Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3677 Zhu Jiuyin! Kui Mulang!

Because of the participation of Elder Ziyun, Ling Feng could not use the Donghuang Bell, so he finally decided to return to Tianshu King City and teleport directly back to Leixiao Holy City through the teleportation array.

After saying goodbye to Jingxiang, Ling Feng and his party left the valley.

It takes about half an hour to return to Tianshu King City from here.

Of course, this is obviously not under the premise of rushing at full speed.

Now the progress is much faster than expected, so there is no need to rush.

The snow is flying, the weather is cold when coming, and the ground is cold when leaving.

Elder Ziyun wants to chat with Sichen from time to time, under the pretext of cultivating feelings.

It’s a pity that Sichen, as a normal woman, has always ignored Elder Ziyun, which makes Elder Ziyun very distressed.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. After all, they had known each other for a while, and it would not be good to drive away Elder Ziyun. However, looking at Si Chen who was annoyed by Elder Ziyun, Ling Feng could not help but feel some sympathy, and a little bit of a secret smile.

"Why does this damn place feel colder and colder?"

Xiao Xianling put away the fur coat on her body and frowned slightly.

She was the least skilled in the team, so her resistance to cold was naturally the weakest.

But it stands to reason that she was a powerful immortal, so she would not shiver from the cold.

However, at this moment, Xiao Xianling's lips were not only frozen black, but her body was also shaking slightly unconsciously.

Ling Feng frowned slightly.


This is very abnormal!

Since leaving the valley, the weather has indeed become colder and colder.

Although it was exactly the same scene as when I came here, I always felt that something was wrong.

"How are you?" Ling Feng turned his head to look at Xiao Xianling, and seeing that she was shivering with cold, he put his hand on her shoulder. The heat of the demon dragon's purifying fire turned into a warm current, pouring into Xiao Xianling's body, making her unconsciously move closer to Ling Feng's body. "Not... not bad..." Xiao Xianling shuddered and frowned, "It's really strange, this cold wind is abnormally cold." "Abnormal?" Elder Ziyun took over the conversation, "I think it's okay." "Of course... you are a powerful immortal, and I am... not..." Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes, "I dare say this is definitely not the place we passed when we came here." Ling Feng also hurriedly took out the map and checked it carefully, but did not find anything unusual. Although he was an absolute road idiot, and this snowy land was all white, but with Si Chen and the others together, it was not possible that everyone would take the wrong road, right? "No!" Suddenly, Si Chen frowned, and a purple light flashed in his eyes, and a ray of light shot straight into the sky.


The next moment, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and then a strange laugh was heard.


"Ga ga ga..."

Then, a figure with black air floating all over his body, a pair of wings condensed by black mist flapping behind him, slowly fell from mid-air.

This person was dressed in a red cloud and black robe, and had a silver mask on his face that only covered his eyes.

However, the dark red light that burst out from those eyes still made people feel palpitations and scalp numb.

The illusion that deceived everyone just now should be the work of this person.

And the moment Si Chen saw this person, she showed an extremely surprised look.

Because, she had seen this person once before.

It was in the City Lord's Mansion of Tianyong City that the mysterious monk who conspired with the ancestor of Tianyong late at night was named Zhu Jiuyin!

And his identity is a certain elder of the Demon Soul Hall.

Then, another giant wolf more than three meters high took a big step and ran towards him. When it ran to Zhu Jiuyin's side, it changed from the form of a demon wolf to a human form, and became a burly strong man.

This man was also dressed in a red cloud and black robe, with a skull wolf head ornament hanging on each shoulder. His skin was dark and he was as strong as an ox. His sharp fangs exuded a cold and terrible chill.

And the strong man transformed by this demon wolf was also another elder of the Demon Soul Hall, named Kuimu Lang.

Zhu Jiuyin, Kuimu Lang.

Two masters of the elder level of the Demon Soul Hall appeared here at the same time.


Really weird!

"Demon Soul Hall!"

Ling Feng exclaimed in his heart. From the red cloud and black robes on the two men, he had already confirmed their identities.

He clenched his fist, and the Ten Directions Annihilation had quietly slipped into his palm, and his whole body was on alert.

Xiao Xianling, who was beside him, looked a little nervous and uneasy. She grabbed Ling Feng's arm with one hand, and her face showed an angry and fearful look.

The bloodthirsty and terrible murderous aura of these two evil gods alone made Xiao Xianling, a flower raised in a greenhouse, shudder.

Si Chen's eyes condensed, and he stood directly beside Ling Feng, whispering: "Stand behind me, take Xiao girl and run away when you find a chance! The strength of these two people is unfathomable!"

Elder Ziyun also changed his previous joking and playing, showing a serious expression.

"Such a heavy demonic aura, are they all descendants of ancient demons?"

Elder Ziyun suddenly had a purple whip in his hand, and snorted coldly: "Such a big demon wolf, it's just right to soak in wine after catching it! Hehe!"


Kuimulang's eyes widened, staring at Elder Ziyun, "You bitch, I think you are looking for death!"

"Be patient, there will be a fight later!"

Zhu Jiuyin looked much calmer than Kuimulang. He pressed Kuimulang's shoulder, then looked at Si Chen with a smile, and said lightly: "Oh? From your eyes, you seem to recognize me?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Si Chen snorted, "You bastards from the Demon Soul Hall, I didn't go looking for you, but you came to my door!"

"It turned out to be the Demon Soul Hall!"

Elder Ziyun grinned. Although she has lived in Leixiao Holy City for many years, she has heard of the Demon Soul Hall.

"Since you recognize my identity?"

