Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3673 Tianmu Divine Pillar!

After crossing the pagoda forest, there seems to be an endless road in front of you.

On the left is a dark river of Styx that rushes endlessly. From time to time, white bones float in the river.

On the right side is the bubbling and rolling magma, and the black smoke rising from the magma converges into hideous and terrifying faces.

The dark wind came in waves, and the soldier's soul became a little restless.

Ling Feng's heart thumped. If all those soldier souls attacked him, he was afraid that his life would be at stake here.

It was one thing to clearly see the existence of those soldier souls, but with his current ability, it was already very difficult to dodge the attacks of one or two soldier souls.

In the endless passage ahead, there are hundreds of soldier souls!

Ling Feng felt his scalp numb, his steps paused slightly, and he stopped in place.

The next moment, the soldier souls all looked in Ling Feng's direction. In an instant, strong uneasiness swept through his heart.

Ling Feng's mind raced and he thought over all his life-saving trump cards.

But in the current situation, it seems that it is of no use.

Whether it's Po Meng or Si Chen...

The ray of soul thought they left in their own spiritual sea must first be able to communicate.

Now he can't even communicate with his spiritual pets, let alone these spiritual thoughts.

However, what surprised Ling Feng was that after the soldiers' souls locked their eyes on him, they did not launch a retreat.


The sound of the armor swinging was uniform, and all the soldiers turned towards Ling Feng, kneeling on one knee, as if to welcome the master of this place.

The sudden scene made Ling Feng feel incredible.

Thinking of his own Eye of Heaven, it suddenly opened, and instantly regressed to the level of the Eye of the Blood-Rage Emperor.

Perhaps, there really is some ordinary connection between that place and the Tiandao clan.

But no matter what, since those soldier souls were attacking him, Cao Han's worried heart finally relaxed.

There was a red flame floating in the hollow eyes of these soldier souls. Although it looked very penetrating, it was particularly violent after they reunited, and there was a hint of weirdness...


Cao Han took a deep breath and then finally took another step.

The distance between these soldier souls is very regular, always eight feet and eight feet, with a slight difference.

Although they have died long ago, they still have not forgotten their mission after life and stick to their posts.

Obviously, at the end of that endless road, there is some kind of very harmonious divine object that can refine so few long-dead souls into soldier souls.

After a while, Ling Feng's curiosity was aroused. No matter whether this place had nothing to do with the Tiandao clan, it was certain that there was indeed a certain treasure there.

Thinking of that, Ling Feng slowed down his pace, wanting to reach the end as quickly as possible.

However, that road seems to be endless.

Even if Ling Feng sprinted backwards and flew at the slowest speed, he always seemed to be standing still.

An hour...

Two hours...

Eight hours...

Although in that dark space, it almost feels like time has passed, but with his weak perception ability, Ling Feng can still vaguely judge that he is afraid that the time he has retreated to this place has exceeded one day. .

Do you also know how the others are doing?

Ling Feng felt a little anxious in his heart, but I was more and more at that time, the more he wanted to calm down.

I took a deep breath, quickly closed the Emperor's Eyes, and let my mind become completely intense.

When I opened my eyes again, they were like clear springs and ancient wells with waves.

My state of mind was completely intense, without any distracting thoughts.

With Cao Han's understanding, he had already felt that that road was not a road in a simple sense.

There must be some kind of mystery hidden under that endless road.

If I could figure out that layer of mystery, then I would have no choice but to wander down that road forever.

It's a pity that these soldier souls have long lost their intelligence, and only a trace of instinct is left. Although they kneel down and surrender to me, I have no way to get any worthless clues from those soldier souls.

"It seems that the key should be..."

The light in Ling Feng's eyes condensed, and then a hint of smile flashed.

The Eye of the Emperor?

Ling Feng realized that if he wanted to get out of that path of exhaustion, the only thing he could rely on was the Eye of the Emperor.

If, then Waizhen has some connection with the Tiandao clan.

I sat down cross-legged.

That is a place that you can walk out of with your legs. In other words, that space is a cover-up, a place that exists at all.

After understanding that level, why should Ling Feng waste energy and energy to run all the way?

In his eyes, the yin-yang fish floated, and the eighth vertical pupil under his forehead also burst out with an impressive cold light.

I have to let my soul and thoughts jump out of the shackles of that space, break that cage, and only then can I get a glimpse of the reality.

And in that space, whether Ling Feng has any scruples or worries, I can use all the abilities of the Eye of the Emperor with all my strength without any scruples.

The eyes of the Blood-wrathed Emperor shone with a strange red light. Gradually, the red light formed a layer of light, with Caohan as the center, and gradually radiated.




