Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3674 Shura Divine Pattern! Time stands still!


Arcs of electricity jumped, flames were blazing, and on top of the Divine Eye Pillar, a nine-colored ray of light rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of beams of light shot out in all directions.

Ling Feng's body slowly rose into the air under the control of an invisible force.

The Eye of Shura has become the "bridge" connecting the Heavenly Eye Pillar. Ling Feng can feel that there is a powerful and inexplicable energy awakening little by little deep in his blood.


A strong and surging aura erupted, and Ling Feng's clothes exploded, turning into pieces and scattered like butterflies.

Incomparably mysterious textures began to appear on Ling Feng's skin.

This texture is somewhat similar to the Tianzhi Seal, but it is a completely different form of existence.

The Tianzhi Seal is obtained through practicing the Tianzhi Divine Mantra. Its origin is a mark in the palm of the hand, and then it continues to spread.

But this texture comes from the depths of the blood.

Those dark red textures that were as dazzling as blood spread all over the body almost instantly. The dark red blood light shone brighter and brighter, and became more dazzling. After a while, it was like balls of burning blood flames.

At the same time, some pictures that did not exist in his memory emerged in Ling Feng's mind.

In the picture, a disciple named Tiandao Clan communicates with the Heavenly Eye Divine Pillar through the Eye of Shura, and condenses the supreme Shura Divine Mark.

However, even in the ancient times, when the Tiandao clan was at its peak, the chance of successfully condensing the Shura divine pattern was extremely low.

Among the memory scenes from ancient times that emerged in Ling Feng's mind, more than twenty or thirty people participated in the awakening ceremony of the Shura Divine Pattern, but only one person succeeded in the end!

I see!

Ling Feng finally understood what exactly this place was.

It seems that by accident, he actually entered an ancient inheritance altar of the Tiandao clan.

And fortunately, this altar can still maintain operation.

Unparalleled domineering violent energy runs through the blood.

Ling Feng's whole body was as hot as a soldering iron.

He felt that his body was almost melting into molten iron.

"It must be condensed into Shura divine patterns!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly, and his strong willpower was exerted to its fullest extent.

It can be said that Ling Feng is lucky. From the beginning of Ling Feng's journey into martial arts, he met Tianbai Emperor Faxiang and practiced the Qi Forging Hunyuan Lock, a secret technique based on heart forging.

When it comes to endurance, Ling Feng has reached the ultimate level that humans can achieve under the tempering of those Hunyuan Locks.

He gritted his teeth tightly and allowed the power inspired by the Tianmu Divine Pillar to almost tear him into pieces.

Despite the fact that the Eye of Shura on his forehead was almost exploding with pain.

But he still didn't waver or retreat at all.

Perhaps his talent may not necessarily surpass that of his predecessors, nor may he be the most outstanding among the Tiandao clan.

However, the situation he faced was something that all the seniors of the Tiandao clan had never faced before.

It can be said that he is the last hope of the Tiandao clan.

For Ling Feng, this Shura Divine Mark may be a fate-changing opportunity.

So, no matter what, never give up!


Under the intense pain, Ling Feng roared like a wild beast.

How could he get to this point without risking his life?

"Shura Divine Marks, condense!!!"

The sound wave shook the nine heavens, it was so violent and arrogant that even the entire plane and space trembled.

Ling Feng's willpower manifested through the source of his soul.

Behind him, he saw an incomparable divine soul slowly floating in the air.

That statue of Dharma, not angry but powerful, is as high as the Heavenly Eye Divine Pillar. Under the endless light of the Heavenly Eye Divine Pillar, it trembles slightly.

Every tremor represents the limit of Ling Feng's willpower.

However, every time after reaching the limit, Ling Feng was able to break through the limit again.




Drops of blood seeped out from every pore of Ling Feng, then turned into blood light and blended into the divine soul.

The power of essence and blood circulates, and the spirit and soul become more and more condensed, like substance.

As everyone knows, this process coincides with the practice of blood transformation.

(PS: After the Immortal War Spirit, there are nine heavenly soul revolutions: Blood Soul Revolution, Three Soul Revolution, Void Revolution, Five Elements Revolution, Yin and Yang Revolution, Star Revolution, Ghost and God Revolution, Hongmeng Revolution, and Immortality Revolution.)

