Outside the city, the wind and frost are getting tighter!

A young man in ragged clothes was covered in blood and stained with blood. Under the cold wind, bright red ice particles formed, and he looked extremely miserable.

He crawled on the ground with great difficulty, leaving a long trail of blood on the thick snow. The wind and snow drifted by, and everything disappeared again.

The young man crawled very slowly, but his turbid eyes revealed a look of incomparable perseverance.

He kept repeating the words "Axue, Axue" in his mouth, as if the "Axue" in his mouth was his last persistence.

But in the cold wind and snow, his breath became weaker and weaker.

The cold wind took away the flame of his life, and another frozen bone was about to be buried under the thick snow.

"You have to leave the city so early in the morning! It's such a heavy snowstorm!"

A complaining voice came from the snow, and then, out of the vast expanse of white snow, several figures wearing brocade hats and mink furs slowly walked out.

Surprisingly, it was Ling Feng and his party.

The person who just spoke was none other than Xiao Xianling. She was disturbed from her dream early in the morning, so Xiao Xianling was naturally full of complaints.

Not to mention, they have to set off with Yu Shiwei and the others.

Ling Feng ignored Xiao Xianling. This woman was very rude, but she only liked to complain.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Elder Ziyun and Ling Feng got the information from the memory of the monk who entered the Tallinn that he entered the Tallinn in the early morning, he would not have liked to brave such a heavy snowstorm. Go out.

Although for them, the powerful immortals, this level of wind and snow is nothing at all.

But such bad weather still affects my mood very much.

"Xiao Chenchen, are you tired? Otherwise, I'll carry you on my back. Look at how windy and snowy it is!"

Elder Ziyun on the side was licking his face and approaching Si Chen.


With a cold face, Si Chen gave her the word "Go" in a very rude manner, and also added, "Also, if you use this title again, I will kill you!"

"It's obviously nice to say it!"

Elder Ziyun looked aggrieved, and the beard on his chin was trembling, which made one's scalp tingle just looking at it.

That’s right, a beard.

Ever since Ling Feng said yesterday that Si Chen might like a calm and steady man, this woman didn't know that something was wrong with her. When he saw her the next day, he directly put on men's clothes.

Not only that, he also put a fake beard on his chin, giving him the image of a rugged man.

Her temperament was already very vulgar, but now it's even more...

One more look makes me want to punch her!

Coupled with such a devilish name as "Xiao Chenchen", it's no wonder that the killing intent in Si Chen's eyes was almost unbearable.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.

At least, Elder Ziyun cannot die before finding Talin!

Once he found it, if Si Chen wanted to take action, he would definitely not stop him.

That's right, that's how it goes!

Damn, there is definitely something seriously wrong with this woman’s brain!

"Sister Chen, and Senior Ziyun, please calm down and look for Talin."

Ling Feng smiled helplessly, Si Chen snorted and glanced to the side.

One more glance at Elder Ziyun will increase her anger level.

In order to avoid conflict, it is better to pretend that this person does not exist.

Suddenly, Si Chen's eyes narrowed and he noticed a very weak breath in a pile of snow.


Si Chen let out a light drink, and Ling Feng instantly concentrated on sensing his surroundings. Sure enough, he also discovered something unusual.

"This breath..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he vaguely felt that this faint breath seemed a little bit familiar.

With a fleeting glance, Ling Feng landed directly in front of the pile of snow. Then, a red light flashed from his palm, and hot steam rose up.

The next moment, the snow melted, revealing a body that had been frozen...


Although it was frozen, there was still breath left, so it was not a corpse yet.

"It's him!"

When Ling Feng turned the stiff body over, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Isn't this the boy who sold him a map yesterday?

How could he fall on the roadside and almost freeze to death?

In fact, if he hadn't been discovered by Ling Feng and his party, he would have frozen to death here.

At this moment, Xiao Xianling and others also noticed the situation here and walked over quickly.

When Yu Shiwei saw someone was injured, she quickly squatted down next to Ling Feng, frowning and said: "Mr. Ling, what's going on?"

"This guy is a map vendor in Tianshu King City. I just bought a map from him yesterday. I didn't expect to meet him again today."

As he spoke, Ling Feng raised his hand and gently placed it on the young man's back. The gentle wood-attribute spiritual energy was injected into his body bit by bit, restoring his vitality bit by bit.

Soon, Ling Feng discovered that the young man had been seriously injured, which was why he couldn't even withstand the wind and snow.

"It's really pitiful to be beaten like this."

Yu Shiwei bit her silver teeth, took out a pill and fed it to the boy. After a while, the boy's face, which had been blackened by the cold, regained a little bit of blood.


Before the boy woke up, he started calling "Axue"'s name again and again.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he recalled that yesterday he said he wanted to buy medicine for A Xue.

However, now, not only is there no medicine on him, but even the immortal stones that he bought for him have disappeared.

Ling Feng probably had some speculations in his mind.

Maybe, this young man's experience has something to do with the fairy stone he gave him.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

It must have been that when I gave him the Immortal Stone, he was targeted by someone else with ulterior motives.

That's how evil people are.

The more pitiful a person is, the more he is played by this ruthless world, trapped in the quagmire of fate, like a duckweed, unable to control himself.

