Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3672 The relics of heaven?

About half an hour later, Ling Feng and his team set out again, but the team members were slightly changed.

Jing Xiang joined the team and became a temporary guide.

As for Xiao Xianling and Fengling, they stayed to take care of Axue for the time being.

After all, the Juehun Gu has been eradicated from Axue's body, but her body is still very weak after all, and she needs someone to stay and take care of her.

Originally, Fengling alone was enough, but Ling Feng was worried about what dangers he would encounter. If any emergency happened, he might not be able to guarantee Xiao Xianling's safety.

So after much talk and hard work, Xiao Xianling finally agreed to stay.

"You brat, let's make an agreement first. If you find something good, you have to count it for me!"

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips, her face full of reluctance, but she also knew that with her current strength, if she followed him forcefully, she would probably become a burden.

As for Yu Shiwei, if Elder Ziyun only takes care of her, it will be more than enough.

What's more, she had to go there in person to ensure that she could collect the elixir she needed.

"Don't worry, I will."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. When did this guy learn all the bad habits from a cheap donkey?

Also, I had "borrowed" myself in Xiao Xianling's cave for so long, and the bitch would run out to show off when there was nothing wrong. Over time, I must have acquired some of the bitch's bad habits!

This bitch is really harmful to people!

I'm really worried that Danzi will learn bad things from me too!

Thinking of this, Xiao Xian felt that there was no need for Danzi to have more contact with the bitch. As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are white.

The cold wind is howling and light snow is falling.

After a while, the group of people disappeared at the end of the snowy road. Light snow fell on them, and even the footprints of several people quickly disappeared without a trace.

Ling Feng was at the back of the team, explaining the situation in Xiaoyin Snow Mountain with excitement.

It can be seen that I really know the situation in Xiaoyin Snow Mountain very well. When I talk about it, I am eloquent and eloquent.

You know, a few hours later, that guy was still lying on the roadside and almost freezing to death, but now he seemed to be a completely different person.

Yes, it was also thanks to the low-level elixirs that Xiao Xian fed me. At this moment, the power of the elixirs had already been dissolved in my Dantian, leaving me with a cold current flowing turbulently all over my body, as if No vent is the complete energy special.

When Bi Xia was eloquent, she released Danzi by the way.

Now that we are in the Holy City of Leixiao, we should be vigilant in every possible way.

Letting the egg boy out will help you stay away from the bitch, and it can also increase the time you spend together and cultivate relationships.

Xiao Xian finally figured it out. Although the big guy had just emerged from his shell, he had already shown a side that was more monster-like.

You can imagine how scary it will be before I fully grow up.

It is certain that I will have to rely on Danzi to protect me in the future.

Therefore, while I am still in my infancy, it is quite unnecessary to cultivate a sense of presence and cultivate feelings.

"Ah doll..."

As soon as Danzi came out, he jumped directly from Xiao Xian's arms with a seven-level jump and accurately landed under Xiao Xian's shoulders. Then he used the force to jump off Xiao Xian's head, and then lay down very comfortably.


Everyone cast curious glances. It was Si Chen who saw Danzi's existence for the first time.

Xiao Xian smiled and introduced Danzi's name to Xiaojia. As for the rest, just ask and know.

"That big thing looks quite magical. It has a breath and is pure. It seems to have no trace of magic."

Elder Jing Xiang narrowed his eyes and looked at Danzi several times before finally making that judgment.

Bi Xia was shocked, thinking that Elder Jing Xiang's eyes were so vicious.

It seems that before returning to Leixiao Holy City, Danzi has to hide himself. He must be discovered by these weak Immortal Emperors.

"In short, you are vague about the origin of that big guy, but since he has no chance to meet you, you just took him with you."

Xiao Xian let Danzai lie under his head. Although the big guy's body was big, it was very heavy. Pressing it under his head, it was probably a big load for an abnormal monk.

Xiao Xian can be regarded as a half-body refining monk. He only has a gold body that can destroy the body, but he doesn't have a body made of dragon bones. He can still withstand the pressure.


Elder Jing Xiang smiled faintly, obviously he was too suspicious of Xiao Xian's words, but you also need to investigate further.

Without the addition of Eggman, the atmosphere in the team seemed to become more cheerful again.

