Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3671 Pagoda Forest, a thought of gods and demons!

"Brother Jing, please keep these pills."

Ling Feng thought for a while, then took out some pills that could strengthen the body and restore the soul as quickly as possible, and handed it to Jing Xiang's hands.


Jing Xiang looked at the elixir handed over by Ling Feng and hesitated.

Ling Feng had helped him too much, not only saving his life, but also saving Ashue.

What I owe him will never be repaid even if it takes several lifetimes.

Originally, with Jing Xiang's character, he would never continue to accept gifts from Ling Feng, but when it came to Axue, he still hesitated.

"Take it."

Ling Feng stuffed the elixir into Jing Xiang's hand, "Take one of these elixirs every day. After half a month, I believe Miss A Xue's condition will be greatly improved."

"Thank you so much, my benefactor!"

Jing Xiang stared at Ling Feng with red eyes, he no longer knew what to say.

In addition to saying thank you, thank you.


Suddenly, Jing Xiang seemed to remember something, and gritted his teeth and said: "My dear friend, you bought the map of Dayin Snow Mountain from me before. Are you looking for something in the snow mountain?"


Ling Feng nodded and replied lightly.

"The situation in these seventy-two peaks is extremely complicated. Even with a map, sometimes you may not be able to find the correct route. Maybe..."

Jing Xiang clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Maybe I can help my benefactor."


Ling Feng took a look at Jing Xiang. He has lived here for generations, and it is undoubtedly a living map of Dayin Snow Mountain.

It is indeed possible for him to provide him with some help.

"My benefactor, let me do something to repay you. Otherwise, my conscience will be uneasy."

Jing Xiang stared at Ling Feng closely, his eyes full of sincerity.

Ling Feng smiled faintly. There are many scumbags in this world who are selfish and take other people's help as a matter of course.

There are really too few people like Jing Xiang who can still maintain an innocent heart.

"What I did was not for your reward, but since you said so..."

Ling Feng thought for a while, then patted Jing Xiang's shoulder gently, and asked warmly: "Brother Jing, do you know if there is a tower forest in the Dayin Snow Mountain?"


Jing Xiang blinked and seemed to be trying very hard to remember.

After a while, Jing Xiang suddenly slapped his thigh and said happily: "I remember, Ah Xue... Ah Xue once told me about a Tallinn, which was full of pagodas of gods and demons, and looked filled with hatred."

"That's it!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Could it be that his good intentions were rewarded? By chance, he saved Jing Xiang and A Xue, which saved him a lot of trouble.

For a moment, even Elder Ziyun and the others showed a hint of joy.

In fact, Elder Ziyun's memory of the pagoda forest has been very vague. Although he said it casually, in fact, he came here to try his luck.

And Jing Xiang's words undoubtedly reduced Elder Ziyun's pressure.

Now, we can definitely find the location of the Pagoda Forest.

"Brother Jing, you have been a great help!"

Ling Feng laughed, "Tell me quickly, where is Talin?"

"That...that's a cursed place..."

But it was Axue, dragging her weak body and barely supporting herself to sit up, gritting her teeth and saying: "Well... benefactor, please don't go..."


Ling Feng turned back to look at Ah Xue. Her true form should be a snow fox in the Dayin Snow Mountain. For some reason, she ended up with a silly boy like Jing Xiang.

However, she definitely knows much more about the situation in the snow-capped mountains than everyone present.

"Miss Axue, why did you say that?"

Ling Feng had originally planned to leave with everyone, but he was quite surprised when he heard what A Xue said.

A cursed place?

Judging from the information he has so far, Elder Ziyun said that there are countless exotic flowers and plants there, and it is an excellent spiritual vein.

And by chance, the monk who had a strange Thousand Eyes pattern branded on his body by accident, although he did not directly gain any improvement in strength, he developed a very special life-saving ability.

In other words, they all got certain benefits from it. It should be a blessed land, so how could it be a cursed land?

"I...the Juehun Gu on my body was contaminated there..."

Axue's body was still very weak and her speech was weak, but she still managed to pull herself together and prevent Ling Feng and the others from breaking into dangerous areas.

"I don't know what kind of legend you have heard, but Tallinn... is really, really weird. It is a terrible desolation, a hopeless death land, without any living beings, full of despair, death, and darkness. ... Only terrible and evil things like Juehun Gu will be born, so..."

