Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3670 Bottomless!

Ling Feng smiled faintly and reassured Jing Xiang a few words, asking him to wait outside the valley.

Although Jing Xiang was worried about Ah Xue's situation, he also knew that Ling Feng was Ah Xue's last life-saving straw, so he naturally obeyed Ling Feng's words.

Just as Ling Feng was about to enter the valley, Yu Shiwei stepped forward and said warmly: "Master Ling, do you need my help?"

As a doctor, Yu Shiwei is naturally also very aware of the power of Juehun Gu.

Ling Feng is alone, so he may not be able to guard against it.

"Don't worry, there are many people and many hands, but it's easier for me to do things by myself."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, the Juehun Gu was indeed not a Gu that could be easily solved by superior medical skills or advanced cultivation.

However, Ling Feng also has another trump card.

With a flash of figure, Ling Feng swept directly into the hut in the valley.

The surging demonic energy immediately became extremely excited when it sensed Ling Feng's intrusion.

Ashue's essence has been devoured to pieces, and the fire of life is about to be extinguished.

And Ling Feng, no matter in terms of the power of Qi, blood, or the source of his soul, he didn't know how many times he was stronger than that Axue.

From Juehun Gu's point of view, this is naturally an excellent host.

Immediately, Juehun Gu had locked onto Ling Feng, waiting for an opportunity to move and prepare to transfer into Ling Feng's body.

Ling Feng naturally knew this very well, and he looked at A Xue.

Judging from her aura, this Juehun Gu had stayed in her body for at least three years.

At this moment, Ashue looked haggard, her face was haggard, her hair had become extremely sparse, and all the hair on her pair of fox ears that should have been furry had fallen off and was hanging weakly.

It can be vaguely seen that she was once a very beautiful fox girl, but now, she has become ugly, even a little ferocious and scary.

But despite this, Jing Xiang still didn't give up on her.

As for Ling Feng's arrival, Ah Xue didn't care at all. She stared at the roof quietly with a pair of turbid eyes, as if she was quietly waiting for death to come.

After suffering torture and pain, Ashue's hope of survival was gradually wiped out.

Ling Feng sighed softly and called softly: "Axue."

Ashue didn't even have the strength to look back. Perhaps at this moment, she just wanted to be free as soon as possible and completely get rid of this never-ending pain.

"Don't give up hope. No matter what, at least Jing Xiang hasn't given up on you yet, so please don't give up hope either."

Ling Feng slowly sat down next to Ah Xue. He needed to arouse Ah Xue's hope for life first, so that he could still hold his breath after the Juehun Gu left the body.

In this way, Ling Feng was able to use Taixuan acupuncture to restore her vitality.

Sure enough, upon hearing Jing Xiang's name, a glimmer of hope seemed to ignite in A Xue's cloudy eyes.

She gritted her teeth with all her strength. Although she still couldn't move even one finger, Ling Feng knew that she was trying very hard to fight against the Juehun Gu in her body.

"Then, please believe me!"

Ling Feng slowly raised his palm and gently pressed it on Ah Xue's forehead.

And when Ling Feng's palm finally came into contact with Ah Xue's body, a black energy surged in an instant.

Vaguely, Ling Feng even heard a burst of Jie Jie's strange laughter.

That was because Juehun Gu had locked onto the origin of Ling Feng's soul and was preparing to transfer it into Ling Feng's body.

Once the Juehun Gu invades the body, it will immediately be bound to the origin of the soul.

Unless Juehun Gu takes the initiative to transfer, otherwise, it is basically a relationship of life and death.

To forcefully expel the Soul-Ending Gu would be to destroy the origin of one's own soul.

In order to save Ah Xue, Ling Feng did not put up any resistance and allowed the Juehun Gu to quickly invade his body along the palm of his hand.

The moment the Juehun Gu was peeled off, Axue's whole body was twitching in pain.

The Juehun Gu has been connected to the origin of her soul for too long.

Therefore, when Juehun Gu breaks away, it is like splitting the origin of her soul into two.

The reason why Ling Feng used Jing Xiang to arouse Ah Xue's will to survive was because if it were in Ah Xue's previous state, at the moment when her soul was peeled off, Ah Xue would not be able to withstand it and would die suddenly.

But fortunately, Ashue managed to hold on.

Ling Feng acted like lightning. He immediately fed A Xue a few pills to restore Qi and blood. At the same time, he took out the golden needle and prepared to perform Taixuan acupuncture.

"Miss Axue, please be patient for a moment."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and turned Ah Xue's body over, letting her lie on the straw mat.

After being tortured by the Soul-Destroying Gu, A-Xue was as skinny as a stick, horribly underweight.

Ling Feng frowned and used his palm as a knife to gently open the already tattered linen clothes, revealing the shocking shriveled body underneath.

Her vitality was almost wiped out by the Juehun Gu.

Repairing Axue's vitality map is also a big project for Ling Feng.

At this moment, Ling Feng still needs to multi-task, and at the same time he has to fight against the Juehun Gu inside his body.

He could sense that after Juehun Gu entered his body, it began to impact his spiritual sea.

Although this Juehun Gu has no specific realm or grade, it possesses a very special and strange ability.

It means that you can ignore the realm and ignore any blockade by the power of divine consciousness.

Its ability to invade the spiritual sea is as innate as eating and drinking water.

In just three breaths, the several layers of barriers that Ling Feng had set up in the sea of ​​​​spirit were easily broken through by Juehun Gu.

According to this trend, it won't be long before Juehun Gu will be completely bound to the origin of Ling Feng's soul.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng smiled coldly.