However, because the situation in Xiaoyin Snow Mountain was indeed very difficult, even though there was no live map to guide the way, it was late at night before the group finally found the deep valley that Ashue had mentioned falling into Tallinn.

Yes, Xiao Xian was very satisfied with being able to find a place on the first day.

"That's it!"

Ling Feng stood on the edge of the cliff, pointed at the thick clouds above, and said in a deep voice: "According to what A Xue said, you should have fallen into the deep valley from outside, and then retreated into this tower forest. , although he managed to escape by chance, he still got the Juehun Gu."

Ling Feng said, his expression dimmed slightly.

Thinking of the pain A Xue suffered in those years, Ling Feng felt like his heart was being cut by a knife.

"It should be outside."

Xiao Xian stood next to Ling Feng. Although he was separated by thick clouds, he could still vaguely sense that there seemed to be a suffocating and terrifying evil energy hidden in the deep valley.

That indeed seemed like a place where Juehun Gu could be born.

Xiao Xian could not help but look back at Elder Jing Xiang and asked in a deep voice: "Jing Xiang, junior, does he have no impression of the outside world?"

"Xiaogui, maybe..."

Elder Jing Xiang frowned and then shook his head, "The environment is not similar, but it has that kind of atmosphere. This tower forest should be full of spiritual energy and a beautiful place. How could it be such an extremely evil place? The breath is right, it should be that way.”

Xiao Xian held her chin, thinking for a moment, and then said calmly: "It was night when Miss A Xue fell into the deep valley, and it was early morning when he retreated into the tower forest."

After a pause, Xiao Xian said hastily: "You think, the scene you see when you retreat to Tallinn should have nothing to do with the time of retreat."

"What you mean is that if you wait until early morning to see it, the place outside will become a place where spiritual energy gathers?"

Elder Bi Xia's eyes narrowed, showing an expression of sudden enlightenment.


Xiao Xian smiled faintly, and immediately found a rock with a lot of snow far away from the cliff, and sat down cross-legged.

Then, with a wave of his hand, an earth-fire array was arranged directly in the open space behind him.

As Bi Xia filled a few immortal stones into the formation, a half-meter-high flame ignited in the center of the formation, illuminating the surrounding snow red.


Danzi seemed to be very satisfied with the cool firelight, and his round body retreated directly into Bi Xia's clothes, revealing only a pair of small magic eyes, which looked at Qi Zhou constantly.

"Okay, just wait!"

Elder Jing Xiang walked around the fire formation and walked into the snow very boldly, without any concern that there was no one else around.

Yushi Wei Younai smiled and also sat down cross-legged as the envoy of Elder Jingxiang.

Si Chen, on the other hand, flew down and landed on a nearby bare branch and leaned close to him, with a low-spirited attitude that would keep strangers away.

Ling Feng thought for a while, then walked over and sat next to Xiao Xian, staring at Xiao Xian with a hint of gratitude and reverence.

"Why are you looking at you like that?"

Xiao Xian was so stunned by the guy's gaze that she finally broke through the noise.

"My benefactor, do you think he is really awesome? Although you know very few people, he is the person you admire the most after my father!"


After being complimented by me, Xiao Xian knew how to answer the conversation. He could only smile helplessly and said: "Brother Jing, don't talk about the same benefactor. You are much different in age. He just calls you My name is fine, or I can just call you Brother Ling.”

"You can call him Brother Ling!"

Ling Feng had a flattered expression on his face, "Brother Ling, now that Ah Xue's illness has recovered, you hope that we can go to the place in Tianshu King's City with you and see the same world. If Brother Ling dislikes it, If so, can you be allowed to follow him before? "


Xiao Xian shook his head and smiled bitterly, following himself. With my big body, I'm afraid I can't bear it.

"Brother Jing, you understand what he is thinking. You will stay in Tianshu King City for too long. As for Miss A Xue's situation, I'm afraid she still needs to rest for a while. But..."

Bi Xia thought for a while, took out a map to the Shenzhi Heavenly Domain, and said with a smile: "If he has no intention of following you, he can go back to the Sea of ​​Stars and look for a big island called Yanlong Island. He If he can find this person with his own skills, it will prove his determination and courage, and he can become a part of this big island. "

"If he can find it, it means he is more suitable to live outside."