Under the illumination of this red light, one after another, the souls of soldiers seemed to have been redeemed. Their bodies turned into golden light and soared into the sky.

The dark clouds in the originally dark sky gradually dissipated under the impact of these golden lights.

But for this thick cloud, it is just a drop in the bucket.

That process, I don’t know how long it lasted.

Maybe it was just a moment, or maybe it was a very long time ago.

One after another, the golden light that rose into the sky gathered together, and finally, a huge gap was torn open in the thick clouds!

Under the sky, the rays of light fell, and the world turned from being dark and depressing to becoming peaceful and peaceful.

Ling Feng only felt that his eyes were getting hotter.

His whole head seemed to be about to explode.

Heci has the eyes of heaven and the eyes of humanity. In his eyes, the originally stable mark of the emperor has become more distorted.

It was like a sign of running out of energy, more like...


Still waiting for Ling Feng to react, a thousand-foot-long beam of light burst out from his eyes. Ling Feng looked up to the sky, and the glow gradually converged with the sky.

There seemed to be a mysterious force that was injected into Ling Feng's eyes bit by bit based on the guidance of his eyes.

Then, the burning cold feeling continued to intensify.

Finally, before Ling Feng's eyes swallowed up the rays of light, two brand new divine marks appeared in his eyes.

Ever since Cao Han condensed the seventh divine pattern mark, no matter how his realm improved, his cultivation skyrocketed, or how the Eye of the Emperor degraded, he could successfully condense a new divine pattern mark.

I thought I would arrive, but I would actually be in that place, taking the step I expected.

The seventh divine pattern of the Eye of Heaven has the ability to annihilate space, which can completely annihilate a space and turn it into nothingness!

As the ability of the seventh divine pattern becomes more advanced, the space for annihilation becomes smaller and smaller, and all living creatures within that space will also be annihilated.

And the most important point is that that kind of annihilation can cross realms!

Ling Feng has just awakened the ability of temporal annihilation, and is able to cross a small realm and annihilate the enemy.

I am now in the Dao Fruit Realm, which means that I already have the ability to directly retreat and obliterate the Immortal Lord in the Pi Di Realm.

Direct obliteration is the same as defeat. It is an extermination without even any room to fight back. It is like eating and drinking in a special way, and understatement.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the other party must be within the scope of annihilation, and be blocked and unable to escape.

If the opponent escapes from the scope of annihilation when Ling Feng uses Intermittent Annihilation, he will naturally be able to achieve the unparalleled effect of direct annihilation.

The seventh divine pattern of the human eye has the ability to burn the world-burning white flame. Through the seventh divine pattern of the human eye, it can directly summon the white flame that can burn all things.

To be honest, that ability is slightly inferior to that of Annihilation.

It means that the Burning World White Flame is weak enough, but it's because Ling Feng has already practiced swallowing flames that can swallow all strange fires and never degenerate.

He also obtained the chapter of the Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique.

That's right, Bai Yan's rank is high, so he can try to fuse with Yan Yan.

Now Ling Feng's original fire is in the form of the demon dragon's world-purifying fire based on swallowing flames. Before it merges with the world-burning white flame, it will inevitably undergo another qualitative change.

Ling Feng was ecstatic after receiving the divine pattern ability of the two little emperor's eyes one after another.

It's a pity that the Shura Eye can still unlock new abilities.

At this moment, the surrounding space shattered like a mirror.

The endless road in front of you disappears and is replaced by an extremely small Optimus Pillar.

Under this giant pillar, there were patterns of small and big eyes. What surprised Ling Feng even more was that all these eyes contained various identical divine marks.

That giant pillar is absolutely inseparable from the Tiandao clan and Asanga!

In just a moment, Ling Feng felt certain in his heart.

No wonder I can condense the divine pattern of the Eye of the Emperor here. It seems that it is all thanks to the divine pillar full of eye patterns.

Perhaps, that place is where the ancestors of the Tiandao clan awakened and condensed their divine mark.

No wonder my realm of cultivation has improved so little, but I still have the ability to open a new divine mark. It seems that I have that key guiding object.

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling arose in my heart.

Is it considered that I have come into contact with the baptism and trials that the ancestors of the Tiandao clan have received?

Maybe, yes.

Just when Ling Feng was sighing, another ray of light shot out from under the giant pillar and poured directly into Ling Feng's Eyes of Shura.

The burning cold feeling came again, and Cao Han felt ecstatic in his heart.

Could it be that his Eye of Shura will also condense a new divine mark?

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