Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3675 Nothing but quick hands!

After arranging his clothes, Ling Feng bowed deeply in the direction of the Tianmu Divine Pillar.

Although this altar has been sleeping for who knows how many years, for just a moment, Ling Feng seemed to have crossed endless time and returned to thousands of years ago to participate in this awakening ceremony with other disciples of the Tiandao clan.

That profound inheritance is extremely precious.

It also made Ling Feng understand more about the glory and prosperity that the ancestors of the Tiandao clan had experienced.

As Ling Feng's thoughts gradually drifted away, in a daze, a dazzling fire suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, which made Ling Feng feel a little uncomfortable.

But when Ling Feng's eyes refocused and he came back to his senses, he was still sitting by the campfire. The red flames reflected on the snow, everything was familiar yet unfamiliar.

After a brief recollection, Ling Feng suddenly remembered, wasn't this the night they just arrived in the deep valley?

To him, it felt like a long time had passed, at least ten days or eight months.

Unexpectedly, it was only a short moment?

Ling Feng even wondered if everything he had experienced before was just a dream.

But the powerful divine soul origin and the peak-level battle soul made him realize clearly that his previous experience was by no means a dream.


In order to confirm his conjecture, Ling Feng coughed dryly, looked at Jing Xiang aside, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Jing, how long have I been in a daze just now?"

"Just now?"

Jing Xiang seemed stunned for a moment, "Brother Ling, didn't you just give me the sword manual?"


Ling Feng blinked and then recalled that he was indeed meditating after communicating with Jing Xiang when he was suddenly pulled into that special space.


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Seeing that everyone around him was looking at him, he quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, I was just in a daze, haha..."

Si Chen looked at Ling Feng strangely, but said nothing.

Elder Ziyun, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and asked with some confusion: "Boy, why did the source of your soul suddenly seem to become so much stronger in an instant? You even gave me the illusion that you are also an immortal-level monk?"


Ling Feng laughed a few times and changed the subject: "It's just an illusion. It's better to have a good rest. We have to go to Tallinn tomorrow to have a look."

My goal has been achieved, but since Elder Ziyun said that there are countless treasures of heaven and earth in the Tallinn, since I came here, I can't go back empty-handed.

The night is long.

Ling Feng's mind was immersed in the joy of further awakening the Eye of Heaven, and time flew by.

The next day, Dongfang only spit out fish belly white, and everyone was already eager to try it.

Because if it is as speculated before, in the early morning, that is when the sunny side of Tallinn opens.

It seems that just to confirm everyone's guess, the black clouds that were originally oppressive and full of strange aura suddenly became radiant under the sunlight, like auspicious clouds.

The pure and rich spiritual energy overflows from the deep valley, making people feel relaxed and happy.


Elder Ziyun took the lead. He pulled the fox fur coat on his body in the wind, moved it aside, and jumped into the deep valley.

Yu Shiwei followed closely without any hesitation.

Ling Feng and Si Chen looked at each other and jumped down.

As for Jing Xiang, he stayed where he was and was not blindly greedy.

After all, with his strength, he does not have the ability to protect himself in the face of emergencies.

"Hahaha, this is it!"

When everyone jumped into the clouds, they seemed to be swallowed directly by a whirlpool.

After a brief period of darkness, everyone soon appeared in a sea of ​​colorful flowers.

What comes into view is an endless variety of exotic flowers and plants.

In addition, among the sea of ​​flowers, there are also huge towers with pictures standing.

It's just that it's different from the demonic pagodas Ling Feng saw last night.

The pagodas I saw during the day were all upright and awe-inspiring immortals.

The so-called gods and demons are obviously from the same world, but they can show such completely opposite sides.

Yu Shiwei looked delighted, and quickly suppressed her inner ecstasy, and began to search among the flowers for the elixir she needed.

As for Ling Feng, he is not so picky.

His principle is just one word, pick!

Of course, this is all on the premise of preserving the root system.

In this way, many years later, the natural resources and treasures here can grow again and restore their former prosperity.

As long as Ling Feng gets some flowers and leaves, he can plant them in the Yuan Realm of Wood in the Five Elements Palace.

Relying on the incomparable wood spirit energy inside, it won't take many years to obtain large quantities of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

For any alchemist, this is an irresistible temptation.

This is also the reason why, even though Ling Feng has cultivated to the realm of immortality, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace has still not been eliminated.

Just relying on the spiritual field of the Yuan Realm of Wood, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace can occupy a very important place among Ling Feng's many magic weapons.

What's more, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace has not been fully opened yet.

Its value is probably far more than what is seen now.

"found it!"

About half an hour later, cheers of great joy came from Yu Shiwei's side.

"I really found it!"

I saw Yu Shiwei standing in front of a colorful flower with a look of ecstasy. She immediately took out a pair of silk gloves and slowly put on the gloves before she dared to pick the colorful flower.

