn't see anything!"

Ling Feng shook his head repeatedly and denied it.

"Do you think I will believe you?"

Xiao Xianling's eyes widened, obviously not believing Ling Feng's lies.

"Okay then..." Ling Feng said helplessly, "I've seen everything."


When Xiao Xianling heard this, she was so angry that she almost jumped up and pointed at Ling Feng, "伱"

"Then should I have seen it or not?"

Ling Feng simply spread his hands and directly complained to the villain first, pointing to his cheek and said: "I went to help with good intentions, but now it's good, you still blame me? Look, look, this face is beaten!"

"Oh, it's really serious!"

Xiao Xianling snorted, "Who doesn't know that you are thick-skinned and can be reborn with a drop of blood? This is also called an injury?"

"Rebirth is rebirth, pain will still hurt! Anyway, half and half, everyone takes a step back, let this matter be over1"

Ling Feng was like a piece of meat on a hob, unable to get in the oil and salt, he kept messing around, trying to get through.

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she couldn't speak, oh, she was in vain because of her good relationship!

She quickly pulled Si Chen and said, "Sister Chen, look at him!"

Si Chen is more open-minded than Xiao Xianling.

After all, when Ling Feng removed Xiao Xianling's poison from the changeling beast, he also sucked it out mouth to mouth.

Xiao Xianling didn't know about this, but Si Chen could see it clearly.

Even if you kiss them, just look at them and you won’t be missing any piece of flesh.

As for myself, even more...

Thinking of the dilemma that day, Si Chen's face turned red, and then he frowned and glared at Ling Feng: "Do you know that woman?"

"It doesn't count as acquaintance."

Ling Feng saw that Si Chen took the initiative to change the topic and quickly replied: "She is an elder of the Alchemist Guild in Leixiao Holy City. When I went to the Alchemist Guild before, I met the Rain Master girls and the others. I learned about the existence of Elder Ziyun from my mouth, but I didn’t expect that she would be that kind of..."

"Okay, I'm not interested in her affairs."

Si Chen snorted, his impression of Elder Ziyun was obviously extremely bad.

This was the first time she met a woman who would make nosebleeds when she saw a woman.

Moreover, although they didn't really fight in the bathroom, Si Chen couldn't suppress the woman from the smell.

If he were just an ordinary alchemist, this would be too outrageous.

You know, although Si Chen is only at the level of Immortal Lord, the actual combat power of Tianzhi's three immortals and four wonders is comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm!

And this woman was able to completely resist the pressure of her aura.

The origin of her identity is probably not simple!

"I heard the conversation between you and those two little girls before. It seems that our destinations should be the same." Si Chen said in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid that's the case."

Ling Feng nodded slightly.


Before Si Chen could say anything, Xiao Xianling jumped up and said, "You don't want to go with them, do you?"

"That's not a bad idea."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "The information I currently have is limited. If I can go with them, I may be able to maximize my search time. Why not?"


Xiao Xianling bit her silver teeth, "But I don't want to be with them!"

"The overall situation is more important. I know you don't like that Elder Ziyun, but she is still a woman, and I can't do anything to you. If you really don't like her, it's very convenient to teleport back to Leixiao Holy City from here."

Women and women…

Ling Feng couldn't help but think about that scene, and shook his head quickly, silently repeating in his heart: Don't think of anything inappropriate, don't think of anything inappropriate!


Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily, "I'm not going back!"

She cursed in her heart, if I left, wouldn't it be easier for you and that Yu Shiwei!

However, as soon as this idea came up, Xiao Xianling herself was shocked.

Since when did he care about Ling Feng so much?

It's over, it's over, is it possible...

Xiao Xianling's pretty face became a little hot, and she quickly shook her head, comforting herself and saying: Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Who would like such a pervert!

"Hey, Senior Sister Xiao, why is your face so red?"

When Ling Feng saw that Xiao Xianling suddenly stopped talking and lowered her head with a flushed face, Ling Feng couldn't help but reach out and touch Xiao Xianling's forehead.


Xiao Xianling was startled by Ling Feng, glared at Ling Feng fiercely, then pushed the door open and returned to her room.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, she was the one who called him over, and now she is the one who ran out.

I really don’t understand what she wants to do!

However, does this count as getting through?


Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Si Chen, "If nothing happens, Sister Chen, I'll go out first."

Si Chen rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily. Her mission was just to follow Ling Feng, monitor him, and protect him.

What decision he wants to make and who he wants to go with are beyond her control.

In fact, she also wanted to find out who Elder Ziyun was!

"Huh... so dangerous!"

After exiting the room, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He asked the shopkeeper about the guest rooms of Yu Shiwei and the others, and then walked directly to the room No. 7 Tianzi they had booked.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a while, Ling Feng came to the door and knocked gently.

After a few knocks, the door opened, and the person who opened the door was the silver-haired Elder Ziyun.