Ling Feng sighed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

I can help him for a moment, but I cannot help him for a lifetime.

After a while, with the help of Ling Feng's spiritual energy and Yu Shiwei's elixir, the young man finally woke up and turned around.

When he saw Ling Feng in front of him, his eyes suddenly turned red, "My dear friend, is it you again?"

"Yeah, it's me again."

Ling Feng helped the young man sit up and said in a deep voice: "How did it happen like this?"

"Snatched! The fairy stone that saved Axue's life was snatched away!"

The young man's voice was choked with sobs, and suddenly he became extremely anxious, "Axue, I want to see Axue, she...she..."


Ling Feng sighed softly and picked up the young man on his back, "Tell me, where is the Axue you are looking for, and I will carry you there. Also, my medical skills are not bad, I might be able to cure you." Your friend."

"Thank you... thank you! You are such a good person!"

The young man's eyes were red and filled with tears.

Even though he was teased by this world again and again, he finally met Ling Feng.

"A good person?"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. He had saved many people as a doctor, but since he started martial arts, he had killed even more people.

What is a good person, what is a bad person, and the boundary between good and evil may have begun to blur in his mind.

How can we do everything we want, but we must be honest in our hearts.

Sometimes, it's enough to be able to do it with a clear conscience.

"Show me the way."

Ling Feng carried the young man on his back. The young man nodded heavily and started pointing forward: "Go forward first, cross the two hills in front, and then go to the valley to the east."


Ling Feng smiled faintly, then carried the young man on his back and launched the Nine Nether Instant Technique.

Seeing how anxious he was, the situation of "Axue" should not be optimistic.

He must arrive as soon as possible.

"You brat, your kindness is overflowing again!"

Xiao Xianling looked at Ling Feng's back, but a smile appeared on her face, and she quickly followed him.

Although Ling Feng has always given people a treacherous and cunning feeling, from the first day Xiao Xianling met Ling Feng, he resolutely stood up and fought against the powerful Evil Bone Demon Lord for the sake of the creatures of Xuanling Continent.

Such a person has a benevolent heart deep in his bones.

Perhaps because of this, it gives people a sense of trustworthy security.

Following the direction pointed by Jing Xiang, Ling Feng soon found a dilapidated thatched hut in a valley.

However, as soon as he approached the valley, Ling Feng noticed a strong demonic aura that was going berserk.

From a distance, Ling Feng could even see with his naked eyes, a solid black smoke above the hut, twisting and shaking, evolving into hideous and terrifying faces.

"Evil spirit?"

Ling Feng frowned and looked back at Jing Xiang, "That Axue..."

"My dear friend, please don't take action against Ashue. She is not a bad person. She...she is indeed a fox girl, but she is not a bad person."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Ling Feng nodded, put down the weak Jing Xiang, and said in a deep voice: "That evil spirit did not come from A Xue's body, but her natural demon essence was swallowed up bit by bit by that evil spirit. , that’s why you see A-Xue getting weaker and weaker, but you don’t dare to ask a doctor to heal your injuries, and you only dare to buy some medicinal materials to nourish your qi and blood, right?”


Jing Xiang nodded repeatedly, "Everything is right, benefactor, please save Axue, please!"

"Don't be stupid. The fox girl is obviously parasitized by a soul-extinguishing Gu. The soul-extinguishing Gu can only be transferred but cannot be destroyed. If the soul-extinguishing Gu is forcibly wiped out of her body, the little fox girl's life will not be saved. ”

At this moment, Elder Ziyun walked up to Ling Feng and poured cold water on him.

Elder Ziyun can spot the Juehun Gu at a glance. It seems that she is not just a simple alchemist. Her medical skills must also be good.

"Boy, I advise you to hold the funeral as soon as possible."

Elder Ziyun said calmly: "The best thing is to burn the fox girl's body to ashes. Otherwise, once the Juehun Gu has devoured the fox girl, the next parasitic host will definitely find you."

Unexpectedly, when Jing Xiang heard this, not only was he not afraid, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "Can it be transferred, right? Then... then transfer it to my body, I'm not afraid of death! One life for another! I want Axue to live !”


Elder Ziyun was obviously stunned for a moment.

In her eyes, all men in the world are lustful and shameless "scum". She never thought that some people could actually exchange their lives for the one they love.

"It's not necessary to say so firmly."

Ling Feng patted Jing Xiang on the shoulder and immediately helped him stand up, "There is gold under the man's knees. It is better not to kneel down in the future. As for A Xue, there is still hope."

"Juehun Gu, can you save me?"

Elder Ziyun's eyelids twitched, "Why, you don't think you can withstand the Soul-Ending Gu, do you? This thing is very evil. I advise you not to touch that fox girl's body. Once the Soul-Ending Gu comes into contact, Creatures of a higher level than the original host will take the initiative to transfer. Of course you can resist, but as long as the transfer of Juexun Gu fails, you will die suddenly. Once the Juexun Gu dies, the fox girl will also die at the same time. You don’t need me to remind you, right?”

"Senior said that, however, all things are interdependent."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Since there is Soul-Ending Gu, there are naturally ways to restrain Soul-Ending Gu."

"Hey, you are a young man, but your tone is not young."

Elder Ziyun stared at Ling Feng, "Okay, I want to see how you can save that fox girl!"

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