Under the tremendous pressure of the Heavenly Eye Divine Pillar, Ling Feng's divine soul power was rising steadily, and his aura became more powerful and terrifying.

An hour...

Two hours...

I don’t know how long it took, but Ling Feng’s spirit and soul had reached the level of perfection.

At this moment, the Divine Soul Dharma finally began to feed itself back, and the powerful power of Qi and blood merged with Ling Feng again.

Ling Feng, who had already turned pale due to excessive blood loss, now felt an incomparable surge of energy and blood erupting from the depths of the spiritual sea.

At this moment, the Divine Soul Dharma and the power of his own Qi and Blood were already closely connected.

This also means that his Blood Soul Transformation has been completed, and as long as he is willing, he can step into the second level of the Nine Heavenly Soul Transformation, the Three Soul Transformation, at any time.

Ling Feng never expected that just by accepting the trial of the Tianmu Divine Pillar, he would be able to obtain such a good fortune.

At this moment, the third vertical pupil on Ling Feng's forehead finally began to transform the divine power transmitted from the Tianmu Divine Pillar.

The Shura Divine Pattern began to slowly condense into shape.


In an instant, Ling Feng's entire mind went blank.

But after a brief blank period, there was extremely intense ecstasy.

The Shura Divine Marks were successfully condensed, and Ling Feng finally obtained the heaven-defying magical power of the Shura Eye.

The ability awakened from the second divine mark of Shura Eye is actually the power of time!

The magical power of this second divine pattern is called the stillness of time.

As the name suggests, it directly stops the passage of time within a certain period of time.

The power of time has always been the most mysterious, the most difficult to control, the most heaven-defying, the most powerful and terrifying among all laws.

Just imagine, when fighting an opponent, stopping time for a brief moment, even just for a moment, is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

With Ling Feng's current state, he could only stop time for about a thousandth of a breath.

Such a short time is almost negligible, but it is enough to turn the tide in an instant in a close battle.

Another aspect that Ling Feng was thinking about was that when time stood still, even if he used the abilities of the Tiandao clan, others might not be able to discover him.

If the ability to stop time is combined with the pupil of stone, or the ability to annihilate forever.

This solves the problem of difficulty in locking targets with these magical powers, and can undoubtedly maximize the power of Infinite Annihilation.

It's a pity that it's only one thousandth of a breath!

If one day, even if it can be improved to only one breath, maybe even the powerful Immortal Emperor can beat him in seconds.

Of course, a master at the Immortal Emperor level has many life-saving cards. Unless he is 100% sure that he can kill the opponent, once this trick is exposed, it means that his doom has come.

But no matter what, he was able to awaken the ability to manipulate time, and finally the pain he endured just now was not in vain.

And as the Shura Divine Patterns were finally condensed, the light beams bursting out from the Heavenly Eye Divine Pillar also gradually disappeared.

Soon, tranquility was restored, as if nothing had happened.

However, the lifelike eyes on the Heavenly Eye Divine Pillar give people a chilling feeling at the first sight.

It was as if the Eye of the Emperor above would come to life at any moment.

Ling Feng's body finally regained its autonomy.

He slowly fell from mid-air, and with a flash of fire, a blue Confucian scholar's robe covered his body again.

After all, Ling Feng was not in the habit of walking birds.

The third vertical pupil on the forehead is still opening.

And in this space, it seems that you can maintain the Eye of Blood Rage Sky indefinitely without spending any of your own mana.

There's not even a hint of anger required.

It is precisely because Ling Feng's Eye of the Emperor is fully activated that he can reach the limit of Blood Transformation with the Eye of the Emperor so smoothly.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and felt the delicate state of his body at this moment.

Perhaps, in the future, I will be able to open the Eyes of the Blood-Rage Emperor at will without falling into a state of rage.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. The divine patterns in his three pupils dissipated at the same time, and his whole aura instantly returned to its normal state.

"It's time to leave."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. He didn't know how long he had been here, and he didn't know how the others were doing now.

Now he has obtained a huge opportunity, successfully condensed the Shura divine pattern, and obtained the heaven-defying magical power that stops time.

It's time to leave here.

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