Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3678 Soul Xilongyou!

"This is true. We do have room for cooperation, but one thing is that I will not betray Tianzhi."

Ling Feng directly stated his bottom line. Since everyone had seen through his cards, what's more, his life was in the opponent's hands.

Although he seemed to be smiling and kept using Po Meng to get close to him, Ling Feng knew that this kind of person was very dangerous.

If he completely rejects Ning Kun's willingness to cooperate, I'm afraid his life will come to an end.

But when working with him, you must also understand that this person is a fierce tiger. If you want to seek skin from a tiger, you must be careful every step and move carefully, otherwise, it will also be fatal.

"In my heart, Tianzhi has always been my home, and Master Jie Yin has shown great kindness to me. If it were not a last resort, I would not take action against Senior Brother Xiao..."

Ning Kun shook his head and smiled, "That's all, don't mention these, you can rest assured, I will never ask you to do anything that harms Tianzhi. We don't have much time, and the woman named Si Chen is very powerful, so our We don’t have much time, so let’s talk about the matter of seizing the dragon source!”


Ling Feng's eyes widened suddenly. Sure enough, Ning Kun's real purpose was also Zulong Longyuan!

The master of the Demon Soul Palace is so ambitious that it’s really scary! How dare you compete with Immortal Emperor Yi Ting for the source of dragon!

His courage is too fat!

However, with Ning Kun disrupting the situation, it would be more convenient for him to escape unscathed. Perhaps, he could in turn take advantage of the ambitious Demon Soul Palace Master.


A sneer appeared on the face of the Demon Soul Hall Master, "Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, but I'm just a little surprised that you actually know about Longyuan."

Ling Feng stared at the man in front of him. This man was so calculated that he dared to seize the opportunity with Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

This is not only courage, but also extremely careful arrangement and layout to be able to detect so much information.

"There is no unventilated wall in the world. What's more, that old man Yi Ting has spent so much time searching for Zulong. How can he not leave any traces?"

Ning Kun stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Ling Feng, and smiled lightly.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "So, since you came to me to cooperate with you, I guess you have already made some arrangements, right?"

"That's true. However, you don't need to know too much about the inside story before taking formal action. Otherwise, it will not be of any benefit to you, and it may even become a hidden danger."

Ning Kun's thoughts are indeed very careful.

Before the dragon-slaying operation began, Ling Feng still had many opportunities to contact the senior officials of the Xuntian Thunder Clan, and even directly with the Yi Ting Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, the less Ling Feng knows now, the safer it will be for the implementation of the entire plan.


Ling Feng is also a smart man, so he can naturally understand Ning Kun's intentions.

He took a deep breath, raised his eyebrows, stared at Ning Kun, and said slowly: "So, what can you tell me now?"

"Only four words."

"Oh?" Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "What four words?"

"According to circumstances."

Ling Feng was speechless for a while. What's the difference between saying this and not saying it?

"You'll understand then."

Ning Kun smiled mysteriously, "I believe you are a smart man. Now I can be honest with you and tell the truth directly. I hope we can cooperate happily by then."

Tell the truth?

Ling Feng sneered secretly in his heart.

This old fox had obviously taken out his underwear, but he knew almost nothing about his plan, so he could only adapt to circumstances.

That's it, he still has the nerve to say anything and explain everything to each other.

Since he set foot in the martial arts, he has met many powerful masters of all kinds and evil spirits, but no one can compare with the master of the Demonic Soul Palace.

The depth of the city and the thick skin are astonishing.

But perhaps it is precisely because of this kind of caution that it was possible to establish a huge force like the Demon Soul Palace despite being pursued by Tianzhi, and it became bigger and stronger step by step.

There is actually a lot to learn from him.

In particular, Ling Feng's situation is actually somewhat similar to him to some extent.

"Senior, since it is inconvenient to elaborate on the specific plan and the specific actions, let's talk about some practical things."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "What can I gain by cooperating with you? After all, you should be aware of the risks involved."


Ning Kun suddenly laughed loudly, "I thought that destroying Old Yi Ting and seizing the dragon source would be a huge benefit to you."

Good guy, this old boy really wants to kill the wolf with nothing!

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, trying to keep calm, "Yes, I really don't want that person to get the source of Zulong, but if I help you, my identity will probably be exposed. If the benefits are not proportional to the risks, I I thought, why should I take this risk?”

Ning Kun stared at Ling Feng, his eyes sparkling. It seemed that this little guy was not an easy character to deal with.


Ling Feng paused and continued: "I think that since senior can get help from Po Meng, he shouldn't be the kind of person without principles and martial ethics, right?"