Bi Xia patted Ling Feng's shoulder heavily, "There are many choices in life, and everyone will have the same answer."

Ling Feng glanced at Xiao Xian thoughtfully. Based on my experience, it was obvious that there was no way to immediately understand what Bi Xia meant. I just tightened my fists, took a deep breath and said, "Brother Ling, you will definitely understand." Found this big island!”

Xiao Xian smiled lightly, Ling Feng's talent was actually poor, what I lacked was just correct guidance.

From the Sky Surveying Thunder Territory to the distant Shenzhi Heavenly Territory, I hope that along the way, I can learn some truly useless things.

"Now that he has decided, you give him some greeting gifts and hope he can succeed."

With a flash of dim light, Xiao Xian directly took out an ice-based fairy technique and an ice-based swordsmanship from the Naling Ring. It also came with an ice-based fairy sword.

The grades are all too low, but they are enough for my level.

Ling Feng suddenly felt as if he had found a treasure, and he kept all the treasures away with a look of ecstasy on his face.

Tonight, I'm afraid I will fall asleep or fall asleep.

Xiao Xian smiled faintly, paid no attention to Bi Xia, and closed her eyes to rest.

No one was quietly waiting for the dawn of the next day.

And everyone thought that that night would be so long.

When Xiao Xian's mind sank into the mysterious and mysterious realm of the unity of heaven and man, he felt as if he was being pulled back into a strange space.

There were waves of penetrating howling sounds coming from the evil ghost magicians, which made people's scalp numb.

And when Bi Xia suddenly opened her eyes, what came into view were strange-looking pagodas of gods and demons.


Xiao Xian's eyelids twitched, why did he retreat?

Or, in fact, to retreat into the pagoda forest, you simply need to retreat into the deep valley. When your consciousness retreats to sleep, your spiritual thoughts will be automatically dragged into the pagoda forest?

So, all that is false?

Or is it true?

After a few glances, Xiao Xian still said he understood.

However, if his guess is wrong, what he sees now is the evil and weird side of Tallin.

"Sister Chen? Miss Yushi? Junior Bi Xia? Brother Jing?"

Bi Xia called other people's names, but there was no response.

The strange thing is that even the egg boy in his arms has disappeared.

Xiao Xian tried to contact Zifeng and Jianlu, but found that the connection with the spiritual pets seemed to be completely severed.

Xiao Xian frowned, that place was really weird!



Suddenly, two suffocating cold lights flew towards her. Bi Xia was startled and quickly used the fire escape technique to get out of the way. However, despite this, the sword energy that passed by was still wiped out on the back of her chest. Wounds deep enough to show bone.

Blood gurgled out, dyeing Xiao Xian's robe behind her chest red in an instant.

Xiao Xian's eyelids twitched, showing a look of disbelief.

I was even confused. What on earth were these two cold rays of light that just passed by? They just met each other and I was injured?

At the last moment, Xiao Xian found that his wound had become extremely hot, and a feeling of coming down crazily hit his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the Eye of Heaven automatically opened, and the Yin-Yang fish floated in the eyes.

At the last moment, even the Shura Eyes between the eyebrows were controlled and opened automatically.

With a flash of golden light, the ability of the Eye of Heaven stepped back and was promoted to the Golden Eye of the Emperor.

And it was unexpected. Immediately afterwards, without any anger at all, the Eyes of the Blood-Rage Emperor also opened!

Xiao Xian's expression changed, everything was too weird, it was totally reasonable!

Is it possible that there is some kind of connection between Nawai and the Tiandao clan?

Or could it be said that there is a relic of the Tiandao clan outside?

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Xian tried his best to keep himself as calm as possible.

As the saying goes, when it comes, make peace with it.

Xiao Xian gritted his teeth and could only bite the bullet and walk back.

Eight eyes watched the surrounding environment vigilantly at the same time. When the Eye of Heaven was fully opened, I felt that the whole world seemed to be under my control, even the dim lights that were so slow that I could not see them. , at that moment, it also became normal and turbid.

These are not ghost lights, but some incomplete soldier souls.

The so-called soldier soul is a spirit that has died, but retains a trace of its earliest instincts.

And those soldier souls seem to be guarding this place.

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