"It turns out to be a rainbow miasma, no wonder we are so cautious."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. This rainbow seven-color miasma is an extremely poisonous thing, and its most special property is that as long as one rainbow seven-color miasma grows here, then the entire medicine garden will be It is impossible for there to be a second rainbow of seven-colored miasma.

Therefore, most of the other elixirs are scattered one by one in this sea of ​​flowers.

But the area where Rainbow Seven Color Miasma is located, within a dozen feet around it, is only overgrown with weeds.

Because no matter how high-grade the spiritual flower or spiritual grass is, as long as it grows within the root system of the Rainbow Seven-Colored Miasma, it will be directly assimilated and absorbed and turned into the nutrients of the Rainbow Seven-Colored Miasma.

The rainbow flower Yu Shiwei picked was almost as big as a human head.

The years are at least more than 10,000 years old.

And to grow to such an extent, in its ten thousand years of growth, it will swallow up and absorb no less than a million plants of all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

He is truly the king of poisons!

King of flowers!

Therefore, Rainbow Seven Color Miasma also has another name, it is called Overlord Poison Flower.

Why does Yu Shiwei need such a poisonous flower?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

These are none of my business.

In order to speed up the efficiency, Ling Feng summoned the donkey again, and Danzi seemed to be attracted by the extremely abundant spiritual energy here, and suddenly opened his sleepy eyes, and then turned on the foodie mode.

Jianlu and Ling Feng worked hard to pick the elixir, while Danzi ate whatever he saw, even chewing several inches of the land. Wherever he passed, no matter how poisonous the spirit flower was, it became bare in an instant.

Such a huge appetite is obviously inherited from the little goldfish.

Ling Feng's scalp felt numb when he saw it. Logically speaking, with so many extremely high-grade or even unknown-grade treasures of heaven and earth, even a powerful Immortal Emperor would not dare to swallow them all like this.

But Danzi is obviously an anomaly.

Si Chen and Ziyun were both stunned for a moment. When they reacted and speeded up their efforts to snatch food from the "Dan" mouth and pick more elixirs, Eggman had almost wiped out most of the people within a radius of ten miles. area elixir.

Yu Shiwei couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on her forehead. Fortunately, she picked it early, otherwise, she was afraid that the Overlord Poison Flower, Rainbow Seven Color Miasma, would also be swallowed by Danzi.

At Danzai's speed, which was as fast as the wind and the remaining clouds, this huge medicine garden could not hold on for long.

The most exaggerated thing is that Danzi only needs to eat the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, as well as the layer of spiritual soil on the surface of the medicine garden.

Even the pagodas were chewed into pieces with a few bites.

Maybe it tasted bad, so I spit it out again.

The originally good Pagoda Forest was basically ruined by Danzi.

I don’t know if those pagodas are the formations that maintain this place. If this is the case, I’m afraid no one will be able to enter this place in the future.

Fortunately, Danzi only destroyed one or two pagodas, and basically avoided such hard and unpalatable things in the future, thus barely maintaining relative integrity.

Seeing that everything was eaten naked, Danzi jumped back on top of Ling Feng's head with great satisfaction and began to take a nap lazily.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, this is really a living ancestor.

"Boy, you are too perverted for a spiritual pet. You eat so many natural and earthly treasures, many of which are highly poisonous, and yet nothing happens to you?"

Elder Ziyun stared at Danzai in astonishment. She had not yet started to pick many elixirs, but Danzai got there first.

Naturally, I felt a little angry.

"I don't understand either..."

Ling Feng looked helpless, "Maybe his belly is special..."

"Ge Lao Tzu!"

But the bitchy donkey cursed at the side, "If I want this beast to speak for itself, I should boil that little thing into egg drop soup and eat it. There are so many treasures of heaven and earth, and the spiritual energy is still in the egg!"

As he said that, he actually licked his tongue and stared at Eggman with a greedy look on his face. Green light even appeared in his donkey eyes.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. The bitch was really not afraid of death. He actually wanted to eat the egg boy. This little ancestor was going to go crazy and even he couldn't stop him.

Fortunately, Danzi is taking a nap now and seems to have not heard what Bitch Donkey said, otherwise he might not be able to reap the benefits of Bitch Donkey.

"Okay, okay, you've caught a lot. Apart from the egg boy, you've picked the most!"

Ling Feng glared at Bitch Donkey in annoyance. This guy was the harshest in terms of scolding, but he was actually very quick to strike. To say that Eggman ate the most, the elixir collected by Bitch Donkey could at least occupy the entire building. One-tenth of the medicine garden.

"Hehe, there is no one else but quick hands!"

The bitch then smiled proudly, his eyebrows dancing, "Whatever this beast steals belongs to this beast, and I will never share it with you!"

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