"So, no matter what, please don't go near there!"

Ashue almost exhausted all her strength. After saying these words, she began to pant.

Jing Xiang quickly helped her lie in his arms and said with great distress: "So, is it because of that tower forest that you became like that?"

As he said that, he quickly looked at Ling Feng and gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, just listen to Ah Xue. I don't want you to become like Ah Xue."

For a moment, Ling Feng was a little confused.

He turned back to look at Elder Ziyun, "Senior Ziyun, according to you, the pagoda forest should be the place where the spiritual veins that fill it are located, but according to Miss Axue, it is another completely different scene. This...this is a little strange."

"Hmph, what, you think I lied?"

Elder Ziyun frowned, showing a hint of displeasure.

"of course not."

Ling Feng hurriedly waved his hand and said: "How can I, this junior, doubt it? However, I believe that Miss A Xue will not lie. Therefore, either the pagoda forest has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past few years, or it is the pagoda you entered." Tallinn is not the same place.”

"Not the same place?"

Elder Ziyun was stunned, "Could it be that there are many tower forests in the Hidden Snow Mountains?"

"The so-called one thought is God and one thought is devil. Maybe they are both in the same place, but they show two completely different opposites at different times and at different nodes."

Ling Feng explained lightly.

"One thought of gods and demons..."

Si Chen murmured in a low voice, thoughtfully, and then he realized it clearly the next moment.

It's just that the others didn't have Si Chen's level of intelligence and understanding. They all stared at Ling Feng with wide eyes, looking at each other in confusion, not understanding what Ling Feng was talking about.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "In layman's terms, Talin probably has two sides, one yin and one yang."

"You should have told me earlier!"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, "What you said is so mysterious, what are you showing off!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and looked up at Si Chen. It was much easier to communicate with smart people.

Si Chen also rarely showed a smile, but when he saw Ling Feng's eyes, he gave Ling Feng a cold look, as if to say: I haven't calmed down yet!

Obviously, Ling Feng insisted on going on the road with Elder Ziyun, which caused her to be annoyed all the way. This debt was once again placed on Ling Feng.

"Little girl, your level is still not enough. Look at me. I reacted immediately! Hehe, Xiao Chenchen, look, you are so smart and I am so smart. We are a perfect match!"

Elder Ziyun was beaming with excitement, the fake beard on his chin trembled, and he turned his head to wink at Si Chen from time to time.

That way, you can be as wretched as you want.

Si Chen's forehead went dark, and he had the urge to run away.

"Sister, aren't you a woman?"

Jing Xiang gave Elder Ziyun a strange look, "I've always felt strange just now. You are obviously a woman, why do you wear men's clothes? And put on a fake beard?"

Elder Ziyun's expression froze, "Is it so obvious?"

Jing Xiang nodded, "How can any man...ahem..."

He glanced at Elder Ziyun's chest, his face turned slightly red, he coughed a few times, and stopped talking.

"Bah, another little pervert!"

Elder Ziyun spat lightly and cursed in a low voice.

"I...I'm not!"

Jing Xiang's face turned red and he gritted his teeth and retorted.

"Little pervert, little pervert, little pervert!"

Elder Ziyun saw that Jing Xiang was so thin-skinned, so he deliberately teased him in a mean-spirited manner.

How could Jing Xiang be so noisy as Elder Ziyun? In the end, he could only retreat to the side angrily, not daring to continue talking to him.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He looked at Ah Xue again and said warmly: "Miss Ah Xue, I know that the pagoda forest is a memory you don't want to mention, but I hope you can tell me some specific circumstances. I must Take a trip.”

"Me too."

Rain Master Wei Ye moved lightly, walked to Ah Xue and squatted down, "Miss Ah Xue, I also have to go into the Tallinn to pick a kind of elixir that has disappeared in the outside world. I hope that Ah Xue Girl, you can help me, thank you very much!”

Ashue gritted her silver teeth and hesitated for a moment, but nodded, "Okay. My life was saved by you, benefactor. I will tell you whatever you want to know, but it is indeed a very dangerous place there." place, so please be careful, otherwise, I will harm you."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but still nodded very solemnly, "Thank you, girl, for reminding me."

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