"Ha ha!"

Ning Kun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Go on."

"I just hope that I can get benefits that are commensurate with the risks, and no matter what, senior must ensure that I can stay out of it and escape unscathed!"

Ling Feng said lightly.

"Okay, you have courage and courage! I really did not misjudge the person, and Meng Po did not misjudge the person either. As a descendant of Tiandao, it is not enough to be brave. Maybe, you really have a chance to let the Tiandao clan , return to the top.”

Ning Kun threw out a dark iron sign and said calmly: "If this operation can succeed, Ancestral Dragon Longyuan will have your share! With this order, you can get guidance and find the location of my Demon Soul Palace. "

"As for you wanting to escape unscathed, that's easy. I don't need you to take direct action. However, since you are helping Old Yi Ting refine the elixir, I hope you can mix the powder into it."

"Isn't this called direct action?"

Ling Feng's expression changed, "There's something wrong with the pill. Wasn't it me who was the first to suspect it?"

"Don't worry, this is not poison and will not have any side effects, but it is a very important part of my plan. All you need to do is this little thing, and then you can enjoy the results. "

It has to be said that Ning Kun is indeed a wizard at drawing pie. He turned out to be a piece of pie in just a few words, which almost made Ling Feng choke.

"Hey, the risk is very high!"

Ling Feng frowned, pretending to be anxious.

In fact, Ling Feng originally wanted to do something with the elixir, but he didn't expect that this old guy actually thought of it together with him.

However, this must not be exposed, otherwise, how can we ask for benefits?

It’s impossible to be full just by eating this kind of painted pie.

What Ling Feng needs is more practical benefits.

It's something that can be seen and touched.


Ning Kun cursed in his heart, never expecting that he had met a "master" who was equally matched.

Even though Ling Feng appears to be smiling and easy to talk to, in fact he doesn't take soft or hard words at all.

Ning Kun knew this clearly.

If he didn't bleed a little today, how could this kid let go.


Ning Kun stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "What do you want?"

"I'm a very talkative person."

Ling Feng grinned and said, "I don't mind any mastery of magic or great source of power."

"Cough cough cough..."

After hearing the first half of Ling Feng's words, Ning Kun could still smile, but as soon as the second half came out, Ning Kun almost coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Dominate the magic?

Avenue source device?

Who do you think I am?

Broken Immortal Emperor?

"If that doesn't work, Wang Dao Immortal Technique, Secret Technique, or some Soul Dao Secret Technique will also work."

Ling Feng deliberately increased the volume of the words Soul Dao Secret Technique, and the explicit hint was already very obvious.

He had just broken through to the peak of the Blood Soul Transformation, and was only one step away from entering the second stage of the Nine Heavenly Soul Transformation, the Three Soul Transformation.

The threshold of Origin Creation was a little higher, so Ling Feng had to settle for the next best thing and see if he could catch Ning Kun.

So this kid wants the secret technique of soul path?

Ning Kun shook his head and smiled. After thinking for a while, he reached out and touched Ling Feng's eyebrows. In an instant, a volume of secret techniques called "Soul Xilongyou" poured into Ling Feng's mind.

Just as Ling Feng expected, this is a secret technique of the soul, and it happens to be the most suitable technique for Ling Feng at the moment.

With Ling Feng currently at the peak of his bloodline, and with his powerful fighting spirit condensing Longyou's Qi, he would be able to do it with ease.

This Longyou Qi is transformed from the power of the soul. It is a powerful means of using the power of the soul to attack. It can be said to be a very rare and rare secret technique.

Ling Feng was worried that he had a powerful fighting spirit but no corresponding attack methods. Now, he got what he wanted.


Ning Kun glanced at Ling Feng and cursed in his heart: This kid is really hard to get rid of.

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng then showed a satisfied smile.

"I can temporarily hide the truth from the women beside you with my earthly soul inspiration. Today's events are only known by heaven and earth. You know and I know. I will leave first. Please remember, Four words: adapt to circumstances!”

The sound gradually became ethereal, and the time surrounding the starry sky gradually became clear.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Xianling's face appeared in front of him, with an anxious look on his face.

"Brat, what should we do now?"

Xiao Xianling's anxious voice rang in his ears and gradually became clearer. Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he was stunned for a moment. He then took Xiao Xianling's arm and said in a deep voice: "Let's leave here first. Sister Chen and the others won't Something happened."

Since Ning Kun's purpose was to find him, he would not harm Si Chen and the others.

At the same time, Kui Mulang and Zhu Jiuyin seemed to have received the signal to retreat, and they fought with Si Chen and the two girls for a while before retreating.

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