Zhu Jiuyin looked a little surprised, "It seems that there is nothing to say, Kuimulang, you can pick an opponent first."

"Do you still need to pick?"

Kuimulang grinned, and a sharp fang bared directly, even becoming a few inches longer.

With a roar, Kuimu Lang rushed directly to Elder Ziyun, "You bitch, you will die in a few days, and I will bite your neck off!"

"Hehe, what a big mouth! The last python that I soaked into medicinal wine said the same thing!"

Elder Ziyun swung his long whip and directly surrounded Kuimu Lang's figure.

In an instant, the man and the wolf fought fiercely, and Zhu Jiuyin's blood-red eyes locked directly on Si Chen, sneering and saying: "It seems that your opponent is me."

Si Chen smiled coldly. This time she was facing the descendants of the ancient monsters and the elders of the Monster Soul Hall. Naturally, she didn't need to hide anymore and could use her magic to the fullest.

"Come and die!"

Si Chen shouted with great domineering power, and his figure turned into a golden light and soared into the sky.


Zhu Jiuyin followed closely behind, and the next moment, a terrifying explosion sounded in the air.

The fierce battle between Si Chen and Zhu Jiuyin was probably much more intense than that between Kuimu Lang and Elder Ziyun.

"Let's go!"

Without any hesitation, Ling Feng grabbed Xiao Xianling's wrist.

He knew very well that Si Chen led Zhu Jiuyin into the air in order to lead Zhu Jiuyin away and create an opportunity for him and Xiao Xianling to escape.

As for himself, he couldn't get involved in this level of battle.

He would only become a burden.


Xiao Xianling gritted her teeth, "Sister Chen..."

"Don't worry, she will be fine."

Ling Feng said, pulling Xiao Xianling to leave.

However, in an instant, Xiao Xianling's hand seemed to become as hard as a rock.

Ling Feng looked down and found that Xiao Xianling's whole body was like a sculpture, standing still in front of his eyes.

Then, Ling Feng felt a flash in front of his eyes. Originally, there was a vast expanse of white snow around him, but at this moment, it suddenly seemed to have entered an illusory starry sky.

"Finally, no outsiders are disturbing us."

A black shadow gradually emerged from the void.

Ling Feng looked in the direction of the sound and saw a man in black armor slowly walking out.

Instantly, Ling Feng's eyes widened.

He would never forget this face. When he first saw it, this person shocked him too much.

Because this person was the master of the Demon Soul Hall, Ning Kun!


Ling Feng looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. He didn't understand why Ning Kun would come to him.

"This is the second time we've met."

Ning Kun's words made Ling Feng even more shocked.

Could it be that Ning Kun noticed his existence last time in the Storm Sea?

"You don't have to be so surprised."

Ning Kun stood ten steps away from Ling Feng and didn't get any closer.

This was a safe distance, and it also told Ling Feng that he had no intention of hurting the other party.

"I also learned about your existence from Tianyong."

Ning Kun was very frank and directly explained why the dignified Demon Soul Hall Master actually knew about a mere Tianzhi inner disciple.

"Speaking of which, I should thank you. If you hadn't tipped off in advance, Tianyong might not have come back."

Ling Feng looked at the man in front of him intently.

It was different from the last time they met, when he was aggressive and domineering.

This time, Ning Kun looked more like a middle-aged man who was exhausted and full of vicissitudes.

However, Cheng Tianyong's level in the Demon Soul Hall should not be too high.

Ling Feng would not be naive to think that Ning Kun came to find him in person just to thank Cheng Tianyong.

This is a hero, and every step he takes will never be meaningless.

And in the trial of the Seven Absolute Immortal List, Ling Feng vaguely felt that the mysterious shadows behind them might be related to the Demon Soul Hall.

This time, Ning Kun took the initiative to show up, which further confirmed this point.

He must have some plan.

"You are a smart man."

Ning Kun smiled faintly, "I think we can talk more directly to each other, right, descendant of Tiandao?"


Ling Feng widened his eyes and stared at Ning Kun in disbelief.

He actually knew his identity!

How is this possible?

Could it be that Cheng Tianyong also told him this, but Cheng Tianyong couldn't know it either!

"Is it strange?"

Ning Kun narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then I might as well tell you one more thing. The reason why I was able to escape Tianzhi's pursuit and even found the Demon Soul Hall is thanks to one person."

Ling Feng's thoughts were racing, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he spat out: "Senior Po Meng?"


Ning Kun laughed loudly, "You are much smarter than I imagined."

"Not many people know my identity, and the one who can tell you this secret, I think, is Senior Po Meng, who is also a descendant of the ancient demon. Unexpectedly, Senior Po Meng is also a member of your Demon Soul Palace."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, it was because people's hearts were separated from each other.

When Po Meng chose her to help her, she naturally had her own purpose.

However, Ling Feng did not expect that Po Meng, as a non-staff member arranged by Tianzhi at Wangchuanyi, was actually from the Demon Soul Palace.

"You guessed wrong. Po Meng is not from my Demon Soul Palace. However, as both are descendants of ancient demons, perhaps she has more sympathy and compassion for me. There is also a relationship between her and me. There are indeed some connections.”

Ning Kun sighed with emotion, and then said slowly: "You are a descendant of Tiandao, and I am a descendant of the ancient demon. Although we do not have completely consistent interests, we have a journey as companions. Perhaps, we We can support each other and go forward together.”

"Ctrip companions? Support each other? Hahaha..."

Ling Feng laughed, what he said was indeed very pleasant, but it would be better to call it an exchange of interests.

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