"Zifeng, I will leave my spiritual sea to you."

"Don't worry, Master!"

Zifeng's voice came to his ears. Speaking of parasitism, Zifeng was the first old man Ling Feng met.

At the beginning, Zifeng was parasitic in the body of Yue Zhonglian (the father of Yue Yunlan), the leader of the Cangqiong Sect, and constantly eroded Yue Zhonglian's vitality.

Although the methods of parasitism are different, they can be considered to have the same purpose.

Zifeng is familiar with this kind of thing.

Just when Juehun Gu crashed into Ling Feng's spiritual sea and prepared to attach itself to the origin of Ling Feng's soul, Zifeng's figure also appeared in the space of the spiritual sea.

With the protection of Zifeng, Ling Feng simply ignored the situation over there and concentrated on using the regeneration needle to restore Ah Xue's life.

Today, Ling Feng's Taixuan acupuncture skills have already reached a higher level, and they are no longer comparable to the young boy who was just starting out at Wenxian Sect.

Of course, Ah Xue's situation is obviously much more serious than that of Yue Zhonglian in the past.

But for Ling Feng, it was only a matter of time before he could help Ah Xue regain his vitality.

In Ling Feng's spiritual sea space, the Juehun Gu turned into a twisted and weird demon face, with a ferocious look, staring at Zifeng in front of him.

Obviously Ling Feng's mental barrier couldn't lock it, but Zifeng actually stopped it without any effort.

"What Juehun Gu, to put it bluntly, is just an elemental life form in spiritual form, and my ability is to directly forcibly occupy the body of an elemental life form!"

Zifeng smiled proudly. After evolving again and again, his ability to shed his shell and evolve became even more unnatural and weird.

In the past, you had to get into the opponent's body first, but now, you can directly lock on the opponent's soul.

As for Juehun Gu, from beginning to end, there is only the soul.

Under Zifeng's lock, of course he couldn't move at all.

"Your level is too low. I won't even take your body, but I can't let you go out to harm others. So, I can only grieve my stomach and eat you."

"no, do not want!"

Juehun Gu was frightened by Zifeng, and finally tried to beg for mercy.

"We are all elemental life forms. We are one family. How could you eat me for the sake of humans? After all, humans and we are not on the same page at all!"

Juehun Gu, who was originally extremely ferocious and fierce, now completely changed his previous arrogant evil spirit, and turned into an extremely flattering one, with a smile on his face, trying to please Zifeng.

"Hey, you still dare to sow discord?"

When Zifeng heard this, he immediately became angry, "I was still a little hesitant at first, but if you dare to sow discord between me and the master, then I won't be polite!"

You know, Zifeng has followed Ling Feng for so many years, and the bond between them is so deep that it can't be provoked by just a few words?

That Juehun Gu had obviously made a wrong calculation.

"No no no..."

Juehun Gu wanted to argue, but unfortunately, Zifeng opened his mouth and swallowed the black smoke that Juehun Gu had turned into.


Zifeng burped, then patted his belly and said with a smile: "This little thing's abilities are quite interesting. Now, it's mine!"

Ignoring the soul barrier, this heaven-defying ability undoubtedly made Zifeng become even more perverted.

At the same time, Ling Feng finally completed the Rebirth Needle Formation. Seeing that A Xue's aura gradually stabilized, Ling Feng also let out a sigh of relief.

Everything was finally resolved satisfactorily.

"Brother Jing, you can come in."

Ling Feng whispered to the people outside the valley, and Jing Xiang, who was already jumping up and down anxiously, heard Ling Feng's words and immediately ran out like an arrow from a string.

Seeing that Ashue's aura became stable, even a trace of color returned to her face that was so defeated.

With tears in his eyes, Jing Xiang knelt down to Ling Feng and choked with sobs: "Thank you, benefactor, thank you!"

"Take good care of her."

Ling Feng gently patted Jing Xiang's shoulder. If it weren't for Jing Xiang's honesty and sincerity, as well as his sincere love for A Xue, Ling Feng might not have helped.

"Is it really better?"

Elder Ziyun's eyes widened, and he looked at Ah Xue carefully several times, and found that not only had the Juehun Gu in Ah Xue's body disappeared, but even the vitality map had become completely complete.

Based on her current condition, as long as she takes good care of herself, she might be able to get out of bed and move around within ten days and a half.

Is this guy's medical skills really so good?

"Then... what about the Juehun Gu?"

Elder Ziyun looked at Ling Feng in disbelief and asked in a deep voice.

Si Chen and Xiao Xianling were obviously very curious, and they both stared at Ling Feng.

"You didn't transfer it directly into your body, right? You wouldn't really do such an idiotic thing, would you?"

Elder Ziyun said, and quickly took a step back, fearing that the Juehun Gu in Ling Feng's body would regard her as a target again.

"There is no such thing as Soul-Ending Gu."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "In short, everything has been resolved."

Zifeng has already told the truth about his victory.

In the end, Zifeng became the biggest winner.

This ability of Juehun Gu is combined with Zifeng's many heaven-defying abilities.

This little guy may grow into a being comparable to the ancestral dragon in the future, but not necessarily!

Of course, all this is still too far away.

"You kid..."

Elder Ziyun took a deep breath, pondered for a long time, and finally gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "I'm convinced this time, your medical skills are better than mine!"

Si Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng. It seemed that although he had followed Ling Feng and stared at him for so many years, he still knew very little about Ling Feng's many trump cards!

This guy is simply like a bottomless pit with no bottom!

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