Perhaps it was because everyone had silver hair, but Elder Ziyun seemed to be quite familiar with Ling Feng, so he directly put his hand on Ling Feng's shoulder and welcomed him with a smile: "Hey, little brother, you're here! "

In the room, Yu Shiwei and Feng Ling were sitting awkwardly in the corner. When they saw Ling Feng coming, they actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, after what happened in the bathtub, their views on this "senior" had somewhat changed.

Although Elder Ziyun explained that he is not the kind of casual woman, nor does he like all women.

But I always feel that she is not a human being when she acts casually.

Ling Feng retracted his shoulders and deliberately avoided Elder Ziyun's palm.

It's better to keep a little distance from this woman.

"whispering sound!"

Elder Ziyun rolled his eyes and directly asked his soul: "Do women have to like men? Why can't men like men, and women can't like women? This is all secular prejudice! As the saying goes, if love lasts for a long time, At that time, how could it be men and women?”


Ling Feng laughed a few times, what kind of men and women, they obviously work day and night, right? Don't think I haven't read the book!

"Well, I respect your personal orientation, but let's talk about business."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and tried to keep a calm attitude.

"Easy to say."

Elder Ziyun very relaxedly went to the recliner next to her. She was already covered in a thin layer of gauze, but because of the large range of movements and the fact that she was so proud of her capital, as soon as she leaned there, she immediately It shows the bottomless career line.

Ling Feng quickly looked away, not daring to look directly.

Is there such a bold and unrestrained woman in this world?

Oh, there really is one. The last one seems to be the Demon Queen Keveli.

But, she is a demon!

Elder Ziyun stretched out, supported his head with his right hand and lay on his side, looking at Ling Feng. He smiled contemptuously and said, "I have seen countless men. Even Chen Yuanmo, that dead old man, occasionally has a look in his eyes in front of me. It shines, so you don’t even look at it, it’s amazing, it’s better than that dead old ghost.”


Ling Feng coughed violently. Chairman Chen's reputation was damaged!

"Although I also think that being so big is actually very annoying and not good-looking! When sleeping, it doesn't matter if I lie down or on my stomach."

Elder Ziyun continued to make shocking remarks, which made Ling Feng turn pale with fright. He quickly interrupted the woman and changed the subject: "Senior Ziyun, let's talk about Tallinn. Yes, talk about Tallinn."

"Of course it's no problem, one question after another."

Elder Ziyun shrugged, "Answer me first, what is that woman's name?"

Sorry, Sister Chen!

Ling Feng apologized to Si Chen in his heart, and then betrayed Si Chen without hesitation, "Her name is Chen."

"Chen? What a name!"

Elder Ziyun smiled and said: "I am Yun and she is Chen. It is said that we can see Qingchen through the clouds and mist. They are a perfect match."


Ling Feng was speechless for a while, is this even okay?

He took a deep breath, "I want to know the specific location of Tallinn."

"Is there a specific location? There is no specific location."

Elder Ziyun shrugged, "When I went in that year, I was just hunting a snow demon near a cold pool in Dayin Snow Mountain, and I accidentally went in. But before I went in, I would see some strange phenomena. You can Reference."

"What vision?"

"Hey, we agreed to change the question from question to question, but this is your second question."

"Okay, keep asking."

"Does she have any hobbies?"


Ling Feng was stunned, he really didn't know this.

Could it be said that hobbies follow oneself?

"This, specifically what aspect does it refer to?"

"What do you like to eat? What do you drink? What do you use? What kind of food do you like? What kind of style do you like? Do you understand?"

"Anyway, as far as I know, she doesn't like women..."

Ling Feng said with a dry smile.


Elder Ziyun's eyes widened, "That means there's no more talk? Let's go slowly without seeing him off!"

"There's still something to talk about."

Ling Feng quickly smiled and said: "Well, she likes someone who is more mature, more stable, and less talkative."

"you sure?"

"Ahem, sure!"

"Mature? Steady?"

Elder Ziyun thought thoughtfully, "Do you like someone who is aloof? Perfect match, perfect match, I am very cold!"


Ling Feng and Yu Shiwei looked at each other, both of them dumbfounded.

"Yes, yes, senior is indeed aloof! Now, can you tell what kind of vision it is?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

Elder Ziyun curled his lips, "Okay, okay, why are you asking so clearly? Let's go together tomorrow, isn't it? Hehe, as the saying goes, first come first, first get the moon, why don't you take down Xiao Chenchen this time? "


Ling Feng felt a chill, and he could already imagine Si Chen getting goosebumps all over the place after hearing this title.

"Senior, please try to be restrained and restrained. Sister Chen doesn't like things that are too exaggerated..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and tried to persuade him again. As for whether Elder Ziyun could listen...

Looking at her confident look, I'm afraid there's no chance.

I just hope she can be a little bit normal.

"Then, I'll take my leave now, junior! See you tomorrow!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, bowed his hands to Elder Ziyun, and then left the room.

"Let's go back to our room first!"

Yu Shiwei and Fengling also took the opportunity to say goodbye to Elder Ziyun and left the room with Ling Feng.

After all, there is really no sense of security living with her.

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